Here it comes! Obama says FCC should reclassify internet as a utility

The Republicans would love to have power over the internet as well. Complete separation of net and state is the only way.

Yes, that's their way. It's why nothing the Democrats do ever gets undone. Republicans oppose it, then embrace it once the power is there. Well, sometimes they oppose it. Once in a while.
How does microsoft get free internet? And how do I sign up for it?

I have no idea.

Apple has joined Netflix and Amazon in content delivery. The issue is that video content consumes huge amounts of bandwidth. The current push for the misnamed net neutrality is backed by Netflix and Apple - these lefties are just corporate shills for these two mega-corps.
There are two sides to every packet of data sent over the internet... the source and the destination. FYI both sides are paying for those packets to be moved. What this is about is metering use of the internet. Instead of you being able to use the bandwith you are paying for to transfer a virtually "unlimited" amount of data over your connection, you will instead be metered, just like some cell phone providers are metering your use of the internet over your phone.
How about answering the question I asked now.

So you do like the way the way we have all been able to access the internet up until now? Yes or no?

Why is that question relevant? I suppose to a liberal that you "like" something is justification for government to provide it to you with force, but you're wrong, it's not.
How about answering the question I asked now.

Changing the law is a change - I oppose the change you support.

So you do like the way the way we have all been able to access the internet up until now? Yes or no?

So give me ONE good reason that Netflix and Apple TV should not pay for the bandwidth they consume?

Because the hate sites have programmed you to be a corporate shill is NOT a good reason.
How about answering the question I asked now.

So you do like the way the way we have all been able to access the internet up until now? Yes or no?

Why is that question relevant? I suppose to a liberal that you "like" something is justification for government to provide it to you with force, but you're wrong, it's not.

How can all of you argue against this and not have one solitary reason why you dont like the internet now?

Nevermind I'm out...until someone says why this is good enough to change the current setup
How about answering the question I asked now.

Changing the law is a change - I oppose the change you support.

So you do like the way the way we have all been able to access the internet up until now? Yes or no?

So give me ONE good reason that Netflix and Apple TV should not pay for the bandwidth they consume?

Because the hate sites have programmed you to be a corporate shill is NOT a good reason.

Being able to buy bandwidth priority will put more money into infrastructure and give everyone more bandwidth. Liberals can't deal with that it isn't even. They don't care how much pie they get, they only care how even it is with everyone else's slice. Well, except for politicians, they can get big ass slices, liberals are OK with that. They are rock stars to them.
There are two sides to every packet of data sent over the internet... the source and the destination. FYI both sides are paying for those packets to be moved. What this is about is metering use of the internet. Instead of you being able to use the bandwith you are paying for to transfer a virtually "unlimited" amount of data over your connection, you will instead be metered, just like some cell phone providers are metering your use of the internet over your phone.

I have seen no proposals to return to the metering of consumer data like in the 90's - not from anyone.

This is about metering the content delivery services - period. This is Apple and Netflix demanding unlimited bandwidth at zero cost.
How about answering the question I asked now.

So you do like the way the way we have all been able to access the internet up until now? Yes or no?

Why is that question relevant? I suppose to a liberal that you "like" something is justification for government to provide it to you with force, but you're wrong, it's not.

How can all of you argue against this and not have one solitary reason why you dont like the internet now?

Nevermind I'm out...until someone says why this is good enough to change the current setup

Government has no legitimate power or reason to regulate the Internet. I liked banks not charging ATM fees, but it was wrong for government to use force to compel them. Does right and wrong ever occur to you or are you just driven by what you like? That's enough for government to use force to compel someone else to give it to you? Are you really that morally depraved?
How about answering the question I asked now.

Changing the law is a change - I oppose the change you support.

So you do like the way the way we have all been able to access the internet up until now? Yes or no?

So give me ONE good reason that Netflix and Apple TV should not pay for the bandwidth they consume?

Because the hate sites have programmed you to be a corporate shill is NOT a good reason.
You keep making up the statement that Netflix and Apple TV do not pay for the bandwidth they consume. But that is an ABSOLUTE LIE. Why do you keep making this straw-man? Netflix does not have a free pipe to the internet. Nor does Apple. Why make stuff up?
It's laughable that you pretend to know what they fuck you're talking about AND can be against Net Neutrality. You're literally the definition of a party shill and a corporate stooge.

Your corporate masters are pleased.

One thing that is perfectly clear is that I am about the only person in this thread who knows what I'm talking about.

Yes, you're a hack, I get it. But you have no idea what the changes do. You think it has to do with your ISP and censoring Eddie Vedder...

Actually, the one thing is clear is that you are a corporate shill. You don't give a shit about freedom, innovation or true competition in the marketplace. You care about pleasing your corporate masters and being a good little stooge.
ROFL... you're mentally handicapped aren't you.

It wouldn't say much for you if I was. Because I would still grasp this issue better than you fools can with "normal" mental capacity.
There are two sides to every packet of data sent over the internet... the source and the destination. FYI both sides are paying for those packets to be moved. What this is about is metering use of the internet. Instead of you being able to use the bandwith you are paying for to transfer a virtually "unlimited" amount of data over your connection, you will instead be metered, just like some cell phone providers are metering your use of the internet over your phone.

I have seen no proposals to return to the metering of consumer data like in the 90's - not from anyone.

This is about metering the content delivery services - period. This is Apple and Netflix demanding unlimited bandwidth at zero cost.
How is metering content consumed by consumers not metering content consumed by consumers?
How about answering the question I asked now.

So you do like the way the way we have all been able to access the internet up until now? Yes or no?

Why is that question relevant? I suppose to a liberal that you "like" something is justification for government to provide it to you with force, but you're wrong, it's not.

How can all of you argue against this and not have one solitary reason why you dont like the internet now?

Nevermind I'm out...until someone says why this is good enough to change the current setup

Government has no legitimate power or reason to regulate the Internet. I liked banks not charging ATM fees, but it was wrong for government to use force to compel them. Does right and wrong ever occur to you or are you just driven by what you like? That's enough for government to use force to compel someone else to give it to you? Are you really that morally depraved?

Do you like the way we have been able to access the internet up until now? yes or no.
He keeps ignoring the part about no bandwidth issue is pay for play corporatism. If Uncensored gets his way next year he'll be complaining about the liberal internet and how the little guys get discriminated against

If you win this, will you demand "beef neutrality?" So that McDonald's is charged the same for the beef they use in their business as a corner Greek hamburger stand?

It's exactly the same principle...

Holy fuck, you're serious aren't you?
It's laughable that you pretend to know what they fuck you're talking about AND can be against Net Neutrality. You're literally the definition of a party shill and a corporate stooge.

Your corporate masters are pleased.

One thing that is perfectly clear is that I am about the only person in this thread who knows what I'm talking about.

Yes, you're a hack, I get it. But you have no idea what the changes do. You think it has to do with your ISP and censoring Eddie Vedder...

Actually, the one thing is clear is that you are a corporate shill. You don't give a shit about freedom, innovation or true competition in the marketplace. You care about pleasing your corporate masters and being a good little stooge.
ROFL... you're mentally handicapped aren't you.

It wouldn't say much for you if I was. Because I would still grasp this issue better than you fools can with "normal" mental capacity.
I assure you my mental capacity is far beyond mere mortals. I was writing IP stacks before you knew how to click on a link.
How about answering the question I asked now.

So you do like the way the way we have all been able to access the internet up until now? Yes or no?

Why is that question relevant? I suppose to a liberal that you "like" something is justification for government to provide it to you with force, but you're wrong, it's not.

Another clueless fucking hack who pretends to be about freedom and love his country, but in reality hates freedom and despises ANYTHING the American government does.

You're a true "patriot".
Comcast and other Internet service providers are trying to change the Internet by abusing loop holes in the way they are already regulated. Net Neutrality is a movement that desires to keep the Internet free and open as intended not by adding regulations, but by changing them to better protect it.

What "loop hole" are the abusing? You mean, charging for use?

Charges for use are as old as the internet. Ever hear of frame relay? What was that other than prioritized packet switching?

Net Neutrality is a looters credo - the demand that you take from others without paying. NetFlix has a wonderful product, but they use a huge amount of bandwidth - in a free society, they have to pay for what they consume. You may prefer a looter society where laws, rather than trade of value determines what one can consume, I do not.

I am not a socialist, i do not live by "to each according to his need," as apparently you do.
No, charging discriminately for use. Those in favor of a free and open Internet are not socialists. Those against Net Neutrality are the true socialists--corporate socialists that is. Or, if you prefer the shortened version, corporatists.
There are two sides to every packet of data sent over the internet... the source and the destination. FYI both sides are paying for those packets to be moved. What this is about is metering use of the internet. Instead of you being able to use the bandwith you are paying for to transfer a virtually "unlimited" amount of data over your connection, you will instead be metered, just like some cell phone providers are metering your use of the internet over your phone.

I have seen no proposals to return to the metering of consumer data like in the 90's - not from anyone.

This is about metering the content delivery services - period. This is Apple and Netflix demanding unlimited bandwidth at zero cost.

Or in reality, the consumers will continue to pay the cost just as they have been up until now. But no, Verizon and Comcast want to milk both ends of the equation, which opens up a very large door for them providing "priority access" to any big company who wants to pay the fee. It doesn't have to be "bandwidth hogs" like Netflix. It can be anyone who wants to get in bed with and can afford the ISP fees. That means small business loses, competition loses and the public loses.

And you don't give a fuck, because your masters are happy.
It's laughable that you pretend to know what they fuck you're talking about AND can be against Net Neutrality. You're literally the definition of a party shill and a corporate stooge.

Your corporate masters are pleased.

One thing that is perfectly clear is that I am about the only person in this thread who knows what I'm talking about.

Yes, you're a hack, I get it. But you have no idea what the changes do. You think it has to do with your ISP and censoring Eddie Vedder...

Actually, the one thing is clear is that you are a corporate shill. You don't give a shit about freedom, innovation or true competition in the marketplace. You care about pleasing your corporate masters and being a good little stooge.
ROFL... you're mentally handicapped aren't you.

It wouldn't say much for you if I was. Because I would still grasp this issue better than you fools can with "normal" mental capacity.
I assure you my mental capacity is far beyond mere mortals. I was writing IP stacks before you knew how to click on a link.

And yet you still argue against Net Neutrality? Hilarious!
One thing that is perfectly clear is that I am about the only person in this thread who knows what I'm talking about.

Yes, you're a hack, I get it. But you have no idea what the changes do. You think it has to do with your ISP and censoring Eddie Vedder...

Actually, the one thing is clear is that you are a corporate shill. You don't give a shit about freedom, innovation or true competition in the marketplace. You care about pleasing your corporate masters and being a good little stooge.
ROFL... you're mentally handicapped aren't you.

It wouldn't say much for you if I was. Because I would still grasp this issue better than you fools can with "normal" mental capacity.
I assure you my mental capacity is far beyond mere mortals. I was writing IP stacks before you knew how to click on a link.

And yet you still argue against Net Neutrality? Hilarious!

I want my government breaking up data carrier monopolies.. I don't want my government mandating metered access to the internet, not to the consumer of products purchased over the internet, or the provider of the products purchased over the internet.

I like liberty, and capitalism... but within the scope of the constitution, that included having our government break up large monopolies on things like "public utilities."

Netflix pays for their side of the pipe on a netflix movie, I pay for my side of the pipe. WRT the pipes in the middle... yeah well that's why the internet is not free. Although we did already pay for most of the pipes in the middle via tax subsidies, but that is a different discussion.

I don't like metered cell bandwidth, but I also don't want government mandating the types of cell contracts I can sign. What I want is for my government to break up monopolies and oligopolies.
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