Here it comes: California panel set to release report calling for 'comprehensive reparations' to black Americans

you calling me a dumbfuck? are hilarious the majority of the threads you are in,someone always seems to call you that,i wonder why?.......but hey, you do have great stories to tell....and thats what they are, stories told by a loser trying to make it seen like he has some relevance.........
Like I said before, if it's a con calling me a dummy, I wear it as a badge of honor. It tells me I must be on to something.

My favorite posts are the ones you guys don't respond back to. I must have made a good point. It's like when I call out lefties. You're never around when I do it. But when I do it, they never respond. Because they don't want to argue with a fellow liberal. They know there must be some truth to what I'm saying. They shouldn't be so dug into the lefts position that they defend everything. For example that tranny swimmer. I support her using the ladies room but not competing against women.

I'm sorry when you piss me off and I call you a dumb fuck or something like that. Just know when I do it it's because I'm passionate about your stupidity. I know you're a good guy so lighten up snowflake.

It's funny, now that I know you're a Sicilian who looks like a n*#*r I see you in a whole new light. LOL.
Yeah, they were born black.
I heard someone say something that made sense to me maybe it'll make sense to you. I'm sure you're a pretty successful white male who had 2 good parents right? Even if not, you live in a society that a poor white trash orphan can make his way in life as long as he's not a fucking nut job when he turns 18. He can work in a factory that won't hire blacks, go to college because he didn't go to an inner city ghetto school , go to the military and rise through the ranks faster than blacks because of prejudice. There are just more economic opportunities for a poor white man living in a white community than there are a poor black man living in a ghetto. The Kerner Commission confirmed this to be true.

Anyways, long story short is this. Let's imagine I enslaved your great grandfather but let your grandfather go free. But then I treated him, his son and you like a 2nd class citizen. Then I turn to you and say, "we don't treat blacks like second class citizens, we don't discriminate in the work place, bias doesn't exist, why don't you make something of yourself? Look at Donald Trump and Bill Gates they made it so why can't you?

Do you see what I'm getting at? What would your life be right now if I did this to your great grandfather, your grandfather, your father and you?

Would you be stupid enough to come back with, "but I never owned a slave"
I would love to see the government make you as well. If you're living in California and refuse to pay your taxes they will. No amount of puffing out your chest on the internet is going to make anyone here believe you're going to take on the government. Clown. 😂
I have no interest in taking down the government.

If the people of California want to piss their money away, that's their own business. I live in Oklahoma, I have nothing to say about it.

However California will not be receiving even one red cent in reparations money from this boy.

They can pay my kids FIRST, for all the bullshit they went through in San Francisco, at the hands of the mostly violent leftards

I'd really like to see the State of California try to throw millions of people in jail on a racial basis. THAT I would like to see.
I have no interest in taking down the government.

If the people of California want to piss their money away, that's their own business. I live in Oklahoma, I have nothing to say about it.

However California will not be receiving even one red cent in reparations money from this boy.

They can pay my kids FIRST, for all the bullshit they went through in San Francisco, at the hands of the mostly violent leftards

I'd really like to see the State of California try to throw millions of people in jail on a racial basis. THAT I would like to see.
They're not going to be paying your kids shit and these calls for reparations will spread the country browns. You and your children, no matter where you reside in the US will eventually pay up. 😁

You said "Somebody already did something for it."

I believe you're implying that blacks deserve it since they have spent generations fighting the white power structure that has kept them down, and that they've built up the sweat 'equity' (the new buzz word) and deserve the reparations (money) now.

My response is, the people now that will get the pot of gold, are getting it because they had the good fortune of being born black.
I heard someone say something that made sense to me maybe it'll make sense to you. I'm sure you're a pretty successful white male who had 2 good parents right? Even if not, you live in a society that a poor white trash orphan can make his way in life as long as he's not a fucking nut job when he turns 18. He can work in a factory that won't hire blacks, go to college because he didn't go to an inner city ghetto school , go to the military and rise through the ranks faster than blacks because of prejudice. There are just more economic opportunities for a poor white man living in a white community than there are a poor black man living in a ghetto. The Kerner Commission confirmed this to be true.

Anyways, long story short is this. Let's imagine I enslaved your great grandfather but let your grandfather go free. But then I treated him, his son and you like a 2nd class citizen. Then I turn to you and say, "we don't treat blacks like second class citizens, we don't discriminate in the work place, bias doesn't exist, why don't you make something of yourself? Look at Donald Trump and Bill Gates they made it so why can't you?

Do you see what I'm getting at? What would your life be right now if I did this to your great grandfather, your grandfather, your father and you?

Would you be stupid enough to come back with, "but I never owned a slave"

Yeah yeah yeah, I've heard this song a million times.
Yes us liberals are only slightly less racist than conservatives. For example, I wouldn't want my daughter dating a black guy just like you. But I support diversity programs designed to hire more minorities and women.

I'm also misogynistic. Just not as mysogynistic as you.

I'm also a little homophobic. Just not as homophobic as you.

LOL! The guy who voted for the candidate who said "poor kids are just as bright as white kids" is confessing to be "just a little racist".

By the way, say hi to your fellow "just a little racist" DemoKKKrats for me:



They're not going to be paying your kids shit and these calls for reparations will spread the country browns. You and your children, no matter where you reside in the US will eventually pay up. 😁

Yep, as the saying goes, as California goes, so goes the nation.
It will happen, but we're very accustomed to giving our hard earned money away to the government and watching them dole it out to those with their palms out to the government, so it's just the same old crap in the end.
You said "Somebody already did something for it."

I believe you're implying that blacks deserve it since they have spent generations fighting the white power structure that has kept them down, and that they've built up the sweat 'equity' (the new buzz word) and deserve the reparations (money) now.

My response is, the people now that will get the pot of gold, are getting it because they had the good fortune of being born black.
Wrong moron. As per the report they are getting reparations do to a history of racism and discrimination. I notice how none of you clowns can even reference, let alone refute the information presented in that report.
How about retroactive bonuses for Vets.? You get big bucks for signing up today. I didn't get a dime back in the 60's.
Wrong moron. As per the report they are getting reparations do to a history of racism and discrimination. I notice how none of you clowns can even reference, let alone refute the information presented in that report.

I don't refute it. California, like all places run by DemoKKKrats, is a terrible, terrible place for black people to live. The violent crime and murder statistics in those shitholes speak for themselves.
I don't refute it. California, like all places run by DemoKKKrats, is a terrible, terrible place for black people to live. The violent crime and murder statistics in those shitholes speak for themselves.
What also speaks for itself is the almost unanimous rejection by black voters to Republican policies as any sort of solution to those problems.
Wrong moron. As per the report they are getting reparations do to a history of racism and discrimination. I notice how none of you clowns can even reference, let alone refute the information presented in that report.

IMO, the people who "deserve" it are long gone.
Today's blacks have had every opportunity to improve their own lives and the lives of their families. Too many of them have chosen the government dole path, that has too many black males impregnating as many baby mommas as they can create. The government check has essentially replaced the father figure in the house, and that in itself has created too many children that have grown up not having a foundation of right and wrong, and this has led to what we see today, which is way too much crime both violent and property crime, and this endless spiral of failure and poverty.
There are countless government mandates and programs that are readily available to the black community.
Affirmative Action and welfare is all the reparations you need, but too many of you have chosen a different path that you believe will make you successful. The vast majority of the shootings and crime in the inner cities are directly connected to gangs and drugs. This path has gotten the black community nothing but misery.
IMO, the people who "deserve" it are long gone.
Today's blacks have had every opportunity to improve their own lives and the lives of their families. Too many of them have chosen the government dole path, that has too many black males impregnating as many baby mommas as they can create. The government check has essentially replaced the father figure in the house, and that in itself has created too many children that have grown up not having a foundation of right and wrong, and this has led to what we see today, which is way too much crime both violent and property crime, and this endless spiral of failure and poverty.
There are countless government mandates and programs that are readily available to the black community.
Affirmative Action and welfare is all the reparations you need, but too many of you have chosen a different path that you believe will make you successful. The vast majority of the shootings and crime in the inner cities are directly connected to gangs and drugs. This path has gotten the black community nothing but misery.
Doesn't take long to find out who the real racists are does it? 😄
Today, California is one of the worst places for a black person to live.
California is making a massive mistake because the whole state is slowly but surely turning majority Latino. This will come back to bite them in the ass so hard they won't have an ass left.
Latinos will not tolerate this... it's not a part of their history.
Just my opinion.
I don't care about your uninformed opinion. Your opinion doesn't seem to be able to explain why whites with college educations and high income jobs have 3 times more wealth on average than their black counterparts with similar educations and jobs or why middle income white households who's parents don't have college educations still have 10 times the wealth on average than black families with college educations. Even when black families do everything right, according to white racists like yourself, their outcomes still fall short of white people who don't even make it to college.
I don't care about your uninformed opinion. Your opinion doesn't seem to be able to explain why whites with college educations and high income jobs have 3 times more wealth on average than their black counterparts with similar educations and jobs or why middle income white households who's parents don't have college educations still have 10 times the wealth on average than black families with college educations. Even when black families do everything right, according to white racists like yourself, their outcomes still fall short of white people who don't even make it to college.

Don't worry, you're going to get your government money.

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