Here are things that the Republicans actually want for the USA

All charges are bogus and corrupt.

yeah right, biggest coincidence in history, only gullible magatards would believe such shit, 😅 ha, ha, ha...
It is wrong. I have said the right path is to tax spending. Sure I collect Social Security. Why ask? SS would be paid even were this nation to tax sales.
You are famaliar or remotely knowleable that for 40 years
it was a Majority Democrat House that manipulated and
spent like drunken sailors until the Mid 1990's
where Newt Gingrich and his New Republican Majority
took over.Yes,that also included Joe Scarborough.
First order of Business was to Balance Budgets.
Gingrich and his New Republican Majority managed to
do just that.4 Consecutive Balanced Budgets.
Up until that Republican House Majority the 40 yr.
reign of Democrats Spent what Al Gore was trying to
assume { a lock box for Social Security }
I guess that explains why Democrats are such { way
more today than ever } such Malfeasant Scoundrels
I'm not the one wishing to go against the Constitution.
That would be you.

I called you a traitor. You betray your Country by defying the Constitution.
View attachment 903997

View attachment 903996
Typical rascalian method.Act as if Trying to preserve
some sacred pledge or Our Constitution.Like this Puke
of a humanoid Letitia James.Who is headed on a fast track
to where Andrew Cuomo ended.Disgraced to such a degree,
he is hard fought to even show his face in public.
You are famaliar or remotely knowleable that for 40 years
it was a Majority Democrat House that manipulated and
spent like drunken sailors until the Mid 1990's
where Newt Gingrich and his New Republican Majority
took over.Yes,that also included Joe Scarborough.
First order of Business was to Balance Budgets.
Gingrich and his New Republican Majority managed to
do just that.4 Consecutive Balanced Budgets.
Up until that Republican House Majority the 40 yr.
reign of Democrats Spent what Al Gore was trying to
assume { a lock box for Social Security }
I guess that explains why Democrats are such { way
more today than ever } such Malfeasant Scoundrels
And it has been like lightning they forgot all about Nancy Pelosi.
spending federal dollars is fine as its on our military and our space program.

Anything beyond that is questionable at best.
You miss the obvious. Have you ever thought we hate Biden more than we hate Trump?

Exactly! Thats what it's down to for rightwingers, partisan hate, not ACTUALLY trying to fix issues at the border.

So next time you open your mouth about the "open borders", you know damn well why people know you are full of shit.

Border game is up for Republicans.
Exactly! Thats what it's down to for rightwingers, partisan hate, not ACTUALLY trying to fix issues at the border.

So next time you open your mouth about the "open borders", you know damn well why people know you are full of shit.

Border game is up for Republicans.
Have you ever thought there are very good reasons we hate Biden?
Exactly! Thats what it's down to for rightwingers, partisan hate, not ACTUALLY trying to fix issues at the border.

So next time you open your mouth about the "open borders", you know damn well why people know you are full of shit.

Border game is up for Republicans.
Sounds as if you were talking about Trump and gave reasons not to hate him.
Sounds as if you were talking about Trump and gave reasons not to hate him.
I don't know what you are tlaking about.

Comeback when you could find a sane reason you opposed the lets-deport-more-illegals bill.
The Republicans do not want anything done about the border.
False. You could not be more wrong
They just tipped their hand on that issue in the past two weeks.
The bill that they rejected would not have fixed the problem... it would only soften it a bit... grotesquely insufficient.

The Republicans were entirely correct to reject that bill in light of the invasion of 20,000,000 new Illegal Aliens.

You've been hoaxed, rube. And they are hoaxing you in plain sight.
Trump is, indeed, scamming them, but today's stance on Immigration and Illegal Aliens are NOT part of that scam.

Democrats can no longer be trusted with enforcing existing immigration law and defending our borders from Illegals.

It is time to smack them down and shove them aside in order to get control of the borders and to flush those Illegals.
No... it's an entirely valid point...
No it isn’t, I’m asking him why he didn’t want to deport more illegals by having 1300 more border agents with more deporting powers, he starts talking about the situation in Texas as if one is somehow hinged on the other or they are mutually exclusive.

It is CLASSIC deflection because he can’t answer what I’m asking him.

But hey, while you are here maybe YOU can explain why all the right wingers rejected deport-more-illegals bill.

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