Here it comes! Obama says FCC should reclassify internet as a utility

You proved NOTHING.

Well, except that you don't give a damn about getting fucked over by Uncle Sam. You are a perfect fit for the Democratic party. As naive as you are ignorant.

Goodnight schmuck

So you thinks it's alright for large companies to pay an ISP (who are already making an 80%-90% profit) money to speed up their website and slow down their competitors?
He doesn't understand the topic so I wouldn't bother
Censorship is censorship. What the fuck does it matter what the date was?
You lost the point, Pothead. Deal with it.

This site censors stuff all the time Huffer, every time a post is moved or deleted, or a poster banned. Is it your claim the federal government should stop Avg-Joe from banning conservative posters? Should the FCC dictate to Cereal-Killer what posts can be moved?

*I* lost the point? I think you're having more Rachel Carson delusions.

I thought I'd never see a pro censorship post from you. At least you're taking off the mask as just being an idiot
I fail to see how not having net neutrality benefits anyone on this forum. Can someone convince me.

Thats because you are thinking too hard and trying to make sense out of nonsense.

It doesnt help anyone here. Period. Its like cutting your own throat
Make the internet equal to the phone service then, if it must be a utilitiy. You can call anyone you want, anytime you want and say anything you want on your phone. There. Problem solved.

People don't really have to freak out about this "threat" that much. Free internets mean HUGE advertising. It's become quite a lucrative industry. And you know how industry reacts when it feels threatened.... Like a T-Rex..
Internet Reclassification: President Obama Tosses Another Grenade After Second Election Shellacking

Seton Motley
November 10, 2014 - 9:25 am
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President Barack Obama this morning released a statement calling for his administration’s Federal Communications Commission (FCC) – allegedly an independent agency – to execute a unilateral, complete rewrite of existing law.
He wants reclassification of how the Internet is regulated — so as to then impose network neutrality. Twice before the FCC has tried to impose net neutrality — twice it was unanimously rejected as overreaching by courts.
The law — the 1996 Telecommunications Act — classifies the Internet as lightly-regulated Title I, and does not authorize the FCC to impose net neutrality.
The president wants his FCC — all by itself — to shove it under uber-heavily-regulated Title II, which applies 1934 Telecom Act land line phone law and regulations to the future-forward World Wide Web.
This is the second end-run around Congress the president has threatened in the six days since he and his Democrat Party were thoroughly rejected in the midterm elections. He also said he plans to go ahead with unilateral illegal alien amnesty.

ALL of it here:
The PJ Tatler Internet Reclassification President Obama Tosses Another Grenade After Second Election Shellacking[/URL][/URL]
The FCC is not "allegedly an independent agency" Steph. It's an independent agency. Simple as that.
Might want to aim slightly higher for your sources, nomsayin'?
Don't forget folks.

we must all now be PUNISHED for rejecting him and party of comrades in arms. This is just the Beginning
Do you think the big corporations that want to kill net neutrality want to do so in order to make YOUR life better?

Are you that naïve?

Well, freedom of speech itself is an industry... How many people do you think will use the controlled internet vs the uncontrolled one? I'd say about 1/2 or less; and only like a big (controlled-content) library instead of entertainment. Might as well move to Russia or China. That will cut into revenues of big business.

Like I said:

Make the internet equal to the phone service then, if it must be a utilitiy. You can call anyone you want, anytime you want and say anything you want on your phone. There. Problem solved.
People don't really have to freak out about this "threat" that much. Free internets mean HUGE advertising. It's become quite a lucrative industry. And you know how industry reacts when it feels threatened.... Like a T-Rex..
Make the internet equal to the phone service then, if it must be a utilitiy. You can call anyone you want, anytime you want and say anything you want on your phone. There. Problem solved.

People don't really have to freak out about this "threat" that much. Free internets mean HUGE advertising. It's become quite a lucrative industry. And you know how industry reacts when it feels threatened.... Like a T-Rex..

You have paraphrased what President Obama said pretty well.
Don't forget folks.

we must all now be PUNISHED for rejecting him and party of comrades in arms. This is just the Beginning

The Internet went off the Democrat Plantation and willingly disseminated information that was NOT APPROVED by the Administration.
Make the internet equal to the phone service then, if it must be a utilitiy. You can call anyone you want, anytime you want and say anything you want on your phone. There. Problem solved.

People don't really have to freak out about this "threat" that much. Free internets mean HUGE advertising. It's become quite a lucrative industry. And you know how industry reacts when it feels threatened.... Like a T-Rex..
You have paraphrased what President Obama said pretty well.

Do not think I am agreeing with you Luddly. I think that Obama and the dems are trying to remedy the albatross hanging around their necks [and who paid for many of their they are beholden to them] by trying to control the discussions about what 80% of voters object to, so that this mass-defection doesn't occur again in 2016. As if controlling people even more with respect to clamping down on freedom was going to win them warm fuzzies. Like Fox News won't sieze on that shit and run with it like a giddy girl with a sparkler on the Fourth of July...

I'll leave you with "two pictures worth a thousand words" here...



There is but one lesson to take away here: Scrape off the barnacles or perish. Clamping down on free speech ...well...the voters won't thank you for that...

Two year's hence, the obliteration of the internet and its bounty of freedoms will still be quite fresh in people's minds..
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Don't forget folks.

we must all now be PUNISHED for rejecting him and party of comrades in arms. This is just the Beginning

Umm, okaaay, gotcha.

Hey, have you heard about net neutrality ending? What do you think about it? Should they end it, or should they keep it?
Don't forget folks.

we must all now be PUNISHED for rejecting him and party of comrades in arms. This is just the Beginning

It was, after all, the lowest voter turnout since 1942. I think most people are resigned to gridlock. The president has not changed his position on net neutrality. Indeed just the beginning. Funding for the War on ISIS. Funding to stop Ebola, you know things Congress has needed to act on since the summer.
Here it comes! Obama says FCC should reclassify internet as a utility

Some of you people are really stupid. Really stupid. President Obama is trying to protect the Internet from greedy cable companies who currently monopolize about 70% of high-speed Internet service. He is trying to keep the Internet on a level playing field for all to use and enjoy - which includes price and quality of service.

Other than stakeholders - I can't imagine why anyone would defend greedy cable companies like Comcast.

The internet is fucked
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