Here is a politician I could behind…

Oh, man, this character is calling us all these names just like the leftists do??????? Well, that really stinks. I think Hurd will find that Republicans don't like being called names by a RINO anymore than we like being called Deplorables by Hillary Clinton.

I went back to the OP to find out if this Hurd IS anti-Trump, but that I couldn't find. He sounds quite unattractive what with the name-calling. I'm already traumatized by my miserable governor Hogan and his anti-everything-Republican, as if that's going to help him, and I don't need another one like him.
I think Hurd is right. Some Republicans are or act like racists, mysogonists etc. It doesn’t help their image when members cozy up to white nationalists at fund raisers for example. If they don’t want those labels why do they vote in those members?
I dont want to reward illegal aliens for breaking the law

a possible compromise between the so-called moderate position of amnesty or my belief that they should be deported could be green cards for the dreamers but no pathway to citizenship

and no forgiveness or green cards for the adults who brought them here illegally

that is something for everyone

how would hurd voters respond to that?
I would adjust a compromise slightly differently…a path to citizenship for Dreamers, because they didn’t commit any crime, and green cards for the others, assuming they have not committed any major crimes.

Don’t know how they would respond.
I think Hurd is right. Some Republicans are or act like racists, mysogonists etc. It doesn’t help their image when members cozy up to white nationalists at fund raisers for example. If they don’t want those labels why do they vote in those members?


Robert KKKing of Pork Byrd

Ku Klux Klan Enchanted Cyclops

Democrat Senate Majority Leader

Best friend of Low IQ Joe Biden
I would trade Dreamers getting to stay, however much they do not deserve it, for no more birthright citizenship. Ever, at all. This illegitimate business of running in at the last moment to have a baby so it's an Anchor Baby in the U.S.
Why don’t they deserve it?

And I wouldn’t nix birthright citizenship.
no but a fixation on "sending them all back" is. Just as is paying money for parents to stay home. We've got to have solutions to issues that can be enacted. And frankly, transsexuals and CRT don't actually affect many people.
Yes they do. They make the USA look like a bunch of perverts.
Repub voters are used to their side coming up short in votes at times because of questionable people in office. Or the same questionable people adding just enough votes or padding a law enacted. Progs usually vote near unanimous in most legislation. Perhaps this was a ruse as the voters are really freaking pissed at this point.
That doesn’t seem to be the case in recent years. The Republicans have voted lock step on almost every issue.
I would adjust a compromise slightly differently…a path to citizenship for Dreamers, because they didn’t commit any crime, and green cards for the others, assuming they have not committed any major crimes.

Don’t know how they would respond.
Thats everything the Dreamers want and nothing for the trump voters

there has to be compromise where both sides give up something
The best type of government is when NOTHING gets done, shame stupid people cant understand this.

If the 2020 election wasnt stolen from President Trump then he would of had the roaring 20s again , but no, we got a schmuck like Joe Biteme and we are close to another depression.

View attachment 622470
If Trump had managed to steal the election, we would have most of what we have now, because it is global. Likely we would still have had a debacle leaving Afghanistan (because that is what happened with Syria) and Trump would have given Putin the green light to do what he wanted with Ukraine at her than strengthen NATO and use diplomacy to consolidate Europe.
Thats everything the Dreamers want and nothing for the trump voters

there has to be compromise where both sides give up something
Sure there is. No path to citizenship for those here illegally, just the dreamers.
Will Hurd thinks there are enough normal voters to deliver him the 2024 Republican presidential nomination. But is he right?
Anyone who has integrity, morality, and doesn't pander to the lowest common denominator does not stand a chance of getting the nomination.
No, I think you are wrong. Just like you think if a Republican doesn’t like Trump he can’t be good for the country.
No I am not wrong. Americans don't want to parties that are far left
And you're mistaken about the working class Republican's they support Trump.
For Republicans who think it might be a good idea to nominate Hurd- or Kasich or Romney- for President because the Democrats and the media will somehow respect them, I offer 3 words to you.

John Fucking McCain

The late Senator spent a quarter century kissing liberal behind and finally got the Republican nomination in 2008.

As soon as he was nominated, the media literally crucified him as a racist and nazi on TV for months. The results of the election were predictable- B. Hussein O. schlonged him 6 ways to Sunday in November 2008,

If the Republicans do the same in 2024 by nominating another ass kisser of the libs, they'll see the same results in November- a victorious Sleepy Joe.
Do you think putting Palin on the ticket hurt him with policy conservatives? Liked him, He tried to act like a thoughtful human being.
Perhaps YOU should actually read my post before mischaracterizing it:

Or do you consider highlighting certain phrases to be a valuable addition?

My “addition” was in the paragraph in the beginning of the OP, highlighting certain phrases is to emphasize it. I’m sorry that disturbs you.

But let's move on: Why do you/he think that Republicans should rethink their "fixation" on Critical Race Theory? Isn't that an official policy of the U.S. Government?

What official policy? Perhaps you can show that CRT policy?

And what about his "solution" for (illegal) immigration:

Are you seriously suggesting that this would prevent unauthorized border crossings? If so, how?

Here is a pretty good article on it:

But this paragraph is the real meat of your feigned desire for "compromise:"

Clever? Not so much.
*Your* obsession with and knee jerk reaction to anything construed as anti-Trump is noted. You kinda miss the larger picture. Unlike you, who considers compromise as appeasement if not downright losing, I think the art of compromise is usually more affective than constantly going for an all or nothing option. Try shutting down your Trump radar for a moment.
No I am not wrong. Americans don't want to parties that are far left
And you're mistaken about the working class Republican's they support Trump.
Do you really think the want the far right? That is why Trump lost.

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