Here it comes! Obama says FCC should reclassify internet as a utility

From what I've read, it's not about monopoly, but about making sure that internet providers don't decide to "parcel up" services, like charging more for Facebook or twitter or whatever other site is popular and can be considered "premium." Like cable and dish companies currently do.

It's not Facebook and Twitter, it's Netflix and Amazon Prime. The massive bandwidth eaters were paying nothing for riding on the backbones of the primes.

Can you come up with any rational reason that Netflix should NOT have to pay for the bandwidth they consume?

It's just like buying gas, if you use more, you pay more. I realize that most of the progressives here would outlaw private cars and force everyone on government run public transportation, but you understand the analogy.

So, would you do that with individual users?

Someone who uses the internet heavily (gamers and movie-watchers) should pay more than someone who uses it lightly? Or providing faster service for those who pay more (which kind of already happens, but that's a function of how one gets their internet, not simply how much they pay)?

I'm new to the subject, I've already admitted it, UnC. But I'm also not going to wet my pants because someone uses the words "government regulation."
That's better -- at least it rises above all the Speculation/Slippery Slope bullshit.

What the writer's talking about here:
The FCC imposes fees of 16.1% on interstate telecommunications services that will generate more than $8 billion in federal universal service funds in 2014.

-- is a universal fee applied to phone companies -- not consumers -- to fund things like LifeLine and internet access in libraries. From the FCC page:

>> Universal service is the principle that all Americans should have access to communications services. Universal service is also the name of a fund and the category of FCC programs and policies to implement this principle. Universal service is a cornerstone of the law that established the FCC, the Communications Act of 1934. Since that time, universal service policies have helped make telephone service ubiquitous, even in remote rural areas. Today, the FCC recognizes high-speed Internet as the 21st Century’s essential communications technology, and is working to make broadband as ubiquitous as voice, while continuing to support voice service. <<
-- which however ignores this from the OP article:
>> Obama does leave a significant amount of room for exceptions in the wireless space, potentially allowing some amount of throttling so that providers can manage their networks when under heavy use. Notably, his proposal also asks the FCC not to enforce rate regulations on internet service. <<
-- and further, the writer's point hangs tenuously on this conditional phrase that introduces it:
>> One set of proposals considered by the FCC would classify Internet services, or at least Internet access services, as “interstate telecommunications services” bringing the regulation of those services exclusively to the FCC. <<
"One set of proposals". Despite the FCC making noises of taking a "hybrid" approach (back in the OP article).

Bottom line, this fee applied to telephone companies, whether it would apply to the internet or not, is a fee on service providers, and not a "tax" on consumers. The Universal Service Fund is set up exactly for the benefit of consumers -- those library and school internets.

All of which is beside the point. The question was how does NN find a way to "control", "censor" or "silence" the internet? That's been the raison d'être of this thread since Post 1. And it's got no clothes.

We can't have that darn internet where too much freedom of speech is happening.

NOOOOOOOOO, we have got to 'regulate it."

Oh they will start out with the usual, like taxes and rules.

But then they will demand that we no longer can have nick names on the internet. NO, we MUST have our real names to be on the internet.

A subsequent post:

Well they got control of our health care so of course the commies want to control the Internet.

will the people rise up and stop them? to be seen

Yeah, because Obama taking over healthcare went so well.

What's to fear about him taking over the internet, right?????????

Yet another:
Censuring the internet only favors democrats.

Then there was this guy:
The FCC should never ever be able to touch anything involving the internet. All we need is for them to get their censoring paws on it and pffft! away it goes.

I asked him to show where the FCC ever "censored" anything. I got the usual and expected crickets.

You ignored this part:

By classifying broadband access services as “interstate telecommunications services,” those services would suddenly become required to pay FCC fees. At the current 16.1% fee structure, it would be perhaps the largest, one-time tax increase on the Internet. The FCC would have many billions of dollars of expanded revenue base to fund new programs without, according to the FCC, any need for congressional authorization.

I'm not ok for an independent agency such as the FCC to go around congress and whack huge-assed fees. Regardless of how it's spun by the left, we the people will end up paying for it. Always. You seem to not be bothered that the gov't whacks businesses with such fees but oh noez! businesses (which we can use or not, our choice) pass it along to us and it's a crime.

Not sure how you can say I "ignored" the Universal Service fee part, since it in fact took up the majority of my post.... I guess you have no response so prefer to pretend it isn't there? :dunno:

As for the 'government taking over the internet'? Not my ballywick.

It is the whole point of this thread -- as I pointed out with several examples. You seem to have stripped them out of the quote as inconveniences. I put 'em back.

That indeed -- how that would work-- was the question I kept poking that no one could answer, and still can't, because it does not follow. Because there is nothing present to make it follow.
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I'm really beginning to hate these people who wants government into EVERYTHING we enjoy, need and it gives them more CONTROL over it

One point about the end of net neutrality that might resonate with some of you clowns around here:

Why You Could Have To Pay More For Online Gaming Soon

The entire article is based on "could happens", "maybes" and "what ifs", including the title. Reminds me of those who've been screaming for the past six years 'obama is going to declare martial law and take all your guns!'. Yeah.

Salient point. Especially since exactly the same speculation applies to that Forbes article you linked yesterday.

Ain't that interesting-- it works both ways.
I'm really beginning to hate these people who wants government into EVERYTHING we enjoy, need and it gives them more CONTROL over it


Wanna know how gullibly stupid Pogo is?
From his post: is a universal fee applied to phone companies -- not consumers -

And he's dumb enough to believe it

It's because I got off my ass and read about it.
Since you're so helpless, here ya go:

>> Who Pays for Universal Service?
All telecommunications service providers and certain other providers of telecommunications must contribute to the federal USF based on a percentage of their interstate and international end-user telecommunications revenues. These companies include wireline phone companies, wireless phone companies, paging service companies and certain Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) providers.

Some consumers may notice a “Universal Service” line item on their telephone bills. This line item appears when a company chooses to recover its USF contributions directly from its customers by billing them this charge. The FCC does not require this charge to be passed on to customers. Each company makes a business decision about whether and how to assess charges to recover its Universal Service costs. <<
-- what you miss by not bothering to read. Dumbass.

Whether or not it is itemized on the bill, the consumers pay EVERY CENT of it! God and goddess, are you STUPID?!?!

Dipshit disputed that the fee was "applied to phone companies and not consumers".
So I proved and documented that it, in fact, is applied to phone companies and not consumers. Which documentation is sitting right there above these words. In bold.

Are you illiterate?
Hey I cant get onto USMessageboard anymore, what happened?
Company: That site hasnt paid to be fast so we dont offer it anymore.
How do I get it back because I like going to that site to debate.
Company: Find someone who carries it fast for free or play by our rules. You can always go to another site. How about the Huffington Post message board? Its faster because they paid to be faster

If that were happening now you might have a point but since it isn't there's no reason to change things now.
Hey I cant get onto USMessageboard anymore, what happened?
Company: That site hasnt paid to be fast so we dont offer it anymore.
How do I get it back because I like going to that site to debate.
Company: Find someone who carries it fast for free or play by our rules. You can always go to another site. How about the Huffington Post message board? Its faster because they paid to be faster

When the fuck did that ever happen to you or anyone?

You're right, lets wait until that happens THEN fight it.

Why do you want to fight something that doesn't exist?
Wanna know how gullibly stupid Pogo is?
From his post: is a universal fee applied to phone companies -- not consumers -

And he's dumb enough to believe it

It's because I got off my ass and read about it.
Since you're so helpless, here ya go:

>> Who Pays for Universal Service?
All telecommunications service providers and certain other providers of telecommunications must contribute to the federal USF based on a percentage of their interstate and international end-user telecommunications revenues. These companies include wireline phone companies, wireless phone companies, paging service companies and certain Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) providers.

Some consumers may notice a “Universal Service” line item on their telephone bills. This line item appears when a company chooses to recover its USF contributions directly from its customers by billing them this charge. The FCC does not require this charge to be passed on to customers. Each company makes a business decision about whether and how to assess charges to recover its Universal Service costs. <<
-- what you miss by not bothering to read. Dumbass.

Whether or not it is itemized on the bill, the consumers pay EVERY CENT of it! God and goddess, are you STUPID?!?!

Dipshit disputed that the fee was "applied to phone companies and not consumers".
So I proved and documented that it, in fact, is applied to phone companies and not consumers. Which documentation is sitting right there above these words. In bold.

Are you illiterate?

One more time, for the slow kid: Whether or not it is itemized on the bill, the consumers pay EVERY CENT of it! Reread that until it sinks in.
Hey I cant get onto USMessageboard anymore, what happened?
Company: That site hasnt paid to be fast so we dont offer it anymore.
How do I get it back because I like going to that site to debate.
Company: Find someone who carries it fast for free or play by our rules. You can always go to another site. How about the Huffington Post message board? Its faster because they paid to be faster

If that were happening now you might have a point but since it isn't there's no reason to change things now.

Technology changes quickly. I do know that much.
Hey I cant get onto USMessageboard anymore, what happened?
Company: That site hasnt paid to be fast so we dont offer it anymore.
How do I get it back because I like going to that site to debate.
Company: Find someone who carries it fast for free or play by our rules. You can always go to another site. How about the Huffington Post message board? Its faster because they paid to be faster

If that were happening now you might have a point but since it isn't there's no reason to change things now.

Technology changes quickly. I do know that much.

whoa, impressive:rolleyes-41:
Wanna know how gullibly stupid Pogo is?
From his post: is a universal fee applied to phone companies -- not consumers -

And he's dumb enough to believe it

It's because I got off my ass and read about it.
Since you're so helpless, here ya go:

>> Who Pays for Universal Service?
All telecommunications service providers and certain other providers of telecommunications must contribute to the federal USF based on a percentage of their interstate and international end-user telecommunications revenues. These companies include wireline phone companies, wireless phone companies, paging service companies and certain Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) providers.

Some consumers may notice a “Universal Service” line item on their telephone bills. This line item appears when a company chooses to recover its USF contributions directly from its customers by billing them this charge. The FCC does not require this charge to be passed on to customers. Each company makes a business decision about whether and how to assess charges to recover its Universal Service costs. <<
-- what you miss by not bothering to read. Dumbass.

Whether or not it is itemized on the bill, the consumers pay EVERY CENT of it! God and goddess, are you STUPID?!?!

Dipshit disputed that the fee was "applied to phone companies and not consumers".
So I proved and documented that it, in fact, is applied to phone companies and not consumers. Which documentation is sitting right there above these words. In bold.

Are you illiterate?

One more time, for the slow kid: Whether or not it is itemized on the bill, the consumers pay EVERY CENT of it! Reread that until it sinks in.

One more time, that was NOT THE CLAIM HE MADE. Reread that until it sinks in. Why do you think I just explained it for you in little words?

Oh the density....
One more time, for the REALLY slow kid: the CONSUMERS pay EVERY CENT OF THE FUCKING THING! Consumers pay all, repeat ALL, repeat ALL fees that are charged to "companies", no exceptions!
One more time, for the REALLY slow kid: the CONSUMERS pay EVERY CENT OF THE FUCKING THING! Consumers pay all, repeat ALL, repeat ALL fees that are charged to "companies", no exceptions!

One more time, for the congenitally dense, that ^^ was not his claim. You're trying to morph what's already posted into what you wish it had been. And that's dishonest.

Go learn how to read.

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