Here's A List of the Jerks Who Are About to Shut Down Our Goverment

So - do any of you live in one of the Congressional districts listed in the OP link? Is YOUR representative one of these Tea Party jerks who is threatening our country with debt default and worse?

If so, do you support him or her in this "effort"?

I completely support any tea party jerks efforts to destroy this stupid empire and leave it in smoldering ruins even though that isn't what they're trying to do .

If it takes destroying the democrat empire to destroy the democrat empire then that's what will have to happen. With any luck at all, the country will break apart and something of its promise will survive. Letting it spiral down the abyss of liberalism is WORSE than totally destroying it.

That's right. over country.
You are disingenuously parsing words here. The House does not have the ability to shut anything down, per se - but (as I would assume you well know), it does have the ability to shut down funding, which effectively shuts down the affected program(s).

I posted the link to the Office and Management of Budgets, who decides what shuts down and where, but that went largely ignored. Fish is buying into the bullshit rally on the Mall yesterday with Palin, Lee and Cruz mouthing their propaganda.

It would appear that "Fish" is an idiot.

P-K-B and Dumbass Alert!:cuckoo:
the only one responsible for this is obama and his party

Why do you say that? Precisely how is President Obama responsible for what is going on here? As I see it, a small group of Republicans have decided to use the debt issue as a leveraging point for trying to change the law of the land and derail the Affordable Health Care Act. How is that President Obama's "responsibility"?

They are using their "power of the purse" to fund what they want to fund. Obama and the Senate dems can accept that, and then try to get them voted out of office in 2014 if they so choose.

If the people are SOOOO for all this, I'm SURE the house will change hands.

And that's not how the "power of the purse" works.

Read the Constitution sometime.
You are disingenuously parsing words here. The House does not have the ability to shut anything down, per se - but (as I would assume you well know), it does have the ability to shut down funding, which effectively shuts down the affected program(s).

I posted the link to the Office and Management of Budgets, who decides what shuts down and where, but that went largely ignored. Fish is buying into the bullshit rally on the Mall yesterday with Palin, Lee and Cruz mouthing their propaganda.

It would appear that "Fish" is an idiot.

Ten to one Fish knows what year obie was re-elected you dolt.

One of the main planks in President Obama's re-election campaign in 2008 was the ENACTMENT of the AHCA. As I recall, he was RE-ELECTED in 2008, which indicates to me that the MAJORITY of Americans FAVOR the AHCA.

So, it was not President Obama who "rammed his crappy law through" (I think you meant "down," not "through") your throats - it was THE MAJORITY OF AMERICAN VOTERS who elected a President, knowing he would enact the law - and wanting him to do so.

You assholes need to learn to live with it.
Why do you say that? Precisely how is President Obama responsible for what is going on here? As I see it, a small group of Republicans have decided to use the debt issue as a leveraging point for trying to change the law of the land and derail the Affordable Health Care Act. How is that President Obama's "responsibility"?

They are using their "power of the purse" to fund what they want to fund. Obama and the Senate dems can accept that, and then try to get them voted out of office in 2014 if they so choose.

If the people are SOOOO for all this, I'm SURE the house will change hands.

And that's not how the "power of the purse" works.

Read the Constitution sometime.

The Constitution never uses the phrase "power of the purse."

So, really, the power that DOES exist can "work" any fucking way Congress crafts it to work.
Why do you say that? Precisely how is President Obama responsible for what is going on here? As I see it, a small group of Republicans have decided to use the debt issue as a leveraging point for trying to change the law of the land and derail the Affordable Health Care Act. How is that President Obama's "responsibility"?

They are using their "power of the purse" to fund what they want to fund. Obama and the Senate dems can accept that, and then try to get them voted out of office in 2014 if they so choose.

If the people are SOOOO for all this, I'm SURE the house will change hands.

And that's not how the "power of the purse" works.

Read the Constitution sometime.

Where does the consitution explicitly say "it doesnt work like that."?

I doesnt, so I suggest you try reading it first before you spout off opinion passed off as fact.
Want to know who these assholes are?

List of politicians affiliated with the Tea Party movement - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Remember them come the next election.

I sure will and would vote them with no problem.

Then you are willing to see our country go into the toilet if these children don't get what they want?

They are trying to bail us out of BO's mess. I might not agree with all they do, but the Democrats are a mess.
Want to know who these assholes are?

List of politicians affiliated with the Tea Party movement - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Remember them come the next election.

I sure will and would vote them with no problem.

Then you are willing to see our country go into the toilet if these children don't get what they want?

the "children" here are obama, reid, pelosi, and the rest of the far left dems. They are the ones saying 'my way or no way'. So fine dems, shut it down completely. Its all on you assholes.
none of those people have the power or authority to shut down any govt functions. the current 15% shutdown was done by obama.

shutting the vets out of national monuments-----obama
allowing illegals to rally on the national mall--------obama
shutting down tours of the white house-------obama
keeping the national golf course open-------obama.

wake up america. the media is lying to you about who is causing this mess.

You are disingenuously parsing words here. The House does not have the ability to shut anything down, per se - but (as I would assume you well know), it does have the ability to shut down funding, which effectively shuts down the affected program(s).

I posted the link to the Office and Management of Budgets, who decides what shuts down and where, but that went largely ignored. Fish is buying into the bullshit rally on the Mall yesterday with Palin, Lee and Cruz mouthing their propaganda.

what did the GOP in the house do to shut down the national monuments? Show us where they cut the funding for the park service.

you can't because obama did that.
the only one responsible for this is obama and his party

Why do you say that? Precisely how is President Obama responsible for what is going on here? As I see it, a small group of Republicans have decided to use the debt issue as a leveraging point for trying to change the law of the land and derail the Affordable Health Care Act. How is that President Obama's "responsibility"?

if Obama was any kind of a "leader" he would be ripping these people a new asshole every day and making sure we hear him doing it.....
Want to know who these assholes are?

List of politicians affiliated with the Tea Party movement - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Remember them come the next election.

These are the people who shut-down the National Parks.

These are the people who shut-down the National Monuments.

These are the people who cut-off Cancer Treatment to "30-Innocent Children".

These are the people who cut-off the One Hundred Thousand Dollar ($100,000.00) payment to the Families of United States Military Personnel Killed In Action.

These are the people who cut-offf payments to our Disabled Combat Veteran's.

These are the peple who cut-off G.I. Bill payments to our Veteran's now attending College.

These are the people who hate Men, Women and Children with "Pre-Existing" Conditions, that they would support Life Time Caps by Insurance Companies.

These are the people who, while not "Wanting The Government To Become Involved In Medical Decisions", also demand that "The Government" end a Woman's Right To Choose.

They claim they did not mean to hurt the families of K.I.A. Americans. They claim they do not mean close to the World War II Memorial, and then blame un-payed U.S. Goverment Employees for denying the Public to that Memorial.

They claim they did not mean to deny Cancer Treatments to "30-Innocent Children", while having cut over $1.5 Billion Dollars from budget of the National Institutes for Health that denied life-saving Cancer Treatement to 750-Men, Women and Children.

They claim they did not mean to block payments to our Disabled Veterans, while cutting the Budget of Veterans Administration.

They claim to love their country.

It's the People they cannot stand.
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