Here it comes! Obama says FCC should reclassify internet as a utility

Today, websites including Netflix, reddit and Etsy are participating in a day of protest to draw attention to Net neutrality—the idea that Internet service providers (ISPs) should treat all Internet traffic equally. If the campaign is successful, the U.S. would be joining a handful of countries that have passed Net neutrality legislation.

***So to recap...If you dont want all your sites to be accessed just like you can today, you are AGAINST Net Neutrality. If you believe that internet traffic should NOT be treated equally, like it is today, you are AGAINST Net Neutrality***

As part of “Internet Slowdown Day,” sites will display a “loading” icon to symbolize how a lack of ISP regulation would result in slower website services for some. Without Net neutrality, ISPs could provide a “fast lane” to favored content (websites that pay), allowing it to load more quickly. In turn, ISPs could also downgrade the speed of other content (websites that can’t pay).

**So to recap...If you believe ISP's should change the way they offer content today, you are AGAINST Net Neutrality**
Whether or not it is itemized on the bill, the consumers pay EVERY CENT of it! God and goddess, are you STUPID?!?!

Dipshit disputed that the fee was "applied to phone companies and not consumers".
So I proved and documented that it, in fact, is applied to phone companies and not consumers. Which documentation is sitting right there above these words. In bold.

Are you illiterate?

Silly widdle Pogo. All fees charged to Phone Companies end up being passed through to consumers via the rates and fees they charge them. The Phone Companies don't eat those fees.

Of course. I can see the line on my phone bill.
But that's not what the poster claimed.
Well it is nice of some of the people here wanting to support corporates like Comcast effectively being allowed to:
Redirect Sites (i.e. Comcast could redirect Google to there own search engine)
Block Sites
Place ads anytime they like

And many other things...

That's funny. Blocking sites is commonly done when the Internet is controlled by a Government.

Yes it is, China being a ready example.

But that's got nothing to do with the issue here. It's wholly unrelated.

I wouldn't count on that, bub.

Well, that's why I've been challenging anybody to show where that door is opened. And no one can, because it doesn't exist.

You can't see what giving the FCC power to regulate the internet and apply the Fairness Doctrine would do to free speech on the internet?

The FCC had not applied the Fairness Doctrine in almost 30 years. Furthermore it only applied to broadcast networks using public airwaves. Never applied to print media, cable or the internet.
Uhmmm.. you do realize that US taxpayers funded that half trillion via tax subsidies right?

Why? You don't...

But the number seems right considering
Call your Reps and demand them DEFUND the FCC and all government agencies under this regime of Obama's.

that's the ONLY way to put a stop to them HURTING us and our country anymore than they already have.

So nothing about actual pros and cons to net neutrality.

Maybe we should have defunded the US Army before the last Iraq war... You don't mind being lie to and having thousands of Americans killed but you have suddenly woke up when ISP corporations aren't allowed to be bribed or they aren't allowed to extort businesses for heavily preferred access.

Way to go, kill small business, kill America.

IF it's something Obama wants there can't be a damn thing GOOD about it.
now go make your OWN life. Leave the business if you think they are raping you

I hear Obama doesn't want women to be raped.

Why are you so much for women to be raped...

He also against killing children....
Why do want to kill children....

You are just picking sides on the opposite of Obama... We can do this all day Terrorist lover...(Obama doesn't like Terrorism either)
HBO is going alacart
ABC & CBS have plans to go alacart
Many other services that are traditional cable only packages are making similar plans to break free of the norm.
Internet prices are dropping in my area because of price wars between the carriers.
Google fiber is offering 1 terabyte connections for the price of a standard cable connection FOR LIFE with each area that it expands to.

Government needs to stay the fuck out of the way and let the market decide.

Um, we are closing in on gigabit speeds on the internet, we don't even have terabit on LANs. 10gb is still highly expensive for LAN use.

On the consumer side, 100mb is just now becoming widely available, thanks to the half TRILLION dollars that Time Warner invested in infrastructure. IF they are permitted to realize a return on that investment, then expect further capital improvements.

If the looters like Pogo, Cowboy Ted, and Shitting Bull are allowed to mooch the profits out of the investment, then expect nothing further from TW.

If you count all the gold taken out of jews heads in Auswitch you get a nice profit too... And sure hardly anyone got hurt there too.

Profit at all costs for one company.

Today, websites including Netflix, reddit and Etsy are participating in a day of protest to draw attention to Net neutrality—the idea that Internet service providers (ISPs) should treat all Internet traffic equally. If the campaign is successful, the U.S. would be joining a handful of countries that have passed Net neutrality legislation.

***So to recap...If you dont want all your sites to be accessed just like you can today, you are AGAINST Net Neutrality. If you believe that internet traffic should NOT be treated equally, like it is today, you are AGAINST Net Neutrality***

As part of “Internet Slowdown Day,” sites will display a “loading” icon to symbolize how a lack of ISP regulation would result in slower website services for some. Without Net neutrality, ISPs could provide a “fast lane” to favored content (websites that pay), allowing it to load more quickly. In turn, ISPs could also downgrade the speed of other content (websites that can’t pay).

**So to recap...If you believe ISP's should change the way they offer content today, you are AGAINST Net Neutrality**

Well said. That just about sums it up. I would also add if you want to pay higher prices for services like Netflix then you are AGAINST Net Neutrality. The price to get into the fast lane will be pushed to consumer.
Some carriers here throttle speed, some don't.

Solution A: Switch carriers

Solution B: Give up control to gubmnt.

People are still confused by ISP and backbone. Chances are, your ISP does not own and operate the backbone it runs on. Changing ISP will not alter the backbone.

In the East OC area of Southern California, AT&T runs their U-Verse offering over Time Warner's backbone. Switching from TW Cable will not alter the backbone used.

Net Neutrality = Netflix wants something for nothing - period and end of story. The Coffee house fools sign on because they fear their torrents will slow down as the download from Pirate Bay. (Yeah, I know it's gone - it's just an example.)

Net Neutrality = Netflix wants something for nothing - period and end of story. The Coffee house fools sign on because they fear their torrents will slow down as the download from Pirate Bay. (Yeah, I know it's gone - it's just an example.)

Ok so again, can you explain whats wrong with the internet today and how paying more for it is a good thing?
Ok so again, can you explain whats wrong with the internet today and how paying more for it is a good thing?

You won't pay more for the internet. You might pay more for your NetFlix subscription, as they pass on the costs of having to pay for the bandwidth they use. That makes perfect sense though, if you use it, you pay for it.

So you wont pay more but you may pay more and you are for it because you dont know.

Sounds like solid logic to me.

Today, websites including Netflix, reddit and Etsy are participating in a day of protest to draw attention to Net neutrality—the idea that Internet service providers (ISPs) should treat all Internet traffic equally. If the campaign is successful, the U.S. would be joining a handful of countries that have passed Net neutrality legislation.

***So to recap...If you dont want all your sites to be accessed just like you can today, you are AGAINST Net Neutrality. If you believe that internet traffic should NOT be treated equally, like it is today, you are AGAINST Net Neutrality***

As part of “Internet Slowdown Day,” sites will display a “loading” icon to symbolize how a lack of ISP regulation would result in slower website services for some. Without Net neutrality, ISPs could provide a “fast lane” to favored content (websites that pay), allowing it to load more quickly. In turn, ISPs could also downgrade the speed of other content (websites that can’t pay).

**So to recap...If you believe ISP's should change the way they offer content today, you are AGAINST Net Neutrality**

Didn't Comcast slow down Netflix's speed until Netflix paid more (because they use more bandwith)? How is that 'being treated equally like it is today'? NN will make it so those who use more don't pay more but those who use less will end up paying more to ensure that everyone pays the same. It's the same freaking thing that they did with pre-existing conditions. Those people get to pay the same as people without p/e's, even though those with p/e's are a higher risk to insure and SHOULD pay more. Same goes for those who gobble up lots of bandwith. YES, they SHOULD pay more because they are using more. How can you treat all internet traffic equally when all internet traffic isn't equal?
Regardless of how one gets there (high-speed or dial-up) - the Internet should be the same for all who arrive there.

Content wise I agree. Speed wise, you get what you pay for.

That is true. Content is what I'm most concerned about. HOWEVER, we are also being gouged by greedy cable companies regarding access to high-speed Internet service - PLUS, they also want to have different level of CONTENT.

I agree with President Obama that the Internet should be regulated like a utility.
Just because you dont understand it doesnt mean I'm wrong

You seek to pass a law - I seek to not pass a law.

Which of us seeks to change things?

I seek to pass a law that will leave the internet as is

You seek to not pass a law that will result in changing the internet.

Now are we talking about changing laws or the internet? Because those are two different things

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