Here it comes! Obama says FCC should reclassify internet as a utility

Heres what the company CAN do and HAS done. If you want more of this


Look at Netflix bandwidth speed with Comcast. Guess what happened when their bandwidth speed went waaaaay down? Netflix wanted their speed the same as others without being singled out to pay more

Guess what happened when their speed went waaay up? Netflix paid and suddenly the practice of purposefully slowing down sites have been restored.

Why would any consumer fight and say "Let the companies decide if they want us to pay more!!"

Keep internet the same
Some carriers here throttle speed, some don't.

Solution A: Switch carriers

Solution B: Give up control to gubmnt.

Or option C: Leave the internet the way it is
You need to Google, Google Fiber. We currently have 1 terabyte speed available where I live.

You are confused;

From Google;

Super fast connectivity
At up to 1,000 Mbps, Google Fiber is 100 times faster than today's basic broadband, allowing you to get what you want instantaneously. You no longer have to wait on things buffering; everything will be ready to go when you are. So whether you are video chatting, uploading family videos, or playing your favorite online games, all you need to do is click and you're there.

Google Fiber

That is 1 gigabit, not one terabyte.

Please understand that data is transmitted in bits, not bytes. When discussing transmission speeds, one must always speak in bits. I know it's confusing since memory and hard drives are referenced in bytes, but transmission speeds are in bits.
Normal people think it would be bad if Comcast, AT&T and Verizon could dictate what websites a person looked at. The ODS kooks, however, insist on telling us what a wonderful thing that would be, and how awful it would be for the government to maintain our current internet freedom.

Corporate Stalinism is what the ODS kooks are pushing for. That is, Stalinist policies enacted by corporations, corporations which effectively become an oppressive government.
So dipshit, Can you tell me that ISP will not be favouring their own services over competitors.

You claim knowledge, yet you don't even grasp that net neutrality has NOTHING to do with ISP's.

Do you know what a backbone is?

Have you ever heard of the OSI model? What layers are POSSIBLE to effect on backbone switches and routers?

You see Ted, I'm an MCSE - you probably don't know what that is either - but you picked the wrong guy to bullshit on this subject. Net Neutrality is designed to regulate backbone traffic - it has nothing to do with the ISP, it sure doesn't make dial-up run at broadband speeds the way Liekhota demands.

I want you to tell me your ISP provider and who is paying how much extra to get extra bandwidth, thus discriminating others?

For a bollix like you that should be too difficult unless you are one of those wank stains who only can cum once.

(Any chance not name calling the next time)

Again Ted, you are an ignorant fool who doesn't even grasp the question, yet still demands that you dictate the answer.
Heres the problem.

Say Govt Regulation and repubs are against it without knowing what it means. Say change the internet and repubs are against it because they like the internet.

So they are both for and against net neutrality. Against it because they like the internet, but for it because they fear the words "govt regulation"

Net Neutrality is changing the internet, dumbfuck.
Hey I cant get onto USMessageboard anymore, what happened?
Company: That site hasnt paid to be fast so we dont offer it anymore.
How do I get it back because I like going to that site to debate.
Company: Find someone who carries it fast for free or play by our rules. You can always go to another site. How about the Huffington Post message board? Its faster because they paid to be faster

If that were happening now you might have a point but since it isn't there's no reason to change things now.

Exactly!! Then you are FOR NET NEUTRALITY!!

Changing the internet to match the example I provided is being AGAINST Net Neutrality!

I do not agree with increased FCC authority and I do not agree with new regulations.
Hey I cant get onto USMessageboard anymore, what happened?
Company: That site hasnt paid to be fast so we dont offer it anymore.
How do I get it back because I like going to that site to debate.
Company: Find someone who carries it fast for free or play by our rules. You can always go to another site. How about the Huffington Post message board? Its faster because they paid to be faster

When the fuck did that ever happen to you or anyone?

You're right, lets wait until that happens THEN fight it.

Why do you want to fight something that doesn't exist?

That is the stated goal of these companies. I mean hell, you dont believe me, thats fine...but do you believe the companies when they TELL YOU?

You're assuming a static situation. AOL overreached and how did that work out for them? The market fixed that issue and will fix this one also.
HBO is going alacart
ABC & CBS have plans to go alacart
Many other services that are traditional cable only packages are making similar plans to break free of the norm.
Internet prices are dropping in my area because of price wars between the carriers.
Google fiber is offering 1 terabyte connections for the price of a standard cable connection FOR LIFE with each area that it expands to.

Government needs to stay the fuck out of the way and let the market decide.

Either you are just saying random things or this is your way of understanding the saying random things.

Net Neutrality has everything to do with what you are talking about. They offer these low prices right now. Google fiber offers that right now. Many of the packages are doing their own thing right now.

You like that? Yes. Then why do you want to change it? You still cant seem to understand that being against net neutrality means changing the internet.

If nothing needs to be changed then why the new rules?
You need to Google, Google Fiber. We currently have 1 terabyte speed available where I live.

You are confused;

From Google;

Super fast connectivity
At up to 1,000 Mbps, Google Fiber is 100 times faster than today's basic broadband, allowing you to get what you want instantaneously. You no longer have to wait on things buffering; everything will be ready to go when you are. So whether you are video chatting, uploading family videos, or playing your favorite online games, all you need to do is click and you're there.

Google Fiber

That is 1 gigabit, not one terabyte.

Please understand that data is transmitted in bits, not bytes. When discussing transmission speeds, one must always speak in bits. I know it's confusing since memory and hard drives are referenced in bytes, but transmission speeds are in bits.
Correct, I got my terminology mixed up but my point remains.
HBO is going alacart
ABC & CBS have plans to go alacart
Many other services that are traditional cable only packages are making similar plans to break free of the norm.
Internet prices are dropping in my area because of price wars between the carriers.
Google fiber is offering 1 terabyte connections for the price of a standard cable connection FOR LIFE with each area that it expands to.

Government needs to stay the fuck out of the way and let the market decide.

Either you are just saying random things or this is your way of understanding the saying random things.

Net Neutrality has everything to do with what you are talking about. They offer these low prices right now. Google fiber offers that right now. Many of the packages are doing their own thing right now.

You like that? Yes. Then why do you want to change it? You still cant seem to understand that being against net neutrality means changing the internet.

If nothing needs to be changed then why the new rules?
Money grab
HBO is going alacart
ABC & CBS have plans to go alacart
Many other services that are traditional cable only packages are making similar plans to break free of the norm.
Internet prices are dropping in my area because of price wars between the carriers.
Google fiber is offering 1 terabyte connections for the price of a standard cable connection FOR LIFE with each area that it expands to.

Government needs to stay the fuck out of the way and let the market decide.

Either you are just saying random things or this is your way of understanding the saying random things.

Net Neutrality has everything to do with what you are talking about. They offer these low prices right now. Google fiber offers that right now. Many of the packages are doing their own thing right now.

You like that? Yes. Then why do you want to change it? You still cant seem to understand that being against net neutrality means changing the internet.

If nothing needs to be changed then why the new rules?
Money grab

that and more control over the PEOPLE and their freedoms of speech
Heres what the company CAN do and HAS done. If you want more of this


At least that chart represents the actual question, though I doubt you understand it.

Look at Netflix bandwidth speed with Comcast. Guess what happened when their bandwidth speed went waaaaay down? Netflix wanted their speed the same as others without being singled out to pay more

Guess what happened when their speed went waaay up? Netflix paid and suddenly the practice of purposefully slowing down sites have been restored.

Why would any consumer fight and say "Let the companies decide if they want us to pay more!!"

Keep internet the same

So, you believe that a for-profit company like Netflix, should be granted unlimited bandwidth without having to pay for it? That backbone providers should be obligated to spend billions to increase infrastructure to accommodate the load of Netflix on their own dime?

But Kudos, at least you identified the actual issue at hand.
Hey I cant get onto USMessageboard anymore, what happened?
Company: That site hasnt paid to be fast so we dont offer it anymore.
How do I get it back because I like going to that site to debate.
Company: Find someone who carries it fast for free or play by our rules. You can always go to another site. How about the Huffington Post message board? Its faster because they paid to be faster

If that were happening now you might have a point but since it isn't there's no reason to change things now.

Exactly!! Then you are FOR NET NEUTRALITY!!

Changing the internet to match the example I provided is being AGAINST Net Neutrality!

I do not agree with increased FCC authority and I do not agree with new regulations.

Then you want to change the internet but have no reason why you want that
Heres the problem.

Say Govt Regulation and repubs are against it without knowing what it means. Say change the internet and repubs are against it because they like the internet.

So they are both for and against net neutrality. Against it because they like the internet, but for it because they fear the words "govt regulation"

Net Neutrality is changing the internet, dumbfuck.

No its not, thats why you are against it because you think it does something it doesnt
Heres what the company CAN do and HAS done. If you want more of this


At least that chart represents the actual question, though I doubt you understand it.

Look at Netflix bandwidth speed with Comcast. Guess what happened when their bandwidth speed went waaaaay down? Netflix wanted their speed the same as others without being singled out to pay more

Guess what happened when their speed went waaay up? Netflix paid and suddenly the practice of purposefully slowing down sites have been restored.

Why would any consumer fight and say "Let the companies decide if they want us to pay more!!"

Keep internet the same

So, you believe that a for-profit company like Netflix, should be granted unlimited bandwidth without having to pay for it? That backbone providers should be obligated to spend billions to increase infrastructure to accommodate the load of Netflix on their own dime?

But Kudos, at least you identified the actual issue at hand.

Verizon Fios made it less convenient to watch Netflix at my house. I switched to Bright House. Problem solved.
Heres what the company CAN do and HAS done. If you want more of this


At least that chart represents the actual question, though I doubt you understand it.

Look at Netflix bandwidth speed with Comcast. Guess what happened when their bandwidth speed went waaaaay down? Netflix wanted their speed the same as others without being singled out to pay more

Guess what happened when their speed went waaay up? Netflix paid and suddenly the practice of purposefully slowing down sites have been restored.

Why would any consumer fight and say "Let the companies decide if they want us to pay more!!"

Keep internet the same

So, you believe that a for-profit company like Netflix, should be granted unlimited bandwidth without having to pay for it?

So you do want to change the internet. At least you are starting to understand

That backbone providers should be obligated to spend billions to increase infrastructure to accommodate the load of Netflix on their own dime?

Ok so now you are advocating changing the internet and passing the cost onto the consumer. Still not sure how or why you are for changing the internet unless you were comcast. But from a consumer standpoint there isnt an upside

But Kudos, at least you identified the actual issue at hand.

Thanks and now you know you want to change the internet after pages of saying you dont.

Now at least you understand
Hey I cant get onto USMessageboard anymore, what happened?
Company: That site hasnt paid to be fast so we dont offer it anymore.
How do I get it back because I like going to that site to debate.
Company: Find someone who carries it fast for free or play by our rules. You can always go to another site. How about the Huffington Post message board? Its faster because they paid to be faster

If that were happening now you might have a point but since it isn't there's no reason to change things now.

Exactly!! Then you are FOR NET NEUTRALITY!!

Changing the internet to match the example I provided is being AGAINST Net Neutrality!

I do not agree with increased FCC authority and I do not agree with new regulations.

Then you want to change the internet but have no reason why you want that
The reason is that I don't think the proposed solution will work.

Regulating the Internet as a utility will not foster innovation and it will not solve the problems some say are coming. The prices are currently set to levels that the market will bear and that's worked very well for 20 years.
Heres what the company CAN do and HAS done. If you want more of this


At least that chart represents the actual question, though I doubt you understand it.

Look at Netflix bandwidth speed with Comcast. Guess what happened when their bandwidth speed went waaaaay down? Netflix wanted their speed the same as others without being singled out to pay more

Guess what happened when their speed went waaay up? Netflix paid and suddenly the practice of purposefully slowing down sites have been restored.

Why would any consumer fight and say "Let the companies decide if they want us to pay more!!"

Keep internet the same

So, you believe that a for-profit company like Netflix, should be granted unlimited bandwidth without having to pay for it? That backbone providers should be obligated to spend billions to increase infrastructure to accommodate the load of Netflix on their own dime?

But Kudos, at least you identified the actual issue at hand.

Verizon Fios made it less convenient to watch Netflix at my house. I switched to Bright House. Problem solved.

But why create the problem to solve it? leave the internet alone and you dont have to find a solution
Hey I cant get onto USMessageboard anymore, what happened?
Company: That site hasnt paid to be fast so we dont offer it anymore.
How do I get it back because I like going to that site to debate.
Company: Find someone who carries it fast for free or play by our rules. You can always go to another site. How about the Huffington Post message board? Its faster because they paid to be faster

If that were happening now you might have a point but since it isn't there's no reason to change things now.

Exactly!! Then you are FOR NET NEUTRALITY!!

Changing the internet to match the example I provided is being AGAINST Net Neutrality!

I do not agree with increased FCC authority and I do not agree with new regulations.

Then you want to change the internet but have no reason why you want that
The reason is that I don't think the proposed solution will work.

Regulating the Internet as a utility will not foster innovation and it will not solve the problems some say are coming. The prices are currently set to levels that the market will bear and that's worked very well for 20 years.

Yes I know its worked all this time and you want to change it you just dont know other than "problems some say are day"

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