Here Comes Socialism

So realize, I'm never bashing you. I'm bashing the cock suckers you vote for.
Do the same for the Dems that are a bunch of sellouts if you truly give a shit about cleaning up the current situation. I doubt that will happen though because it gotten to out of hand for any decency to prevail.
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You know it's interesting, in this new bail out debate, Pelosi, Reid, Frank and the others are not even letting the Republican minority in many of the meetings. Fair?

But of course this is fine, no one on the liberal side mentions this. They have all but stripped the minority of most of their voice, across the board, but, no one finds any fault in this?

Obama has his work cut out for him and how he handles his own sides methods and back door dirty games will define him more than how he handles the ones done by the republicans.
You know it's interesting, in this new bail out debate, Pelosi, Reid, Frank and the others are not even letting the Republican minority in many of the meetings. Fair?

But of course this is fine, no one on the liberal side mentions this. They have all but stripped the minority of most of their voice, across the board, but, no one finds any fault in this?

Obama has his work cut out for him and how he handles his own sides methods and back door dirty games will define him more than how he handles the ones done by the republicans.
Why would they find any fault in it? The dems sold out to the bankers a long time ago.
did I mention Bawyny Fwank bought his own little bank with TARP money? Isn't that thweet?
Actually no, it all makes me wanna puke. Worse yet though the Reps let it happen and they had the opportunity to put a stop to it. Now they are supposedly in disarray and just can't really figure out, "What the hell happened?"
Is our government giving $700 Billion in our tax dollars to the Banking Industry who was a major player along with the Fed, in creating this mess, considered socialism or fascism?



then wtf are capitalist managers begging for tax payer funded bailouts?

the only socialism I see is corporate socialism.


This is why 10% of the people control 96% of the wealth in this country.

This is why 10% of the people control 96% of the wealth in this country.

It will always be that way, and I have little problem with accepting that as a reality. I don't necessarily like it, but if it were the opposite way around, we'd be in a bigger mess. The more people involved, the more the potential disaster quotient rises.

It isn't the control of wealth that bothers me, it is the disparity between wage and other earners as a class, and the unearned income class and how the unearned income class is a parasite on the body of the working economy and on the body of the nation's well being.

the ever shrinking middle class' ability to do better on one income than the generation before has ruined the American Spirit in many ways. Look at how pathetic America has become in regards politics...all the sniping and whining and social issues over bread and butter issues, and personalities over principles at the expense of effecting any real positive change...

look inward, even you cannot change your silly ways, even though what you said you desired and wanted has come to being.

You know it's interesting, in this new bail out debate, Pelosi, Reid, Frank and the others are not even letting the Republican minority in many of the meetings. Fair?

But of course this is fine, no one on the liberal side mentions this. They have all but stripped the minority of most of their voice, across the board, but, no one finds any fault in this?

Exactly what Tom Delay did to the Democrats. :clap2:

Randi Rhodes was talking about this yesterday. She was making fun of people like you who want the Democrats to try to work with the Republicans.

NOT GONNA HAPPEN. Know why? Because the GOP won't work with us. They want the exact opposite of what we want.

That's why we get upset when we think Obama will be a centrist. Fuck that! We won. So Obama needs to take this country in the direction we want. Who cares what the GOP wants? We tried it their way for 8 years. We already know what they want. And what they want is wrong for Americans.

At least wrong for American labor/middle class.

The GOP look out for the rich and corporations. That's it.

The Dems won't screw labor, but they won't serve them at the middle classes expense, like the GOP did.

PS Didn't Obama say stop playing games? Did you hear Arlen Spector (r) held up Eric Holders confirmation to be Attorney General? Know why? Bush signed the illegal warrentless wiretapping when Ashcroft was in the hospital. That was illegal. The statute of limitations ends in March 09. The GOP are stalling so Bush can get away with yet another one of his illegal activities.

Bush shoudl have been impeached 10 times. But I'm almost glad you guys protected him, because it cost your party EVERYTHING.
Exactly what Tom Delay did to the Democrats. :clap2:

Randi Rhodes was talking about this yesterday. She was making fun of people like you who want the Democrats to try to work with the Republicans.

NOT GONNA HAPPEN. Know why? Because the GOP won't work with us. They want the exact opposite of what we want.

That's why we get upset when we think Obama will be a centrist. Fuck that! We won. So Obama needs to take this country in the direction we want. Who cares what the GOP wants? We tried it their way for 8 years. We already know what they want. And what they want is wrong for Americans.

At least wrong for American labor/middle class.

The GOP look out for the rich and corporations. That's it.

The Dems won't screw labor, but they won't serve them at the middle classes expense, like the GOP did.

PS Didn't Obama say stop playing games? Did you hear Arlen Spector (r) held up Eric Holders confirmation to be Attorney General? Know why? Bush signed the illegal warrentless wiretapping when Ashcroft was in the hospital. That was illegal. The statute of limitations ends in March 09. The GOP are stalling so Bush can get away with yet another one of his illegal activities.

Bush shoudl have been impeached 10 times. But I'm almost glad you guys protected him, because it cost your party EVERYTHING.

So then it's okay for us to say we adamently hope your azzes fail! Yep! That's what we hope.
Exactly what Tom Delay did to the Democrats. :clap2:

Randi Rhodes was talking about this yesterday. She was making fun of people like you who want the Democrats to try to work with the Republicans.

NOT GONNA HAPPEN. Know why? Because the GOP won't work with us. They want the exact opposite of what we want.

That's why we get upset when we think Obama will be a centrist. Fuck that! We won. So Obama needs to take this country in the direction we want. Who cares what the GOP wants? We tried it their way for 8 years. We already know what they want. And what they want is wrong for Americans.

At least wrong for American labor/middle class.

The GOP look out for the rich and corporations. That's it.

The Dems won't screw labor, but they won't serve them at the middle classes expense, like the GOP did.

PS Didn't Obama say stop playing games? Did you hear Arlen Spector (r) held up Eric Holders confirmation to be Attorney General? Know why? Bush signed the illegal warrentless wiretapping when Ashcroft was in the hospital. That was illegal. The statute of limitations ends in March 09. The GOP are stalling so Bush can get away with yet another one of his illegal activities.

Bush shoudl have been impeached 10 times. But I'm almost glad you guys protected him, because it cost your party EVERYTHING.
you're wrong. the Dems are better than you and the Tom Delays of the world. watch
well anyone who listens to Randi Rhodes,is right up there with the Limbo crowd.....that tells you all you need to know....
It will always be that way, and I have little problem with accepting that as a reality. I don't necessarily like it, but if it were the opposite way around, we'd be in a bigger mess. The more people involved, the more the potential disaster quotient rises. sigh

Yeah, isn't that such a drag? That's why we need to bring back Monarchic Absolutism!
So then it's okay for us to say we adamently hope your azzes fail! Yep! That's what we hope.

I appreciate you being honest. That you want, and indeed hope that Obama and this Democratic congress fail. That you want, even at the expense of your own country, for us to fall off the cliff.

I always said republicans aren't loyal to their country, only their party.

I never wanted Bush to fail. I never wanted to see millions of americans out of a job, or tens of thousands of american soldiers killed and maimed in iraq.

But, I said Bush's policies were idiotic and would lead to those results. Unfortunately I was right. If Bush hadn't followed those policies, and in fact taken the advice of liberals, this country wouldn't have been fucked. But, I never "hoped" for it to be fucked. I merely pointed out that Bush and his supporters were fucking up.
The Obama presidency: Here comes socialism
By Dick Morris
Posted: 01/20/09 06:12 PM [ET]

2009-2010 will rank with 1913-14, 1933-36, 1964-65 and 1981-82 as years that will permanently change our government, politics and lives.

That's odd...I thought the most recent bailouts of the banking class started in 2008.

Just as the stars were aligned for Wilson, Roosevelt, Johnson and Reagan, they are aligned for Obama.

Well, Hollywood always was kinda liberal

Simply put, we enter his administration as free-enterprise, market-dominated, laissez-faire America.

It never amazes me that simpletons like things put simply.

What amazes me is how "simply-put "for them always means wrong though.

You'd think the laws of averages would give them at least a 500 batting average, but it never seems to work out that way.

We will shortly become like Germany, France, the United Kingdom, or Sweden — a socialist democracy in which the government dominates the economy, determines private-sector priorities and offers a vastly expanded range of services to many more people at much higher taxes.

From your pen to god's ear, Dicky.

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