Here We Go: Teacher Shortages 22-23

Wow, you mean that after years of the right wing DEMONIZING teachers, no one wants to sign up to be a teacher anymore.


In related news, water is wet.
The irony!
The LibTards resigned and normal people have no desire to indoctrinate children with perversion.
Correct. The problem is did the parents vote for this curriculum? Many didn't. Either they were kept in the dark or weren't awake.
You realize there is a different curriculum for each subject at each level, right? You realize that a compilation of all curricula for any given subject in a district would be about as fat as a phonebook (if anyone remembers those), right? How many parents are actually going to pore through it all, point by point? You realize that the very great majority of parents are not educated, trained, or experienced in curriculum development, right?

In my district, any parent is more than welcome to go through any curricula they want. It's all online. Every parent gets a summary of the curricula of my classes at the start of each academic year. Available in several languages. Any parent can get a copy of my lesson plans for any lesson at any time. Any parent of any of my students is welcome to visit any of my classes, no prior notice required, and I make it clear I am available to meet with them and discuss their children's progress in class at their convenience.
Trying to get rid of unions is corrupt. Taking away workers voices is corrupt. You want the job do e for nothing but YOU deserve your salary. Typical.
If the union is corrupt, busting it is Patriotic.
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More ignorant assholery in the education forum. Seems some people just love to pontificate on things they don't know about.
Some of us oldsters know that most of today's problems didn't exist when we went to school. That isn't to say that we have solutions. That ship sailed long ago. ;)
Nope. Unless you want to make the same argument when it comes to the 2nd had its time. It fulfilled its purpose and has now become corrupt.
The 2nd Amendment doesn't have a pension fund. ;)
You realize there is a different curriculum for each subject at each level, right? You realize that a compilation of all curricula for any given subject in a district would be about as fat as a phonebook (if anyone remembers those), right? How many parents are actually going to pore through it all, point by point? You realize that the very great majority of parents are not educated, trained, or experienced in curriculum development, right?

In my district, any parent is more than welcome to go through any curricula they want. It's all online. Every parent gets a summary of the curricula of my classes at the start of each academic year. Available in several languages. Any parent can get a copy of my lesson plans for any lesson at any time. Any parent of any of my students is welcome to visit any of my classes, no prior notice required, and I make it clear I am available to meet with them and discuss their children's progress in class at their convenience.
Good for you. The problem is the teachers who believe the kids belong to them.
You want people to teach, and we'll, for nothing. Because that's the typical outlook in america. Public employees shouldn't have a pension nor insurance or anything. Backwards. Always been the outlook. Dumb. Ignorant. But it's the way people think.
1) The Teacher Unions make it impossible to fire inept or bad teachers.
2) Too many resources are dedicated to "Special Ed"- which means they spend thousands of dollars accommodating Corky the retard while neglecting kids who are actually going to be part of the workforce some day.
3) Teaching to the test. We make these kids take too many damned tests, we teach to the test, and if it isn't on the test, they don't bother with it. So not surprising that these kids crash and burn when they get to college or a job.
Rough words but true!
More ignorant assholery in the education forum. Seems some people just love to pontificate on things they don't know about.

Actually, Dripping Poop, if you and Sue are examples of what the education industry offers... it's no wonder Americans spend the most on education and get the worst results.

Whose children are they? Who has the final word on curriculum? Unless you say "the parents", you're the problem.

If parents knew how to educate kids, then we wouldn't need schools, just day care centers.
My daughter is a 2nd grade teacher. She is eligible to retire. The district is begging her to stay. She told them to stuff it. She will collect her pension and work in private sector and double her salary.
Your daughter sounds like a very wise lady.

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