Here they come

The Irish Ram

Apr 10, 2011
diagonally parked in a parallel universe
Don't miss tomorrow's Blood Moon.
This will be only the 4th time in 500 years that God has used the heavens as His billboard. And the message is directed right at Israel.

The dates of the other 3 blood moon events:

1492, the Jews were told to take what they could carry and get out of Spain in 14 days. They took their money with them and gave it to an Italian explorer to find them a land they could go to. He did.

1948, Israel was declared a Nation. After 2,000 years, the Jews could go home.

1967, Israel was invaded and God took the opportunity to return Holy Jerusalem, God's Tabernacle, David's Throne, back to the Jews.

Each one of these rare, upcoming 4 blood moons will fall on traditional Jewish holidays, starting with Passover, tomorrow, then the Festival of Tabernacles in Oct.
Then a solar eclipse <typically a sign to non Jews, right in the midst of the blood moons. Then another blood moon on Passover 4/4/ 2015 and the last on the Feast of Tabernacles in Oct. 2015.

God is talking to Israel. In the earlier blood moon events, the positive outcomes for the Jews were preceded by conflict.

And now, in a desperate attempt for peace, the Jews are considering signing the peace treaty being shoved down their throat's by America, that may include turning Jerusalem over to non Jews. It would reverse the monumental blood moon event of 1967.
According to the Bible, that move will end up being problematic for Israel instead of peaceful.

If Jesus said look to the heavens for signs of His eminent return to Israel, I have a feeling
this is one we should pay attention to:

"And I will show wonders in the heavens, and in the earth, blood and fire and pillars of smoke. The sun shall be turned into darkness, and the moon into blood, before the coming of the great and awesome day of Jehovah." Joel 2:30 -31

"The sun shall be turned into darkness and the moon into blood, before that great and glorious Day of the Lord." Acts 2:20
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Yep, and I know who created science. :)
This is also an astronomical phenomenon. He created that too.
And the phenomenon coincides with Jewish tradition, cause He created those too.
It is a scientifically engineered event by God for Israel. Just like the other 3.
Every time it happens it has their name written all over it.
The significance may be lost on you, but it is not to the Jew.
Conflict and gain are headed their way.
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You DO know there's a scientific reason for a "blood moon", right?

You do realize that simply because you understand how things work doesnt negate the hand of Providence in them, right?

There is a scientific reason rain falls from the sky. And yet when a storm appears are just the right time to put out a house fire before it spreads to the neighbors, Providence is there.

There is a scientific reason for fog, and yet when fog arises at the right time for an overpowered army to flee destruction unseen and live to fight another day and win Providence is there.

You've falsely assumed scientific knowledge excluses the hand of Divine Providence, and yet our knowlege of science comes from Providence.
Funny how once we discover a law of the universe, we seem to take credit for it's being. Job and Isaiah both knew the earth was curved looong before Plato, or Pythagoras.

Newton isn't responsible for gravity, he just understood it better than most. Einstein didn't invent energy or mass, he just explained it. God created the dimensions our scientists are just getting around to finding. Truth is they've been there all along. Just like the Bible described.
You limit yourself to one arena, a science that discovers what is already there. Others see science from it's inception, forward.

Cosmos means order. We can expect to see Halley's comet 75 years after the last time we saw it. But these alignments somehow follow Jewish history instead. How many years between 1492 and 1948? Then again 19 years later? And now 47 years later? They are either oddly, coincidental happenstance or what Jesus said.........

That they occur is astronomy. When they occur is God. Who they ultimately benefit every time they happen is Israel.
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Funny how once we discover a law of the universe, we seem to take credit for it's being. Job and Isaiah both knew the earth was curved looong before Plato, or Pythagoras.

Newton isn't responsible for gravity, he just understood it better than most. Einstein didn't invent energy or mass, he just explained it. God created the dimensions our scientists are just getting around to finding. Truth is they've been there all along. Just like the Bible described.
You limit yourself to one arena, a science that discovers what is already there. Others see science from it's inception, forward.

Cosmos means order. We can expect to see Halley's comet 75 years after the last time we saw it. But these alignments somehow follow Jewish history instead. How many years between 1492 and 1948? Then again 19 years later? And now 47 years later? They are either inconsistent coincidences or what Jesus said.........

That they occur is astronomy. When they occur is God. Who they ultimately benefit every time they happen is Israel.

God is a newspaper heading. As is Jesus.

Mankind does the grunt work, if for no other reason than to remind you that both the physical and observable trumps the invisible ghosts that languish above our heads ready to smite at a moment's notice.

No thanks. I'm long done with religious paranoia.
God was a one-off piss-off. At the event-horizon when pure of spirit and pure of nothingness transgressed to the simplest of physical state was... the moment of "Creation".

The job was done, and the rest was left to the fate of evolution.

The end result? Me, here, and now.... calling you... clueless.
Don't miss tomorrow's Blood Moon.
This will be only the 4th time in 500 years that God has used the heavens as His billboard. And the message is directed right at Israel.

The dates of the other 3 blood moon events:

1492, the Jews were told to take what they could carry and get out of Spain in 14 days. They took their money with them and gave it to an Italian explorer to find them a land they could go to. He did.

1948, Israel was declared a Nation. After 2,000 years, the Jews could go home.

1967, Israel was invaded and God took the opportunity to return Holy Jerusalem, God's Tabernacle, David's Throne, back to the Jews.

Each one of these rare, upcoming 4 blood moons will fall on traditional Jewish holidays, starting with Passover, tomorrow, then the Festival of Tabernacles in Oct.
Then a solar eclipse <typically a sign to non Jews, right in the midst of the blood moons. Then another blood moon on Passover 4/4/ 2015 and the last on the Feast of Tabernacles in Oct. 2015.

God is talking to Israel. In the earlier blood moon events, the positive outcomes for the Jews were preceded by conflict.

And now, in a desperate attempt for peace, the Jews are considering signing the peace treaty being shoved down their throat's by America, that may include turning Jerusalem over to non Jews. It would reverse the monumental blood moon event of 1967.
According to the Bible, that move will end up being problematic for Israel instead of peaceful.

If Jesus said look to the heavens for signs of His eminent return to Israel, I have a feeling
this is one we should pay attention to:

"And I will show wonders in the heavens, and in the earth, blood and fire and pillars of smoke. The sun shall be turned into darkness, and the moon into blood, before the coming of the great and awesome day of Jehovah." Joel 2:30 -31

"The sun shall be turned into darkness and the moon into blood, before that great and glorious Day of the Lord." Acts 2:20

This is a great thread, Irish Ram. The blood moons are significant and I love how God speaks to Israel and to the world ( the total lunar eclipse in middle is warning to the world ) through signs in the heavens... the 4 blood moons and that there will not be another event like this in what? 500 yrs? No. This is very significant as we know the Day of the LORD cannot happen without the Blood moon appearing first. Today is the first one.

It is possible that an asteroid could darken the sun but it is also possible this happens from nuclear war.
thank you, you too, Irish Ram! I have been watching videos on this blood moon story since hearing about it. I have to post a few of them on your thread as they are quite interesting... - Jeri
[ame=]April 14/15, 2014 - The Prophetic Blood Moons REVISITED! - YouTube[/ame]
It is absolutely possible. If we are going to set off enough bombs to tilt the axis of the earth, we will be seeing a difference in the atmosphere. And I do believe we have an asteroid in our future. God often uses His own creations to get our attention. I don't think the events in Revelation are too far off. All the more reason for us to get ready. < ( Reminds me of that 60's song, "People get ready there's a train a coming. Picking up passengers coast to coast. Don't need no ticket, you just thank the Lord."

I am anxious to see what this sign is signaling. I believe something is going to change in Israel, but I don't know what.
This video is by the best I've seen. It is quite short and to the point and I think he gives the best arguement for why we need to be paying attention to these 4 blood moons.

[ame=]Blood Moons 2014 - 2015 Documentary DVD - Mark Biltz - YouTube[/ame]

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