Here we go


Diamond Member
Mar 24, 2020

Thief in Chief Biden wants the IRS to spy on bank accounts...for no legitimate reason. Then again this toad will stop at nothing.

Thief in Chief Biden wants the IRS to spy on bank accounts...for no legitimate reason. Then again this toad will stop at nothing.

Gotta squeeze those poor middle-class for every dime they can.
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Thief in Chief Biden wants the IRS to spy on bank accounts...for no legitimate reason. Then again this toad will stop at nothing.

Gotta squeeze those poor middle-class for every dime that can.
That is because much of his political opposition resides in the mid level income bracket.

Thief in Chief Biden wants the IRS to spy on bank accounts...for no legitimate reason. Then again this toad will stop at nothing.

Gotta squeeze those poor middle-class for every dime that can.
That is because much of his political opposition resides in the mid level income bracket.

Impossible! I've been told all my life that the Democrat Party is the party of the working class, the middle class, the ones who get up every morning, go to work in the mills, the factories, and the mines. Those hardscrabble souls who get up one morning and say "''Shit, my car tags have to be renewed and the insurance payment is due....'

Are you calling Bruce Springsteen a liar?
There's NEVER an assassin around when you really NEED one!!!!!


Thief in Chief Biden wants the IRS to spy on bank accounts...for no legitimate reason. Then again this toad will stop at nothing.
They already spy on yer bank account thanks to the Reagan initiative to break every civil right on record, but leave the Neanderthals their guns so they gotz something to play with.

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