Here comes the libs after the Redskins !!

What I recall from the past on this issue is that it wasn't even the Indians that was bringing this to the courts. Seems that politicians have to tell the Native Americans what they should and shouldn't be offended with. Sound familiar?

But, if they have to be politically correct.....let's go with an actual tribe. Let's drop the "Washington Redskins" and go with the "Kickapoo Tribe".
Redskins should lose their trademark because they're one of the worst franchises in sports, not because their name is offensive.
Let's change the pace of this post;

Tell us what the new name of the team should be. SERIOUS EQUIRES ONLY.

The Washington Monuments.

Just think, the team mascot could be phallic in nature and the halftime shows would be a lot more interesting. :badgrin:

We could have guys like this running around the stadium. :D

Fuck you Pelosi, you goddamn old bag !

Pelosi: Redskins should lose their trademark

While many have called on Washington Redskins owner Daniel Snyder to change the team’s name, House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D, Calif.) is proposing an alternate strategy: hitting Snyder’s wallet.

Pelosi, speaking Thursday at an event hosted by the National Congress of American Indians, called for the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office to tell the NFL that the league can’t keep the registered trademark for the Washington Redskins. The trademark prevents unlicensed vendors from making and selling merchandise with the team name and logo.

During her speech, Pelosi said:

"We all respect freedom of speech, but the trademark office has rejected names which are considered offensive and they should do it now. They can keep their name on the team, but when it comes to all the stuff — that’s serious money. So I think that is one path that we can go.”

Pelosi: Redskins should lose their*trademark | SI Wire

The economy is still weak
Our infrastucture is crumbling
Our national debt is skyhigh
Russia is getting trigger-happy

And yet, Nutty Nancy's biggest concern is the name of a privately-owned football team. She needs to re-evaluate her priorities.

Nah, let her chew that bone; its keeping her off issues that could cause real harm to America.
Fuck you Pelosi, you goddamn old bag !

Pelosi: Redskins should lose their trademark

Pelosi: Redskins should lose their*trademark | SI Wire

Blacks didn't want to be "colored" once. They wanted to be a tone. Black, specifically.

What are Indians more comfortable with??

People will always attack other classes. But when a class folds and says, "I want to be called something else" it shows weakness. And if Junior High taught us anything (lot's of adults haven't matured beyond it) is that people will keep poking at you if you show a weakness.

I think we need to change the perspective.

Watch the people attack others and understand THEY are the weakest in society trying to paint others as weak to build themselves up.

Unless it's a term made specifically to be derogatory then use it. If I'm Red, I'll embrace it because that is who I am. If I am black i'll embrace it because that is who I am. If I'm retarded I'll embrace it because that is who I am.

Allowing others to use it as derogatory terms just shows that they are less educated. Banning my own description though, shows thows that I'm unwilling to accept myself.

Or maybe an Indian can tell me why "redskin" is derogatory. I thought it was complimentary.

Indians are comfortable with Indians, that is what we always have been called. You would not call a sports team the ******* or the Chinks. If the name is offensive to people, it should be changed.

The fighting Irish is offensive

That's ok as long as they win though
There is an indian high school on an indian reservation (I forget which state its in)... care to take a guess what their team name is? If you guessed "red skins", you are correct. I dont want to hear any bullshit about this being an offensive name.
Fuck you Pelosi, you goddamn old bag !

Pelosi: Redskins should lose their trademark

Pelosi: Redskins should lose their*trademark | SI Wire

Blacks didn't want to be "colored" once. They wanted to be a tone. Black, specifically.

What are Indians more comfortable with??

People will always attack other classes. But when a class folds and says, "I want to be called something else" it shows weakness. And if Junior High taught us anything (lot's of adults haven't matured beyond it) is that people will keep poking at you if you show a weakness.

I think we need to change the perspective.

Watch the people attack others and understand THEY are the weakest in society trying to paint others as weak to build themselves up.

Unless it's a term made specifically to be derogatory then use it. If I'm Red, I'll embrace it because that is who I am. If I am black i'll embrace it because that is who I am. If I'm retarded I'll embrace it because that is who I am.

Allowing others to use it as derogatory terms just shows that they are less educated. Banning my own description though, shows thows that I'm unwilling to accept myself.

Or maybe an Indian can tell me why "redskin" is derogatory. I thought it was complimentary.

Indians are comfortable with Indians, that is what we always have been called. You would not call a sports team the ******* or the Chinks. If the name is offensive to people, it should be changed.

I like your response. Indians like Indians. Not "Redskins" I'm sure the owner of the team would do this.

What I don't like is people who are suppressed/oppressed start hating words used to describe them.

Generally, it's not even the suppressed/oppressed that try to turn these words into bad words. It's the people that defend them .

In the end, it's actually people who don't belong in the description of the word trying to find other words that are more fit for someone because THEY don't accept who they are.

Is a retarded kid retarded? Yep. Yet we have people use that term out of context so we make a new term for it. I tend to say accept the word retarded and expose the uneducated people using it in the wrong context, don't just make a new term they will use the same way later. Accept retardation for what it is and love that child.
My guess is that anything that hangs around long enough to get made sport of, eventually becomes "offensive."

Was the word "colored" offensive when it was in use decades ago? How about "negro"?

Any name we chose will be disliked by someone who takes offense at it.
Blacks didn't want to be "colored" once. They wanted to be a tone. Black, specifically.

What are Indians more comfortable with??

People will always attack other classes. But when a class folds and says, "I want to be called something else" it shows weakness. And if Junior High taught us anything (lot's of adults haven't matured beyond it) is that people will keep poking at you if you show a weakness.

I think we need to change the perspective.

Watch the people attack others and understand THEY are the weakest in society trying to paint others as weak to build themselves up.

Unless it's a term made specifically to be derogatory then use it. If I'm Red, I'll embrace it because that is who I am. If I am black i'll embrace it because that is who I am. If I'm retarded I'll embrace it because that is who I am.

Allowing others to use it as derogatory terms just shows that they are less educated. Banning my own description though, shows thows that I'm unwilling to accept myself.

Or maybe an Indian can tell me why "redskin" is derogatory. I thought it was complimentary.

Indians are comfortable with Indians, that is what we always have been called. You would not call a sports team the ******* or the Chinks. If the name is offensive to people, it should be changed.

I like your response. Indians like Indians. Not "Redskins" I'm sure the owner of the team would do this.

Bullshit, no Amerindians elected NoNukes to speak for them.

Sock puppet theater by two libtards proves exactly NOTHING, dude.
How DARE they call themselves the Minnesota Vikings?!!

Scandinavians the world over are highly insulted!

None of those Noresemen want to be reminded about their ancestors former behavior as the world's leading SLAVE TRADERS, LOOTERS AND destroyers of civilizations, either.

Given just about every Native Nations tribe is concerned about going extinct, I question the validity and wisdom of removing every mention of them in mainstream society. If we quit saying 'redskin' or 'indian' or other things aren't we only hastening their extinction and removing any reason to care? If you never hear about Indians since all words used tor efer to them aren't allowed to be uttered, what reason would you have to know what's going on with them, or why would you even care? Most of us have never been to DPRK, and never will, yet we all have some idea of what it's like because we hear about it often. If you never mentioned it on the news or in discussions you'd never even know they existed. Same with Natives, if we quit talking about them they're extinction will pass into history unnoticed and unremarked upon.

Harry Reid: Redskins name will be changed within 3 years

By Ryan Wilson |
March 27, 2014

Not even politicians are buying Dan Sndyer's sudden soft spot for the plight of Native Americans. The Redskins owner announced this week the creation of the Washington Redskins Original Americans Foundation which, in his words, will "provide meaningful and measurable resources that provide genuine opportunities for Tribal communities."

But the team and the league continue to face criticism from various group who find the Redskins name offensive. And that includes Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.), who called Snyder's latest effort, "a phony deal, like everything else [he's] done."


And on Wednesday, NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell not only commended Snyder for the new foundation, but said critics of the team name are in the minority.

“I think Dan is being very responsible in listening," Goodell said. "It's also very clear when you look at public opinion, when you look at the polls that 90 percent of Redskins fans support the name. They believe it's something that represents pride. And the general population also supports it overwhelmingly. He's trying to be responsible in listening and recognizing that people have differing views.”

Harry Reid: Redskins name will be changed within 3 years -

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