here's my plan to fix Obamacare

Here is one of the best ideas I have ever seen on Obamacare:
i find you to be want to live in what the 7th century? seem to hate life and anyone who would pick the described hell over the described heaven,in my opinion,has a few seem to be a pretty depressing person...

I'm an unpleasant person, so that doesn't surprise me. My preference for life would be medieval or colonial times. Maybe as recent as the 1850s.

I don't hate life. I hate the time and place I was born into. This world is essentially everything I find to be Wrong in the world.

For me this IS Hell. In fact it's almost worse than Hell. If Heaven is truly about fairness, equality and Love, I want no part of it.

I find no reason to waste my time or energies celebrating the filth I see in our society. It's more resignation to the power of everything evil in society than depression, but I center see how the two could be confused.

Well I got good news for you Mr. Limpet, you are about to become a fish.

You are about to head back to 1790 courtesy of our new president. And rather you believe it or not, those were not good times. Donald Trump is the wealthiest president since George Washington, tax return or not. And the distribution of wealth, where it is concentrated in the hands of the few, is also about the same as it was when Washington took office. If history is any judge, we have a couple of GENERATIONS to run through before we even begin to see real economic growth.
we need to open up the insurance exchanges for competition. why are men covered for birth control???

we need to block grant medicaid to the states, too!
why can't young kids get catastrophic care only? it goes on and on. The liburds don't get it.
i find you to be want to live in what the 7th century? seem to hate life and anyone who would pick the described hell over the described heaven,in my opinion,has a few seem to be a pretty depressing person...

I'm an unpleasant person, so that doesn't surprise me. My preference for life would be medieval or colonial times. Maybe as recent as the 1850s.

I don't hate life. I hate the time and place I was born into. This world is essentially everything I find to be Wrong in the world.

For me this IS Hell. In fact it's almost worse than Hell. If Heaven is truly about fairness, equality and Love, I want no part of it.

I find no reason to waste my time or energies celebrating the filth I see in our society. It's more resignation to the power of everything evil in society than depression, but I center see how the two could be confused.

Well I got good news for you Mr. Limpet, you are about to become a fish.

You are about to head back to 1790 courtesy of our new president. And rather you believe it or not, those were not good times. Donald Trump is the wealthiest president since George Washington, tax return or not. And the distribution of wealth, where it is concentrated in the hands of the few, is also about the same as it was when Washington took office. If history is any judge, we have a couple of GENERATIONS to run through before we even begin to see real economic growth.
you mean there won't be any airplanes? back to muskets? wow. how about toilet paper?
i find you to be want to live in what the 7th century? seem to hate life and anyone who would pick the described hell over the described heaven,in my opinion,has a few seem to be a pretty depressing person...

I'm an unpleasant person, so that doesn't surprise me. My preference for life would be medieval or colonial times. Maybe as recent as the 1850s.

I don't hate life. I hate the time and place I was born into. This world is essentially everything I find to be Wrong in the world.

For me this IS Hell. In fact it's almost worse than Hell. If Heaven is truly about fairness, equality and Love, I want no part of it.

I find no reason to waste my time or energies celebrating the filth I see in our society. It's more resignation to the power of everything evil in society than depression, but I center see how the two could be confused.

Well I got good news for you Mr. Limpet, you are about to become a fish.

You are about to head back to 1790 courtesy of our new president. And rather you believe it or not, those were not good times. Donald Trump is the wealthiest president since George Washington, tax return or not. And the distribution of wealth, where it is concentrated in the hands of the few, is also about the same as it was when Washington took office. If history is any judge, we have a couple of GENERATIONS to run through before we even begin to see real economic growth.
you mean there won't be any airplanes? back to muskets? wow. how about toilet paper?

First thing to look forward to is the use of the American military on a group of American citizens. Then there is the selling off of public assets. We will see many members of the president's inner circle enriching themselves at the public's expense, as will be the president. And we already see the possibility of members of the president's cabinet being foreign agents, just like with Washington. Most certainly, the rich will continue to get richer, at an even greater rate than currently. And the poor will continue to get poorer. The middle class will continue to shrink. It lasted till around 1840 last time around, that pegs us at around 2066, and fits nicely with the K-wave.
i find you to be want to live in what the 7th century? seem to hate life and anyone who would pick the described hell over the described heaven,in my opinion,has a few seem to be a pretty depressing person...

I'm an unpleasant person, so that doesn't surprise me. My preference for life would be medieval or colonial times. Maybe as recent as the 1850s.

I don't hate life. I hate the time and place I was born into. This world is essentially everything I find to be Wrong in the world.

For me this IS Hell. In fact it's almost worse than Hell. If Heaven is truly about fairness, equality and Love, I want no part of it.

I find no reason to waste my time or energies celebrating the filth I see in our society. It's more resignation to the power of everything evil in society than depression, but I center see how the two could be confused.

Well I got good news for you Mr. Limpet, you are about to become a fish.

You are about to head back to 1790 courtesy of our new president. And rather you believe it or not, those were not good times. Donald Trump is the wealthiest president since George Washington, tax return or not. And the distribution of wealth, where it is concentrated in the hands of the few, is also about the same as it was when Washington took office. If history is any judge, we have a couple of GENERATIONS to run through before we even begin to see real economic growth.
you mean there won't be any airplanes? back to muskets? wow. how about toilet paper?

First thing to look forward to is the use of the American military on a group of American citizens. Then there is the selling off of public assets. We will see many members of the president's inner circle enriching themselves at the public's expense, as will be the president. And we already see the possibility of members of the president's cabinet being foreign agents, just like with Washington. Most certainly, the rich will continue to get richer, at an even greater rate than currently. And the poor will continue to get poorer. The middle class will continue to shrink. It lasted till around 1840 last time around, that pegs us at around 2066, and fits nicely with the K-wave.
why did the rich get richer under obummerfail?
You are about to head back to 1790 courtesy of our new president. And rather you believe it or not, those were not good times. Donald Trump is the wealthiest president since George Washington, tax return or not. And the distribution of wealth, where it is concentrated in the hands of the few, is also about the same as it was when Washington took office. If history is any judge, we have a couple of GENERATIONS to run through before we even begin to see real economic growth.

I think know you're exaggerating just a tad. Either way, that's basically fine with me. I make a reasonable living for myself and my wife. We have the things we need and a small number of luxuries, which we can do without, if necessary. For us, and myself especially, the Economy is a very secondary concern.

Secondary to returning this nation to a Moral high ground and a more Nationalisic and Isolationist Societal paradigm.
First thing to look forward to is the use of the American military on a group of American citizens. Then there is the selling off of public assets.

So long as it's the Right group of American Citizens, I have no issue with that. Nor do I care about selling off illegitimately owned Government assets to private individuals.
You are about to head back to 1790 courtesy of our new president. And rather you believe it or not, those were not good times. Donald Trump is the wealthiest president since George Washington, tax return or not. And the distribution of wealth, where it is concentrated in the hands of the few, is also about the same as it was when Washington took office. If history is any judge, we have a couple of GENERATIONS to run through before we even begin to see real economic growth.

I think know you're exaggerating just a tad. Either way, that's basically fine with me. I make a reasonable living for myself and my wife. We have the things we need and a small number of luxuries, which we can do without, if necessary. For us, and myself especially, the Economy is a very secondary concern.

Secondary to returning this nation to a Moral high ground and a more Nationalisic and Isolationist Societal paradigm.

Moral high ground? You have got to be kidding me. What possible moral high ground could Trump represent? Come on, the repeal of Obamacare is about one thing and one thing only, the new Medicare and investment tax. The one damn few people pay and for those that do, it represents only a token of the savings they derive from not paying Social Security taxes on the income subject to the Obamacare tax.

Moral high ground my ass. Did you never learn the story about the Good Samaritan in Sunday School? That is what expanding Medicaid looks like. How about the Loaves and the Fishes. Did you learn that one, that is what a social safety net looks like. I am sorry, but there is no way a Trump supporting Republican could ever grace the presence of moral ground, period. Let alone the moral high ground.
Moral high ground? You have got to be kidding me. What possible moral high ground could Trump represent? Come on, the repeal of Obamacare is about one thing and one thing only, the new Medicare and investment tax. The one damn few people pay and for those that do, it represents only a token of the savings they derive from not paying Social Security taxes on the income subject to the Obamacare tax.

Moral high ground my ass. Did you never learn the story about the Good Samaritan in Sunday School? That is what expanding Medicaid looks like. How about the Loaves and the Fishes. Did you learn that one, that is what a social safety net looks like. I am sorry, but there is no way a Trump supporting Republican could ever grace the presence of moral ground, period. Let alone the moral high ground.

1. I am not a Christian, a Republican OR a Trump supporter.

2. My point was that I don't give a flaming fuck about the economy. My focus is on Moral issues and my opinion on how well or poorly Trump does will be based on THAT, not economic factors.
Morality isn't a proper concern of government. Morality is subjective and personal. The proper role of government is to protect our freedom. In particular, government should protect us from those who would force their morality, or lack thereof, on others.
Morality isn't a proper concern of government. Morality is subjective and personal. The proper role of government is to protect our freedom. In particular, government should protect us from those who would force their morality, or lack thereof, on others.

I disagree entirely. Without a Standardized and Rigidly Enforced Social Normative, Society cannot long survuve. We see this in the Western world every day.

Freedo. I side that Societal Norman is one thing. Freedom from it is,another.
i find you to be want to live in what the 7th century? seem to hate life and anyone who would pick the described hell over the described heaven,in my opinion,has a few seem to be a pretty depressing person...

I'm an unpleasant person, so that doesn't surprise me. My preference for life would be medieval or colonial times. Maybe as recent as the 1850s.

I don't hate life. I hate the time and place I was born into. This world is essentially everything I find to be Wrong in the world.

For me this IS Hell. In fact it's almost worse than Hell. If Heaven is truly about fairness, equality and Love, I want no part of it.

I find no reason to waste my time or energies celebrating the filth I see in our society. It's more resignation to the power of everything evil in society than depression, but I center see how the two could be confused.

Well I got good news for you Mr. Limpet, you are about to become a fish.

You are about to head back to 1790 courtesy of our new president. And rather you believe it or not, those were not good times. Donald Trump is the wealthiest president since George Washington, tax return or not. And the distribution of wealth, where it is concentrated in the hands of the few, is also about the same as it was when Washington took office. If history is any judge, we have a couple of GENERATIONS to run through before we even begin to see real economic growth.
you mean there won't be any airplanes? back to muskets? wow. how about toilet paper?

First thing to look forward to is the use of the American military on a group of American citizens. Then there is the selling off of public assets. We will see many members of the president's inner circle enriching themselves at the public's expense, as will be the president. And we already see the possibility of members of the president's cabinet being foreign agents, just like with Washington. Most certainly, the rich will continue to get richer, at an even greater rate than currently. And the poor will continue to get poorer. The middle class will continue to shrink. It lasted till around 1840 last time around, that pegs us at around 2066, and fits nicely with the K-wave.
why did the rich get richer under obummerfail?
Reaganism rolls on, defended to the death by pander to the rich GOP and dupes like you...
I'm an unpleasant person, so that doesn't surprise me. My preference for life would be medieval or colonial times. Maybe as recent as the 1850s.

I don't hate life. I hate the time and place I was born into. This world is essentially everything I find to be Wrong in the world.

For me this IS Hell. In fact it's almost worse than Hell. If Heaven is truly about fairness, equality and Love, I want no part of it.

I find no reason to waste my time or energies celebrating the filth I see in our society. It's more resignation to the power of everything evil in society than depression, but I center see how the two could be confused.

Well I got good news for you Mr. Limpet, you are about to become a fish.

You are about to head back to 1790 courtesy of our new president. And rather you believe it or not, those were not good times. Donald Trump is the wealthiest president since George Washington, tax return or not. And the distribution of wealth, where it is concentrated in the hands of the few, is also about the same as it was when Washington took office. If history is any judge, we have a couple of GENERATIONS to run through before we even begin to see real economic growth.
you mean there won't be any airplanes? back to muskets? wow. how about toilet paper?

First thing to look forward to is the use of the American military on a group of American citizens. Then there is the selling off of public assets. We will see many members of the president's inner circle enriching themselves at the public's expense, as will be the president. And we already see the possibility of members of the president's cabinet being foreign agents, just like with Washington. Most certainly, the rich will continue to get richer, at an even greater rate than currently. And the poor will continue to get poorer. The middle class will continue to shrink. It lasted till around 1840 last time around, that pegs us at around 2066, and fits nicely with the K-wave.
why did the rich get richer under obummerfail?
Reaganism rolls on, defended to the death by pander to the rich GOP and dupes like you...
You sure you don't mean rich libturds? They are the richest group! Hollywood comes to mind
Morality isn't a proper concern of government. Morality is subjective and personal. The proper role of government is to protect our freedom. In particular, government should protect us from those who would force their morality, or lack thereof, on others.

I disagree entirely. Without a Standardized and Rigidly Enforced Social Normative, Society cannot long survuve. We see this in the Western world every day.

We've seen the opposite. The societies that try to dictate morality fail. Those that protect freedom thrive.
Freedom to scam the US public, dupe. Big Health cost 50% more than anywhere, 500k bankruptcies/year WITH "good" insurance, 40k dead/year because of no insurance, cutoffs and people with pre-existing unable to get insurance. Great job!
Have you lost any weight Frankie? Still eating ice cream? How many push ups can you do? Whine about heath care and live like a slob...the libtard way of life.

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