Here it comes! Obama says FCC should reclassify internet as a utility

So you do like the way the way we have all been able to access the internet up until now? Yes or no?

Up until now, the FCC has classified the Internet as a title I utility. You demand it be CHANGED to a title II utility like telephone service, so that it can be tightly regulated by the FCC.

What you demand is a radical change in the internet.

I realize that the drones have been instructed to claim that cutting your hand off is no change to your arm, but leaving it attached is a change, in you Orwellian "war is peace" mantra. After the Obamacare scam, the question is whether your bizarre lies will fool enough people to push this pile of shit through?

Give me ONE good reason why Netflix and Apple TV should not have to pay for the bandwidth they use?

Why have you dodged that question? Its ok if you like the internet man, really
Actually, the one thing is clear is that you are a corporate shill. You don't give a shit about freedom, innovation or true competition in the marketplace. You care about pleasing your corporate masters and being a good little stooge.

Of course, because unless you win, Netflix Corporation, Apple Corporation, and Amazon Corporation will have to PAY for the bandwidth the use.

Luckily they have corporate shills like you to demand that government keep them from paying for what they use.

Today, websites including Netflix, reddit and Etsy are participating in a day of protest to draw attention to Net neutrality—the idea that Internet service providers (ISPs) should treat all Internet traffic equally. If the campaign is successful, the U.S. would be joining a handful of countries that have passed Net neutrality legislation.

***So to recap...If you dont want all your sites to be accessed just like you can today, you are AGAINST Net Neutrality. If you believe that internet traffic should NOT be treated equally, like it is today, you are AGAINST Net Neutrality***

As part of “Internet Slowdown Day,” sites will display a “loading” icon to symbolize how a lack of ISP regulation would result in slower website services for some. Without Net neutrality, ISPs could provide a “fast lane” to favored content (websites that pay), allowing it to load more quickly. In turn, ISPs could also downgrade the speed of other content (websites that can’t pay).

**So to recap...If you believe ISP's should change the way they offer content today, you are AGAINST Net Neutrality**

Didn't Comcast slow down Netflix's speed until Netflix paid more (because they use more bandwith)? How is that 'being treated equally like it is today'? NN will make it so those who use more don't pay more but those who use less will end up paying more to ensure that everyone pays the same. It's the same freaking thing that they did with pre-existing conditions. Those people get to pay the same as people without p/e's, even though those with p/e's are a higher risk to insure and SHOULD pay more. Same goes for those who gobble up lots of bandwith. YES, they SHOULD pay more because they are using more. How can you treat all internet traffic equally when all internet traffic isn't equal?

Why are you saying "they" should pay more. You mean WE should pay more.

THEY refers to whoever is using more bandwith! If that's Netflix then they pay more. What? Netflix passes that cost onto its customer? Yes .... and? YOU are using more bandwith streaming the Netflix so yes, you get to pay more.

Answer my questions. How is Comcast charging Netflix more considered 'treating everyone equally'? How can you treat all internet traffic equally when all internet traffic isn't equal? Why shouldn't those who use more pay more? You totally ignored my post.
What makes you think netflix doesn't pay for it's access to the internet? ROFL. Where can I get free unlimited access to the internet? What you dolts are asking for is an internet use tax on the consumer. Netflix will eat it... ROFL that's funny, just like they already eat the cost of putting the content on the net? ROFL that's just too funny.

What's going on is the ISPs want to meter your personal use of the internet, like the cell phone providers are doing. This way you get to buy 30gig of internet a month. No more unlimited internet.

Yes it will start with pennies per gig... these metered use taxes and fees always start low... then comes the pain.
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He keeps ignoring the part about no bandwidth issue is pay for play corporatism. If Uncensored gets his way next year he'll be complaining about the liberal internet and how the little guys get discriminated against
So you do like the way the way we have all been able to access the internet up until now? Yes or no?

Up until now, the FCC has classified the Internet as a title I utility. You demand it be CHANGED to a title II utility like telephone service, so that it can be tightly regulated by the FCC.

What you demand is a radical change in the internet.

I realize that the drones have been instructed to claim that cutting your hand off is no change to your arm, but leaving it attached is a change, in you Orwellian "war is peace" mantra. After the Obamacare scam, the question is whether your bizarre lies will fool enough people to push this pile of shit through?

Give me ONE good reason why Netflix and Apple TV should not have to pay for the bandwidth they use?

Cause the consumer pays... If I want to use youporn, Netflix,Torrent or just send huge emails around... It is my choice not anyone else especially my ISP...
Ahh, the Microsoft twits... Love ye.... Aren't ye the guys that saw the internet coming? Actually ye totally missed that boat.

So you are saying "net neutrality has NOTHING to do with ISP"

Here is
Net Neutrality
What Everyone Gets Wrong in the Debate Over Net Neutrality WIRED
Thats Stanford and Wired calling you an idiot.

You were afraid people wouldn't grasp that you are an idiot - so you posted this to ensure otherwise...

While I have very little respect for Wired, that it actually a pretty good article. Bummer you lacked the wits to grasp it,

Just because your a complete idiot I am now helping you in actually creating a proper case for not having net neutrality and it is not Government control argument, dingbat.

If I were a complete idiot, I would be you.

You are a corporate shill - fighting to ensure that Netflix and Apple avoid paying for the bandwidth they conume.

Oh and moron, scroll back 40 pages and you'll see that I addressed content delivery networks long ago - you simply lack the wits to grasp the subject matter.

And you still can't tell me who ISP is favouring or discriminating...

This is like water... You pay for a certain amount of it, we expect the water to be clean (that is regulated and checked). Dipshit here wants the water company to be able to alter that water without even telling the customer, hey so a few get sick, lets blame it on something else. Bit of luck no one will trace it back to us.

If Google and Comcast set up a peer connection, this is termed a dedicated ?



You really should change your handle to "Retard Ted," in the interest of truth.
It's laughable that you pretend to know what they fuck you're talking about AND can be against Net Neutrality. You're literally the definition of a party shill and a corporate stooge.

Your corporate masters are pleased.

One thing that is perfectly clear is that I am about the only person in this thread who knows what I'm talking about.

Yes, you're a hack, I get it. But you have no idea what the changes do. You think it has to do with your ISP and censoring Eddie Vedder...

Actually, the one thing is clear is that you are a corporate shill. You don't give a shit about freedom, innovation or true competition in the marketplace. You care about pleasing your corporate masters and being a good little stooge.
ROFL... you're mentally handicapped aren't you.
So you do like the way the way we have all been able to access the internet up until now? Yes or no?

Up until now, the FCC has classified the Internet as a title I utility. You demand it be CHANGED to a title II utility like telephone service, so that it can be tightly regulated by the FCC.

What you demand is a radical change in the internet.

I realize that the drones have been instructed to claim that cutting your hand off is no change to your arm, but leaving it attached is a change, in you Orwellian "war is peace" mantra. After the Obamacare scam, the question is whether your bizarre lies will fool enough people to push this pile of shit through?

Give me ONE good reason why Netflix and Apple TV should not have to pay for the bandwidth they use?

Why have you dodged that question? Its ok if you like the internet man, really

So the ONLY foundation you have is utter and complete dishonesty?

Without the "big lie" you cannot sell your looter scheme?
Here is a picture to help you understand further:

He keeps ignoring the part about no bandwidth issue is pay for play corporatism. If Uncensored gets his way next year he'll be complaining about the liberal internet and how the little guys get discriminated against

If you win this, will you demand "beef neutrality?" So that McDonald's is charged the same for the beef they use in their business as a corner Greek hamburger stand?

It's exactly the same principle...
Net neutrality = Internet FREEDOM. Does anyone really believe that greedy cable companies like Comcast and Verizon give a shit about your rights?
Ahh, the Microsoft twits... Love ye.... Aren't ye the guys that saw the internet coming? Actually ye totally missed that boat.

So you are saying "net neutrality has NOTHING to do with ISP"

Here is
Net Neutrality
What Everyone Gets Wrong in the Debate Over Net Neutrality WIRED
Thats Stanford and Wired calling you an idiot.

You were afraid people wouldn't grasp that you are an idiot - so you posted this to ensure otherwise...

While I have very little respect for Wired, that it actually a pretty good article. Bummer you lacked the wits to grasp it,

Just because your a complete idiot I am now helping you in actually creating a proper case for not having net neutrality and it is not Government control argument, dingbat.

If I were a complete idiot, I would be you.

You are a corporate shill - fighting to ensure that Netflix and Apple avoid paying for the bandwidth they conume.

Oh and moron, scroll back 40 pages and you'll see that I addressed content delivery networks long ago - you simply lack the wits to grasp the subject matter.

And you still can't tell me who ISP is favouring or discriminating...

This is like water... You pay for a certain amount of it, we expect the water to be clean (that is regulated and checked). Dipshit here wants the water company to be able to alter that water without even telling the customer, hey so a few get sick, lets blame it on something else. Bit of luck no one will trace it back to us.

If Google and Comcast set up a peer connection, this is termed a dedicated ?



You really should change your handle to "Retard Ted," in the interest of truth.
How does microsoft get free internet? And how do I sign up for it?
If you think the internet and our access to it should remain the same as it has been up until now, you are in Favor of Net Neutrality.

If you have a vested interest in the bottom line of Comcast or Verizon then you are Against Net Neutrality.

Which are you?

And I cant figure out why anyone would take the side of charging us more and pay to play information.

They complain about the corporate media and here they are arguing for it.
It's the same people that think corporate taxes have no effect on the cost of goods and services. The same people that are for "free" schools and free libraries. They really do believe these things don't affect them.
How does microsoft get free internet? And how do I sign up for it?

I have no idea.

Apple has joined Netflix and Amazon in content delivery. The issue is that video content consumes huge amounts of bandwidth. The current push for the misnamed net neutrality is backed by Netflix and Apple - these lefties are just corporate shills for these two mega-corps.
If you think the internet and our access to it should remain the same as it has been up until now, you are in Favor of Net Neutrality.

If you have a vested interest in the bottom line of Comcast or Verizon then you are Against Net Neutrality.

Which are you?

And I cant figure out why anyone would take the side of charging us more and pay to play information.

They complain about the corporate media and here they are arguing for it.
It's because they're hypocrites of the highest order. That plus a lack of critical thinking skills.
So you do like the way the way we have all been able to access the internet up until now? Yes or no?

Up until now, the FCC has classified the Internet as a title I utility. You demand it be CHANGED to a title II utility like telephone service, so that it can be tightly regulated by the FCC.

What you demand is a radical change in the internet.

I realize that the drones have been instructed to claim that cutting your hand off is no change to your arm, but leaving it attached is a change, in you Orwellian "war is peace" mantra. After the Obamacare scam, the question is whether your bizarre lies will fool enough people to push this pile of shit through?

Give me ONE good reason why Netflix and Apple TV should not have to pay for the bandwidth they use?

How about answering the question I asked now.

So you do like the way the way we have all been able to access the internet up until now? Yes or no?

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