here's my plan to fix Obamacare

If they can't pay, I think YOU should fund it for them. That's what I did for my kids.
Thats only because you are a responsible citizen that actually cares about your family.
Hell, I bet you can even name every one of your children, you know where they are and have never had to have them visit you in prison.

What child is poor by their own fault?

What child that's not mine is more of my responsibility to provide for than the kid's own parents.

You have your priorities mixed up. You hold those of us that didn't produce the child more responsible for that child's well being than you do the one that did produce him/her.

Like I've said before. If you want to be responsible for them, go for it with YOUR money. MY money is for MY family. The children I produced are on a much higher level than those I didn't.

Okay, I just wanted establish as fact that you are content to see poor American children die for lack of healthcare.

And I have.
I think he has established the fact that you are only willing to help that child if the money doesnt have to come out of your pocket.
In some circles, the way you would like to see things work would be called theft.


I'm willing to pay the same taxes anyone else does based on their incomes.
If you have insurance and use it , you are just being a leech to those who don't anyway .
Oh this is going to be good.
please explain how someone that works, buys their insurance with their own money, is being a leech to someone that doesnt buy insurance in the first place.
every time you think the left has hit the apex of stupid, one of you all come up with something like this.
Please explain in detail how Im being a leech by using something I paid for with my money.

You become a leech to the health people in your insurance group.
not at all, we all have made a decision to join with each other and pool our money so that should something happen to any one of us, the others will help. If someone in my insurance plan gets ill, I expect the money I paid in will be used to help him.
The leech is the one that is outside of the group looking in, never willing to help anyone else by contributing, but when he/she has a need, you see their little hand pop through the door expecting someone to care for them.
If you take your family out to dinner at a nice place. (considering your view on life we will say a nice place is going to Burger King instead of McDonalds) and I walk up while you are in line ordering, and I order my meal then tell the cashier to go ahead and add the cost to your bill, Can I assume you will just pay for my meal? I mean, I could be hungry and its not fair that you and your family get to eat while I go hungry is it?
Thats only because you are a responsible citizen that actually cares about your family.
Hell, I bet you can even name every one of your children, you know where they are and have never had to have them visit you in prison.

What child is poor by their own fault?

What child that's not mine is more of my responsibility to provide for than the kid's own parents.

You have your priorities mixed up. You hold those of us that didn't produce the child more responsible for that child's well being than you do the one that did produce him/her.

Like I've said before. If you want to be responsible for them, go for it with YOUR money. MY money is for MY family. The children I produced are on a much higher level than those I didn't.

Okay, I just wanted establish as fact that you are content to see poor American children die for lack of healthcare.

And I have.

Since you think it's owed to them and you won't provide it with your money, it's on you. I've proven that you're unwilling to do what YOU think should be done and blame others because you won't do it.

I've proven that you would let poor American children die for lack of healthcare.

I think my work here is finished.

You can't prove something where no responsibility lies for me. If they die, it's on you. You think they deserve it and do nothing about it yourself.
Thats only because you are a responsible citizen that actually cares about your family.
Hell, I bet you can even name every one of your children, you know where they are and have never had to have them visit you in prison.

What child is poor by their own fault?

What child that's not mine is more of my responsibility to provide for than the kid's own parents.

You have your priorities mixed up. You hold those of us that didn't produce the child more responsible for that child's well being than you do the one that did produce him/her.

Like I've said before. If you want to be responsible for them, go for it with YOUR money. MY money is for MY family. The children I produced are on a much higher level than those I didn't.

Okay, I just wanted establish as fact that you are content to see poor American children die for lack of healthcare.

And I have.

Since you think it's owed to them and you won't provide it with your money, it's on you. I've proven that you're unwilling to do what YOU think should be done and blame others because you won't do it.

I've proven that you would let poor American children die for lack of healthcare.

I think my work here is finished.

And "poor" means you can't afford. $1200 a month for a family plan.

Which is most of America.
Be assured,

these RWnuts don't want poor kids to get public education free either.

I want those parents kids to be responsible for the ones they produced.

I want those kid's parents to pay for their education just like I did mine. What's wrong with that? Shouldn't they have to fund what they get. You don't have a problem with me doing it.
Thats only because you are a responsible citizen that actually cares about your family.
Hell, I bet you can even name every one of your children, you know where they are and have never had to have them visit you in prison.

What child is poor by their own fault?

What child that's not mine is more of my responsibility to provide for than the kid's own parents.

You have your priorities mixed up. You hold those of us that didn't produce the child more responsible for that child's well being than you do the one that did produce him/her.

Like I've said before. If you want to be responsible for them, go for it with YOUR money. MY money is for MY family. The children I produced are on a much higher level than those I didn't.

Okay, I just wanted establish as fact that you are content to see poor American children die for lack of healthcare.

And I have.
I think he has established the fact that you are only willing to help that child if the money doesnt have to come out of your pocket.
In some circles, the way you would like to see things work would be called theft.


I'm willing to pay the same taxes anyone else does based on their incomes.
oh I see, so there is something about you that makes you the final say in what people should be willing to pay?
If the ACA is removed, and I really hope it is, every single person that gets sick and goes without care is going to be your responsibility, it will be your fault if they die. If someone needs cancer treatments and cant afford it, and you dont sell your home to get the money to pay for those treatments, then their death is on you.
Legislate by extortion, pass trillions in Obamacare spending then later via extortion try to force taxpayers into paying for it. That is Obamacare, a multi-trillion dollar maxed out credit card Democrats have no way of paying.

Really, what are the trillions of Obamacare spending that was not paid for in the bill?

Answer that, or shut the fuck up.

First let me laugh in your face :laugh: This Obamacare pork bill was never paid for. Too many sick people and welfare moochers joined, too few healthy people joined to pay their bills. Now that the short term government subsidies have ended the health insurance companies are bailing, AS PREDICTED.
What child is poor by their own fault?

What child that's not mine is more of my responsibility to provide for than the kid's own parents.

You have your priorities mixed up. You hold those of us that didn't produce the child more responsible for that child's well being than you do the one that did produce him/her.

Like I've said before. If you want to be responsible for them, go for it with YOUR money. MY money is for MY family. The children I produced are on a much higher level than those I didn't.

Okay, I just wanted establish as fact that you are content to see poor American children die for lack of healthcare.

And I have.

Since you think it's owed to them and you won't provide it with your money, it's on you. I've proven that you're unwilling to do what YOU think should be done and blame others because you won't do it.

I've proven that you would let poor American children die for lack of healthcare.

I think my work here is finished.

And "poor" means you can't afford. $1200 a month for a family plan.

Which is most of America.

Many considered poor to the point that taxpayers are forced to fund social programs so they can have the basics in life don't seem to be poor enough to not buy lottery tickets, beer, and cigarettes. They don't have enough to feed their kids but they have enough to fund their habits.
Thats only because you are a responsible citizen that actually cares about your family.
Hell, I bet you can even name every one of your children, you know where they are and have never had to have them visit you in prison.

What child is poor by their own fault?

What child that's not mine is more of my responsibility to provide for than the kid's own parents.

You have your priorities mixed up. You hold those of us that didn't produce the child more responsible for that child's well being than you do the one that did produce him/her.

Like I've said before. If you want to be responsible for them, go for it with YOUR money. MY money is for MY family. The children I produced are on a much higher level than those I didn't.

Okay, I just wanted establish as fact that you are content to see poor American children die for lack of healthcare.

And I have.

Since you think it's owed to them and you won't provide it with your money, it's on you. I've proven that you're unwilling to do what YOU think should be done and blame others because you won't do it.

I've proven that you would let poor American children die for lack of healthcare.

I think my work here is finished.

Link to those who died before Obamacare? Yeah, you just shit yourself.
If you have insurance and use it , you are just being a leech to those who don't anyway .
Oh this is going to be good.
please explain how someone that works, buys their insurance with their own money, is being a leech to someone that doesnt buy insurance in the first place.
every time you think the left has hit the apex of stupid, one of you all come up with something like this.
Please explain in detail how Im being a leech by using something I paid for with my money.

You become a leech to the health people in your insurance group.

Impossible. A leech is someone that doesn't provide to the group.

Once their costs exceeds what they pay in, they are a leech .

I take it we would also eliminate child birth from health insurance . Since having a child is elective .

Not when those in the group voluntarily joined it knowing the situation. A leech is someone that isn't part of the group but benefits from those in the group doing the paying. That would be food stamps users, Obamacare subsidy users, Medicaid users, and the like.

Would you eliminate the free/reduced lunch program for children. Isn't it the job of the parents to feed them?
What child is poor by their own fault?

What child that's not mine is more of my responsibility to provide for than the kid's own parents.

You have your priorities mixed up. You hold those of us that didn't produce the child more responsible for that child's well being than you do the one that did produce him/her.

Like I've said before. If you want to be responsible for them, go for it with YOUR money. MY money is for MY family. The children I produced are on a much higher level than those I didn't.

Okay, I just wanted establish as fact that you are content to see poor American children die for lack of healthcare.

And I have.

Since you think it's owed to them and you won't provide it with your money, it's on you. I've proven that you're unwilling to do what YOU think should be done and blame others because you won't do it.

I've proven that you would let poor American children die for lack of healthcare.

I think my work here is finished.

And "poor" means you can't afford. $1200 a month for a family plan.

Which is most of America.
and for some reason you seem to think that people who dont get a subsidy can not only afford that 1200 a month, but the can also afford the 12,000 out of pocket before that 1200 a month plan kicks in and starts paying for anything.
I hate to tell you but that is not the case. the ACA will keep millions from being able to afford to use the insurance they are forced to purchase.
Any concern for them or do you only care about that fat spandex clad hog that spends all day hitting the crack pipe and shopping wal-mart while her 14 illegitimate kids run loose through the neighborhood stealing whatever it is they can get their little unwashed hands on.
Do you believe that children should be offered an education regardless of their ability to pay?

If they can't pay, I think YOU should fund it for them. That's what I did for my kids.
Thats only because you are a responsible citizen that actually cares about your family.
Hell, I bet you can even name every one of your children, you know where they are and have never had to have them visit you in prison.

What child is poor by their own fault?

What child that's not mine is more of my responsibility to provide for than the kid's own parents.

You have your priorities mixed up. You hold those of us that didn't produce the child more responsible for that child's well being than you do the one that did produce him/her.

Like I've said before. If you want to be responsible for them, go for it with YOUR money. MY money is for MY family. The children I produced are on a much higher level than those I didn't.

Okay, I just wanted establish as fact that you are content to see poor American children die for lack of healthcare.

And I have.

What you've proven is that you, someone that believes something should occur, won't fund it himself. You can't me because you won't do what you think should be done. It's not my responsibility to support someone else's kids. You think it is. That means you get to fund it not me.
Freedom to scam the US public, dupe. Big Health cost 50% more than anywhere, 500k bankruptcies/year WITH "good" insurance, 40k dead/year because of no insurance, cutoffs and people with pre-existing unable to get insurance. Great job!

Considering that there is no level of health care that is an inalienable Right, the number of people who are helped by the health care system on a,yearly basis is immensely larger than those who leave themselves vulnerable and endure unpleasantness because of it.
how many people who leave themselves vulnerable as you say, do it purposefully?......just asking....

American society has a deep psychologial problem, we NEED to see someone punished, for something, hell anything. And the poor are just so damn easy.
we?....speak for yourself,i only need to see someone punished only if they are guilty of committing a crime.....
really a very large percentage?....fascinating.....

There's a huge number of stupid people in this country currently..... illegal aliens, liberals, Clinton voters, welfare recipients, Millenuals, etc.... They deserve every bad thing going that happens to them because of their fucked up thoughts, ideas and values which have no basis in Righteousness, Morality or Decency
If you have insurance and use it , you are just being a leech to those who don't anyway .
Oh this is going to be good.
please explain how someone that works, buys their insurance with their own money, is being a leech to someone that doesnt buy insurance in the first place.
every time you think the left has hit the apex of stupid, one of you all come up with something like this.
Please explain in detail how Im being a leech by using something I paid for with my money.

You become a leech to the health people in your insurance group.

Impossible. A leech is someone that doesn't provide to the group.

Once their costs exceeds what they pay in, they are a leech .

I take it we would also eliminate child birth from health insurance . Since having a child is elective .

Not when those in the group voluntarily joined it knowing the situation. A leech is someone that isn't part of the group but benefits from those in the group doing the paying. That would be food stamps users, Obamacare subsidy users, Medicaid users, and the like.

Would you eliminate the free/reduced lunch program for children. Isn't it the job of the parents to feed them?
In the school that my daughter went to in elementary, there were no kids on the free lunch program. zero.
then all of a sudden black kids started showing up in the classrooms and the free lunch program was getting hit pretty hard.
Realizing that there were more black kids in the school all of a sudden than lifed in the community, some of us started following the little tykes home. They always got picked up in a car, never rode a bus.
we found the majority of them were not even residents of the county, let alone the community, so we turned them in. A short investigation discovered that the parents lied about where they lived just to get the kid in the better funded school. The children were removed and sent back to the school that they should have been in from the start.
liberals are such sleazy people. The all think they have some God given right to what other people earn.
Oh this is going to be good.
please explain how someone that works, buys their insurance with their own money, is being a leech to someone that doesnt buy insurance in the first place.
every time you think the left has hit the apex of stupid, one of you all come up with something like this.
Please explain in detail how Im being a leech by using something I paid for with my money.

You become a leech to the health people in your insurance group.

Impossible. A leech is someone that doesn't provide to the group.

Once their costs exceeds what they pay in, they are a leech .

I take it we would also eliminate child birth from health insurance . Since having a child is elective .

Not when those in the group voluntarily joined it knowing the situation. A leech is someone that isn't part of the group but benefits from those in the group doing the paying. That would be food stamps users, Obamacare subsidy users, Medicaid users, and the like.

Would you eliminate the free/reduced lunch program for children. Isn't it the job of the parents to feed them?
In the school that my daughter went to in elementary, there were no kids on the free lunch program. zero.
then all of a sudden black kids started showing up in the classrooms and the free lunch program was getting hit pretty hard.
Realizing that there were more black kids in the school all of a sudden than lifed in the community, some of us started following the little tykes home. They always got picked up in a car, never rode a bus.
we found the majority of them were not even residents of the county, let alone the community, so we turned them in. A short investigation discovered that the parents lied about where they lived just to get the kid in the better funded school. The children were removed and sent back to the school that they should have been in from the start.
liberals are such sleazy people. The all think they have some God given right to what other people earn.

I think kids should go to school in the community where they live. If that means some schools are predominantly one race, fine by me. If people don't like their situation, move.
Freedom to scam the US public, dupe. Big Health cost 50% more than anywhere, 500k bankruptcies/year WITH "good" insurance, 40k dead/year because of no insurance, cutoffs and people with pre-existing unable to get insurance. Great job!

Considering that there is no level of health care that is an inalienable Right, the number of people who are helped by the health care system on a,yearly basis is immensely larger than those who leave themselves vulnerable and endure unpleasantness because of it.
how many people who leave themselves vulnerable as you say, do it purposefully?......just asking....

American society has a deep psychologial problem, we NEED to see someone punished, for something, hell anything. And the poor are just so damn easy.
how is wanting someone to develop a degree of self respect and then have them go out and actually support themselves punishing them?

Liberals don't believe in personal responsibility.
every liberal is like that?....thats about as stupid as the accusations dean makes about conservatives....

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