Here it comes: California panel set to release report calling for 'comprehensive reparations' to black Americans

There are still righties who are anti pot? LOL. Sorry, that only makes you a libertarian you idiot. LOL.

You are pro unions? Good for you!

What is a PO?

And if I would have stumbled across the rare times you've sided with the left, I would have stuck up for you.

Plus, I've always known you to be a moderately right leaning guy. Still, you're not voting for Hillary/Obama/Biden so piss on you. Might as well be voting for Trump. Republicans don't care if you don't vote or if you vote 3rd party. That's a win for them. It's like you didn't even show up to vote and we all know how much they love it when "idiots" like you don't vote.
you know what least i have enough balls to say fuck the parties if i think the people they put up are bottom of the barrel crawl down in that barrel with them and pledge your allegiance to matter how shitty they might be.....but then thats the way you die hard party people are....
I don't care what any of you who lean right think of me. You're all fucking idiots. If a lefty wants to come forward and agree with you, I'll consider your criticism valid. But if it's just all you right wing idiots who agree about me, you can all fuck right off.

And btw, when I said YOU I mean your kind. You're a Republican. You like Trump. You're a conservative. I see it in your posts. You clearly hate Hillary and Nancy more than you do Bush and Trump.
There are people who are Republican and not conservative. They are not RINOS either. Progs keep calling Republicans conservative. We need some conservatism. We have not seen much in many years.
Isn't that why you Republicans became anti welfare? You were fine with it back when single white mothers could get it but single black mothers were denied. As soon as the Supreme Court ruled that your policies were racist and unconstitutional, suddenly you became anti welfare.

What we piss and moan about is guys like Rand Paul don't want to give out any money to other states but then when it's his state, he has no problem having his hand out.

I don't remember any time that Republicans liked welfare, it ruins people. Just take a look at the black family structure of today, welfare has replaced the nuclear family structure, and the results are plain to see. These inner-city kids without fathers have no ability to understand the concept of right and wrong, and most of them become criminals, many violent criminals.
That was a slip up. You know what he meant.

Don't you guys support Majorie Taylor Greene? She recently called it a Peach Tree Dish. How stupid is that woman? And you guys vote for her? She's dumber than Palin which means she'll be Trump's next VP.

She was elected inside one lousy district, you guys nationwide voted in a senile dumbfuck, and an even worse VP.
Californicator's need to keep their reparation shit in-state.
Look on the bright side, California will become a major magnet for 'dindu nuffins' looking for a free meal ticket.

That's true, I wonder how they'll go about this, blacks whose families in the state go back decades ago, or open it up to any black that resides in the state? If so, they're going to see a new huge influx of blacks with their palms out, moving in from other states.
No, those are compensation for breach of contract.

What contract did blacks as a group have before, during and after slavery that was violated?
They are reparations. And don't ask stupid questions, our constitutional rights have been consistently violated.
Well first of all, who is "pretending" that reparations haven't been paid in the past? Not me.

Second, just because they have been paid in the past doesn't mean we all agree they should have.

Lastly, it's not "racist" to be against this, I for one am an equal opportunity thinker and believer. I don't think ANYONE deserves reparations!
When the government gave them to others we did not see any complaining. Whites have been given all kinds of things, so really there is no merit to this opposition.
So how many threads are going to be made by people whining about California thinking about giving reparations?
Get ready to open your wallet.

"The report calls for expanded voter registration, policies to hold police more accountable in cases of alleged brutality, and recommends the creation of a special office that would, in part, help Black Americans who descended from free or enslaved Black people in the country at the end of the 19th century document their eligibility for financial restitution."

Good. All entitled jigaboos should move to CA and take advantage of this bullshit handout.

I am enjoying the slow rot of that communist shit hole. Burn baby burn.
Politicians in California really believe they control all the other states. This is a good thing. It will cause more people to leave and further reduce the tax base. This is one instance in which California does not lead. It's second. New York leads in exodus. This might push us up a notch.
What's the issue? They can spend it on Biden/Newsom gas. I am calling $8 per gallon in Cali by Aug 1.

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