Here it comes: California panel set to release report calling for 'comprehensive reparations' to black Americans

What's the issue? They can spend it on Biden/Newsom gas. I am calling $8 per gallon in Cali by Aug 1.

It's already there in some places in Cali.

You trying to make yourself look like some kind of oracle??
What a dotard.
How about a black person telling you that you don't know shit about being black and should not comment on what's good for us.

Here’s how it works. If you rely on my money I can comment all I want. Don’t want to hear it. Rely on yourself.

Don't you have anything more recent?

That was SIXTY years ago.

The report found that poverty and institutional racism were driving inner-city violence

Well no shit, Sherlock. You needed a report for that?

Many Conservatives blamed the riots on young black men, who represented the largest and most visible group of rioters. But, in March 1968, the Kerner Commission turned those assumptions upside-down, declaring white racism—not black anger—turned the key that unlocked urban American turmoil.

What a load of leftist horseshit.

"Not black anger"?

What fucking planet did these retarded leftist assholes come from?

Bad policing practices, a flawed justice system, unscrupulous consumer credit practices, poor or inadequate housing, high unemployment, voter suppression, and other culturally embedded forms of racial discrimination all converged to propel violent upheaval on the streets of African-American neighborhoods in American cities.

Funny, I could have sworn it was a white cop choking out a black drug addict who passed phony money.

“White society,” the presidentially appointed panel reported, “is deeply implicated in the ghetto. White institutions created it, white institutions maintain it, and white society condones it.”


You need look no further than the dimwitted DEMOCRATS like Lyndon Johnson, who made poor blacks dependent on the government

Republicans claim they weren't and aren't racists. But ask them if they agree with the Kerner Commissions findings and they'll say no. Just like they don't like BLM and defend the white police today when they murder blacks, I'm sure conservatives/republicans were against the Kerner Commissions conclusions.
BLM are a bunch of COMMUNISTS, leftwit. They have nothing to do with black people one way or the other.
Fuck 'em!
I hope California Korean- Americans move en mass to Las Vegas!
I'll even volunteer my time to help them get settled here.
Asians have been treated worse in California than blacks EVER were.

I'm not giving the blacks a fucking penny. They just caused 4 BILLION dollars worth of damage last summer, and they expect ME to pay for it?

Not a chance, homey. Not even a snowball's chance in hell
Get ready to open your wallet.

"The report calls for expanded voter registration, policies to hold police more accountable in cases of alleged brutality, and recommends the creation of a special office that would, in part, help Black Americans who descended from free or enslaved Black people in the country at the end of the 19th century document their eligibility for financial restitution."

I identity as black!
Asians have been treated worse in California than blacks EVER were.

I'm not giving the blacks a fucking penny. They just caused 4 BILLION dollars worth of damage last summer, and they expect ME to pay for it?

Not a chance, homey. Not even a snowball's chance in hell

If you live in California, some of your tax money you pay in will be used whether you like it or not. Welcome to the new America.
Get ready to open your wallet.

"The report calls for expanded voter registration, policies to hold police more accountable in cases of alleged brutality, and recommends the creation of a special office that would, in part, help Black Americans who descended from free or enslaved Black people in the country at the end of the 19th century document their eligibility for financial restitution."

And tens of trillions was not enough

The report found that poverty and institutional racism were driving inner-city violence

Many Conservatives blamed the riots on young black men, who represented the largest and most visible group of rioters. But, in March 1968, the Kerner Commission turned those assumptions upside-down, declaring white racism—not black anger—turned the key that unlocked urban American turmoil.

Bad policing practices, a flawed justice system, unscrupulous consumer credit practices, poor or inadequate housing, high unemployment, voter suppression, and other culturally embedded forms of racial discrimination all converged to propel violent upheaval on the streets of African-American neighborhoods in American cities.

“White society,” the presidentially appointed panel reported, “is deeply implicated in the ghetto. White institutions created it, white institutions maintain it, and white society condones it.”

Republicans claim they weren't and aren't racists. But ask them if they agree with the Kerner Commissions findings and they'll say no. Just like they don't like BLM and defend the white police today when they murder blacks, I'm sure conservatives/republicans were against the Kerner Commissions conclusions.
Why do Black idiots trash and torch their own neighborhood if their problems are the fault of Whites?
Republicans don't care if you don't vote or if you vote 3rd party. That's a win for them.
why is it a win for them?.....they say the same about your side getting the win.....i think its the person i voted for getting the win....
It's not obvious to you? Which party, which USMB members are the ones always arguing and trying to devise ways to get less people to vote? They say things like "they aren't smart enough to vote", which is funny because those poor people, minorities, women and middle class people voting Democratic are getting it right. If you'd wise up we'd be able to take back the country for We the People instead of corporations owning it all.

Yesterday some schmuck like you was asking me what I thought about a former Democratic speaker of the House. I didn't remember the guy. Now he's a lobbyist. So he was trying to suggest the guys a scumbag too. Only look deeper and you find the guy has a Political Action Committee that's trying to get campaign finance reform and big money out of politics.

I don't know why I waste my time with you. You're stupid. Yes, Republicans win when more people don't show up, or when you vote for a 3rd party.

Who would Kanye hurt if he ran?
Who would Bloomberg hurt if he ran?
Who would Trump hurt if he ran?
Who did Nader hurt when he ran?

Republicans want only land owners to be able to vote. Who would that hurt you dumb fuck?
you know what least i have enough balls to say fuck the parties if i think the people they put up are bottom of the barrel crawl down in that barrel with them and pledge your allegiance to matter how shitty they might be.....but then thats the way you die hard party people are....
Why do you think that? Because the Lamestream Media has brainwashed you. Hell, you even think it's liberal right? That's how fucked up you are.

If WE all vote Democratic because they are clearly the party for the middle class, and continue voting for them in the next midterm and general, then the Republicans would be forced to rethink their message and approach. Suddenly they wouldn't be the party that only serves the rich.

And I'm not talking about how Trump slickly pretended to be a man for the people. No he wasn't. If he was, I'd be a Trumpster. If he wasn't the typical Republican, I would have jumped on board. I didn't because he's a crook, liar and scumbag criminal. And his policies were just like Bush's.

I'm sorry politicians let you down but this is a 2 party system. You basically don't vote.

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