Here is what I want to know from Democrats at USMB....

just make the rich pay their fair share.

The rich already paid their fair share when they were getting rich. Wealth is taxed as you earn it, moron. So if someone has wealth, they already paid the taxes on their earning it. Now they are using that wealth to help other people and they pay a lesser tax on the wealth they earn from that wealth, but you're not okay with that. Your greedy ass won't be satisfied until you force them to withdraw their wealth from those who could use it and sock it away in sheltered accounts where you can't touch it. You should work on that jealousy and envy problem.

Joe believes that the top 10% paying 70% of all collected income tax is not enough, but companies that won't pay a floor sweeper a living wage are the greedy ones.

What do you think we, as a society, should do with floor sweepers? Not everyone can be a CEO

Right now, the company pays him as little as they can and the taxpayers pick up the rest

Is that model acceptable with you?

Not at all. I'm for cutting social programs drastically. Then those people might try harder to be more successful in life and actually become something.

That's the way it was when I was younger. Social programs didn't pay diddly, and nobody I knew was ever on them outside of unemployment which working people paid into. People worked harder and more days or hours. More people sought a career of some kind in order to make more money. Nobody I knew used a box store as an excuse to be a failure and continue to be a failure.

There are a lot of jobs between a CEO and floor sweeper. I see them all the time when I go through industrial areas with all those HELP WANTED signs that seem to be there forever because companies can't find workers. I know what my employer went through to find new workers. Oh yes, some of them said they would accept the job, but none of them would give up smoking pot to get it. Pot is more important than making a living. Why? Because they always have taxpayers to suck off of.
The rich already paid their fair share when they were getting rich. Wealth is taxed as you earn it, moron. So if someone has wealth, they already paid the taxes on their earning it. Now they are using that wealth to help other people and they pay a lesser tax on the wealth they earn from that wealth, but you're not okay with that. Your greedy ass won't be satisfied until you force them to withdraw their wealth from those who could use it and sock it away in sheltered accounts where you can't touch it. You should work on that jealousy and envy problem.

Naw, guy. You see, that's why you need HUGE estate taxes, so when these greedy fucks die, we redistribute their wealth.

I've seen how the Wealthy have "helped" us over the last 50 years. They are trying to make the rest of the country as fucked up as... (wait for it) Alabama...

Well that's not really working either because they can diversify and distribute their wealth long before they die and avoid the death tax. The ones you hit are the family farms who can't diversify and split everything up. You're not nailing the super rich because they're WAY smarter than you.

Liberals don't like to look at it that way.

I'm Mr. Rich and I die off with 10 million dollars. The left believes government is owed half of that even though they did nothing for it but tax it along the way.

So I die leaving three kids, they collectively had seven children, and to be fair, I leave one million dollars to each of them.

A million dollars isn't a huge amount of money. My kids and grandkids can buy a nice house with the money, make investments, or pay off the bills they owe such as college, mortgages and so forth.

With liberals, my kids and grandkids wouldn't see a million dollars each, they would each get $500,000 because government got 5 million dollars of my money. That's what a liberal considers fair.
It's no secret that the Republicans hate the Clintons.
Are you now denying that the Republicans hate the Clintons, or are you suggesting that the collegiality among former Presidents is a sham?

Well, I have voted Republican in every election since 1980 and aside from his perjury and sexual escapades, I actually liked Clinton's governing. For all the nonsense liberals push about how today's Republican would kick Reagan out of the party, I believe Bill Clinton would be loathed by today's Democrats, just as his keynote speaker Zell Miller was.
Bill Clinton is more popular with Dems than Hillary is
There are a lot of jobs between a CEO and floor sweeper. I see them all the time

Ray, you got the answers dude.

Let me ask you this; 32 million adult Americans cant read. Another 29% of adults cant read above a basic 5th grade level. 19% of high school grads cant read. 70% of prison inmates cant read.

What kind of job you think these folks can do in the world today? Not much of one.

I think we should just take em out and shoot em.

Dont you agree?
just make the rich pay their fair share.

The rich already paid their fair share when they were getting rich. Wealth is taxed as you earn it, moron. So if someone has wealth, they already paid the taxes on their earning it. Now they are using that wealth to help other people and they pay a lesser tax on the wealth they earn from that wealth, but you're not okay with that. Your greedy ass won't be satisfied until you force them to withdraw their wealth from those who could use it and sock it away in sheltered accounts where you can't touch it. You should work on that jealousy and envy problem.

Joe believes that the top 10% paying 70% of all collected income tax is not enough, but companies that won't pay a floor sweeper a living wage are the greedy ones.

What do you think we, as a society, should do with floor sweepers? Not everyone can be a CEO

Right now, the company pays him as little as they can and the taxpayers pick up the rest

Is that model acceptable with you?

Not at all. I'm for cutting social programs drastically. Then those people might try harder to be more successful in life and actually become something.

That's the way it was when I was younger. Social programs didn't pay diddly, and nobody I knew was ever on them outside of unemployment which working people paid into. People worked harder and more days or hours. More people sought a career of some kind in order to make more money. Nobody I knew used a box store as an excuse to be a failure and continue to be a failure.

There are a lot of jobs between a CEO and floor sweeper. I see them all the time when I go through industrial areas with all those HELP WANTED signs that seem to be there forever because companies can't find workers. I know what my employer went through to find new workers. Oh yes, some of them said they would accept the job, but none of them would give up smoking pot to get it. Pot is more important than making a living. Why? Because they always have taxpayers to suck off of.
There are 30 million working Americans who still receive some form of government assistance to survive. Are you suggesting that they are not trying hard?
Do you believe there are 30 million second jobs or 30 million "better jobs" for them to move in to?

If me the employment statistics with 30 million unfilled jobs
The rich already paid their fair share when they were getting rich. Wealth is taxed as you earn it, moron. So if someone has wealth, they already paid the taxes on their earning it. Now they are using that wealth to help other people and they pay a lesser tax on the wealth they earn from that wealth, but you're not okay with that. Your greedy ass won't be satisfied until you force them to withdraw their wealth from those who could use it and sock it away in sheltered accounts where you can't touch it. You should work on that jealousy and envy problem.

Naw, guy. You see, that's why you need HUGE estate taxes, so when these greedy fucks die, we redistribute their wealth.

I've seen how the Wealthy have "helped" us over the last 50 years. They are trying to make the rest of the country as fucked up as... (wait for it) Alabama...

Well that's not really working either because they can diversify and distribute their wealth long before they die and avoid the death tax. The ones you hit are the family farms who can't diversify and split everything up. You're not nailing the super rich because they're WAY smarter than you.

Liberals don't like to look at it that way.

I'm Mr. Rich and I die off with 10 million dollars. The left believes government is owed half of that even though they did nothing for it but tax it along the way.

So I die leaving three kids, they collectively had seven children, and to be fair, I leave one million dollars to each of them.

A million dollars isn't a huge amount of money. My kids and grandkids can buy a nice house with the money, make investments, or pay off the bills they owe such as college, mortgages and so forth.

With liberals, my kids and grandkids wouldn't see a million dollars each, they would each get $500,000 because government got 5 million dollars of my money. That's what a liberal considers fair.
You clearly don't know anything about 'liberals,' you and most others on the right exhibit your ignorance concerning 'liberals' with every post, with every ridiculous straw man fallacy, and with every ridiculous lie.
There are a lot of jobs between a CEO and floor sweeper. I see them all the time

Ray, you got the answers dude.

Let me ask you this; 32 million adult Americans cant read. Another 29% of adults cant read above a basic 5th grade level. 19% of high school grads cant read. 70% of prison inmates cant read.

What kind of job you think these folks can do in the world today? Not much of one.

I think we should just take em out and shoot em.

Dont you agree?

Let me ask you this; 32 million adult Americans cant read. Another 29% of adults cant read above a basic 5th grade level. 19% of high school grads cant read. 70% of prison inmates cant read.

What kind of job you think these folks can do in the world today?

Ohhhhhh, let's import 20 million low-skilled illegals, to compete with them. That'll help.
'm Mr. Rich and I die off with 10 million dollars. The left believes government is owed half of that even though they did nothing for it but tax it along the way.

Active fantasy life you got there.

But I got to say, if you are worth 10 million and you havent taken advantage of esate planning stratagies, well lets say your 10 million is all in your mind.

And I seriously doubt you know wtf you are talking about.

But it sounds good to you doenst it?

But once again, you show your butt kissing tendencies to the rich and you hate you some poor.
Ohhhhhh, let's import 20 million low-skilled illegals, to compete with them. That'll help.

Hey hey its the second answer man.

So how whould you get all these millions of illiterate Americans off their ass to go after that toilet cleaning job?

Pay em less than a Mexican?
Ohhhhhh, let's import 20 million low-skilled illegals, to compete with them. That'll help.

Hey hey its the second answer man.

So how whould you get all these millions of illiterate Americans off their ass to go after that toilet cleaning job?

Pay em less than a Mexican?

Get rid of the Mexicans and industry will have to pay Americans more.
'm Mr. Rich and I die off with 10 million dollars. The left believes government is owed half of that even though they did nothing for it but tax it along the way.

Active fantasy life you got there.

But I got to say, if you are worth 10 million and you havent taken advantage of esate planning stratagies, well lets say your 10 million is all in your mind.

And I seriously doubt you know wtf you are talking about.

But it sounds good to you doenst it?

But once again, you show your butt kissing tendencies to the rich and you hate you some poor.

Well I understand you believe the rich are your enemy. The rich aren't really Americans in your world. They just suck up money and suck up money so there is nothing left for you.

So I kiss up to the rich and you kiss up to the poor. The rich are who made this country. The rich provide us those jobs, create those products we desire, erect those big buildings downtown, they pay most of the income taxes that the rest of us should be paying. They support the stock market and investments where our retirement accounts are at.

The poor? They contribute nothing to society. By the invitation of the Democrats, they have more and more children, suck up more and more welfare programs, and we give them a free cell phone to boot.

So when it comes to kissing butt, which one of us are kissing the right butt?
'm Mr. Rich and I die off with 10 million dollars. The left believes government is owed half of that even though they did nothing for it but tax it along the way.

Active fantasy life you got there.

But I got to say, if you are worth 10 million and you havent taken advantage of esate planning stratagies, well lets say your 10 million is all in your mind.

And I seriously doubt you know wtf you are talking about.

But it sounds good to you doenst it?

But once again, you show your butt kissing tendencies to the rich and you hate you some poor.

Well I understand you believe the rich are your enemy. The rich aren't really Americans in your world. They just suck up money and suck up money so there is nothing left for you.

So I kiss up to the rich and you kiss up to the poor. The rich are who made this country. The rich provide us those jobs, create those products we desire, erect those big buildings downtown, they pay most of the income taxes that the rest of us should be paying. They support the stock market and investments where our retirement accounts are at.

The poor? They contribute nothing to society. By the invitation of the Democrats, they have more and more children, suck up more and more welfare programs, and we give them a free cell phone to boot.

So when it comes to kissing butt, which one of us are kissing the right butt?

What I find interesting but sad at the same time is when those who despise the rich and claim they care so much about the poor need something, whatever it may be, they turn to the rich. It may be a job. How many of those that despise those they consider rich send their application to a poor person when they want a job? None.
just make the rich pay their fair share.

The rich already paid their fair share when they were getting rich. Wealth is taxed as you earn it, moron. So if someone has wealth, they already paid the taxes on their earning it. Now they are using that wealth to help other people and they pay a lesser tax on the wealth they earn from that wealth, but you're not okay with that. Your greedy ass won't be satisfied until you force them to withdraw their wealth from those who could use it and sock it away in sheltered accounts where you can't touch it. You should work on that jealousy and envy problem.

Joe believes that the top 10% paying 70% of all collected income tax is not enough, but companies that won't pay a floor sweeper a living wage are the greedy ones.

What do you think we, as a society, should do with floor sweepers? Not everyone can be a CEO

Right now, the company pays him as little as they can and the taxpayers pick up the rest

Is that model acceptable with you?

Not at all. I'm for cutting social programs drastically. Then those people might try harder to be more successful in life and actually become something.

That's the way it was when I was younger. Social programs didn't pay diddly, and nobody I knew was ever on them outside of unemployment which working people paid into. People worked harder and more days or hours. More people sought a career of some kind in order to make more money. Nobody I knew used a box store as an excuse to be a failure and continue to be a failure.

There are a lot of jobs between a CEO and floor sweeper. I see them all the time when I go through industrial areas with all those HELP WANTED signs that seem to be there forever because companies can't find workers. I know what my employer went through to find new workers. Oh yes, some of them said they would accept the job, but none of them would give up smoking pot to get it. Pot is more important than making a living. Why? Because they always have taxpayers to suck off of.
There are 30 million working Americans who still receive some form of government assistance to survive. Are you suggesting that they are not trying hard?
Do you believe there are 30 million second jobs or 30 million "better jobs" for them to move in to?

If me the employment statistics with 30 million unfilled jobs

I can show you hundreds of thousands of jobs that industry can't find workers for. Take my profession for example. This year, it's predicted that we will need over 60,000 new truck drivers this year that industry can't find. Some of the jobs will not only train you, but will pay you while you learn.

Now they have been forced to hire foreigners who can't even read or speak English. They are terrible drivers to boot. But what else can industry do?

My father is retired, and his former union sends retirees news letter from time to time. They sent one a few years ago asking their retirees to find people to apply for bricklaying jobs. Yes, it's tough work no doubt, but it's a career that pays pretty damn good money. My father did quite well for himself. Yet, they still couldn't find clean workers to take the jobs.

The internet is full of jobs that companies can't find workers for. Check it out yourself. All kinds of professions from construction to machining to truck drivers. When those jobs are all taken, then we can discuss the lack of jobs for Americans in this country.
There are a lot of jobs between a CEO and floor sweeper. I see them all the time

Ray, you got the answers dude.

Let me ask you this; 32 million adult Americans cant read. Another 29% of adults cant read above a basic 5th grade level. 19% of high school grads cant read. 70% of prison inmates cant read.

What kind of job you think these folks can do in the world today? Not much of one.

I think we should just take em out and shoot em.

Dont you agree?

So because we can't get rid of union teachers in our schools, we should just support these people? How about we get rid of the union teachers first and maybe put in teachers that can do the job to reduce those statistics?

I would sure love to see where you got those statistics by the way. I find it hard to believe that there are over 50 million people that can't read or can't read above a 5th grade level and I don't know any of them.
The rich already paid their fair share when they were getting rich. Wealth is taxed as you earn it, moron. So if someone has wealth, they already paid the taxes on their earning it. Now they are using that wealth to help other people and they pay a lesser tax on the wealth they earn from that wealth, but you're not okay with that. Your greedy ass won't be satisfied until you force them to withdraw their wealth from those who could use it and sock it away in sheltered accounts where you can't touch it. You should work on that jealousy and envy problem.

Joe believes that the top 10% paying 70% of all collected income tax is not enough, but companies that won't pay a floor sweeper a living wage are the greedy ones.

What do you think we, as a society, should do with floor sweepers? Not everyone can be a CEO

Right now, the company pays him as little as they can and the taxpayers pick up the rest

Is that model acceptable with you?

Not at all. I'm for cutting social programs drastically. Then those people might try harder to be more successful in life and actually become something.

That's the way it was when I was younger. Social programs didn't pay diddly, and nobody I knew was ever on them outside of unemployment which working people paid into. People worked harder and more days or hours. More people sought a career of some kind in order to make more money. Nobody I knew used a box store as an excuse to be a failure and continue to be a failure.

There are a lot of jobs between a CEO and floor sweeper. I see them all the time when I go through industrial areas with all those HELP WANTED signs that seem to be there forever because companies can't find workers. I know what my employer went through to find new workers. Oh yes, some of them said they would accept the job, but none of them would give up smoking pot to get it. Pot is more important than making a living. Why? Because they always have taxpayers to suck off of.
There are 30 million working Americans who still receive some form of government assistance to survive. Are you suggesting that they are not trying hard?
Do you believe there are 30 million second jobs or 30 million "better jobs" for them to move in to?

If me the employment statistics with 30 million unfilled jobs

I can show you hundreds of thousands of jobs that industry can't find workers for. Take my profession for example. This year, it's predicted that we will need over 60,000 new truck drivers this year that industry can't find. Some of the jobs will not only train you, but will pay you while you learn.

Now they have been forced to hire foreigners who can't even read or speak English. They are terrible drivers to boot. But what else can industry do?

My father is retired, and his former union sends retirees news letter from time to time. They sent one a few years ago asking their retirees to find people to apply for bricklaying jobs. Yes, it's tough work no doubt, but it's a career that pays pretty damn good money. My father did quite well for himself. Yet, they still couldn't find clean workers to take the jobs.

The internet is full of jobs that companies can't find workers for. Check it out yourself. All kinds of professions from construction to machining to truck drivers. When those jobs are all taken, then we can discuss the lack of jobs for Americans in this country.
Your anecdotal evidence of truck drivers in Cleveland does not account for the 30 million jobs that would be needed to keep workers off of public assistance
Americans are among the most productive in the world. Their declining wages and benefits don't reflect it
I would sure love to see where you got those statistics by the way. I find it hard to believe that there are over 50 million people that can't read or can't read above a 5th grade level and I

Shame you cant use google. Try typing in literacy rate. Try and educate yourself. You seem to be able to read.
Comprehend I am not to sure about.
Ohhhhhh, let's import 20 million low-skilled illegals, to compete with them. That'll help.

Hey hey its the second answer man.

So how whould you get all these millions of illiterate Americans off their ass to go after that toilet cleaning job?

Pay em less than a Mexican?

So how whould you get all these millions of illiterate Americans off their ass to go after that toilet cleaning job?

One step at a time.
Now why would you have to pay them less than a Mexican, if all the Mexicans went home?
So because we can't get rid of union teachers in our schools, we should just support these people? How about we get rid of the union teachers first and maybe put in teachers that can do the job to reduce those statistics?

Well Ray. You know what the biggest factor as to whether or not a kid learns to read well? How well the kids mother reads.

You know what 61 percent of poor families do not have in their houses?
Any reading material.

Just because you don't want to believe it Ray, it is true. Literacy rates are not good.

And its hard to find a job when you can't read well.
Why are you not supporting Bernie Sanders?

Hillary and Bill went on vacation with the Bush family! They are big buddies! Friends with Trump too!

In the 2008 primaries, Hillary was dumped for Obama because she was TOO CONSERVATIVE!

She voted for the Iraq War.
She opposed Saddam Hussein.
She said Iraq had WMDs!

Yet SHE is your frontrunner and it seems everyone here is carrying the water for Hillary. I see no posts from Bernie's supporters attacking her or criticizing her on anything. She is up to her eyeballs in scandals and corruption and you people just keep right on defending her like she's some kind of fucking saint.

Meanwhile, Bernie is representative of WHO you are! His ideas and policies are what YOU advocate! His record as a left-wing ideologue is stellar.... it's even better than Obama's. He has a proven track record of standing up for what he believes in and doesn't talk out of both sides of his mouth, while Hillary will pander to whatever crowd she is speaking to at the moment. She has never accomplished a thing, as a Senator, First Lady or Secretary of State. In fact, she has done nothing but FAIL at everything. There is nothing to show that she has affected any kind of positive change for any American.

Why do you support HER but not the guy who truly represents your core values?

I don't get it. :dunno:
Why does supporting Sanders have to include attacking Clinton? I support Bernie Sanders and will vote for him if I'm given the opportunity. But I will not attack Hillary Clinton in the meantime. Attacking opponents does not forward the message of the campaign, unless you believe in the current ideology of the Conservatives in America.

Positivity, not the politics of personal destruction is so much more invigorating, noble and purposeful.
In the 2008 primaries, Hillary was dumped for Obama because she was TOO CONSERVATIVE!

NK: Positivity, not the politics of personal destruction is so much more invigorating, noble and purposeful.

the baiter OP and company haven't a clue ...

Now why would you have to pay them less than a Mexican, if all the Mexicans went home?

You tell me first. How much does an illegal Mexican get paid to clean toilets.
And why would it pay more for an American to clean toilets?

How much is a clean toilet worth?

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