here's my plan to fix Obamacare

Considering that there is no level of health care that is an inalienable Right, the number of people who are helped by the health care system on a,yearly basis is immensely larger than those who leave themselves vulnerable and endure unpleasantness because of it.
how many people who leave themselves vulnerable as you say, do it purposefully?......just asking....

American society has a deep psychologial problem, we NEED to see someone punished, for something, hell anything. And the poor are just so damn easy.
how is wanting someone to develop a degree of self respect and then have them go out and actually support themselves punishing them?

Liberals don't believe in personal responsibility.
every liberal is like that?....thats about as stupid as the accusations dean makes about conservatives....

What Liberals believe in doing is when they fail at personal responsibility is blaming someone or something else as the cause.
Freedom to scam the US public, dupe. Big Health cost 50% more than anywhere, 500k bankruptcies/year WITH "good" insurance, 40k dead/year because of no insurance, cutoffs and people with pre-existing unable to get insurance. Great job!
Obummer fail, exactly
how many people who leave themselves vulnerable as you say, do it purposefully?......just asking....

American society has a deep psychologial problem, we NEED to see someone punished, for something, hell anything. And the poor are just so damn easy.
how is wanting someone to develop a degree of self respect and then have them go out and actually support themselves punishing them?

Liberals don't believe in personal responsibility.
every liberal is like that?....thats about as stupid as the accusations dean makes about conservatives....

What Liberals believe in doing is when they fail at personal responsibility is blaming someone or something else as the cause.
They still haven't figured out they lost.
You become a leech to the health people in your insurance group.

Impossible. A leech is someone that doesn't provide to the group.

Once their costs exceeds what they pay in, they are a leech .

I take it we would also eliminate child birth from health insurance . Since having a child is elective .

Not when those in the group voluntarily joined it knowing the situation. A leech is someone that isn't part of the group but benefits from those in the group doing the paying. That would be food stamps users, Obamacare subsidy users, Medicaid users, and the like.

Would you eliminate the free/reduced lunch program for children. Isn't it the job of the parents to feed them?
In the school that my daughter went to in elementary, there were no kids on the free lunch program. zero.
then all of a sudden black kids started showing up in the classrooms and the free lunch program was getting hit pretty hard.
Realizing that there were more black kids in the school all of a sudden than lifed in the community, some of us started following the little tykes home. They always got picked up in a car, never rode a bus.
we found the majority of them were not even residents of the county, let alone the community, so we turned them in. A short investigation discovered that the parents lied about where they lived just to get the kid in the better funded school. The children were removed and sent back to the school that they should have been in from the start.
liberals are such sleazy people. The all think they have some God given right to what other people earn.

I think kids should go to school in the community where they live. If that means some schools are predominantly one race, fine by me. If people don't like their situation, move.
and around here schools are community funded through property taxes.
I dont think it fair that someone from a different county would get away with sending their little prison rat in training to a school that they are not helping to fund.
I pay roughly 6500 a year in property tax alone for my house and modest yard. I really dont want to fund anyone outside of my community.
really a very large percentage?....fascinating.....

There's a huge number of stupid people in this country currently..... illegal aliens, liberals, Clinton voters, welfare recipients, Millenuals, etc.... They deserve every bad thing going that happens to them because of their fucked up thoughts, ideas and values which have no basis in Righteousness, Morality or Decency
and of course YOU are not in the stupid people group right?...because you have Righteousness, Morality and Decency....and remember i have read many of your posts...
Oh this is going to be good.
please explain how someone that works, buys their insurance with their own money, is being a leech to someone that doesnt buy insurance in the first place.
every time you think the left has hit the apex of stupid, one of you all come up with something like this.
Please explain in detail how Im being a leech by using something I paid for with my money.

You become a leech to the health people in your insurance group.

Impossible. A leech is someone that doesn't provide to the group.

Once their costs exceeds what they pay in, they are a leech .

I take it we would also eliminate child birth from health insurance . Since having a child is elective .

Not when those in the group voluntarily joined it knowing the situation. A leech is someone that isn't part of the group but benefits from those in the group doing the paying. That would be food stamps users, Obamacare subsidy users, Medicaid users, and the like.

Would you eliminate the free/reduced lunch program for children. Isn't it the job of the parents to feed them?
In the school that my daughter went to in elementary, there were no kids on the free lunch program. zero.
then all of a sudden black kids started showing up in the classrooms and the free lunch program was getting hit pretty hard.
Realizing that there were more black kids in the school all of a sudden than lifed in the community, some of us started following the little tykes home. They always got picked up in a car, never rode a bus.
we found the majority of them were not even residents of the county, let alone the community, so we turned them in. A short investigation discovered that the parents lied about where they lived just to get the kid in the better funded school. The children were removed and sent back to the school that they should have been in from the start.
liberals are such sleazy people. The all think they have some God given right to what other people earn.

Oh I'm sorry there were free lunchers at your free school!

Tell it the the childless neighbors who are paying for your brats education.
The GOP is now talking about the ACA 'repeal' not taking effect for 5 to 10 years.

THAT is how afraid they are of repealing it.

When they were the minority they tried 40x to float a bill. Once they got the majority .... not so much ...
how many people who leave themselves vulnerable as you say, do it purposefully?......just asking....

American society has a deep psychologial problem, we NEED to see someone punished, for something, hell anything. And the poor are just so damn easy.
how is wanting someone to develop a degree of self respect and then have them go out and actually support themselves punishing them?

Liberals don't believe in personal responsibility.
every liberal is like that?....thats about as stupid as the accusations dean makes about conservatives....

What Liberals believe in doing is when they fail at personal responsibility is blaming someone or something else as the cause.
and of course the conservative is different right?....he never blames someone for his
American society has a deep psychologial problem, we NEED to see someone punished, for something, hell anything. And the poor are just so damn easy.
how is wanting someone to develop a degree of self respect and then have them go out and actually support themselves punishing them?

Liberals don't believe in personal responsibility.
every liberal is like that?....thats about as stupid as the accusations dean makes about conservatives....

What Liberals believe in doing is when they fail at personal responsibility is blaming someone or something else as the cause.
They still haven't figured out they lost.

They still harp on the popular vote mantra despite nothing about popular votes being mentioned in the Constitution when electing a President. They call Trump the minority elected President. Last time I looked, he got a majority of the votes that elect a President according to the Constitution.
The GOP is now talking about the ACA 'repeal' not taking effect for 5 to 10 years.

THAT is how afraid they are of repealing it.

You keep talking about how someone that isn't a kid's parents being more responsible for that kid than the kid's own parents. You think those that aren't a kid's parents should provide healthcare coverage when the kid's own parents won't do it.
You become a leech to the health people in your insurance group.

Impossible. A leech is someone that doesn't provide to the group.

Once their costs exceeds what they pay in, they are a leech .

I take it we would also eliminate child birth from health insurance . Since having a child is elective .

Not when those in the group voluntarily joined it knowing the situation. A leech is someone that isn't part of the group but benefits from those in the group doing the paying. That would be food stamps users, Obamacare subsidy users, Medicaid users, and the like.

Would you eliminate the free/reduced lunch program for children. Isn't it the job of the parents to feed them?
In the school that my daughter went to in elementary, there were no kids on the free lunch program. zero.
then all of a sudden black kids started showing up in the classrooms and the free lunch program was getting hit pretty hard.
Realizing that there were more black kids in the school all of a sudden than lifed in the community, some of us started following the little tykes home. They always got picked up in a car, never rode a bus.
we found the majority of them were not even residents of the county, let alone the community, so we turned them in. A short investigation discovered that the parents lied about where they lived just to get the kid in the better funded school. The children were removed and sent back to the school that they should have been in from the start.
liberals are such sleazy people. The all think they have some God given right to what other people earn.

Oh I'm sorry there were free lunchers at your free school!

Tell it the the childless neighbors who are paying for your brats education.
couple things here clueless.
If you notice I stated that the schools were paid for through the property taxes (that I pay) I am now one of those that does not have a child in the school, so Im paying for those that do, Im ok with this since they paid into it while I did have a child there. (its how society works, we step up and help each other) next my daughter is not a brat, she was not raised by worthless liberals that think everything in life should be free.
as far as the free lunchers invading. yes this is a problem, they are nasty little rats, they disrupt the class rooms, their parents pay nothing into the school system and they dont belong there. They have their own school to go to. thats where they need to go. In their own county, in their own community. What are their parents teaching them? its ok to lie and steal as long as you get something free out of it? again, another generation being taught that everyone else should pay their way.
It was a joyous day when we found out these stains on society where removed from the association with the good children.
I know, I will one day be contributing to their upkeep at the local jail, but Im ok with that too. (like the school, constitutional)
we need to open up the insurance exchanges for competition. why are men covered for birth control???

we need to block grant medicaid to the states, too!
we need to open up the insurance exchanges for competition. why are men covered for birth control???

we need to block grant medicaid to the states, too!
The exchanges are open, but the GOP and their crony insurers refused. They weren't making such huge profits as they wanted.

Everyone is covered for everything. Duh.

Why block Medicaid? You're already paying for ER care with no preventive care. Stooopid. Also guarantees coverage if you lose your job....
Be assured,

these RWnuts don't want poor kids to get public education free either.
Be assured, the RWnuts WANT the poor kids to get public education for free. I would even go as far as to suggest adding another 2 years to that education and having every child come out with an associates degree. Yes, even the ghetto rats.
Why you ask? because even though 98% of those little parentless tykes are going to fail out or drop out, the 2% that do take advantage of the education will not be seen on the roles of the society leaches. And that is a savings that far exceeds the cost of educating them. So when you suggest that we dont want to educate the ones that have enough self respect to work towards a specific personal goal in life, you are very wrong.
I will challenge ANY RWnut on here to come back and disagree with what I just posted. Pretty sure we are not going to find that person.
Another option is to have the Associates degree as part of the free school system and then based on grade point averages over the previous 5 years, maybe even give higher levels of learning to them, for instance carry a 3.0 and you also can have the BS degree, carry a 4.0 and you can have your masters, Carry a 4.0 through high school and all the way to the masters, and in my opinion you have proven yourself and it would be a waste not to continue and let them get the PHD.
Slack your ass through school and do poor? you have proven that you have no desire to excel in life and I see no need to waste even a singly penny beyond what is standard.
If that does not sit well with some, then maybe consider giving financial aid, a percentage based on once again, GPA, the higher the GPA, the more aid you are eligible for.
But to say not to even try to educate them? that is pure idiocy.
So, fellow conservatives, come on in and explain why this is a bad idea to offer incentives based on performance.
Be assured,

these RWnuts don't want poor kids to get public education free either.
Be assured, the RWnuts WANT the poor kids to get public education for free. I would even go as far as to suggest adding another 2 years to that education and having every child come out with an associates degree. Yes, even the ghetto rats.
Why you ask? because even though 98% of those little parentless tykes are going to fail out or drop out, the 2% that do take advantage of the education will not be seen on the roles of the society leaches. And that is a savings that far exceeds the cost of educating them. So when you suggest that we dont want to educate the ones that have enough self respect to work towards a specific personal goal in life, you are very wrong.
I will challenge ANY RWnut on here to come back and disagree with what I just posted. Pretty sure we are not going to find that person.
Another option is to have the Associates degree as part of the free school system and then based on grade point averages over the previous 5 years, maybe even give higher levels of learning to them, for instance carry a 3.0 and you also can have the BS degree, carry a 4.0 and you can have your masters, Carry a 4.0 through high school and all the way to the masters, and in my opinion you have proven yourself and it would be a waste not to continue and let them get the PHD.
Slack your ass through school and do poor? you have proven that you have no desire to excel in life and I see no need to waste even a singly penny beyond what is standard.
If that does not sit well with some, then maybe consider giving financial aid, a percentage based on once again, GPA, the higher the GPA, the more aid you are eligible for.
But to say not to even try to educate them? that is pure idiocy.
So, fellow conservatives, come on in and explain why this is a bad idea to offer incentives based on performance.

/---- The Teacher Union thugs will fight you every step of the way
Be assured,

these RWnuts don't want poor kids to get public education free either.
Be assured, the RWnuts WANT the poor kids to get public education for free. I would even go as far as to suggest adding another 2 years to that education and having every child come out with an associates degree. Yes, even the ghetto rats.
Why you ask? because even though 98% of those little parentless tykes are going to fail out or drop out, the 2% that do take advantage of the education will not be seen on the roles of the society leaches. And that is a savings that far exceeds the cost of educating them. So when you suggest that we dont want to educate the ones that have enough self respect to work towards a specific personal goal in life, you are very wrong.
I will challenge ANY RWnut on here to come back and disagree with what I just posted. Pretty sure we are not going to find that person.
Another option is to have the Associates degree as part of the free school system and then based on grade point averages over the previous 5 years, maybe even give higher levels of learning to them, for instance carry a 3.0 and you also can have the BS degree, carry a 4.0 and you can have your masters, Carry a 4.0 through high school and all the way to the masters, and in my opinion you have proven yourself and it would be a waste not to continue and let them get the PHD.
Slack your ass through school and do poor? you have proven that you have no desire to excel in life and I see no need to waste even a singly penny beyond what is standard.
If that does not sit well with some, then maybe consider giving financial aid, a percentage based on once again, GPA, the higher the GPA, the more aid you are eligible for.
But to say not to even try to educate them? that is pure idiocy.
So, fellow conservatives, come on in and explain why this is a bad idea to offer incentives based on performance.

/---- The Teacher Union thugs will fight you every step of the way
why would they? it should create jobs in the teaching field

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