Here it comes! Obama says FCC should reclassify internet as a utility


Obama says FCC should reclassify internet as a utility

President Obama has come out in support of reclassifying internet service as a utility, a move that would allow the Federal Communications Commission to enforce more robust regulations on it and protect net neutrality. "The time has come for the FCC to recognize that broadband service is of the same importance and must carry the same obligations as so many of the other vital services do," Obama writes in a statement this morning. "To do that, I believe the FCC should reclassify consumer broadband service under Title II of the Telecommunications Act — while at the same time forbearing from rate regulation and other provisions less relevant to broadband services."

Obama says FCC should reclassify internet as a utility The Verge

You libs can say "calm down, it's just an attempt to regulate broadband!"

Oh that's the Trojan Horse that Democrats will use to justify it. But it won't stop there! DOES IT EVER STOP WITH LIBERALS ONCE THEY TASTE A NEW POWER?

I told you this was coming. Democrats on the FCC made rumblings about this before the election. Well, Democrats LOST badly and they intend to do something about it.

We can't have that darn internet where too much freedom of speech is happening.

NOOOOOOOOO, we have got to 'regulate it."

Oh they will start out with the usual, like taxes and rules.

But then they will demand that we no longer can have nick names on the internet. NO, we MUST have our real names to be on the internet.

That way they KNOW who you are, when you say something Democrats don't like, WHERE THEY CAN FIND YOU!

Expect the audits and other privacy invasions if we say things Der Fuhrer Obama and Der Fuhrer Democrats don't like.

I told you, they would make their move in a thread about a month ago. HERE IT COMES!

It's all about big government.
More regulation.
More control.
A money grab in more taxes...

Libs love this shit.
the libs better not fuck with the internet, they will lose young voters and the pedophile vote.
I can envision a future of mesh networks, self sufficient and self healing. It would simply be a web of peer to peer nodes connected wirelessly.

Imagine a shopping mall with a food court and big box stores, all national chain franchises, and a bunch of mall cops regulating the place. Maybe you've got a few independents in small kiosks selling sunglasses or whatever. If the Internet were to become analogous to that, lots of people would find new pipelines to explore.

Truth is, the Internet already is becoming analogous to a mall, with the majority of all traffic happening on the top 10 sites.

Who will provide the backbone for this?

I was part of Doors back in the day, mesh networks are very limited - wireless even more so.
"to protect net neutrality".

I'll bet every one of you either is in favor of net neutrality, or doesn't know what it means.

I thought about responding but I find that Republicans are only against it because Obama is for it until you tell them what it means then they support it fully.

Or dont only because Obama supports it
I thought about responding but I find that Republicans are only against it because Obama is for it until you tell them what it means then they support it fully.

Or dont only because Obama supports it

As always, you have no clue what you are babbling on about;

My ability to update my SQL Server is more important than your ability to watch cat videos on YouTube.

I am willing to pay to ensure that I am able to do what I need across an uncontested pipe, you are willing to put political pressure on. I will pay for priority service because it is important to my business - you will shriek "NO FAIR" because you should be given the best just because you want it.

You will dictate that all get an equal share, the ambulance trying to send an EKG to the attending in hopes of saving a life gets no more bandwidth than OnePercenter playing Call of Duty, high on dope, in his mom's basement.

Net Neutrality fucks the internet.
I thought about responding but I find that Republicans are only against it because Obama is for it until you tell them what it means then they support it fully.

Or dont only because Obama supports it

As always, you have no clue what you are babbling on about;

My ability to update my SQL Server is more important than your ability to watch cat videos on YouTube.

I am willing to pay to ensure that I am able to do what I need across an uncontested pipe, you are willing to put political pressure on. I will pay for priority service because it is important to my business - you will shriek "NO FAIR" because you should be given the best just because you want it.

You will dictate that all get an equal share, the ambulance trying to send an EKG to the attending in hopes of saving a life gets no more bandwidth than OnePercenter playing Call of Duty, high on dope, in his mom's basement.

Net Neutrality fucks the internet.

And you will say that equality is bad? My concern isnt YOU paying extra since you're just some guy, my concern is slowing down other sites ON PURPOSE by companies and their competition. For example: I dont want Netflix slowed down by Comcast because HBO just launched its newest site HBOGO.
Here's an interesting link that deals with this subject. A better internet in other countries that have government regulating internet. Other countries having better internet than USA does. As it stands, I'm in favor of government control. What good has deregulation done for cable so far? I read stephanie and sj's last insults so they don't need to respond.

Why is European broadband faster and cheaper Blame the government

Net Neutrality closes the internet - puts us on the kind of model the Chinese use. Of course that is EXACTLY what you of the left dream of, an Internet where those who work against the aims of the party can be punished.

No it doesn't. I keeps the internet free from censorship by large service providers. It has nothing to do with your ability to set up a VPN to administer your SQL Server, or any computer on line for that matter.
I thought about responding but I find that Republicans are only against it because Obama is for it until you tell them what it means then they support it fully.

Or dont only because Obama supports it

As always, you have no clue what you are babbling on about;

My ability to update my SQL Server is more important than your ability to watch cat videos on YouTube.

I am willing to pay to ensure that I am able to do what I need across an uncontested pipe, you are willing to put political pressure on. I will pay for priority service because it is important to my business - you will shriek "NO FAIR" because you should be given the best just because you want it.

You will dictate that all get an equal share, the ambulance trying to send an EKG to the attending in hopes of saving a life gets no more bandwidth than OnePercenter playing Call of Duty, high on dope, in his mom's basement.

Net Neutrality fucks the internet.

And you will say that equality is bad? My concern isnt YOU paying extra since you're just some guy, my concern is slowing down other sites ON PURPOSE by companies and their competition. For example: I dont want Netflix slowed down by Comcast because HBO just launched its newest site HBOGO.

The money interests have been frustrated for years over the simple fact that in their view too many people get too good a deal using the internet.

They believe that the consumer can tolerate much more bleeding to get their internet, and they're looking for every way possible to push the costs to the consumer as far as the market can possibly bear.
I thought about responding but I find that Republicans are only against it because Obama is for it until you tell them what it means then they support it fully.

Or dont only because Obama supports it

As always, you have no clue what you are babbling on about;

My ability to update my SQL Server is more important than your ability to watch cat videos on YouTube.

I am willing to pay to ensure that I am able to do what I need across an uncontested pipe, you are willing to put political pressure on. I will pay for priority service because it is important to my business - you will shriek "NO FAIR" because you should be given the best just because you want it.

You will dictate that all get an equal share, the ambulance trying to send an EKG to the attending in hopes of saving a life gets no more bandwidth than OnePercenter playing Call of Duty, high on dope, in his mom's basement.

Net Neutrality fucks the internet.

And you will say that equality is bad? My concern isnt YOU paying extra since you're just some guy, my concern is slowing down other sites ON PURPOSE by companies and their competition. For example: I dont want Netflix slowed down by Comcast because HBO just launched its newest site HBOGO.

The money interests have been frustrated for years over the simple fact that in their view too many people get too good a deal using the internet.

They believe that the consumer can tolerate much more bleeding to get their internet, and they're looking for every way possible to push the costs to the consumer as far as the market can possibly bear.

With Cable TV,Internet and phone what they call a bundled package I am paying over $180.00 a month.
How much more of an increase can I accept?
Just keep your fucking paws off the Internet!

Again Frank - Explain.

I thought about responding but I find that Republicans are only against it because Obama is for it until you tell them what it means then they support it fully.

Or dont only because Obama supports it

As always, you have no clue what you are babbling on about;

My ability to update my SQL Server is more important than your ability to watch cat videos on YouTube.

I am willing to pay to ensure that I am able to do what I need across an uncontested pipe, you are willing to put political pressure on. I will pay for priority service because it is important to my business - you will shriek "NO FAIR" because you should be given the best just because you want it.

You will dictate that all get an equal share, the ambulance trying to send an EKG to the attending in hopes of saving a life gets no more bandwidth than OnePercenter playing Call of Duty, high on dope, in his mom's basement.

Net Neutrality fucks the internet.

And you will say that equality is bad? My concern isnt YOU paying extra since you're just some guy, my concern is slowing down other sites ON PURPOSE by companies and their competition. For example: I dont want Netflix slowed down by Comcast because HBO just launched its newest site HBOGO.

The money interests have been frustrated for years over the simple fact that in their view too many people get too good a deal using the internet.

They believe that the consumer can tolerate much more bleeding to get their internet, and they're looking for every way possible to push the costs to the consumer as far as the market can possibly bear.

With Cable TV,Internet and phone what they call a bundled package I am paying over $180.00 a month.
How much more of an increase can I accept?

They might let you kept the same price but you'll get a lower speed.
Hey man I really like finding my News and stuff thru google alerts but my alerts having been updating

Company: Sorry about that, maybe you'd like to try our news alert service instead. You'll get the news you want at faster speeds.

I just want my google alerts tho

Company: I really want to help you....sign onto our service. Did we mention it'll be really fast?
Sigh. I've been saying and reporting for months that, following the intentions of the UN that wants to take over the internet, the Obama administration would make moves to do the same.

Now that we have a Lame Duck congress, it's a perfect time for him to do so with an Executive Order - hoping it won't be overthrown in January.

You MUST alert those Congresspeople who do not have their noses up Obama's you-know-what!!!

Obama says FCC should reclassify internet as a utility

President Obama has come out in support of reclassifying internet service as a utility, a move that would allow the Federal Communications Commission to enforce more robust regulations on it and protect net neutrality. "The time has come for the FCC to recognize that broadband service is of the same importance and must carry the same obligations as so many of the other vital services do," Obama writes in a statement this morning. "To do that, I believe the FCC should reclassify consumer broadband service under Title II of the Telecommunications Act — while at the same time forbearing from rate regulation and other provisions less relevant to broadband services."

Obama says FCC should reclassify internet as a utility The Verge

You libs can say "calm down, it's just an attempt to regulate broadband!"

Oh that's the Trojan Horse that Democrats will use to justify it. But it won't stop there! DOES IT EVER STOP WITH LIBERALS ONCE THEY TASTE A NEW POWER?

I told you this was coming. Democrats on the FCC made rumblings about this before the election. Well, Democrats LOST badly and they intend to do something about it.

We can't have that darn internet where too much freedom of speech is happening.

NOOOOOOOOO, we have got to 'regulate it."

Oh they will start out with the usual, like taxes and rules.

But then they will demand that we no longer can have nick names on the internet. NO, we MUST have our real names to be on the internet.

That way they KNOW who you are, when you say something Democrats don't like, WHERE THEY CAN FIND YOU!

Expect the audits and other privacy invasions if we say things Der Fuhrer Obama and Der Fuhrer Democrats don't like.

I told you, they would make their move in a thread about a month ago. HERE IT COMES!

At some point you might want to try reading your own article before you post thinking it says the opposite of what it actually does ---

>> Regulating internet service under Title II would mean reclassifying it as a utility, like water. This means that internet providers would just be pumping internet back and forth through pipes and not actually making any decisions about where the internet goes. For the most part, that's controversial idea in the eyes of service providers alone. It means that they're losing some control over what they sell, and that they can't favor certain services to benefit their own business. Instead, providers would be stuck allowing consumers to use the internet as they want to, using whatever services they like without any penalty. If that sounds pretty great, it's because that's basically how the internet has worked up until now.

... Obama highlights four major points: internet providers wouldn't be allowed to block websites offering legal content, they wouldn't be allowed to intentionally slow down or speed up certain websites or services based on their own preferences, and they wouldn't be able to offer paid fast lanes. <<
--- your own link.

Imagine say, a broadcast station tightly controlled by corporate commercial interests that strictly controlled the stream of what information and entertainment you get according to what benefits them.

Oh wait -- that's what we already have.

So you want the internet to be like that? Because that's what this approach would try to prevent.
There is absolutely nothing wrong with the current system. Government interference isn't needed. Period
Just keep your fucking paws off the Internet!

Again Frank - Explain.


Frank wants to pay more for his internet. He wants the 'free market' to pick his pocket.

It continues to dumbfound me how the same voices that rail against "big gummint infringement" turn around and have no issue at all with Corporatia doing exactly the same thing. :banghead:
I can change the channel. I can change internet providers. I can buy different products.

I can not avoid government intrusion

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