Here is a politician I could behind…

You never cross the isles with people you have nothing in common with.
What are you willing to compromise?
Yes, you do, if you actually want some part of your agenda to succeed.

Give me some issue and I would tell if and how much I could compromise.
If that were true, Bernie Sanders would be in his third term as President with Vice President Al Sharpton.

Fair point, but then again we got Trump. I do think it rings true in House electioNS.
…and he is a Republican. But he identifies the real issues we are facing with two broken parties controlled by their extremes, nationalization of what should be local politics, and entrenched politicians in safe districts that never have to do a damn thing for their constituents to get re-elected. He also identifies the external threats we SHOULD be addressing but can’t because we are obsessed with insignificant “culture war” issues that fire the “base”. His ideas on immigration should have something both wings can support but will it? It is both common sense and humane and protects our borders.

The Revenge of the Normal Republicans

Will Hurd thinks there are enough normal voters to deliver him the 2024 Republican presidential nomination. But is he right?

“Some of my friends, some of my former colleagues, they are desperate,” Hurd tells me. “They are so desperate to hold on to their positions, to hold on to their power, that they make really bad decisions.”

Those bad decisions are evident when it comes to big, history-forming events, such as the party’s enabling of Donald Trump’s assault on American democracy. But the bad decisions are also made subtly, in response to smaller episodes every single day, often to accommodate the party’s ugliest impulses. (The third chapter of Hurd’s book, written as an open letter to the Republican Party, is titled “Don’t Be an Asshole, Racist, Misogynist, or Homophobe.”)

The desperation—lawmakers catering to the loudest voices in the party base—is not healthy, Hurd says. It’s the by-product of safely partisan districts that provide more incentive to light fires than put them out. It’s the consequence of the public’s collapsing faith in the core institutions of civic society, which invites national politicians to weaponize disputes that should be addressed at the local level. It’s the expression of a country in decline—a country convinced that its existential concerns are not Chinese sabotage and Russian disinformation, but face masks in public and vaccines for a virus.

On what we could be facing:
Hurd’s book is notable for many reasons—his personal and professional journeys are legitimately compelling—but most of all for its rebuke of America’s proportionality problem. Drawing on his diverse experiences, from chasing down intelligence overseas to parsing classified documents in Congress to working with groundbreaking tech companies today, Hurd argues that we are woefully unprepared for what is coming our way. Quantum computing has the potential to break every form of encryption that guards our money and our secrets. Artificial intelligence could cut the service-based workforce in half—every two years. Biomedical advances will force questions about the ethics of rewiring our brains and halting the degradation of human cells. In the meantime, China will continue its siege of the American economy—swiping our intellectual property, snatching up our real estate, sabotaging our investments—while Russia will intensify its decades-old campaign to delegitimize our systems of government and turn Americans against one another.

His subtext is plain enough. To confront these challenges, Hurd’s colleagues in the Republican Party might need to rethink their fixation on transgender athletes and critical race theory.

“Everyone treats everything these days like it’s some damn emergency. And it’s got to stop,” Hurd says. “We’re going to be dealing with issues that are so complicated, and so life-altering, that they make the stuff we’re dealing with right now look like tickle fights.”

On immigration:
Why wouldn’t they want Hurd’s input? Simple. Because they knew he wasn’t going to tell them what they wanted to hear. They knew Hurd would offer a set of solutions—the mass streamlining of legal immigration for both high-skilled workers and low-skilled laborers; the construction of a cutting-edge “virtual wall” utilizing cameras and fiber-optic cables to monitor illegal crossings; the granting of citizenship to millions of “Dreamers”; the surge of funding to local agencies dealing with a mass influx of asylum seekers—that would antagonize the loudest voices in both party bases.
I like Hurd but he doesn't stand a chance.
Yes, you do, if you actually want some part of your agenda to succeed.

Give me some issue and I would tell if and how much I could compromise.
When republicans cross the isle they give up rights when leftists cross the isle it to stick the dagger deeper
Sleepy Joe has been in power for 14 months, its all his fault.

The Donald is just enjoying life in Florida, getting ready to perhaps offer himself for the Presidency in 2024 if he thinks the people are ready for change. If the people aren't ready for change, we will have Brandon in office, certainly not an anti-Trumpster zealot like Mr. Hurd.
The fact that Democrats like Hurd, Kasich, Christie, Kinzinger, and Cheney, tells us a lot about Hurd, Kasich, Christie, Kinzinger, and Cheney.
The only way to be sure that you have a good candidate, is if everyone outside the party hates them.

That's the way we roll in two-party-shit-show-land.
You are the cultist and I will not be shutting up.
A cultist will believe any lie even when that lie has been proven to be a lie. You don't like trump because you continue to believe those disproven lies. Therefore you fit the definition of a cultist.
The obsession on the "cultural issues" is with the left. Conservative Republicans only REACT to the Neverending onslaught of perversion you guys keep pushing. I really don't care what Republican may be acceptable to you. It has no bearing on who I will vote for
The obsession on the "cultural issues" is with the left. Conservative Republicans only REACT to the Neverending onslaught of perversion you guys keep pushing. I really don't care what Republican may be acceptable to you. It has no bearing on who I will vote for
All it does for me is tells me who not to vote for
Once again you prove your total obsession with race has your emotions trumping intellect every single time.

The stuff you give Trump credit for are ALL achievements of the Obama/Biden administration, especially the low energy prices. You continue to give Trump credit for things Obama accomplished, like energy independence, and never bother to note at the end of his Presidency, the millions of people were sick, half a million had died, the economy was completely crashed, and both the GDP, and unemployment were the worst in decades.

Trump caused the empty shelves when he cancelled all your trade deals, failed to replace them, and then told American businesses to "rethink" their supply chains, without having any trade deals with your trading partners upon which to base the decisions.
Yet your Trump fascination is healthy.

Nothing you posted delt with a small limited government. Dumbass
Conservatives are infamous for their hypocrisy and being inconsistent.

‘Small government’ is far much more than just reckless, irresponsible tax cuts and deregulation.

Indeed, conservatives are advocates of big government, more government, at the expense of individual liberty.
Conservatives are infamous for their hypocrisy and being inconsistent.

‘Small government’ is far much more than just reckless, irresponsible tax cuts and deregulation.

Indeed, conservatives are advocates of big government, more government, at the expense of individual liberty.
You're a lying piece of shit
Conservatives are infamous for their hypocrisy and being inconsistent.

‘Small government’ is far much more than just reckless, irresponsible tax cuts and deregulation.

Indeed, conservatives are advocates of big government, more government, at the expense of individual liberty.
Mask mandates 😄
Hate Speech
Businesses shut down
I think Hurd is right. Some Republicans are or act like racists, mysogonists etc. It doesn’t help their image when members cozy up to white nationalists at fund raisers for example. If they don’t want those labels why do they vote in those members?
Republicans are trapped on the back of the white nationalist tiger, fearful of getting off without being eaten.

Conservatives know that white nationalists, bigots, racists, and neo-fascists vote overwhelmingly Republican – Republicans wouldn’t dare risk alienating that important component of the voting base.
Republicans are trapped on the back of the white nationalist tiger, fearful of getting off without being eaten.

Conservatives know that white nationalists, bigots, racists, and neo-fascists vote overwhelmingly Republican – Republicans wouldn’t dare risk alienating that important component of the voting base.
Show your racist views
Do you think putting Palin on the ticket hurt him with policy conservatives? Liked him, He tried to act like a thoughtful human being.


If McCain hadn't chosen a conservative for VP, he would have lost by a lot more than he did.

McCain chose Palin to try and win conservative voters, and the Alaska Governor's records on important conservative issues like gun control, abortion and gay marriage are unassailable.

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