Here it comes: California panel set to release report calling for 'comprehensive reparations' to black Americans

Wouldn't surprise me Lisa. They'll take as big a handout as they can get, they're already quite accustomed to taking government freebies.
That's all they're good for: demanding ever more FREE shit. Otherwise, they're fucking worthless. No good to themselves or anyone else.

The only solution is total segregation. Yes, it CAN be done.
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Get ready to open your wallet.

"The report calls for expanded voter registration, policies to hold police more accountable in cases of alleged brutality, and recommends the creation of a special office that would, in part, help Black Americans who descended from free or enslaved Black people in the country at the end of the 19th century document their eligibility for financial restitution."

/-----/ Well, that is one way to rebuild Kaliforna's shrinking population.
You'll likely get a handout anyway. :laugh:
We Immigrants are typically wealthier than you poor whites. It's only ignorance and bigotry why you think we're likely to need your assistance. My cousins who were Doctors in West Virginia and would volunteer to treat the inbred whites up there used to laugh their asses off telling me about these toothless fucks who swore they were better than them because they were white.
What also speaks for itself is the almost unanimous rejection by black voters to Republican policies as any sort of solution to those problems.
You're a total fucking liar.

Your cult is FAR from "unanimous".

You're just a lying shit for brains leftard agitator, that's all.

I wouldn't be at all surprised if I caught you near a barricade someday
Wrong moron. As per the report they are getting reparations do to a history of racism and discrimination. I notice how none of you clowns can even reference, let alone refute the information presented in that report.
No one CARES about the information in the report.

We all know history, dumbass. It's nothing new.

You're STILL not getting any reparations.

Others have suffered WAY more than you or any of your ancestors.

They get paid first. You're last in line.

And as long as you insist on rioting to get your way, you will REMAIN last in line.

Grow a brain, leftard. Your methods will get you killed "eventually".
You're a total fucking liar.

Your cult is FAR from "unanimous".

You're just a lying shit for brains leftard agitator, that's all.

I wouldn't be at all surprised if I caught you near a barricade someday

Try hard cosplayer
No one CARES about the information in the report.

We all know history, dumbass. It's nothing new.

You're STILL not getting any reparations.

Others have suffered WAY more than you or any of your ancestors.

They get paid first. You're last in line.

And as long as you insist on rioting to get your way, you will REMAIN last in line.

Grow a brain, leftard. Your methods will get you killed "eventually".
That's not what the news is reporting you cuck. Is that the fantasy safe space you need to cocoon yourself in to feel secure? 😄
You obviously do you hurt little bitch. 😂
You don't know the meaning of hurt.

Until I catch you at the barricades, then you'll know.

You're a nasty little leftard prick who likes to get in peoples' faces.

But in case you haven't noticed, your bullshit has hit a brick wall.

Your activist heros are people like Al Sharpton. Thieves. Liars. Scumbags.

Lie down with dogs, wake up with fleas.
We Immigrants are typically wealthier than you poor whites. It's only ignorance and bigotry why you think we're likely to need your assistance. My cousins who were Doctors in West Virginia and would volunteer to treat the inbred whites up there used to laugh their asses off telling me about these toothless fucks who swore they were better than them because they were white.

There have been hundreds of thousands of "immigrants" flooding in over our southern border just this year, I assure you none of them are better educated, nor wealthier than me. The left of course refers to them as "refugees", but the truth is ALL of them were taught a way to get around our immigration laws, starting about 20 years ago. No matter who the fuck you are, just claim 'refugee' status, and you'll instantly be waved in, given a court hearing date, and let go. Those tripping over themselves to get here over the southern border, are coming right now in record #'s because the stupid fuck in the WH invited them to immediately "surge the border" once he was given the oath of office. They are not coming here because they are wealthier than most Americans.

Now let's get to REAL immigrants, they come here MORE motivated than lazy-ass Americans because they are taking advantage of the SUPERIOR system that allows them to reach for the stars!
Unfortunately Americans from every group STUPIDLY sit back and refuse to take advantage of a system that their forefathers fought hard to put in place for them. They are either taking drugs, or dealing drugs. I've got no use for them, they would all be exterminated in my world!

By the way, you can thank the white people of the world for all the technology you have become accustomed to.

I would suggest reading this book, you may end up having a much higher appreciation of Europeans after you read it.

Inventing Freedom: How the English-Speaking Peoples Made the Modern World​

I can think of a few things democrats have done for the poor, not so well off, etc. Head Start, Social Security, Medicare. Can't say as I know republicans pitching in to help the least among us. They usually pitch in to cut taxes for the very wealthy. Reagan, Bush jr., and Trump gave them huge tax breaks almost as soon as they got into office.
I can think of a few things democrats have done for the poor, not so well off, etc. Head Start, Social Security, Medicare. Can't say as I know republicans pitching in to help the least among us. They usually pitch in to cut taxes for the very wealthy. Reagan, Bush jr., and Trump gave them huge tax breaks almost as soon as they got into office.
Tax breaks for the wealthy = employment

Look man, if you're poor you better get a job and work your way out of it

The BAD thing is if there aren't any jobs available.

It's not a matter of fairness, it's a matter of sound economics.

We ALWAYS want jobs available, because jobs equate with income which equates with upward mobility.

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