Here's the chart that dems wish they could unsee

Because they don't care. They are supportive of it...the ultimate goal is to cripple America.

Agreed to an extent. But at this point, given the general lack of anything productive going on from both camps in 2012, I think we can all agree that both parties are at fault. Both of them are failing at their jobs.

This year I've come to realize that the Republican Party is now Democratic..and the Dem party is straight up fascist progressive.

If I have to choose, I'll still choose the Repubs....but eventually they will go the same way that the original dem party did.

Not that it matters, our country is doomed. We fell asleep and let the pigs take control.

I am not ready to give up yet, but its close. If the lib/dems take the house in 2014, this country is over as a free democratic republic.
deficit spending in relation to the reality on the ground at the moment. On that score, the GOP since the days of Reagan fails with flying colors. Why deny it and attempt diversion?

The GOP will never become a power house like the DNC has been for the last few generations because of this kind of denial.

I did not say that the GOP was blameless. Liberal thought by republicans is as bad as liberal thought by democrats.

Why is everything you post partisan? why can't YOU face the reality that both parties caused the mess, but that the dems must take more responsibility because they have been in power more?

Anyone who subscribes to economics by John Maynard Keynes is an abject fool and a mental midget. No society can ever spend itself into prosperity. Keynes was wrong in everything he ever said or wrote.

It is when the GOP was in power that debt started to grow without reason.

“Reagan taught us that deficits don’t matter.” - Dick Cheney

yes, and that was wrong. Now, will you admit that obama has made everything worse in the last 4 years? or will you continue to rant mindlessly with your nose up his rectum?
No society can ever spend itself into prosperity.


links please?

You want a link to common sense and fiscal reality---------maybe some remedial education is in order for you. Maybe your local Jr college offers Econ 101---sign up you might learn something.

But do you practice that spending routine in your personal finance? do you max out all your credit cards and then only pay the interest? then get new ones and max them out to pay the old ones?
Back in 1981 David Stockman was the wonderkid of the Reagan administration–the director of the Office of Management and Budget who’d craft in actual budgets the trickle-down miracle Reagan had promised on the campaign trail: lower budgets, lower spending, higher tax revenue. But trickle-down economics was a wish, not a reality. It’s never worked. Lower taxes don’t generate more revenue. They generate deficits.

Reagan knew it. So did Stockman. So did their guru, Friederich von Hayek. The deficits were intentional all along. They were edsigned to “starve the beast,” meaning intentionally cut revenue as a way of pressuring Congress to cut the New Deal programs Reagan wanted to demolish. “The plan,” Stockman told Sen. Daniel Patrick Moynihan at the time, ” was to have a strategic deficit that would give you an argument for cutting back the programs that weren’t desired. It got out of hand.”
David Stockman: How Nixon, Reagan, the Bushes and their GOP Demolished the Economy - David Stockman on Deficit Spending | FlaglerLive - Your News Service for Flagler County News Palm Coast News Bunnell Flagler Beach Beverly Beach and Marineland
Come on dems, compare the number of blue years to the number of red years and then tell us how the GOP has screwed up the country.


?? You expect replies in seven minutes? Are we smoking something that distorts our sense of time?

I'm not a Dem but I'm not even sure what the question is here. I looked at the chart... so the POTUS and Congress are usually of opposite parties... and?

Maybe if you posed a clearer question you'd get more responses. I dunno. I just clicked in here because it was a parody of another thread. I'm underwhelmed.
No society can ever spend itself into prosperity.


links please?

You want a link to common sense and fiscal reality---------maybe some remedial education is in order for you. Maybe your local Jr college offers Econ 101---sign up you might learn something.

But do you practice that spending routine in your personal finance? do you max out all your credit cards and then only pay the interest? then get new ones and max them out to pay the old ones?

Link to somebody "saying society can spend itself into prosperity"
Back in 1981 David Stockman was the wonderkid of the Reagan administration–the director of the Office of Management and Budget who’d craft in actual budgets the trickle-down miracle Reagan had promised on the campaign trail: lower budgets, lower spending, higher tax revenue. But trickle-down economics was a wish, not a reality. It’s never worked. Lower taxes don’t generate more revenue. They generate deficits.

Reagan knew it. So did Stockman. So did their guru, Friederich von Hayek. The deficits were intentional all along. They were edsigned to “starve the beast,” meaning intentionally cut revenue as a way of pressuring Congress to cut the New Deal programs Reagan wanted to demolish. “The plan,” Stockman told Sen. Daniel Patrick Moynihan at the time, ” was to have a strategic deficit that would give you an argument for cutting back the programs that weren’t desired. It got out of hand.”
David Stockman: How Nixon, Reagan, the Bushes and their GOP Demolished the Economy - David Stockman on Deficit Spending | FlaglerLive - Your News Service for Flagler County News Palm Coast News Bunnell Flagler Beach Beverly Beach and Marineland

LOL, you post an opinion piece by a liberal writer and then claim that you have some credibility?

posting that kind of crap only makes you look dumb
deficit spending in relation to the reality on the ground at the moment. On that score, the GOP since the days of Reagan fails with flying colors. Why deny it and attempt diversion?

The GOP will never become a power house like the DNC has been for the last few generations because of this kind of denial.

I did not say that the GOP was blameless. Liberal thought by republicans is as bad as liberal thought by democrats.

Why is everything you post partisan? why can't YOU face the reality that both parties caused the mess, but that the dems must take more responsibility because they have been in power more?

Anyone who subscribes to economics by John Maynard Keynes is an abject fool and a mental midget. No society can ever spend itself into prosperity. Keynes was wrong in everything he ever said or wrote.

It is when the GOP was in power that debt started to grow without reason.

“Reagan taught us that deficits don’t matter.” - Dick Cheney

The dems controlled congress during the Reagan years. Congress is the one that write the budgets.
Come on dems, compare the number of blue years to the number of red years and then tell us how the GOP has screwed up the country.


Look at all those years of relative peace and prosperity when it was either Democrats in control or there was divided gov't.

Okay, NOW look what happened in the years after Republicans controlled the Presidency, the Senate, AND the House of Representatives.

Any flashes of insight yet?

links please?

You want a link to common sense and fiscal reality---------maybe some remedial education is in order for you. Maybe your local Jr college offers Econ 101---sign up you might learn something.

But do you practice that spending routine in your personal finance? do you max out all your credit cards and then only pay the interest? then get new ones and max them out to pay the old ones?

Link to somebody "saying society can spend itself into prosperity"

Link? Its what liberals from both parties have been doing for years-----has it worked?
I did not say that the GOP was blameless. Liberal thought by republicans is as bad as liberal thought by democrats.

Why is everything you post partisan? why can't YOU face the reality that both parties caused the mess, but that the dems must take more responsibility because they have been in power more?

Anyone who subscribes to economics by John Maynard Keynes is an abject fool and a mental midget. No society can ever spend itself into prosperity. Keynes was wrong in everything he ever said or wrote.

It is when the GOP was in power that debt started to grow without reason.

“Reagan taught us that deficits don’t matter.” - Dick Cheney

yes, and that was wrong. Now, will you admit that obama has made everything worse in the last 4 years? or will you continue to rant mindlessly with your nose up his rectum?

How bad were things when Obama came into office?

The Worse Crisis Since the Great Depression

Today's market woes just shows a little of what President-elect Barack Obama will face: the worst economic crisis the country has experienced since the Great Depression of the 1930s.

What began with the explosion of the housing bubble has unfolded into a far-reaching global financial crisis affecting everything from banks to retail sales to the auto industry. Consumer confidence is hovering at record lows and consumer spending has declined for the first time in 17 years as Americans prepare to ride out what economists think could be the most severe recession in decades.

The first order of business for the new president will be to stabilize the economic crisis.

Dow Sinks Day After Election; Obama to Inherit Bad Economy - ABC News
You want a link to common sense and fiscal reality---------maybe some remedial education is in order for you. Maybe your local Jr college offers Econ 101---sign up you might learn something.

But do you practice that spending routine in your personal finance? do you max out all your credit cards and then only pay the interest? then get new ones and max them out to pay the old ones?

Link to somebody "saying society can spend itself into prosperity"

Link? Its what liberals from both parties have been doing for years-----has it worked?

You unable or unwilling to link to somebody saying "society can spend itself into prosperity"
Come on dems, compare the number of blue years to the number of red years and then tell us how the GOP has screwed up the country.


Look at all those years of relative peace and prosperity when it was either Democrats in control or there was divided gov't.

Okay, NOW look what happened in the years after Republicans controlled the Presidency, the Senate, AND the House of Representatives.

Any flashes of insight yet?

spoken like a true marxist. ignore reality and spout rhetoric. how about this one:

"from each according to his abilities, to each according to his needs" Where has that ever worked?
I did not say that the GOP was blameless. Liberal thought by republicans is as bad as liberal thought by democrats.

Why is everything you post partisan? why can't YOU face the reality that both parties caused the mess, but that the dems must take more responsibility because they have been in power more?

Anyone who subscribes to economics by John Maynard Keynes is an abject fool and a mental midget. No society can ever spend itself into prosperity. Keynes was wrong in everything he ever said or wrote.

It is when the GOP was in power that debt started to grow without reason.

“Reagan taught us that deficits don’t matter.” - Dick Cheney

The dems controlled congress during the Reagan years. Congress is the one that write the budgets.

Did Reagan go along unwillingly?

Back in 1981 David Stockman was the wonderkid of the Reagan administration–the director of the Office of Management and Budget who’d craft in actual budgets the trickle-down miracle Reagan had promised on the campaign trail: lower budgets, lower spending, higher tax revenue. But trickle-down economics was a wish, not a reality. It’s never worked. Lower taxes don’t generate more revenue. They generate deficits.

Reagan knew it. So did Stockman. So did their guru, Friederich von Hayek. The deficits were intentional all along. They were edsigned to “starve the beast,” meaning intentionally cut revenue as a way of pressuring Congress to cut the New Deal programs Reagan wanted to demolish. “The plan,” Stockman told Sen. Daniel Patrick Moynihan at the time, ” was to have a strategic deficit that would give you an argument for cutting back the programs that weren’t desired. It got out of hand.”

David Stockman: How Nixon, Reagan, the Bushes and their GOP Demolished the Economy - David Stockman on Deficit Spending | FlaglerLive - Your News Service for Flagler County News Palm Coast News Bunnell Flagler Beach Beverly Beach and Marineland
Link to somebody "saying society can spend itself into prosperity"

Link? Its what liberals from both parties have been doing for years-----has it worked?

You unable or unwilling to link to somebody saying "society can spend itself into prosperity"

don't be such as asshole. we both know that is the liberal idea and we both know that is what obama is doing today. You apparently think its the right thing to do, I do not.

But I also do not choose to debate with people who refuse to acknowledge any reality that disagrees with their ideology.
Come on dems, compare the number of blue years to the number of red years and then tell us how the GOP has screwed up the country.


Look at all those years of relative peace and prosperity when it was either Democrats in control or there was divided gov't.

Okay, NOW look what happened in the years after Republicans controlled the Presidency, the Senate, AND the House of Representatives.

Any flashes of insight yet?

spoken like a true marxist. ignore reality and spout rhetoric. how about this one:

"from each according to his abilities, to each according to his needs" Where has that ever worked?

You're the one who's not living in reality. Once Republicans were in total control, our gov't ended up attacking a country which had nothing to do with 9-11 and gave massive tax cuts to the wealthy while not paying for the war (remember those supplementals?) and also increasing the spending for everything that helped net campaign contributions to the Reps.
Link? Its what liberals from both parties have been doing for years-----has it worked?

You unable or unwilling to link to somebody saying "society can spend itself into prosperity"

don't be such as asshole. we both know that is the liberal idea and we both know that is what obama is doing today. You apparently think its the right thing to do, I do not.

But I also do not choose to debate with people who refuse to acknowledge any reality that disagrees with their ideology.

So you are both unable and unwilling to link to somebody saying "society can spend itself into prosperity"

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