here is the evidence

Time magazine has proudly admitted to and detailed the stealing of the election through a highly concerted, broad, organized effort beginning in 2019, even naming the main players they say were involved! Amazingly, they claim they HAD to do it, they had to set it up so that Biden couldn't lose in order to SAVE the election (and democracy) after Trump said he would fight excessive unwarranted, unregulated mail-in voting. So they stepped up and MAXIMIZED the very thing Trump (and the Carter-Baker Commission) said were the bane of honest elections, fixing the vote defrauding the election to save Trump from fighting fraud.


Here are the major players and organizations named in the article contributing to rigging the election to ensure a Biden victory (to save democracy):
  1. The Chamber of Commerce
  2. The AFL-CIO
  3. Norm Eisen
  4. The Voter Protection Project
  5. Ian Bassin
  6. Protect Democracy
  7. Mike Podhorzer
  8. The Analyst Institute
  9. Catalist
  10. The Fight Back Table
  11. The Democracy Defense Coalition
  12. Planned Parenthood
  13. Greenpeace
  14. Indivisible
  15. Move On
  16. Anat Shenker-Osorio
  17. Maurice Mitchell
  18. Working Families Party
  19. Congress
  20. Silicon Valley
  21. BLM
  22. The Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights
  23. The CARES Act
  24. The Chan Zuckerberg Initiative
  25. Amber McReynolds
  26. National Vote at Home Institute
  27. The Voter Participation Center
  28. Tom Lopach
  29. Hannah Fried
  30. All Voting Is Local
  31. Mark Zuckerberg
  32. Vanita Gupta
  33. Jack Dorsey
  34. Dick Gephardt
  35. Issue One
  36. The National Council on Election Integrity
  37. The Voting Rights Lab
  38. IntoAction
  39. The Movement for Black Lives
  40. Nelini Stamp
  41. The Women’s March
  42. The Sierra Club
  43. Color of Change
  45. The Democratic Socialists of America
  46. Protect the Results Coalition
  47. Neil Bradley
  48. The Business Roundtable
  49. Thomas Donohue
  50. Richard Trumka
  51. The National Association of Evangelicals
  52. The National African American Clergy Network
I make no statement swearing to the accuracy of the Time Magazine article. This is THEIR list of the major players involved in fixing the 2020 election through a highly activist front to maximize the number of ballots cast and does not address fraud, corruption, cheating or other means of election fixing. You can read the article for yourself:

Time describes the effort to defeat Trump as a "handshake between business and labor ~ just one component of a vast, cross-partisan campaign ~ an extraordinary shadow effort. :smoke:
Any libs want to refute this point by point?

I am a right-wing Conservative Republican. I have voted in every election since I was 18 and have never voted for a Democrat (except when there was no Republican primary, and I wanted to mess up the Democrat ticket), only Republicans and Conservative independents like Virgil Goode.

I am a huge Trump supporter.

I also believe the election was likely stolen for Biden using fraud, primarily related to mail-in ballots.

I skimmed through this video at high speed the other day to see if it had anything new that I had not seen already. I did not see much.

Facts matter to me. I will take issue with two parts of the video...

1) At 3:15, they make the claim that vote ratios reported for precincts have the exact same ratio. That isn't proof of anything, and is simply silly.

If one precinct reports a ratio of 25:24, and another reports 100:96, they have the same ratio. It's not surprising at all, and I carefully reviewed the spreadsheets that the author of this analysis had posted to Parler, and I conversed with him there. You can see in the video at 3:15 that the spreadsheet is not sorted by time, it is sorted by vote ratio. It is completely unsurprising that numerous precincts would have the same vote ratio at various times. Numbers (common denominators) and all that.

2) At 6:28, they show an internet post purportedly to be from Ruby Freeman. The post was made by a parody account, RubyFreeman_Georgia.

All that said, Ruby Freeman should have some real explaining to do. Not only regarding the recounting of the same votes after clearing the counting location of all observers and media due to a water main break (overflowing urinal) and also this shady alleged USB handoff...

I encourage all of my fellow Conservatives, everyone actually, to carefully and skeptically consider everything they read on the internet everywhere these days.

We are truly in an age of information warfare.
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Any libs want to refute this point by point?

I am a right-wing Conservative Republican. I have voted in every election since I was 18 and have never voted for a Democrat (except when there was no Republican primary, and I wanted to mess up the Democrat ticket), only Republicans and Conservative independents like Virgil Goode.

I am a huge Trump supporter.

I also believe the election was likely stolen for Biden using fraud, primarily related to mail-in ballots.

I skimmed through this video at high speed the other day to see if it had anything new that I had not seen already. I did not see much.

Facts matter to me. I will take issue with two parts of the video...

1) At 3:15, they make the claim that vote ratios reported for precincts have the exact same ratio. That isn't proof of anything, and is simply silly.

If one precinct reports a ratio of 25:24, and another reports 100:96, they have the same ratio. It's not surprising at all, and I carefully reviewed the spreadsheets that the author of this analysis had posted to Parler, and I conversed with him there. You can see in the video at 3:15 that the spreadsheet is not sorted by time, it is sorted by vote ratio. It is completely unsurprising that numerous precincts would have the same vote ratio at various times. Numbers (common denominators) and all that.

2) At 6:28, they show an internet post purportedly to be from Ruby Freeman. The post was made by a parody account, RubyFreeman_Georgia.

All that said, Ruby Freeman should have some real explaining to do. Not only regarding the recounting of the same votes after clearing the counting location of all observers and media due to a water main break (overflowing urinal) and also this shady alleged USB handoff...

I encourage all of my fellow Conservatives, everyone actually, to carefully and skeptically consider everything they read on the internet everywhere these days.

We are truly in an age of information warfare.

Strange how there are zero arrests when there are all of these "easily proven" felonies taking place.

Oh wait, let me guess, every cop in every jurisdiction in every county, in every state is "in on it".

Strange how when there were like 8,000 losers in November's elections....there is only one orange blob bitching about voter fraud. A lot of the losers were cheated too...right?
Any libs want to refute this point by point?

That will get removed quick off YouTube.

No lefties here can dispute the facts, massive fraud in those four states for sure. Who knows how much happened in other states.

Here's the thing that you zero's just don't get that has destroyed the, "stop the steal" argument. After Trump called the Georgia election official 18 times and finally got to talk to him, Trump finally said he needed 11,780 votes when he knew he wasn't getting anywhere with the official. Meaning, steal 11,780 votes from somewhere. Trump is admitting that the election was not stolen, and that Trump himself was trying to steal the election himself. You have to be a brain dead, potato head, vegetable not to understand that. There, fixed it for you cheating idiots.
Any libs want to refute this point by point?

Yes. It’s people misinterpreting the data. They talk about “anomalies” where large vote tallies went heavily for Biden. This is exactly what you expect because large population centers sometimes upload large numbers of votes at once and those areas have been heavily democratic for many years. This is entirely expected.

The author never even thinks to find out where these vote updates came from. Shoddy work.
Yes. It’s people misinterpreting the data. They talk about “anomalies” where large vote tallies went heavily for Biden. This is exactly what you expect because large population centers sometimes upload large numbers of votes at once and those areas have been heavily democratic for many years. This is entirely expected.

The author never even thinks to find out where these vote updates came from. Shoddy work.
So there are no places that heavily favor Repubs. that would have given Trump the same kind of spikes.

So there are no places that heavily favor Repubs. that would have given Trump the same kind of spikes.
There were many places that heavily favored Trump but you won’t find large vote updates because those places are primarily small and rural although quite numerous.

if you want even better data, look at this map.
There were many places that heavily favored Trump but you won’t find large vote updates because those places are primarily small and rural although quite numerous.

if you want even better data, look at this map.
DATA: Trump Won 95% Of Bellwether Counties, Making Biden ...

“Out of 3,000 counties in this country, there are 19 that have a perfect track record since 1980 of voting for the successful presidential candidate,” Cortes noted. “Donald Trump, on November 3, won 18 out of these 19 counties. Could these bellwether counties really have gotten it wrong all at the same time?”


It is an act of sedition to watch, comment on, or share this video.

Place your hands on the yellow circles and await transport to reeducation. Resistance is futile.


This video will be memoryholed in 3...2...1...
There were many places that heavily favored Trump but you won’t find large vote updates because those places are primarily small and rural although quite numerous.

if you want even better data, look at this map.
DATA: Trump Won 95% Of Bellwether Counties, Making Biden ...

“Out of 3,000 counties in this country, there are 19 that have a perfect track record since 1980 of voting for the successful presidential candidate,” Cortes noted. “Donald Trump, on November 3, won 18 out of these 19 counties. Could these bellwether counties really have gotten it wrong all at the same time?”
There’s nothing special about “bellwether” counties. Things change. Electorate changes.
Any libs want to refute this point by point?

That's a video. It is not evidence. It's someone's opinion. Evidence is affidavits - real ones, filed in court, and eyewitness accounts, stated in court under oath.

Did you watch the video? It is based on a bunch of facts with a narrator.

I want to know what the judges reaction is/was/will be to the first bit of 'Evidence' or 'facts' about statistical anomalies.
Right ...
.... Time to admit that once again the Democrats cheated fair and square to put Quid-pro-quo~groper and molester Joe in the White House. The next Great Divider(in the style of MaObama) will do an excellent job of dividing our nation further while destroying our economy and national security.

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