Here it comes! Obama says FCC should reclassify internet as a utility

Today, websites including Netflix, reddit and Etsy are participating in a day of protest to draw attention to Net neutrality—the idea that Internet service providers (ISPs) should treat all Internet traffic equally. If the campaign is successful, the U.S. would be joining a handful of countries that have passed Net neutrality legislation.

***So to recap...If you dont want all your sites to be accessed just like you can today, you are AGAINST Net Neutrality. If you believe that internet traffic should NOT be treated equally, like it is today, you are AGAINST Net Neutrality***

As part of “Internet Slowdown Day,” sites will display a “loading” icon to symbolize how a lack of ISP regulation would result in slower website services for some. Without Net neutrality, ISPs could provide a “fast lane” to favored content (websites that pay), allowing it to load more quickly. In turn, ISPs could also downgrade the speed of other content (websites that can’t pay).

**So to recap...If you believe ISP's should change the way they offer content today, you are AGAINST Net Neutrality**

Didn't Comcast slow down Netflix's speed until Netflix paid more (because they use more bandwith)? How is that 'being treated equally like it is today'? NN will make it so those who use more don't pay more but those who use less will end up paying more to ensure that everyone pays the same. It's the same freaking thing that they did with pre-existing conditions. Those people get to pay the same as people without p/e's, even though those with p/e's are a higher risk to insure and SHOULD pay more. Same goes for those who gobble up lots of bandwith. YES, they SHOULD pay more because they are using more. How can you treat all internet traffic equally when all internet traffic isn't equal?

Why are you saying "they" should pay more. You mean WE should pay more.
So you wont pay more but you may pay more and you are for it because you dont know.

Sounds like solid logic to me.

So, you think NetFlix is the internet?

I see you think your ISP is the backbone, so why not...

One thing this thread has made clear, net neutrality is being sold to ignorant fools who have not a hint of a clue what it's actually about. People who don't understand the difference between local loop, ISP, Backbone, etc.
I seek to pass a law that will leave the internet as is

You seek to cut off your hand to leave your hand attached?

Well, good luck with that.

You seek to not pass a law that will result in changing the internet.

Now are we talking about changing laws or the internet? Because those are two different things

Altering the regulation of the internet is changing it, not leaving it the same.
So you wont pay more but you may pay more and you are for it because you dont know.

Sounds like solid logic to me.

So, you think NetFlix is the internet?

I see you think your ISP is the backbone, so why not...

One thing this thread has made clear, net neutrality is being sold to ignorant fools who have not a hint of a clue what it's actually about. People who don't understand the difference between local loop, ISP, Backbone, etc.

You're talking around the subject. You already said that we wont pay more but we might pay more. Why create a problem to solve it when leaving the internet the way it is wont create a problem?

Today, websites including Netflix, reddit and Etsy are participating in a day of protest to draw attention to Net neutrality—the idea that Internet service providers (ISPs) should treat all Internet traffic equally. If the campaign is successful, the U.S. would be joining a handful of countries that have passed Net neutrality legislation.

***So to recap...If you dont want all your sites to be accessed just like you can today, you are AGAINST Net Neutrality. If you believe that internet traffic should NOT be treated equally, like it is today, you are AGAINST Net Neutrality***

As part of “Internet Slowdown Day,” sites will display a “loading” icon to symbolize how a lack of ISP regulation would result in slower website services for some. Without Net neutrality, ISPs could provide a “fast lane” to favored content (websites that pay), allowing it to load more quickly. In turn, ISPs could also downgrade the speed of other content (websites that can’t pay).

**So to recap...If you believe ISP's should change the way they offer content today, you are AGAINST Net Neutrality**

Didn't Comcast slow down Netflix's speed until Netflix paid more (because they use more bandwith)? How is that 'being treated equally like it is today'? NN will make it so those who use more don't pay more but those who use less will end up paying more to ensure that everyone pays the same. It's the same freaking thing that they did with pre-existing conditions. Those people get to pay the same as people without p/e's, even though those with p/e's are a higher risk to insure and SHOULD pay more. Same goes for those who gobble up lots of bandwith. YES, they SHOULD pay more because they are using more. How can you treat all internet traffic equally when all internet traffic isn't equal?

Why are you saying "they" should pay more. You mean WE should pay more.

THEY refers to whoever is using more bandwith! If that's Netflix then they pay more. What? Netflix passes that cost onto its customer? Yes .... and? YOU are using more bandwith streaming the Netflix so yes, you get to pay more.

Answer my questions. How is Comcast charging Netflix more considered 'treating everyone equally'? How can you treat all internet traffic equally when all internet traffic isn't equal? Why shouldn't those who use more pay more? You totally ignored my post.
Why are you saying "they" should pay more. You mean WE should pay more.

ONLY if you buy the service from NetFlix,

Further, the amounts involved would be pennies to the consumer - IF Netflix bothers to pass them on. My guess it that Netflix would raise prices from $8.99 a month to $9.99 a month, even though the impact of the backbone charges would amount to about three cents per consumer.

NetFlix is a for profit company.
So you wont pay more but you may pay more and you are for it because you dont know.

Sounds like solid logic to me.

So, you think NetFlix is the internet?

I see you think your ISP is the backbone, so why not...

One thing this thread has made clear, net neutrality is being sold to ignorant fools who have not a hint of a clue what it's actually about. People who don't understand the difference between local loop, ISP, Backbone, etc.

It's laughable that you pretend to know what they fuck you're talking about AND can be against Net Neutrality. You're literally the definition of a party shill and a corporate stooge.

Your corporate masters are pleased.
If you think the internet and our access to it should remain the same as it has been up until now, you are in Favor of Net Neutrality.

If you have a vested interest in the bottom line of Comcast or Verizon then you are Against Net Neutrality.

Which are you?
If you think the internet and our access to it should remain the same as it has been up until now, you are in Favor of Net Neutrality.

If you have a vested interest in the bottom line of Comcast or Verizon then you are Against Net Neutrality.

Which are you?

Exactly! It's that simple.
Comcast and other Internet service providers are trying to change the Internet by abusing loop holes in the way they are already regulated. Net Neutrality is a movement that desires to keep the Internet free and open as intended not by adding regulations, but by changing them to better protect it.
It's laughable that you pretend to know what they fuck you're talking about AND can be against Net Neutrality. You're literally the definition of a party shill and a corporate stooge.

Your corporate masters are pleased.

One thing that is perfectly clear is that I am about the only person in this thread who knows what I'm talking about.

Yes, you're a hack, I get it. But you have no idea what the changes do. You think it has to do with your ISP and censoring Eddie Vedder...
If you think the internet and our access to it should remain the same as it has been up until now, you are in Favor of Net Neutrality.

If you think using your hand is good, then you are in favor of cutting it off.

War is peace, freedom is slavery.

You hacks are something else.

If you have a vested interest in the bottom line of Comcast or Verizon then you are Against Net Neutrality.

Which are you?

If we do not put the FCC in charge of regulating the internet, we are leaving it as it is now.

Why do you oppose that?
Comcast and other Internet service providers are trying to change the Internet by abusing loop holes in the way they are already regulated. Net Neutrality is a movement that desires to keep the Internet free and open as intended not by adding regulations, but by changing them to better protect it.

What "loop hole" are the abusing? You mean, charging for use?

Charges for use are as old as the internet. Ever hear of frame relay? What was that other than prioritized packet switching?

Net Neutrality is a looters credo - the demand that you take from others without paying. NetFlix has a wonderful product, but they use a huge amount of bandwidth - in a free society, they have to pay for what they consume. You may prefer a looter society where laws, rather than trade of value determines what one can consume, I do not.

I am not a socialist, i do not live by "to each according to his need," as apparently you do.
If you think the internet and our access to it should remain the same as it has been up until now, you are in Favor of Net Neutrality.

If you think using your hand is good, then you are in favor of cutting it off.

War is peace, freedom is slavery.

You hacks are something else.

If you have a vested interest in the bottom line of Comcast or Verizon then you are Against Net Neutrality.

Which are you?

If we do not put the FCC in charge of regulating the internet, we are leaving it as it is now.

Why do you oppose that?

So you do like the way the way we have all been able to access the internet up until now? Yes or no?

Today, websites including Netflix, reddit and Etsy are participating in a day of protest to draw attention to Net neutrality—the idea that Internet service providers (ISPs) should treat all Internet traffic equally. If the campaign is successful, the U.S. would be joining a handful of countries that have passed Net neutrality legislation.

***So to recap...If you dont want all your sites to be accessed just like you can today, you are AGAINST Net Neutrality. If you believe that internet traffic should NOT be treated equally, like it is today, you are AGAINST Net Neutrality***

As part of “Internet Slowdown Day,” sites will display a “loading” icon to symbolize how a lack of ISP regulation would result in slower website services for some. Without Net neutrality, ISPs could provide a “fast lane” to favored content (websites that pay), allowing it to load more quickly. In turn, ISPs could also downgrade the speed of other content (websites that can’t pay).

**So to recap...If you believe ISP's should change the way they offer content today, you are AGAINST Net Neutrality**

Didn't Comcast slow down Netflix's speed until Netflix paid more (because they use more bandwith)? How is that 'being treated equally like it is today'? NN will make it so those who use more don't pay more but those who use less will end up paying more to ensure that everyone pays the same. It's the same freaking thing that they did with pre-existing conditions. Those people get to pay the same as people without p/e's, even though those with p/e's are a higher risk to insure and SHOULD pay more. Same goes for those who gobble up lots of bandwith. YES, they SHOULD pay more because they are using more. How can you treat all internet traffic equally when all internet traffic isn't equal?

Why are you saying "they" should pay more. You mean WE should pay more.

THEY refers to whoever is using more bandwith! If that's Netflix then they pay more. What? Netflix passes that cost onto its customer? Yes .... and? YOU are using more bandwith streaming the Netflix so yes, you get to pay more.

Yes but when you throw in the ability to charge sites not for using MORE bandwidth but for using faster lanes then only the sites who can afford it will be seen instead of offering all sites the same speed. For example: If Comcast creates its own search engine...that will be fast. Google wont be despite it not using more bandwidth because (you might be surprised here) but they want you to use what they have. Suuuure you can access'll just take you half the day to get your information.

Now since that site doesnt use more bandwidth you are giving the ISP companies full reign over your information.

Answer my questions. How is Comcast charging Netflix more considered 'treating everyone equally'?

Its not.

How can you treat all internet traffic equally when all internet traffic isn't equal?

They want the right to charge for speed EVEN WHEN the traffic or bandwidth is the same. We arent talking about a bill FOR NETFLIX alone. It affects the entire internet

Why shouldn't those who use more pay more? You totally ignored my post.

Like I said they will pass the cost onto us for different reasons. First it will be more bandwidth, then (as they said already) it will be for "faster lanes" for people who dont use more badwidth just those that can pay to play.

Dont forget, they will promote their own interests before another because companies promote their interests right? So you want google? Sorry we got Froogle! Sure its shitty but it comes with your package.

Want Google? Sure just switch your entire internet company to get it. Oh did you want USmessageboard with that? Sorry we dont offer fast google and USmessageboard. USMB doesnt pay, cant access it...

I mean shit, we have corporate media that you cry about all the time and here you are arguing for the same thing via the internet...its insane
It's laughable that you pretend to know what they fuck you're talking about AND can be against Net Neutrality. You're literally the definition of a party shill and a corporate stooge.

Your corporate masters are pleased.

One thing that is perfectly clear is that I am about the only person in this thread who knows what I'm talking about.

Yes, you're a hack, I get it. But you have no idea what the changes do. You think it has to do with your ISP and censoring Eddie Vedder...

Actually, the one thing is clear is that you are a corporate shill. You don't give a shit about freedom, innovation or true competition in the marketplace. You care about pleasing your corporate masters and being a good little stooge.

Today, websites including Netflix, reddit and Etsy are participating in a day of protest to draw attention to Net neutrality—the idea that Internet service providers (ISPs) should treat all Internet traffic equally. If the campaign is successful, the U.S. would be joining a handful of countries that have passed Net neutrality legislation.

***So to recap...If you dont want all your sites to be accessed just like you can today, you are AGAINST Net Neutrality. If you believe that internet traffic should NOT be treated equally, like it is today, you are AGAINST Net Neutrality***

As part of “Internet Slowdown Day,” sites will display a “loading” icon to symbolize how a lack of ISP regulation would result in slower website services for some. Without Net neutrality, ISPs could provide a “fast lane” to favored content (websites that pay), allowing it to load more quickly. In turn, ISPs could also downgrade the speed of other content (websites that can’t pay).

**So to recap...If you believe ISP's should change the way they offer content today, you are AGAINST Net Neutrality**

Didn't Comcast slow down Netflix's speed until Netflix paid more (because they use more bandwith)? How is that 'being treated equally like it is today'? NN will make it so those who use more don't pay more but those who use less will end up paying more to ensure that everyone pays the same. It's the same freaking thing that they did with pre-existing conditions. Those people get to pay the same as people without p/e's, even though those with p/e's are a higher risk to insure and SHOULD pay more. Same goes for those who gobble up lots of bandwith. YES, they SHOULD pay more because they are using more. How can you treat all internet traffic equally when all internet traffic isn't equal?

Why are you saying "they" should pay more. You mean WE should pay more.

THEY refers to whoever is using more bandwith! If that's Netflix then they pay more. What? Netflix passes that cost onto its customer? Yes .... and? YOU are using more bandwith streaming the Netflix so yes, you get to pay more.

NOPE try again, using more bandwidth is not the only issue. If companies want their sites to get to people they have to pay. So long the free flow of information that is today and hello ABC, NBC, FOX and PBS as the sites you can pull up at todays speed. You

Answer my questions. How is Comcast charging Netflix more considered 'treating everyone equally'? How can you treat all internet traffic equally when all internet traffic isn't equal? Why shouldn't those who use more pay more? You totally ignored my post.[/QUOTE]

1. Its not...thats the point.

2. The same way its done today by providing equal flow. Or at least admitting that paying more is something you will fight on behalf of the telecoms

3. Because thats how it is now. Why do you think the internet should be changed?

Answer my questions thanks in advance
If you think the internet and our access to it should remain the same as it has been up until now, you are in Favor of Net Neutrality.

If you have a vested interest in the bottom line of Comcast or Verizon then you are Against Net Neutrality.

Which are you?

And I cant figure out why anyone would take the side of charging us more and pay to play information.

They complain about the corporate media and here they are arguing for it.
So you do like the way the way we have all been able to access the internet up until now? Yes or no?

Up until now, the FCC has classified the Internet as a title I utility. You demand it be CHANGED to a title II utility like telephone service, so that it can be tightly regulated by the FCC.

What you demand is a radical change in the internet.

I realize that the drones have been instructed to claim that cutting your hand off is no change to your arm, but leaving it attached is a change, in you Orwellian "war is peace" mantra. After the Obamacare scam, the question is whether your bizarre lies will fool enough people to push this pile of shit through?

Give me ONE good reason why Netflix and Apple TV should not have to pay for the bandwidth they use?
So dipshit, Can you tell me that ISP will not be favouring their own services over competitors.

You claim knowledge, yet you don't even grasp that net neutrality has NOTHING to do with ISP's.

Do you know what a backbone is?

Have you ever heard of the OSI model? What layers are POSSIBLE to effect on backbone switches and routers?

You see Ted, I'm an MCSE - you probably don't know what that is either - but you picked the wrong guy to bullshit on this subject. Net Neutrality is designed to regulate backbone traffic - it has nothing to do with the ISP, it sure doesn't make dial-up run at broadband speeds the way Liekhota demands.

I want you to tell me your ISP provider and who is paying how much extra to get extra bandwidth, thus discriminating others?

For a bollix like you that should be too difficult unless you are one of those wank stains who only can cum once.

(Any chance not name calling the next time)

Again Ted, you are an ignorant fool who doesn't even grasp the question, yet still demands that you dictate the answer.

Ahh, the Microsoft twits... Love ye.... Aren't ye the guys that saw the internet coming? Actually ye totally missed that boat.

So you are saying "net neutrality has NOTHING to do with ISP"

Here is
Net Neutrality
What Everyone Gets Wrong in the Debate Over Net Neutrality WIRED
Thats Stanford and Wired calling you an idiot.

Just because your a complete idiot I am now helping you in actually creating a proper case for not having net neutrality and it is not Government control argument, dingbat.

And you still can't tell me who ISP is favouring or discriminating...

This is like water... You pay for a certain amount of it, we expect the water to be clean (that is regulated and checked). Dipshit here wants the water company to be able to alter that water without even telling the customer, hey so a few get sick, lets blame it on something else. Bit of luck no one will trace it back to us.

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