Here is what I want to know from Democrats at USMB....

Joe believes that the top 10% paying 70% of all collected income tax is not enough, but companies that won't pay a floor sweeper a living wage are the greedy ones.

Yup, you got it about nailed.

The top 20% have 87% of the wealth, and income taxes are not the only taxes out there.

Seriously, guy, the rich are going to be just fine, you don't need to worry your little head about them.

Well conservatives are not like liberals. We don't divide Americans into dozens of little groups and pick out who we like and who we hate, and base legislation on that.

What we do is want to see everybody treated fairly, particularly when it comes to economics and society. When 10% of our population is paying almost 3/4 of all taxes, we think that's unfair; it's not that we are worried about people. Worrying about people is a liberal thing.

You are correct on one thing though: income taxes are not the only taxes out there. The wealthy pay those taxes on top of their income taxes.
The rich already paid their fair share when they were getting rich. Wealth is taxed as you earn it, moron. So if someone has wealth, they already paid the taxes on their earning it. Now they are using that wealth to help other people and they pay a lesser tax on the wealth they earn from that wealth, but you're not okay with that. Your greedy ass won't be satisfied until you force them to withdraw their wealth from those who could use it and sock it away in sheltered accounts where you can't touch it. You should work on that jealousy and envy problem.

Naw, guy. You see, that's why you need HUGE estate taxes, so when these greedy fucks die, we redistribute their wealth.

I've seen how the Wealthy have "helped" us over the last 50 years. They are trying to make the rest of the country as fucked up as... (wait for it) Alabama...

I'm sure our founders would be proud of people like you. The very idea that the federal government should take nearly everything away from a person upon death. I'm sure that's what they had in mind when they created the federal government.
Why are you not supporting Bernie Sanders?

Hillary and Bill went on vacation with the Bush family! They are big buddies! Friends with Trump too!

In the 2008 primaries, Hillary was dumped for Obama because she was TOO CONSERVATIVE!

She voted for the Iraq War.
She opposed Saddam Hussein.
She said Iraq had WMDs!

Yet SHE is your frontrunner and it seems everyone here is carrying the water for Hillary. I see no posts from Bernie's supporters attacking her or criticizing her on anything. She is up to her eyeballs in scandals and corruption and you people just keep right on defending her like she's some kind of fucking saint.

Meanwhile, Bernie is representative of WHO you are! His ideas and policies are what YOU advocate! His record as a left-wing ideologue is stellar.... it's even better than Obama's. He has a proven track record of standing up for what he believes in and doesn't talk out of both sides of his mouth, while Hillary will pander to whatever crowd she is speaking to at the moment. She has never accomplished a thing, as a Senator, First Lady or Secretary of State. In fact, she has done nothing but FAIL at everything. There is nothing to show that she has affected any kind of positive change for any American.

Why do you support HER but not the guy who truly represents your core values?

I don't get it. :dunno:

Because they are voting for Trump.
The rich already paid their fair share when they were getting rich. Wealth is taxed as you earn it, moron. So if someone has wealth, they already paid the taxes on their earning it. Now they are using that wealth to help other people and they pay a lesser tax on the wealth they earn from that wealth, but you're not okay with that. Your greedy ass won't be satisfied until you force them to withdraw their wealth from those who could use it and sock it away in sheltered accounts where you can't touch it. You should work on that jealousy and envy problem.

Naw, guy. You see, that's why you need HUGE estate taxes, so when these greedy fucks die, we redistribute their wealth.

I've seen how the Wealthy have "helped" us over the last 50 years. They are trying to make the rest of the country as fucked up as... (wait for it) Alabama...

Well that's not really working either because they can diversify and distribute their wealth long before they die and avoid the death tax. The ones you hit are the family farms who can't diversify and split everything up. You're not nailing the super rich because they're WAY smarter than you.
Why does supporting Sanders have to include attacking Clinton?

Because you're in a thing called a PRIMARY. It's when your party determines which candidate is going to represent you in the general election. If your candidate isn't willing to fight for the support of the voters he may as well have not put his name in the hat. If he is gonna go out there and campaign for Hillary, she's going to win the primary hands down... maybe that was the plan all along? Throw the radical ideologue out there and juxtapose Hillary as the "more reasonable" choice... then give ol' Bern a nice cushy cabinet position.
Well conservatives are not like liberals. We don't divide Americans into dozens of little groups and pick out who we like and who we hate, and base legislation on that.

What we do is want to see everybody treated fairly, particularly when it comes to economics and society. When 10% of our population is paying almost 3/4 of all taxes, we think that's unfair;

Again, 10% of the population has 75% of the wealth, they SHOULD be paying 75% of the taxes.

Of course, they don't. Because when Reagan and Bush cut taxes on the rich, the tax burden got shifted onto the working class.

it's not that we are worried about people. Worrying about people is a liberal thing.

Yes, Conservatism is a sustained argument for selfishness. It isn't even about policies anymore, because after you were proven wrong about Supply Side and Laffer Curves, your argument has boiled down to how "unfair' it is that rich pay more and can we come up with some kind of schemes where they pay less.

You are correct on one thing though: income taxes are not the only taxes out there. The wealthy pay those taxes on top of their income taxes.

But again, not really. For instance, the 12% of tax we pay for Social Security is capped at $118,000. so the rich aren't paying that tax, really. $118,000 wouldn't buy a good quality Dressage horse. Sales taxes, cigarette taxes, tolls, etc. all disproportionately hit the working class.

Well that's not really working either because they can diversify and distribute their wealth long before they die and avoid the death tax. The ones you hit are the family farms who can't diversify and split everything up. You're not nailing the super rich because they're WAY smarter than you.

Guy, we had no problem making the rich pay their fair share before that asshole Reagan came along. The rich aren't as smart as you think they are. You've obviously never talked to any rich people. Most of them are kind of dull.
just make the rich pay their fair share.

The rich already paid their fair share when they were getting rich. Wealth is taxed as you earn it, moron. So if someone has wealth, they already paid the taxes on their earning it. Now they are using that wealth to help other people and they pay a lesser tax on the wealth they earn from that wealth, but you're not okay with that. Your greedy ass won't be satisfied until you force them to withdraw their wealth from those who could use it and sock it away in sheltered accounts where you can't touch it. You should work on that jealousy and envy problem.

Joe believes that the top 10% paying 70% of all collected income tax is not enough, but companies that won't pay a floor sweeper a living wage are the greedy ones.

What do you think we, as a society, should do with floor sweepers? Not everyone can be a CEO

Right now, the company pays him as little as they can and the taxpayers pick up the rest

Is that model acceptable with you?
I'm sure our founders would be proud of people like you. The very idea that the federal government should take nearly everything away from a person upon death. I'm sure that's what they had in mind when they created the federal government.

I don't look at the American Revolution as a good thing. The Founders were a bunch of slave-raping assholes who didn't want to pay their fair share in taxes for a war THEY started.

Sorry, I don't think that our current estate and trust laws allow for worthless sacks of shit like THIS...

having a bunch of money to snort coke and act stupid is a good thing. I'd much rather take that money and spend it on schools and roads and things that will make the country better for the rest of us.
Because you're in a thing called a PRIMARY. It's when your party determines which candidate is going to represent you in the general election. If your candidate isn't willing to fight for the support of the voters he may as well have not put his name in the hat. If he is gonna go out there and campaign for Hillary, she's going to win the primary hands down... maybe that was the plan all along? Throw the radical ideologue out there and juxtapose Hillary as the "more reasonable" choice... then give ol' Bern a nice cushy cabinet position.

I think Bernie is indeed sincere in his belief that wealth distribution is a real problem, as is our lack of investment in infrastructure and education.

Now, if the Democrats nominate Bernie and the REpublicans nominate Trump, then there probably is a gap for Bloomberg to get in there as a moderate.
Well conservatives are not like liberals. We don't divide Americans into dozens of little groups and pick out who we like and who we hate, and base legislation on that.

Yea I have noticed that.
Republicans just divide into two groups.

the very, very rich (whose dicks you people suck all day) and the rest of us.
Which is the group you are in.

But somehow you can justify your groupings, calling them fair and equitable. All the while you HAtE you some poor people.

And then you want to act like the uber weatlhy do two things; appreciate you standing up for them and thinking the uber wealthy give a flying fuck about you and what you think.

Funny shit you write.
Why does supporting Sanders have to include attacking Clinton?

Because you're in a thing called a PRIMARY. It's when your party determines which candidate is going to represent you in the general election. If your candidate isn't willing to fight for the support of the voters he may as well have not put his name in the hat. If he is gonna go out there and campaign for Hillary, she's going to win the primary hands down... maybe that was the plan all along? Throw the radical ideologue out there and juxtapose Hillary as the "more reasonable" choice... then give ol' Bern a nice cushy cabinet position.
The campaign should focus on why you're the qualified candidate, not why the other guy isn't. In fighting and the politics of personal destruction appeals to a shallower mind. I wonder why.
Guy, we had no problem making the rich pay their fair share before that asshole Reagan came along. The rich aren't as smart as you think they are. You've obviously never talked to any rich people. Most of them are kind of dull.

No, when Reagan became president you weren't making anyone pay anything. We had 21% prime interest rates and runaway inflation. The top marginal income tax rate was 71% and virtually no one was paying it.

The rich are very smart. That's why they are rich and you're not. It has nothing to do with dull or exciting.... or how much fun they are to talk to. You are the dullard in the room... all you ever want to suggest is fascist strong-arm tactics to steal the wealth of those who earned it so you can redistribute it into your socialist scheme. When you're not droning on like a radical left-wing nutbag you're lying about having once been a republican.
The campaign should focus on why you're the qualified candidate, not why the other guy isn't. In fighting and the politics of personal destruction appeals to a shallower mind. I wonder why.

Bernie is getting his clock cleaned by someone who should, for all practical purposes, be in jail. It's not "politics of personal destruction" to point out your opponent is an un-indicted felon who isn't qualified to hold any public office. Hillary sure doesn't mind telling her audiences how Bernie isn't qualified.
The campaign should focus on why you're the qualified candidate, not why the other guy isn't. In fighting and the politics of personal destruction appeals to a shallower mind. I wonder why.

Bernie is getting his clock cleaned by someone who should, for all practical purposes, be in jail. It's not "politics of personal destruction" to point out your opponent is an un-indicted felon who isn't qualified to hold any public office. Hillary sure doesn't mind telling her audiences how Bernie isn't qualified.
It's no secret that the Republicans hate the Clintons. It is also no secret that the Republicans will claim the most outlandish things to make political points concerning the Clintons. They (the Republicans) have made accusations ranging from fraud to murder and none of them have stuck.

Bernie is conducting a campaign of ideas, a campaign of motivation and purpose. To taint such a noble campaign with the, thus far, unsuccessful tactics of Republicans would be a shame.
It's no secret that the Republicans hate the Clintons.
Are you now denying that the Republicans hate the Clintons, or are you suggesting that the collegiality among former Presidents is a sham?

Well, I have voted Republican in every election since 1980 and aside from his perjury and sexual escapades, I actually liked Clinton's governing. For all the nonsense liberals push about how today's Republican would kick Reagan out of the party, I believe Bill Clinton would be loathed by today's Democrats, just as his keynote speaker Zell Miller was.
Well conservatives are not like liberals. We don't divide Americans into dozens of little groups and pick out who we like and who we hate, and base legislation on that.

Yea I have noticed that.
Republicans just divide into two groups.

the very, very rich (whose dicks you people suck all day) and the rest of us.
Which is the group you are in.

But somehow you can justify your groupings, calling them fair and equitable. All the while you HAtE you some poor people.

And then you want to act like the uber weatlhy do two things; appreciate you standing up for them and thinking the uber wealthy give a flying fuck about you and what you think.

Funny shit you write.

The Republicans divided people into the very, very rich and the rest of us? When did that happen? We are for treating the rich and poor the same way. It's liberals that want to attack the rich because it's one of their hated groups like I said. You're on here saying how evil and greedy the rich are, how they take advantage of their workers, how they are responsible for people being on social programs...........

Then there is your "loved" group, the lazy......... I mean poor.

You leftists make excuses for them, you give them more and more social goodies when you have the power to do so, you keep them poor so that they always need Democrats. The lazy are one of your top loved groups because they help keep Democrats in power.
Because you're in a thing called a PRIMARY. It's when your party determines which candidate is going to represent you in the general election. If your candidate isn't willing to fight for the support of the voters he may as well have not put his name in the hat. If he is gonna go out there and campaign for Hillary, she's going to win the primary hands down... maybe that was the plan all along? Throw the radical ideologue out there and juxtapose Hillary as the "more reasonable" choice... then give ol' Bern a nice cushy cabinet position.

I think Bernie is indeed sincere in his belief that wealth distribution is a real problem, as is our lack of investment in infrastructure and education.

Now, if the Democrats nominate Bernie and the REpublicans nominate Trump, then there probably is a gap for Bloomberg to get in there as a moderate.

Or maybe Nanny Bloomberg will get in there no matter who is nominated. Then your goose will really be cooked.
I'm sure our founders would be proud of people like you. The very idea that the federal government should take nearly everything away from a person upon death. I'm sure that's what they had in mind when they created the federal government.

I don't look at the American Revolution as a good thing. The Founders were a bunch of slave-raping assholes who didn't want to pay their fair share in taxes for a war THEY started.

Sorry, I don't think that our current estate and trust laws allow for worthless sacks of shit like THIS...

having a bunch of money to snort coke and act stupid is a good thing. I'd much rather take that money and spend it on schools and roads and things that will make the country better for the rest of us.

Of course you would. You're a Communist. You don't believe in a free capitalistic society. You want to live in the Cradle-to-Grave society where government owns just about everything including money which they distribute as they see fit. You want to see a society where government tells you what to do, when to do it, and how long to do it for.

It really makes me wonder why people like you stay in a country like this when there are others that would meet your desires such as North Korea or Cuba. In their societies, everybody is equal--equally poor. The government feeds you, provides you with medical care if you want to call it that, and no citizens have guns or wealth--only the government.

I think what you should do is move to one of those places, try it out for a couple of years, and then move back (if they allow you to) and tell us how it was. See if you don't kiss the ground of a country those slave raping assholes made for you.

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