Here We Go: Teacher Shortages 22-23

Homeschooling are a bunch of socially arrested kids whose parents are control freaks.

I don't want little Timmy to hear anything I don't approve of.

Then they throw Timmy out when he turns out to be gay after all.
Now you’re hallucinating. Have a great day.
Some here think 37 grand is something that will attract peoe to a job. See the disconnect here? They want passion, American values, and rigor. "Take pride in your work" is their battle cry. Then they say" nobody wants to work anymore". Which is not true whatsoever. Want a worker then pay up.
So are most Christian schoolers... But at least they have socialization skills..
Since you like to do hateful stereotypes then lets look at the stereotype of public school students:

1. They have parents that don't give a shit.

2. They are taught to the lowest denominator.

3. They graduate from High School functionally illiterate.

4. They don't know enough math to be able to give change in a fast food restaurant.

5. They know all about Rappers but don't have a clue who Thomas Jefferson was.

6. Their greedy Union teachers are more concerned about their pensions than about teaching them anything.

7. They are promoted whether they learn anything or not.
Correct. The problem is did the parents vote for this curriculum? Many didn't. Either they were kept in the dark or weren't awake.
Or they did but these are the loser crazy parents bent on getting their way over the majority.
Teachers' Unions are not corrupt....and we don't need the 2nd Amendment anymore....using YOUR logic.

When my wife first started out teaching she joined the Teacher's Union. The main reason was because the union provided classroom liability insurance.

However, when that shithead Jimmy Carter was running for President the stupid Teacher's Union supported him for President and gave him dues paid by the teachers. That was a terrible thing for the union to be doing and because of that my wife quit the union. Thank goodness that Florida is a right to work state so that she wasn't forced to stay in the union.

She got liability insurance through our Homeowner's policy for an amount that was cheaper than the union dues and none of that money went to support filthy dumbass Democrats like that idiot Jimmy Carter.

Teacher Unions are greedy scum for the most part.
You created them.
To the extent that the "pill" was created by my generation, yes. The sexual revolution is the basis for most of today's societal problems.

That said old-fashioned morality (or discretion) is not against the law. Anyone can do it.
... a job that gives you full summers off ...

Yeah, but they have an actual education. Public schools turn out kids indoctrinated with liberal social justice nonsense, who don’t even know when WWI was, how many states there are, or who the 3rd president of the US was.

I'm still gobsmacked...had lunch with some teacher coworkers yesterday. They are still chatting about how people should get their vaccines so as not to SPREAD the disease. I'm sitting there thinking, how is it possible for us to be so deeply into 2022 and these people with Master's degrees still think the vaccines prevent transmission? Yet here we are. The power of our mass media.
Mass media? Joe Biden is the greatest purveyor of that lie!
More crazy from Islamophobic Twit...

Yup, the kind of arrogance that makes the public hate public education.

These aren't contradictory thoughts... I frankly HATED my Catholic School growing up, the nuns were truly awful people who tried to use religion to suppress their raging lesbian impulses. But they were more committed than some Public Education idiot who probably would have shot little Joey up with Ritalin if I went to school today.

Sister Mary Butch had a cure for ADHD. It was called a "ruler to the knuckles". Bitch had your undivided attention at that point.

First she whines...

But then she says...

Um, hey, IT, the reason that they can't get you fired is the Teacher's Unions make that very difficult.

Why do you need a college degree to teach first graders how to read or finger paint?

My mom was an art teacher in the Catholic School that still haunts my nightmares. She didn't have a College degree. She did go to art training, and while she never could make it as a commercial artist (her Clown Paintings also haunt my nightmares), she was very good at explaining art concepts to elementary school kids. Some people have told me they became commercial artists because of stuff my mom taught them.

Vaccines do prevent the spread. It's called "Herd Immunity".

So, because I had the vaccine it was impossible for me to give it to my wife 3 days after I became symptomatic?

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