Here's my take on how Germany could have won WW2

When Germany invaded Poland and France they had an alliance with the USSR
If Hitler had honored the alliance, there is no way we would have dislodged them from Western Europe.
it's true----------if hitler had ...........the german socialists or the russian communists would rule over all of us.
It did not stop them, their failure to succeed was just a speed bump that slowed them down is all.
Everyone needs to read the book, "Hitler's Beneficiaries".

Amazon product ASIN 0805087265
Most think that the focus on killing off Jews was merely a racial hatred, but in reality, it was just another scheme to make money and increase support for the Nazi cause all throughout Western Europe.

Since Jews are typically socio-economically well off, even today in the US, the wealth they have is coveted by the rest of the masses. In the Bible, coveting is a sin but in Left wing la la land it is a virtue, so Hitler took full advantage of this to target the minority population for destruction which was wildly popular. For those that doubt me, look at the Jewish persecution of the Jews before Hitler. Everything that Hitler did, the ghettos, making them wear special garb, rounding them up and killing them in mass, was done all throughout Western Europe 10 centuries prior. Hitler just made it more efficient and on a wider scale.

But the Jewish persecution was not done just for support. Since they were economically well off, the Nazi regime rounded up their wealth and sent them off to die. In fact, when Germans conquered a territory, they would not immediately loot it. What they would do was create their own fiat currency to go "buy" things in that country, send those items home to the families of German soldiers, and then watch the economy of that territory go bust. Then the Nazis would tell the puppet government to round up the Jews in that territory, take their gold, and stabilize the economy.

Shrug, it worked.

So the focus on killing Jews actually helped their war cause more than it did hamper it with an increased need for men and supplies to keep the death camps running.
You won't hear about it in the media, but the same Jew hatred in Nazi Germany lives in the Left today

And yes, it all stems from them being "rich".
Everyone needs to read the book, "Hitler's Beneficiaries".

Maybe read the Treaty of Versailles if you think Hitler ran up German debt ...

I have a postage stamp in my collection with a face value of 5 billion marks ...

Not mine, wish it was, but if I saw this in the United States, I'd be voting anti-incumbent right down the ballot ...

Everyone needs to read the book, "Hitler's Beneficiaries".

Maybe read the Treaty of Versailles if you think Hitler ran up German debt ...

I have a postage stamp in my collection with a face value of 5 billion marks ...

Not mine, wish it was, but if I saw this in the United States, I'd be voting anti-incumbent right down the ballot ...

I don't remember the source, but during one of my college courses, I read an account of a pre-war German wheeling in a wheelbarrow full of devalued cash in order to buy a loaf of bread, and after the sale, the grocer dumped out the cash and kept only the wheelbarrow.
"Won"? what does that mean? Germany may have been able to keep it's conquered territories early in the war but it could never have defeated and occupied the U.S.
"Won"? what does that mean? Germany may have been able to keep it's conquered territories early in the war but it could never have defeated and occupied the U.S.
I stated that Germany would NOT have declared war on the U.S.
"Won"? what does that mean? Germany may have been able to keep it's conquered territories early in the war but it could never have defeated and occupied the U.S.
I stated that Germany would NOT have declared war on the U.S.
I kind of agree with the concept that Germany could have taken all of Europe if the U.K. was left alone and the U.S. stayed out of it. Both maniacs (Stalin and Hitler) might have had to deal with each other but Europe was theirs for the taking if they played their cards right.
Hitler was not good in "Diplomatie " and " Psychologic war Taktik ", there were the britains much more smarter in Putting There self in the role of the victims, even britain and their politicians wanted the war with germany, and between the conflict with germany 1939 they were the Aggressor (churchill) and declared wär on germany on September 03, 1939.

Germany Himself never wanted war with England,

But never the less, hitler made Several severe mistakes

1.) 1940 Dünkirchen.... hitler should not stopped his Panzers to conquer the town, and get the England army there as P.o.w. ....... than may England agreed for peace and churchill were thrown out of Power, like he was in WW1 after his Fail in Turkey

2.) 1940 the Blitz........ English fighter could sustain longer in the air fighting rather than german Messerschmitt 109, because had to use up to much fuel for just travel there and flying back

3.) 1941 war in UdSSR....... matterfact Stalin wanted to attack Germany in 1942 or 1943.... if Stalin would attack, than germany would be the victim and Stalin the Aggressor.... therefore, Stalin would had no Support from USA and germany could the defending thèmself and counter attack.... so germany than would be the good guy in that conflict and had Support from other countries.....

4.) Dec 1944........ if germany would not Start " die Wacht am Rhein" also known as the battle of the bulge, there would be not attack Towards germany until spring of 1945.
That would give germany 6 more month to built and make the New weapons Wunderwaffen which were ready in may 1945 in sufficient numbers.....
The war would not be won, but not lost either....
It may be prolounged or came to an agreement of putting an end to the fighting

By Januar 1945 is was too Late, there was nothing To Do anymore
Germany never had the AirPower
They lacked both air craft and variety
. Hitler never saw the third dimension as he was an army guy
Germany never had the AirPower
They lacked both air craft and variety
. Hitler never saw the third dimension as he was an army guy
The Russians might have been riding horses but Germany invented the missile and had developed the jet aircraft. Before the U.S. entered the war Germany ruled the sky.
Germany never had the AirPower
They lacked both air craft and variety
. Hitler never saw the third dimension as he was an army guy
Germany launched the First rocket 1942

Germany had the First jet air fighter Messerschmitt ME 262 in the year 1943

Germany had the first jet Bomber arado 1944

Germany had doing WW2 the most modern AirplAnes/ fighters and Bombers and the Fastes
I am glad that H is what doomed them
The 3rd Reich had to be destroyed at all costs.
The Jews were destroyed but the Slavic and poles were next
I've been listening to the book:
Ivan's War: The Red Army at War 1939-45

I've long been a skeptic of the theory that Germany could have "won". But I now believe differently.

As you know, the Soviets were dreadfully unprepared for war. Millions of Soviets surrendered to the Germans in 1941. Had the Germans had a different strategy, they could have persuaded those millions of Soviets, along with all of Ukraine, the residents of the Baltic States, the Fins, and more to join them to fight Stalin.

Initially, Soviet troops were eager to surrender rather than face certain death fighting the Germans. According to the book, as the war went on, Soviet soldiers learned of the horrific atrocities that the German SS was committing. As well, they learned of the horrific fate of their comrades in German captivity. Soldiers went from being willing to surrender to fighting until death.

There are three things Hitler would have needed to avoid. One, he would have needed to be content in owning all of Poland and abandoning his plan of "Lebensraum" in Ukraine and the Baltic states as well as Russia. Two, Hitler would have needed to abandon the "Final Solution". Hitler could have deported all of the Jews to France, etc., but putting them into death camps could have definitely been a deal killer. Three, no declaration of war on the U.S. Obviously, I'm taking liberties but whenever discussing alternate history. one is going to take such liberties.

It's probably LIKELY that many Soviet officers, still reeling from the executions of their former comrades (Stalin's purges), would have gladly joined the efforts to remove Stalin. Hell, someone close to Stalin may have simply shot him and that would have been the end of the war and the end of the Soviet Union.

if hitler had just waited until the nukes were ready the Nazis would have ruled
WW2 Germany had some brilliant generals but their strategy was often overruled by a WW1 Cpl.
That's true, but in terms of conquest, you have to give Hitler credit for conquering Austria and Czechoslovakia without firing a single shot! As well, Hitler overruled the general staff on their initial plans to invade France and instead went with the armored thrust through the Ardennes.

Thereafter, however, it went downhill.
Germany never had the AirPower
They lacked both air craft and variety
. Hitler never saw the third dimension as he was an army guy
Germany launched the First rocket 1942

Germany had the First jet air fighter Messerschmitt ME 262 in the year 1943

Germany had the first jet Bomber arado 1944

Germany had doing WW2 the most modern AirplAnes/ fighters and Bombers and the Fastes
The problem is that the Germans didn't modernize their aircraft, at least not as the allies did.
In fact, Germany started the war with a decisive edge of both the US and Britain in surface vessels. The Bismark, along with her sister-ship, the Tirpitz, were the largest, most modern battleship in the Atlantic. The Graf Spree and other "pocket battleships", as well as the fastest cruisers afloat, referred to as "merchant raiders", were initially sinking more allied tonnage than U-Boats.

Unfortunately for The Nazis, even the faster, more powerful ships of the German Navy were no match for the newest weapon, air power.
Your kidding right? The German navy had two battle cruisers, two battleships, three so called “pocket battleships” (really overgunned heavy cruisers) three heavy cruisers, sic light cruisers and a dozen or so destroyers at the height of its strength. In 1939, the R.N. had three fifteen inch gunned battle cruisers, One fourteen inch gunned fast battleship, two sixteen inch gunned battleships, five Queen Elizabeth class fifteen inch gunned battleships, four R class fifteen inch gunned battleships, fifteen heavy cruisers, at least thirty nine light cruisers and hundreds of destroyers,
So to match the four fast German capital ships in 1939, the R.N. had four of it’s own plus fourteen slower battleships. The US lacked the fast battleships, but dwarfed the Germans in numbers of every class.
where did you get the idea the Germans had a “ decisive edge” in any class?
Germany launched the First rocket 1942

Germany had the First jet air fighter Messerschmitt ME 262 in the year 1943

Germany had the first jet Bomber arado 1944

Germany had doing WW2 the most modern AirplAnes/ fighters and Bombers and the Fastes
The engines in the German jets had an expected life of TWENTY hours. That’s not an effective weapon.

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