Here are things that the Republicans actually want for the USA

Were all your fools in a coma while Trump was adding $8 trillion to the debt? I certainly started enough topics about it while he was doing it!

There's a reason I say you are all willfully blind.

Trump DOUBLED the deficit BEFORE Covid.

So...nice try.

Also this from BEFORE Covid:

Trump Proposes a Record $4.75 Trillion Budget

During Covid:

Trump says he wants a bigger stimulus package than the $2.2 trillion amount that Democrats are seeking

Trump made Keynes look like an amateur.
You solved it easily. All former workers should collect the same amount. This however diverts us from the normal working person to a collecting person. Why not solve the sales tax situation first?
1). Why should the CEO of a company make 100X+ the salary of an employee,

2). and then pay the same in FIT?

It just doesn't make sense.
1). Why should the CEO of a company make 100X+ the salary of an employee,

2). and then pay the same in FIT?

It just doesn't make sense.
You pointed at the flaws of basing taxes on incomes.
I'm talking about CEO income.

Are you ok with a CEO making 100 or 500 or 1,000 times more than an employee?
Lets get back to the true topic of income taxes. What you want is to change the subject.

I once was on a committee to set a CEOs income contract. I learned so much at that time.
Did you know about the books available that helps committees set incomes for CEOs? Contracts for CEOS do not use your form of scale. They use scales such as size of corporation, number of workers, how large is the CEOs staff to be and does the CEO have the proper background to manage such a large firm.
Lets get back to the true topic of income taxes. What you want is to change the subject.
No, the discussion between us is about taxing income.

1) You don't think income should be taxed.....period.

2) I think income should be taxed, and the more you earn, the more tax you pay, on an escalating scale.
The Republicans do not want anything done about the border. They just tipped their hand on that issue in the past two weeks.

You've been hoaxed, rube. And they are hoaxing you in plain sight.
They didn't need to do anything about the border. It was largely closed down until Quid Pro reversed as many of TRUMP!'s efforts as he could possibly reverse the first few days of his regime. All Quid Pro needed to do was re-enact what TRUMP! did, there was no need for a poison pill bill.
Opposing the Dim fraud doesn't mean you want nothing done.

Time will prove progressives right, mr retardican....
No, the discussion between us is about taxing income.

1) You don't think income should be taxed.....period.

2) I think income should be taxed, and the more you earn, the more tax you pay, on an escalating scale.
So you disagree with the Constitution now?
Good you know that you are a traitor.
Yes, I disagree on this issue. That isn't how the Constitution defines treason, jackass.

You're a fucking moron.
Dummy, IT IS worse because you right wingers turned down that bill, for no other reason than to kiss Trump’s ass.

Illegals would be getting deported RIGHT NOW because of this new law if you weren’t such braindead tools.

Can you sanely explain why you don’t want that law in effect and more illegals deported asap? Of course not, because your cult is not based on reason.
Yer not sane.Biden is not permitted to do anything but
Protect/Shield and let Illegals prosper in our Country.
Biden and Democrats take the United States not for granted
but as if They Own it ... Lock,stock and barrel !
That is how guys like Stalin and Mao took charge.

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