Here it comes! Obama says FCC should reclassify internet as a utility

Here's a hint:


And they have the freedom to feel that way.

But do the Democrats on the FCC have the right to grab the internet and force what they want REGARDLESS of what Corporations or the American people want?

If you think the corporations want what you want you are farther gone than you've already made apparent.

Yeah, because it's corporations we have to "fear" not the government right?


Uh -- who do you think runs the government, Virginia? We the People?
Well they got control of our health care so of course the commies want to control the Internet.

will the people rise up and stop them? to be seen

And how would this proposal do that, Steph?

Aye --- there's the rub. :oops:

The anti-Obama reflex mechanism in these people kicks in independently of that thinking mechanism on their shoulders,

assuming they have the latter.
If you like the fact that you're paying 100 bucks a month, or around that, for your cable's 200 channels of CRAP 90% of which you don't even want,

by all means, give those sorts of companies more power of internet service and pricing.

you certainly are not mandated to buy such services


You guys can rant against your own interests, based on some ideological creed you're locked into, all you want.

Just remember you were warned.


Yeah, because the government ONLY HAS OUT BEST INTERESTS IN MIND, RIGHT???? :lol: :lol:
Well they got control of our health care so of course the commies want to control the Internet.

will the people rise up and stop them? to be seen

And how would this proposal do that, Steph?

Aye --- there's the rub. :oops:

The anti-Obama reflex mechanism in these people kicks in independently of that thinking mechanism on their shoulders,

assuming they have the latter.

Yeah, because Obama taking over healthcare went so well.

What's to fear about him taking over the internet, right?????????
Well they got control of our health care so of course the commies want to control the Internet.

will the people rise up and stop them? to be seen

And how would this proposal do that, Steph?

Aye --- there's the rub. :oops:

The anti-Obama reflex mechanism in these people kicks in independently of that thinking mechanism on their shoulders,

assuming they have the latter.

Yeah, because Obama taking over healthcare went so well.

What's to fear about him taking over the internet, right?????????

Once again --- where in any of this is any inkling of the gummint "taking over" anything?

Do you notice you can't answer that question? Doesn't it tell you something that you can't explain your own point?
Well they got control of our health care so of course the commies want to control the Internet.

will the people rise up and stop them? to be seen

And how would this proposal do that, Steph?

Aye --- there's the rub. :oops:

The anti-Obama reflex mechanism in these people kicks in independently of that thinking mechanism on their shoulders,

assuming they have the latter.

Yeah, because Obama taking over healthcare went so well.

What's to fear about him taking over the internet, right?????????

You can now get insurance despite your pre-existing condition of dementia. You should be grateful.

At least research net neutrality. You might change your mind.
We can't have that darn internet where too much freedom of speech is happening.

Like Windsor's affirmation in the eyes of the LGBT far left, "States may have choice on gay marriage as long as they always choose YES". So it will be on the internet. "You can say anything you like as long as it isn't offensive to the LGBT cult".

This right here is the reason they want to drown out the voices of the majority:


The democratic party knows that if people openly discuss all the obvious and subtle aspects of this picture on the internet, they don't have an icecube's chance in hell in 2016...

Think about it.... They've seen these numbers and know precisely the exact reason they lost so many middle votes to crossover. People in the middle aren't keen on fascism from a twisted cult:

Should Churches be forced to accomodate for homosexual weddings Page 464 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Should Churches Be Forced to Accomodate for Homosexual Adoptions US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

How many states are currently FORCED to allow gay marriage? 20-something?
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Well they got control of our health care so of course the commies want to control the Internet.

will the people rise up and stop them? to be seen


READ the article.

Oh never mind. You wouldn't understand it any more than teapartysamurai or the other knee jerkers do.

It's all in the OP's link.

Regulating internet service under Title II would mean reclassifying it as a utility, like water. This means that internet providers would just be pumping internet back and forth through pipes and not actually making any decisions about where the internet goes. For the most part, that's controversial idea in the eyes of service providers alone. It means that they're losing some control over what they sell, and that they can't favor certain services to benefit their own business. Instead, providers would be stuck allowing consumers to use the internet as they want to, using whatever services they like without any penalty. If that sounds pretty great, it's because that's basically how the internet has worked up until now.

In a statement outlining what he'd like internet service to look like, Obama highlights four major points: internet providers wouldn't be allowed to block websites offering legal content, they wouldn't be allowed to intentionally slow down or speed up certain websites or services based on their own preferences, and they wouldn't be able to offer paid fast lanes. Obama also asks that the FCC investigate and potentially apply net neutrality rules to the interconnect points that sit between service providers, like Comcast and Verizon, and content providers, like Netflix. That's potentially huge news for Netflix, which has been arguing that this area of the internet should be covered by net neutrality all year.
"to protect net neutrality".

I'll bet every one of you either is in favor of net neutrality, or doesn't know what it means.

My bet is they don't know.

That's the only possible reason they would be against it. That and the fact that Obama is in favor of it.

Yeah...he just wants to protect internet neutrality.
Just like he wants you to keep your Dr. if you like him.
If you believe this shit you're a complete moron.
"to protect net neutrality".

I'll bet every one of you either is in favor of net neutrality, or doesn't know what it means.

My bet is they don't know.

That's the only possible reason they would be against it. That and the fact that Obama is in favor of it.

Yeah...he just wants to protect internet neutrality.
Just like he wants you to keep your Dr. if you like him.
If you believe this shit you're a complete moron.

Did you lose your doctor?
Obama will handle it like he handled Healthcare, the IRS and NSA

Be afraid
The group that funded most of his campaigning are making their final demands. And he, their ever-faithful, unreflective servant, will do everything in his power to provide the product for all that money. They know what the free exchange of ideas and discussions means for them in 2016. Censuring the internet only favors democrats. This along with other overt and functional fascism from them already in place in your state should scare you.

As usual, democrats are doing everything wrong from a strategic standpoint..
"to protect net neutrality".

I'll bet every one of you either is in favor of net neutrality, or doesn't know what it means.

My bet is they don't know.

That's the only possible reason they would be against it. That and the fact that Obama is in favor of it.

Yeah...he just wants to protect internet neutrality.
Just like he wants you to keep your Dr. if you like him.
If you believe this shit you're a complete moron.

Another speculation fallacy, another wag tries to insist that yes the emperor is wearing clothes.
And another one bites the dust.

Read the article. If you still don't get it, read the comments on it.
Obama will handle it like he handled Healthcare, the IRS and NSA

Be afraid
The group that funded most of his campaigning are making their final demands. And he, their ever-faithful, unreflective servant, will do everything in his power to provide the product for all that money. They know what the free exchange of ideas and discussions means for them in 2016. Censuring the internet only favors democrats. This along with other overt and functional fascism from them already in place in your state should scare you.

As usual, democrats are doing everything wrong from a strategic standpoint..

--- Explain where anything at all here refers to "censuring" the internet.
If you can do that, you'll be the first. :banana:

Judging by some of the posts here, O'bama must have come out in favor of reading comprehension. Because there sure are plenty of wags opposed to it.
How can I predict that this will lead to suppression of free speech? See the picture above a couple posts. Meditate on it Grasshopper...

The group that funded most of his campaigning are making their final demands. And he, their ever-faithful, unreflective servant, will do everything in his power to provide the product for all that money. They know what the free exchange of ideas and discussions means for them in 2016. Censuring the internet only favors democrats. This along with other overt and functional fascism from them already in place in your state should scare you.

As usual, democrats are doing everything wrong from a strategic standpoint..

My party seriously needs to scrape off some barnacles. Then they wouldn't need to resort to oppression of free speech to get good dem platforms advanced.
"to protect net neutrality".

I'll bet every one of you either is in favor of net neutrality, or doesn't know what it means.

My bet is they don't know.

That's the only possible reason they would be against it. That and the fact that Obama is in favor of it.

Yeah...he just wants to protect internet neutrality.
Just like he wants you to keep your Dr. if you like him.
If you believe this shit you're a complete moron.

Did you lose your doctor?

Nope,but then I pay the big bucks for my insurance because I like quality healthcare. And unfortunately with obammycare it's going up even more.
We'll see what kind of adjustments are made to his socialist medical program now that Americans have shown their displeasure in his inept governance.
"to protect net neutrality".

I'll bet every one of you either is in favor of net neutrality, or doesn't know what it means.

My bet is they don't know.

That's the only possible reason they would be against it. That and the fact that Obama is in favor of it.

Yeah...he just wants to protect internet neutrality.
Just like he wants you to keep your Dr. if you like him.
If you believe this shit you're a complete moron.

Another speculation fallacy, another wag tries to insist that yes the emperor is wearing clothes.
And another one bites the dust.

Read the article. If you still don't get it, read the comments on it.

It's my contention that the gov should stay the fuck away from the internet....period.
How can I predict that this will lead to suppression of free speech? See the picture above a couple posts. Meditate on it Grasshopper...

The group that funded most of his campaigning are making their final demands. And he, their ever-faithful, unreflective servant, will do everything in his power to provide the product for all that money. They know what the free exchange of ideas and discussions means for them in 2016. Censuring the internet only favors democrats. This along with other overt and functional fascism from them already in place in your state should scare you.

As usual, democrats are doing everything wrong from a strategic standpoint..

My party seriously needs to scrape off some barnacles. Then they wouldn't need to resort to oppression of free speech to get good dem platforms advanced.

Your image above makes no statement at all on the issue. Nor does your post here.

The question remains open and unmolested -- HOW does "net neutrality" "censure" the internet?
In case you missed it, the key word there is HOW. That means you have to essplain the way it works.
How can I predict that this will lead to suppression of free speech? See the picture above a couple posts. Meditate on it Grasshopper...

The group that funded most of his campaigning are making their final demands. And he, their ever-faithful, unreflective servant, will do everything in his power to provide the product for all that money. They know what the free exchange of ideas and discussions means for them in 2016. Censuring the internet only favors democrats. This along with other overt and functional fascism from them already in place in your state should scare you.

As usual, democrats are doing everything wrong from a strategic standpoint..

My party seriously needs to scrape off some barnacles. Then they wouldn't need to resort to oppression of free speech to get good dem platforms advanced.

Your image above makes no statement at all on the issue. Nor does your post here.

The question remains open and unmolested -- HOW does "net neutrality" "censure" the internet?
In case you missed it, the key word there is HOW. That means you have to essplain the way it works.

So why exactly does the gov need to get involved? I mean if you want neutrality that is.

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