Here is a politician I could behind…

Hurd might indeed win the 2024 GOP nomination.

But unless he executes a plan to win the votes of the 74 million little Trumpsters, he can expect to get royally schlonged by Brandon.

I just don't see it, but I could be wrong. If he starts hanging out with Hershall Walker and the Big Trumpster, he might start getting a little bit of cred.

But if he goes into the fall of 2024 trashtalking the Trumpster and showing his hatred for America's Basket of Deplorables, personally I would vote for Sleepy Joe to keep him out of the WH.
Never heard of Hurd.

I wouldn't go so far as to vote for Biden! :oops: I'd just not vote at all first.

The important thing about voting for Trump is that it's a good reaction to all the hate speech and orders at us and hysterical complaints the Left uses as propaganda ---- all counterproductive. Of course we're going to vote for Trump, with all those "deplorable" insults coming at us non-stop. Just to make them mad.

It always surprises me that the Left can't recognize that.
Never heard of Hurd.

I wouldn't go so far as to vote for Biden! :oops: I'd just not vote at all first.

The important thing about voting for Trump is that it's a good reaction to all the hate speech and orders at us and hysterical complaints the Left uses as propaganda ---- all counterproductive. Of course we're going to vote for Trump, with all those "deplorable" insults coming at us non-stop. Just to make them mad.

It always surprises me that the Left can't recognize that.

I think you are right. If Hurd- or another anti-Trumper- is the nominee, a lot of people will stay home.

And this will just not sink the Presidential ticket, but Brandon would win the Congress as well.
Thought it was about Hurd … perhaps you SHOULD actually read it if you are going to discuss it.
Not really ----- I read YOUR part at the top, of course. I'm here to read posters' thoughts: long cut-and-pastes, not so much. I never heard of this Hurd, and if he were a Big Noise, I would have "hurd" of him, because I keep up. If he floats to the top --- he's got a year and a half to do so --- then I'll be reading more and more about him. Attention from actual Republicans, which is where his base would have to come from, after all.

The reason to be careful not to waste time on new guys is all the wistful RINOs, which are 100% unacceptable. Might as well vote for that dreadful Maryland governor Hogan, and I'll never do that.
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I think you are right. If Hurd- or another anti-Trumper- is the nominee, a lot of people will stay home.

And this will just not sink the Presidential ticket, but Brandon would win the Congress as well.
Oh, Lord, is Hurd a known anti-Trump? Like Hogan of Maryland. What is wrong with these turkeys? Somebody THAT bad at politics doesn't belong on any presidential ticket. Like Caramel Harris.

The Wall Street Journal editors today ran an editorial saying, "Stop writing us to say we should support Biden resigning!" They go on to say that this would just promote Harris and that would be much worse even than Biden. Which of course gazumpteen people have been saying all along.
I don’t want to make this about immigration but I think some of these areas can find common ground. Dreamers for one. That has had broad bipartisan support. They had no choice in coming over. They were kids. They are culturely American and deporting them is simply cruel. I am not flexible on that.
I dont want to reward illegal aliens for breaking the law

a possible compromise between the so-called moderate position of amnesty or my belief that they should be deported could be green cards for the dreamers but no pathway to citizenship

and no forgiveness or green cards for the adults who brought them here illegally

that is something for everyone

how would hurd voters respond to that?
(The third chapter of Hurd’s book, written as an open letter to the Republican Party, is titled “Don’t Be an Asshole, Racist, Misogynist, or Homophobe.”)
Oh, man, this character is calling us all these names just like the leftists do??????? Well, that really stinks. I think Hurd will find that Republicans don't like being called names by a RINO anymore than we like being called Deplorables by Hillary Clinton.

I went back to the OP to find out if this Hurd IS anti-Trump, but that I couldn't find. He sounds quite unattractive what with the name-calling. I'm already traumatized by my miserable governor Hogan and his anti-everything-Republican, as if that's going to help him, and I don't need another one like him.
It may be too soon to say for sure but I suspect Hurd is s typical inflexible Tweener, aka moderate

he rails against the “fringe” who are defined as anyone who disagrees with his moderate position

and is himself unwilling to compromise
That post makes no sense to me. Hurd was clearly saying he sought a secure border.
They knew Hurd would offer a set of solutions—the mass streamlining of legal immigration for both high-skilled workers and low-skilled laborers; the construction of a cutting-edge “virtual wall” utilizing cameras and fiber-optic cables to monitor illegal crossings; the granting of citizenship to millions of “Dreamers”; the surge of funding to local agencies dealing with a mass influx of asylum seekers—that would antagonize the loudest voices in both party bases.

The goal was an enforceable border. All ways of getting there were options. That's how I read it. And face it, a "big beautiful fence" border wall was up to a fillibuster. Trump overcame it with, basically, and exec order. And it never got built.

Biden couldn't even get a compromise of AFTER SCHOOL CARE
I dont want to reward illegal aliens for breaking the law

a possible compromise between the so-called moderate position of amnesty or my belief that they should be deported could be green cards for the dreamers but no pathway to citizenship

and no forgiveness or green cards for the adults who brought them here illegally

that is something for everyone

how would hurd voters respond to that?
I would trade Dreamers getting to stay, however much they do not deserve it, for no more birthright citizenship. Ever, at all. This illegitimate business of running in at the last moment to have a baby so it's an Anchor Baby in the U.S.
And Republicans like Mansion and Sinema…
Repub voters are used to their side coming up short in votes at times because of questionable people in office. Or the same questionable people adding just enough votes or padding a law enacted. Progs usually vote near unanimous in most legislation. Perhaps this was a ruse as the voters are really freaking pissed at this point.
…and he is a Republican. But he identifies the real issues we are facing with two broken parties controlled by their extremes, nationalization of what should be local politics, and entrenched politicians in safe districts that never have to do a damn thing for their constituents to get re-elected. He also identifies the external threats we SHOULD be addressing but can’t because we are obsessed with insignificant “culture war” issues that fire the “base”. His ideas on immigration should have something both wings can support but will it? It is both common sense and humane and protects our borders.

The Revenge of the Normal Republicans

Will Hurd thinks there are enough normal voters to deliver him the 2024 Republican presidential nomination. But is he right?

“Some of my friends, some of my former colleagues, they are desperate,” Hurd tells me. “They are so desperate to hold on to their positions, to hold on to their power, that they make really bad decisions.”

Those bad decisions are evident when it comes to big, history-forming events, such as the party’s enabling of Donald Trump’s assault on American democracy. But the bad decisions are also made subtly, in response to smaller episodes every single day, often to accommodate the party’s ugliest impulses. (The third chapter of Hurd’s book, written as an open letter to the Republican Party, is titled “Don’t Be an Asshole, Racist, Misogynist, or Homophobe.”)

The desperation—lawmakers catering to the loudest voices in the party base—is not healthy, Hurd says. It’s the by-product of safely partisan districts that provide more incentive to light fires than put them out. It’s the consequence of the public’s collapsing faith in the core institutions of civic society, which invites national politicians to weaponize disputes that should be addressed at the local level. It’s the expression of a country in decline—a country convinced that its existential concerns are not Chinese sabotage and Russian disinformation, but face masks in public and vaccines for a virus.

On what we could be facing:
Hurd’s book is notable for many reasons—his personal and professional journeys are legitimately compelling—but most of all for its rebuke of America’s proportionality problem. Drawing on his diverse experiences, from chasing down intelligence overseas to parsing classified documents in Congress to working with groundbreaking tech companies today, Hurd argues that we are woefully unprepared for what is coming our way. Quantum computing has the potential to break every form of encryption that guards our money and our secrets. Artificial intelligence could cut the service-based workforce in half—every two years. Biomedical advances will force questions about the ethics of rewiring our brains and halting the degradation of human cells. In the meantime, China will continue its siege of the American economy—swiping our intellectual property, snatching up our real estate, sabotaging our investments—while Russia will intensify its decades-old campaign to delegitimize our systems of government and turn Americans against one another.

His subtext is plain enough. To confront these challenges, Hurd’s colleagues in the Republican Party might need to rethink their fixation on transgender athletes and critical race theory.

“Everyone treats everything these days like it’s some damn emergency. And it’s got to stop,” Hurd says. “We’re going to be dealing with issues that are so complicated, and so life-altering, that they make the stuff we’re dealing with right now look like tickle fights.”

On immigration:
Why wouldn’t they want Hurd’s input? Simple. Because they knew he wasn’t going to tell them what they wanted to hear. They knew Hurd would offer a set of solutions—the mass streamlining of legal immigration for both high-skilled workers and low-skilled laborers; the construction of a cutting-edge “virtual wall” utilizing cameras and fiber-optic cables to monitor illegal crossings; the granting of citizenship to millions of “Dreamers”; the surge of funding to local agencies dealing with a mass influx of asylum seekers—that would antagonize the loudest voices in both party bases.
What do you want to do to his behind?
I dont want to reward illegal aliens for breaking the law

a possible compromise between the so-called moderate position of amnesty or my belief that they should be deported could be green cards for the dreamers but no pathway to citizenship

and no forgiveness or green cards for the adults who brought them here illegally

that is something for everyone

how would hurd voters respond to that?
iT'S NOT HURD VOTERS. Here's who replaced him.

It's voters in that district.
I would trade Dreamers getting to stay, however much they do not deserve it, for no more birthright citizenship. Ever, at all. This illegitimate business of running in at the last moment to have a baby so it's an Anchor Baby in the U.S.
Birthright citzenship is law under the 14th amend. Only the scotus can change it ... without an amendment which will never happen.
For Republicans who think it might be a good idea to nominate Hurd- or Kasich or Romney- for President because the Democrats and the media will somehow respect them, I offer 3 words to you.

John Fucking McCain

The late Senator spent a quarter century kissing liberal behind and finally got the Republican nomination in 2008.

As soon as he was nominated, the media literally crucified him as a racist and nazi on TV for months. The results of the election were predictable- B. Hussein O. schlonged him 6 ways to Sunday in November 2008,

If the Republicans do the same in 2024 by nominating another ass kisser of the libs, they'll see the same results in November- a victorious Sleepy Joe.
I like your first lines, but I see it a little differently. I ignored all the silliness from the Left about McCain --- and we'd better learn that skill with the 2024 election coming up, which is bound to be much worse!

But McCain was the first presidential election in my life I didn't vote on, and that was for two reasons: he went crazy with the 2008 bank failures and so on and said he would stay in Washington to solve the crisis instead of going to a New Orleans debate with Obama, and Obama said, "Well, I'll be there," and so of course McCain had to cave, and I'm thinking --- THIS guy is going to negotiate with the Russians???? And he chose Sarah Palin as his running mate, the greatest insult to women in this country in my lifetime, at least until Harris. Because all she had was big boobs, which every conservative male on any forum drooled over the whole election: they didn't care that she was dumb as a post and unfit to run even her own family, which was in non-stop crisis that just got worse and worse. Dogsled racing? Moose dressing-out? Retarded baby birth WHILE governor of a state? Her own daughter getting pregnant without marriage? All this during the presidential campaign???? Omigod. I was so grossed out by Palin's total inability that I didn't vote that election or the next. (They thought A MORMON would be an improvement????? Darn.)

I tell you, PP, this 2024 election will be such a firecracker.
yeah. And "the extremists" currently decide what either party will seek in congress. Nothing gets done... not even when both trump and biden had the WH and both houses.
The best type of government is when NOTHING gets done, shame stupid people cant understand this.

If the 2020 election wasnt stolen from President Trump then he would of had the roaring 20s again , but no, we got a schmuck like Joe Biteme and we are close to another depression.

…and he is a Republican. But he identifies the real issues we are facing with two broken parties controlled by their extremes, nationalization of what should be local politics, and entrenched politicians in safe districts that never have to do a damn thing for their constituents to get re-elected. He also identifies the external threats we SHOULD be addressing but can’t because we are obsessed with insignificant “culture war” issues that fire the “base”. His ideas on immigration should have something both wings can support but will it? It is both common sense and humane and protects our borders.

The Revenge of the Normal Republicans

Will Hurd thinks there are enough normal voters to deliver him the 2024 Republican presidential nomination. But is he right?

“Some of my friends, some of my former colleagues, they are desperate,” Hurd tells me. “They are so desperate to hold on to their positions, to hold on to their power, that they make really bad decisions.”

Those bad decisions are evident when it comes to big, history-forming events, such as the party’s enabling of Donald Trump’s assault on American democracy. But the bad decisions are also made subtly, in response to smaller episodes every single day, often to accommodate the party’s ugliest impulses. (The third chapter of Hurd’s book, written as an open letter to the Republican Party, is titled “Don’t Be an Asshole, Racist, Misogynist, or Homophobe.”)

The desperation—lawmakers catering to the loudest voices in the party base—is not healthy, Hurd says. It’s the by-product of safely partisan districts that provide more incentive to light fires than put them out. It’s the consequence of the public’s collapsing faith in the core institutions of civic society, which invites national politicians to weaponize disputes that should be addressed at the local level. It’s the expression of a country in decline—a country convinced that its existential concerns are not Chinese sabotage and Russian disinformation, but face masks in public and vaccines for a virus.

On what we could be facing:
Hurd’s book is notable for many reasons—his personal and professional journeys are legitimately compelling—but most of all for its rebuke of America’s proportionality problem. Drawing on his diverse experiences, from chasing down intelligence overseas to parsing classified documents in Congress to working with groundbreaking tech companies today, Hurd argues that we are woefully unprepared for what is coming our way. Quantum computing has the potential to break every form of encryption that guards our money and our secrets. Artificial intelligence could cut the service-based workforce in half—every two years. Biomedical advances will force questions about the ethics of rewiring our brains and halting the degradation of human cells. In the meantime, China will continue its siege of the American economy—swiping our intellectual property, snatching up our real estate, sabotaging our investments—while Russia will intensify its decades-old campaign to delegitimize our systems of government and turn Americans against one another.

His subtext is plain enough. To confront these challenges, Hurd’s colleagues in the Republican Party might need to rethink their fixation on transgender athletes and critical race theory.

“Everyone treats everything these days like it’s some damn emergency. And it’s got to stop,” Hurd says. “We’re going to be dealing with issues that are so complicated, and so life-altering, that they make the stuff we’re dealing with right now look like tickle fights.”

On immigration:
Why wouldn’t they want Hurd’s input? Simple. Because they knew he wasn’t going to tell them what they wanted to hear. They knew Hurd would offer a set of solutions—the mass streamlining of legal immigration for both high-skilled workers and low-skilled laborers; the construction of a cutting-edge “virtual wall” utilizing cameras and fiber-optic cables to monitor illegal crossings; the granting of citizenship to millions of “Dreamers”; the surge of funding to local agencies dealing with a mass influx of asylum seekers—that would antagonize the loudest voices in both party bases.
He's forgetting how the Democrats cheat and steal. Oh and before you ask, you don't accept proof.

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