Here is a politician I could behind…

One that stands out is immigration.

Another is in what he says here:

“I wanted to show solidarity with Black America. I wanted to explain it was okay to be simultaneously outraged by a Black man being murdered in police custody, thankful that law enforcement puts themselves in harm’s way to enable our First Amendment rights, and pissed off that criminals are treading on American values by looting and killing police officers,”

That you CAN support all of that, it doesn’t HAVE to be just one against tbe other.
Hurd on immigration:

Why wouldn’t they want Hurd’s input? Simple. Because they knew he wasn’t going to tell them what they wanted to hear. They knew Hurd would offer a set of solutions—the mass streamlining of legal immigration for both high-skilled workers and low-skilled laborers; the construction of a cutting-edge “virtual wall” utilizing cameras and fiber-optic cables to monitor illegal crossings; the granting of citizenship to millions of “Dreamers”; the surge of funding to local agencies dealing with a mass influx of asylum seekers—that would antagonize the loudest voices in both party bases.

how flexible is Hurd - or you for that matter - on immigration?

meaning how much of trump’s position on immigration will Hurdists compromise on?

the Dreamers for instance

why do they deserve citizenship when they came here illegally?

indeed why does any person here illegally deserve the gift of citizenship?
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  • #44
The fact that Democrats like Hurd, Kasich, Christie, Kinzinger, and Cheney, tells us a lot about Hurd, Kasich, Christie, Kinzinger, and Cheney.
And Republicans like Mansion and Sinema…
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  • #45
How do I "ignore" you?
No one is forcing you to troll this thread. There are hundreds of other ones out there. You can ignore me the same way I do you. Got anything to contribute to the topic?
Hurd on immigration:

Why wouldn’t they want Hurd’s input? Simple. Because they knew he wasn’t going to tell them what they wanted to hear. They knew Hurd would offer a set of solutions—the mass streamlining of legal immigration for both high-skilled workers and low-skilled laborers; the construction of a cutting-edge “virtual wall” utilizing cameras and fiber-optic cables to monitor illegal crossings; the granting of citizenship to millions of “Dreamers”; the surge of funding to local agencies dealing with a mass influx of asylum seekers—that would antagonize the loudest voices in both party bases.

how flexible is Hurd - or you for that matter - on immigration?

meaning how much of trump’s position on immigration will Hurdists compromise on?

the Dreamers for instance

why do they deserve citizenship when they came here illegally?
Whether they deserve it or not isn't really the issue. The issue is what do the dems have to have to agree to an actually enforceable border, and what is actually necessary.
Who elected them?

But, it is worth pointing out this is a good example of local politics becoming nationalized. What do you think is most important in my state (WV)? I guarantee it isn’t CRT when we are an almost completely white state and our governor can’t actually come up with a single example of of it actually being taught but look what they just passed :rolleyes:
If he thinks that's the road to victory I think he's in for big disappointment. Number 1 will be the economy with the total neglect of the border next.....if Joe doesn't mumble us into a war
Whether they deserve it or not isn't really the issue. The issue is what do the dems have to have to agree to an actually enforceable border, and what is actually necessary.
At this point I am only negotiating with Hurd through Coyote for what the unified republican position should be
…and he is a Republican. But he identifies the real issues we are facing with two broken parties controlled by their extremes, nationalization of what should be local politics, and entrenched politicians in safe districts that never have to do a damn thing for their constituents to get re-elected. He also identifies the external threats we SHOULD be addressing but can’t because we are obsessed with insignificant “culture war” issues that fire the “base”. His ideas on immigration should have something both wings can support but will it? It is both common sense and humane and protects our borders.

The Revenge of the Normal Republicans

Will Hurd thinks there are enough normal voters to deliver him the 2024 Republican presidential nomination. But is he right?

“Some of my friends, some of my former colleagues, they are desperate,” Hurd tells me. “They are so desperate to hold on to their positions, to hold on to their power, that they make really bad decisions.”

Those bad decisions are evident when it comes to big, history-forming events, such as the party’s enabling of Donald Trump’s assault on American democracy. But the bad decisions are also made subtly, in response to smaller episodes every single day, often to accommodate the party’s ugliest impulses. (The third chapter of Hurd’s book, written as an open letter to the Republican Party, is titled “Don’t Be an Asshole, Racist, Misogynist, or Homophobe.”)

The desperation—lawmakers catering to the loudest voices in the party base—is not healthy, Hurd says. It’s the by-product of safely partisan districts that provide more incentive to light fires than put them out. It’s the consequence of the public’s collapsing faith in the core institutions of civic society, which invites national politicians to weaponize disputes that should be addressed at the local level. It’s the expression of a country in decline—a country convinced that its existential concerns are not Chinese sabotage and Russian disinformation, but face masks in public and vaccines for a virus.

On what we could be facing:
Hurd’s book is notable for many reasons—his personal and professional journeys are legitimately compelling—but most of all for its rebuke of America’s proportionality problem. Drawing on his diverse experiences, from chasing down intelligence overseas to parsing classified documents in Congress to working with groundbreaking tech companies today, Hurd argues that we are woefully unprepared for what is coming our way. Quantum computing has the potential to break every form of encryption that guards our money and our secrets. Artificial intelligence could cut the service-based workforce in half—every two years. Biomedical advances will force questions about the ethics of rewiring our brains and halting the degradation of human cells. In the meantime, China will continue its siege of the American economy—swiping our intellectual property, snatching up our real estate, sabotaging our investments—while Russia will intensify its decades-old campaign to delegitimize our systems of government and turn Americans against one another.

His subtext is plain enough. To confront these challenges, Hurd’s colleagues in the Republican Party might need to rethink their fixation on transgender athletes and critical race theory.

“Everyone treats everything these days like it’s some damn emergency. And it’s got to stop,” Hurd says. “We’re going to be dealing with issues that are so complicated, and so life-altering, that they make the stuff we’re dealing with right now look like tickle fights.”

On immigration:
Why wouldn’t they want Hurd’s input? Simple. Because they knew he wasn’t going to tell them what they wanted to hear. They knew Hurd would offer a set of solutions—the mass streamlining of legal immigration for both high-skilled workers and low-skilled laborers; the construction of a cutting-edge “virtual wall” utilizing cameras and fiber-optic cables to monitor illegal crossings; the granting of citizenship to millions of “Dreamers”; the surge of funding to local agencies dealing with a mass influx of asylum seekers—that would antagonize the loudest voices in both party bases.
My fellow Aggie Will Hurd is a good guy.

I would disagree with him on some issues...but he is still fairly reasonable on most.
And Republicans like Mansion and Sinema…
imo what's telling is gopers who don't like centrists (cheney is not a centrist, nor maybe is kinzinger) and dems who don't like centrists. WE used to abhor govts who made people sign up for litmus tests on issues. Compromise is now a dirty word.

How the dems got there .... I dunno, I didn't pay much attention. The gop got there because the party intentionally lied to the prolife movement saying it would allow states to totally ban abortion. Finally, the party had to actually do it, or ..... see all the establishment candidates get primaried by a NY reality show host.

“Here is a politician I could behind” says the OP headline.​

Questions out of mild and idle curiosity:

How would you “behind” the politician?

And, would it be painful?

At this point I am only negotiating with Hurd through Coyote for what the unified republican position should be
I didn't read coyote's link quoting Hurd as saying he had a unified republican position. I read it as Hurd saying he could not get anything through the gop that could actually work. NOTE: Even with majorities in both houses, Trump didn't deport illegal aliens. He did succeed in ending legal immigration. And now we have a worker shortage.
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  • #53
Hurd on immigration:

Why wouldn’t they want Hurd’s input? Simple. Because they knew he wasn’t going to tell them what they wanted to hear. They knew Hurd would offer a set of solutions—the mass streamlining of legal immigration for both high-skilled workers and low-skilled laborers; the construction of a cutting-edge “virtual wall” utilizing cameras and fiber-optic cables to monitor illegal crossings; the granting of citizenship to millions of “Dreamers”; the surge of funding to local agencies dealing with a mass influx of asylum seekers—that would antagonize the loudest voices in both party bases.

how flexible is Hurd - or you for that matter - on immigration?

meaning how much of trump’s position on immigration will Hurdists compromise on?

the Dreamers for instance

why do they deserve citizenship when they came here illegally?

indeed why does any person here illegally deserve the gift of citizenship?
I don’t want to make this about immigration but I think some of these areas can find common ground. Dreamers for one. That has had broad bipartisan support. They had no choice in coming over. They were kids. They are culturely American and deporting them is simply cruel. I am not flexible on that.

The other two areas: streamlining our legal immigration system, is a can that Congress has repeatedly kicked down the road. He addresses two points: our need for high skill workers and low skill workers. It is a broken system that attracts illegal immigrants because we don’t have enough legal immigranets to fill the need or enough citizens to fill (or willing to fill it). How flexible am I on it? Not sure. I guess it would depend on what alternatives were offered in response.

On the issue of border security, I really like the idea of putting tech to work in conjunction with a wall in those areas where it might be most effective without causing environmental or private property issues. I can be somewhat flexible but for where it effects environment. Upgrading to more technology might also provide more high paying jobs as well.
I didn't read coyote's link quoting Hurd as saying he had a unified republican position. I read it as Hurd saying he could not get anything through the gop that could actually work. NOTE: Even with majorities in both houses, Trump didn't deport illegal aliens. He did succeed in ending legal immigration. And now we have a worker shortage.
It may be too soon to say for sure but I suspect Hurd is s typical inflexible Tweener, aka moderate

he rails against the “fringe” who are defined as anyone who disagrees with his moderate position

While he is himself unwilling to compromise
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  • #55
imo what's telling is gopers who don't like centrists (cheney is not a centrist, nor maybe is kinzinger) and dems who don't like centrists. WE used to abhor govts who made people sign up for litmus tests on issues. Compromise is now a dirty word.

How the dems got there .... I dunno, I didn't pay much attention. The gop got there because the party intentionally lied to the prolife movement saying it would allow states to totally ban abortion. Finally, the party had to actually do it, or ..... see all the establishment candidates get primaried by a NY reality show host.
Ya Cheney and Kinzinger are definitely credentialed conservatives. I respect their integrity but would never vote for them.

I think it was Gingrich who turned compromise into a four letter word,
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  • #56

“Here is a politician I could behind” says the OP headline.​

Questions out of mild and idle curiosity:

How would you “behind” the politician?

And, would it be painful?

Ok you got me there…skipped a critical word :lmao:
For Republicans who think it might be a good idea to nominate Hurd- or Kasich or Romney- for President because the Democrats and the media will somehow respect them, I offer 3 words to you.

John Fucking McCain

The late Senator spent a quarter century kissing liberal behind and finally got the Republican nomination in 2008.

As soon as he was nominated, the media literally crucified him as a racist and nazi on TV for months. The results of the election were predictable- B. Hussein O. schlonged him 6 ways to Sunday in November 2008,

If the Republicans do the same in 2024 by nominating another ass kisser of the libs, they'll see the same results in November- a victorious Sleepy Joe.
Ok you got me there…skipped a critical word :lmao:
We have all done it. But some are just funnier than others.

There was some infamous version of the Bible, I’ve read about, that inadvertently left off the word “not” from one of those 10 pesky Commandments. Apparently, THOU SHALT COMMIT ADULTERY.

Both the Republicans and Democrats are parties of big government. The Democrats are the more bat shit crazy and the Republicans more moderate but at the end of the day not really a significant difference.

That is why Trump pissed off the Swamp so much. He was a Nationalist and putting America first and making it great again is not a priority to the parties of big government.

If you trust any politician you are a fool.

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