Here We Go Again: Unable to Prove it - "Settle It By Making it Illegal!"


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
A Top International Lawyer has Declared: "Make Climate Change Illegal And Silence Skeptics Forever!'

1st of all, passing a law that makes something illegal does NOT make it undeniably correct; however, this guy's true motives / intent is exposed by his declaration that doing so would somehow silence critics forever.

Considering the avalanche of evidence exposing much of Global Warming / Climate Change Science to be faked / manipulated / false, such a law would hardly silence critics. The only thing that will silence critics is if the Global Warming crowd can ever present any REAL, PROVEN, UN-altered, undeniable science to back their claim...which they have been unable to do so far....thus the insane desire to 'make it illegal' AND 'JAIL SKEPTICS'.

2ndly, One scientist suggested that Global Warming is real but nothing that man is doing is contributing to it. If THAT is the case, who are Liberals going to 'arrest' for breaking the law? Mother Nature?! "Sorry Spring, Summer, Winter, and Fall - Climate Change is not illegal...the 4 of you are going to have to decide which one of you will stay and the rest bugger off." LOL!

Top International Lawyer: Make Climate Change Illegal And Silence Skeptics Forever - Breitbart
Turning MMGW into a religion just didn't feel right, so they're going the Gestapo route.

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