Here's A List of the Jerks Who Are About to Shut Down Our Goverment

Want to know who these assholes are?

List of politicians affiliated with the Tea Party movement - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Remember them come the next election.

none of those people have the power or authority to shut down any govt functions. the current 15% shutdown was done by obama.

shutting the vets out of national monuments-----obama
allowing illegals to rally on the national mall--------obama
shutting down tours of the white house-------obama
keeping the national golf course open-------obama.

wake up america. the media is lying to you about who is causing this mess.
Everyone in congress and the senate and the prez and going back 3 decades is responsible.

I agree, actually. This mess started with Reagan in the mid-80s, and his COS, Donald Regan, remembered for being the CEO of Merrill Lynch before taking over our gov't and handing it to the uber-wealthy.

Good trick, it expanded their wealth 15 times over what it was in 1985.

But this group of Tea Baggers are extortionists.
becasue it is the ULTIMATE TRUTH.

he refuses to negotiate and acts like a stupid child - the blame is squarely on HIM.

if is can change the implementation of his crappy law for the benefit of big pockets - it should be changed for the American taxpayer.

Pres. Obama is "refusing to negotiate" WHAT? The only thing these Tea Party Republicans want to "negotiate" is a repeal of the AHCA - which, last time I looked, is the fucking LAW OF THE LAND. If Obama won't agree to that, then these same Tea Party scum bags will plunge our country into debt. That looks, for all the world to me, like extortion - not an attempt to "negotiate."

Obama has all this crap on him - starting with his crappy law rammed through our throats, then with his changing for the benefit of the unions and big businesses,then with a refusal to do the same for American taxpayer. It is solely his and his dimocrap's fault

One of the main planks in President Obama's re-election campaign in 2008 was the ENACTMENT of the AHCA. As I recall, he was RE-ELECTED in 2008, which indicates to me that the MAJORITY of Americans FAVOR the AHCA.

So, it was not President Obama who "rammed his crappy law through" (I think you meant "down," not "through") your throats - it was THE MAJORITY OF AMERICAN VOTERS who elected a President, knowing he would enact the law - and wanting him to do so.

You assholes need to learn to live with it.
Want to know who these assholes are?

List of politicians affiliated with the Tea Party movement - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Remember them come the next election.

none of those people have the power or authority to shut down any govt functions. the current 15% shutdown was done by obama.

shutting the vets out of national monuments-----obama
allowing illegals to rally on the national mall--------obama
shutting down tours of the white house-------obama
keeping the national golf course open-------obama.

wake up america. the media is lying to you about who is causing this mess.

You are disingenuously parsing words here. The House does not have the ability to shut anything down, per se - but (as I would assume you well know), it does have the ability to shut down funding, which effectively shuts down the affected program(s).
Want to know who these assholes are?

List of politicians affiliated with the Tea Party movement - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Remember them come the next election.

none of those people have the power or authority to shut down any govt functions. the current 15% shutdown was done by obama.

shutting the vets out of national monuments-----obama
allowing illegals to rally on the national mall--------obama
shutting down tours of the white house-------obama
keeping the national golf course open-------obama.

wake up america. the media is lying to you about who is causing this mess.

Provide irrefutable proof of your claims, or else go back to bed. You're walking in your sleep.
Everyone in congress and the senate and the prez and going back 3 decades is responsible.

I agree, actually. This mess started with Reagan in the mid-80s, and his COS, Donald Regan, remembered for being the CEO of Merrill Lynch before taking over our gov't and handing it to the uber-wealthy.

Good trick, it expanded their wealth 15 times over what it was in 1985.

But this group of Tea Baggers are extortionists.

No, it actually started with FDR.
oh really? I'll tell you what, when you hypocritical libs can follow your own advice, then come talk to me.

Point out which part of the constitution states that this is how you repeal laws you don't like. I'll wait.

you first, since you have been trying to change gun laws longer

There it is! No answer, so let's switch the topics to guns.

Good for you. Usually you raise the white flag after at least 3 posts. You're getting more efficient at being shown up.
Want to know who these assholes are?

List of politicians affiliated with the Tea Party movement - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Remember them come the next election.

none of those people have the power or authority to shut down any govt functions. the current 15% shutdown was done by obama.

shutting the vets out of national monuments-----obama
allowing illegals to rally on the national mall--------obama
shutting down tours of the white house-------obama
keeping the national golf course open-------obama.

wake up america. the media is lying to you about who is causing this mess.

You are disingenuously parsing words here. The House does not have the ability to shut anything down, per se - but (as I would assume you well know), it does have the ability to shut down funding, which effectively shuts down the affected program(s).

I posted the link to the Office and Management of Budgets, who decides what shuts down and where, but that went largely ignored. Fish is buying into the bullshit rally on the Mall yesterday with Palin, Lee and Cruz mouthing their propaganda.
So - do any of you live in one of the Congressional districts listed in the OP link? Is YOUR representative one of these Tea Party jerks who is threatening our country with debt default and worse?

If so, do you support him or her in this "effort"?

I completely support any tea party jerks efforts to destroy this stupid empire and leave it in smoldering ruins even though that isn't what they're trying to do .
none of those people have the power or authority to shut down any govt functions. the current 15% shutdown was done by obama.

shutting the vets out of national monuments-----obama
allowing illegals to rally on the national mall--------obama
shutting down tours of the white house-------obama
keeping the national golf course open-------obama.

wake up america. the media is lying to you about who is causing this mess.

You are disingenuously parsing words here. The House does not have the ability to shut anything down, per se - but (as I would assume you well know), it does have the ability to shut down funding, which effectively shuts down the affected program(s).

I posted the link to the Office and Management of Budgets, who decides what shuts down and where, but that went largely ignored. Fish is buying into the bullshit rally on the Mall yesterday with Palin, Lee and Cruz mouthing their propaganda.

It would appear that "Fish" is an idiot.
So - do any of you live in one of the Congressional districts listed in the OP link? Is YOUR representative one of these Tea Party jerks who is threatening our country with debt default and worse?

If so, do you support him or her in this "effort"?

I completely support any tea party jerks efforts to destroy this stupid empire and leave it in smoldering ruins even though that isn't what they're trying to do .

I get the impression that they are not trying to do that - but are perfectly willing to do it if they don't get what they want. And all over health care. You cons can't STAND universal health care, can you?

Once again I am reminded of the unofficial motto of the Republican party: I've got mine. Screw you.
So - do any of you live in one of the Congressional districts listed in the OP link? Is YOUR representative one of these Tea Party jerks who is threatening our country with debt default and worse?

If so, do you support him or her in this "effort"?

I completely support any tea party jerks efforts to destroy this stupid empire and leave it in smoldering ruins even though that isn't what they're trying to do .

I get the impression that they are not trying to do that - but are perfectly willing to do it if they don't get what they want. And all over health care. You cons can't STAND universal health care, can you?

Once again I am reminded of the unofficial motto of the Republican party: I've got mine. Screw you.

I thought it was, "I got mine now pull up the ladder".
Your are wanting to get rid of the wrong group.
It's the Progressives in both parties who need to be voted out. They are the ones who have been giving to much power to the government and taking it away from the people.
One of the main planks in President Obama's re-election campaign in 2008 was the ENACTMENT of the AHCA. As I recall, he was RE-ELECTED in 2008, which indicates to me that the MAJORITY of Americans FAVOR the AHCA.

So, it was not President Obama who "rammed his crappy law through" (I think you meant "down," not "through") your throats - it was THE MAJORITY OF AMERICAN VOTERS who elected a President, knowing he would enact the law - and wanting him to do so.

You assholes need to learn to live with it.

Get your Libtard head out of Obumbler's rear end and realize the truth. He was elected by less than 29% of eligible voters!!! The vast majority of Americans eligible to vote stayed home in disgust with BOTH parties and therefore the welfare crowd and hand-out recipients elected the most ineffective, traitorous president in the history of this nation!!! :mad:
Everyone in congress and the senate and the prez and going back 3 decades is responsible.

I agree, actually. This mess started with Reagan in the mid-80s, and his COS, Donald Regan, remembered for being the CEO of Merrill Lynch before taking over our gov't and handing it to the uber-wealthy.

Good trick, it expanded their wealth 15 times over what it was in 1985.

But this group of Tea Baggers are extortionists.

No, it actually started with FDR.

I posted the difference between the 1985 Forbes 400 and the 2013 Forbes 400 with allowances for inflation and devaluation of the dollar. Your average Forbes CEO has 15-18 times the personal wealth that he/she had in 1985.

All thanks due to Reagan and his "trickle down" theory of economics. It didn't trickle down, it went straight up to the top and that's where it is now. A trillion dollars in which NO INCOME TAX is paid.
So - do any of you live in one of the Congressional districts listed in the OP link? Is YOUR representative one of these Tea Party jerks who is threatening our country with debt default and worse?

If so, do you support him or her in this "effort"?

I completely support any tea party jerks efforts to destroy this stupid empire and leave it in smoldering ruins even though that isn't what they're trying to do .

If it takes destroying the democrat empire to destroy the democrat empire then that's what will have to happen. With any luck at all, the country will break apart and something of its promise will survive. Letting it spiral down the abyss of liberalism is WORSE than totally destroying it.
Want to know who these assholes are?

List of politicians affiliated with the Tea Party movement - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Remember them come the next election.

You forgot the rest of the politicians, all the way up to Obama.

Just because you agree with thier refusals doesnt mean they are not refusing things.

That's right. Double down on stubbornness. When an overwhelming majority of the country blames republicans, insist on standing firm no matter how wrong your heroes may be.

you know the ***** are cornered when they resort to "both parties are to blame" :cool:

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