Here We Go: FBI Agents on the Hunt for ‘Domestic Terror Threats’ Ahead of Trump’s Florida Court Appearance (VIDEO)

MAGA Macho Man

Diamond Member
Apr 19, 2022
Linear Time
I wonder what kind of false flag event they are going to stage this time using Antifa again?

They keep doing things that they know is going to piss off a lot of Conservatives in hopes that Conservatives will retaliate with violence.
J6th is a prime example. Get a bunch of Conservatives together and start the false flag operation.
We need to find a way to fight this bullshit without giving them the opportunity to set us up again.
Although in the end I'm afraid nothing will stop the outbreak of violence if the left isn't stopped.
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They are getting ready for a round up of mom's and dads.
That much is true.

Southern Poverty Law Center Director Who Added Conservative Parent Organizations to “Hate Group Map” Met With Biden Counterterrorism Officials​

I wonder what kind of false flag event they are going to stage this time using Antifa again?

Looks like not taking any chances, this time. The grapevine threats before Jan 6th were pretty much ignored, and that turned out to be a mistake. I am sure it will be orderly in Miami.
I wonder what kind of false flag event they are going to stage this time using Antifa again?

They are probably building jails for those who protest the total DNC takeover of the country as we speak

Or they could just shoot them all.
I wonder what kind of false flag event they are going to stage this time using Antifa again?

The Gateway Pundit again..............:heehee:
They keep doing things that they know is going to piss off a lot of Conservatives in hopes that Conservatives will retaliate with violence.
J6th is a prime example. Get a bunch of Conservatives together and start the false flag operation.
We need to find a way to fight this bullshit without giving them the opportunity to set us up again.
Although in the end I'm afraid nothing will stop the outbreak of violence if the left isn't stopped.
MAGAts think like spouse abusers. "Look what you made me do! It's all your fault!"
I wonder what kind of false flag event they are going to stage this time using Antifa again?

No worries Ivan. We have plenty of federal prison space for magatrash in Florida. And we all know they cry like little girls when the cuffs go on don't we?

And then they start snitching on each other like crackheads in withdrawl.
Although in the end I'm afraid nothing will stop the outbreak of violence....

And I kinda sorta think that is why the Miami PD, the FBI, and other LEO's, are arming up. No?
As we've seen previously, an assembly of folks that Don Trump provokes can be easily ---too easily --- led astray by tricksters.
Whoda thunk it?
Looks like not taking any chances, this time. The grapevine threats before Jan 6th were pretty much ignored, and that turned out to be a mistake. I am sure it will be orderly in Miami.

Ignored because -

Half of the crowd was government agents
Democrats needed the chaos to complete the Coup.

You know this, or should reasonably be expected to know this.

Ignored because -

Half of the crowd was government agents
Democrats needed the chaos to complete the Coup.

You know this, or should reasonably be expected to know this.
I don't know this. The vast majority were Trump supporters and assorted anarchist, with a a few Seditious Conspiracists thrown in for good measure support the BIG Lie, Team Trump had been pushing. Many have gone to prison, some to stay there many years, as a reminder to others not to repeat this type of attack.
I call bullshit.

If they find something it will either be something they created and staged so they can shut it down and lay blame on trump and super ultra mega maga, or will be some christians and American patriots doing a protest that the fbi says are domestic terrorists trying to destroy democracy.

Either way if they find something it will be a lie.
I don't know this. The vast majority were Trump supporters and assorted anarchist, with a a few Seditious Conspiracists thrown in for good measure support the BIG Lie, Team Trump had been pushing. Many have gone to prison, some to stay there many years, as a reminder to others not to repeat this type of attack.

100% fucking stooge right there.
Thread summary:

The Trump cult terrorists are upset because they won't be able to engage in terrorism.

I heard Trump told his terrorist legions to stand down. Trump's lawyers let him know that if there's a violent riot outside the courtroom, even a conservative judge would put Trump in a cell.
Thread summary:

The Trump cult terrorists are upset because they won't be able to engage in terrorism.

I heard Trump told his terrorist legions to stand down. Trump's lawyers let him know that if there's a violent riot outside the courtroom, even a conservative judge would put Trump in a cell.
It would be so nice to hear one day that your sorry ass was T-boned by a drunk illegal alien that wasnt supposed to be here. I wont shed a tear.

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