Here are things that the Republicans actually want for the USA

A flat tax on income would be great.

Let's say 12% Flat Tax on INCOME.

You make $100,000, you pay $12,000 in FIT.
You make $5,000,000 you pay $600,000 in FIT.

You agree with this ^^^^?
Congress and Democratic presidents NEVER in millions of years would agree.

Who do you think put in all the deductions? It was Democrats.
The Republicans do not want anything donThee about the border. They just tipped their hand on that issue in the past two weeks.

You've been hoaxed, rube. And they are hoaxing you in plain sight.

They killed the border because P01135809 wanted it killed. The bill had strong bi-paritsan support and they fucking killed. They do not give damn about the border. They just want to bitch about it.
They killed the border because P01135809 wanted it killed. The bill had strong bi-paritsan support and they fucking killed. They do not give damn about the border. They just want to bitch about it.
Ah the Dem shit stain/RINO bill, not surprised the House took a giant shit on it.
A flat tax on income would be great.

Let's say 12% Flat Tax on INCOME.

You make $100,000, you pay $12,000 in FIT.
You make $5,000,000 you pay $600,000 in FIT.

You agree with this ^^^^?
Dems would immediately cry and throw a tantrum about how the poor and working class pay proportionally more than rich people. Hence today the poor and some of the working class pay nothing and get refunds on top of that.
Escapist Trekkie Circus

Deep Space is a completely wasteful distraction created by the Deep State. The ruling class's economic supremacy would be threatened by the class mobility always created by finding and developing resources here on Earth.
Elon Musk is the pioneer of space being commercialized.
Ah the Dem shit stain/RINO bill, not surprised the House took a giant shit on it.
Democrats do not understand their own bill. If they understood it, they would see it is the open door policy to immigrants.
They killed the border because P01135809 wanted it killed. The bill had strong bi-paritsan support and they fucking killed. They do not give damn about the border. They just want to bitch about it.
HR2 is at the Senate. And it truly solves the problems. Why are Democrats stopping HR2?
How is a "Flat Tax" on all income not proportional?
The Flat Tax is not on incomes. IT is on SALES. It can't be proportional. Even today we do not have any form of proportional taxes directed to the Feds.
Yes you did, you just think you are superior and you use unnecessary language.
I had not said the crap to you that you said to me.
I did not think about being superior. But you did.

I used vernacular correctly.
No, the discussion between us is about taxing income.

1) You don't think income should be taxed.....period.

2) I think income should be taxed, and the more you earn, the more tax you pay, on an escalating scale.

Why not want a way to stop cheating? Why not think as did our Founders about taxes?

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