Here's the evidence of VOTER FRAUD that big media can't seem to find.

The American media is on it's death bed.

My friend Christina Bobb explains the evidence of voter fraud mounting daily and the media’s refusal to acknowledge it.

Then why didn't trump and his lawyers present it to the two judges in the two cases they so far have claimed fraud?

Two cases so far have been thrown out by two judges because trump and his lawyers presented ZERO evidence of fraud or their claims.

Sure someone on the internet can make any claim they want. They can present any altered or fake video they want.

When it comes to actual credible fraud, trump and his lawyers presented ZERO evidence.

These lies by the right wing media need to stop.
the evidence is clear to anyone not drinking the kool ade,,,
Literally every nonsense story you idiots comes up with has a rational explanation that becomes apparent after ten minutes of examining the facts.

Like when y’all freaked out about sharpies in Arizona. You’re lunatics.
While not evidentiary material -

Weird that Biden Underperformed both Obama2012 and Hilliary2016 in all major cities, not in swing states,
but way overperformed them in the Blue Cities in swing states?

Needs looked into.

Republicans down ballot overperformed President Trump in the swing states?

Needs looked into.

It looks like Targeted Fraud Votes to any reasonable person.
Besides the fact that people have posted videos, linked to police reports ...
Shown pictures of the grave where of a 105 year old man that mysteriously returned a mail-in ballot even though he died in 2016 ...

How about you show just the tiniest bit of intellectual integrity and admit that right, wrong, or indifferent ...
Everything amounts to the fact that we have been unable to establish a grounds for any absence of the appearance of impropriety?

IF they could cheat, THEN they DID cheat ... that sword cuts both ways ...
which one???
Many. Trump has had almost all his lawsuits tossed due to lack of evidence.
you shouldnt let your fear show like that,,,

Stop projecting.

Your fear is dripping from every word in every one of your posts.

There is no reason for Colfax to be afraid.

You, on the other hand, are very afraid and have very good reason to be afraid. You russian trolls are going to face a real president who will actually do something beyond encourage russians to interfere with our elections. Biden will do all he can to stop russia and hold them accountable for all the damage you russians have done to America. He will hold russia accountable for putting bounties on the heads of our troops too. There is a world of hurt on the way for russia. You have only putin and yourselves to blame.

Here are two cases that have been thrown out because trump presented ZERO evidence of fraud or any of the things he stated in his case. When trump continues to go to court with ZERO proof of his claims he will continue to lose in court.

the evidence is clear to anyone not drinking the kool ade,,,

you dems have been bragging about it for months,,,
You’re all over the map. Sometimes you say the evidence is clear. Sometimes you say we need to gather the evidence. Pick one.
I like how that woman had to explain what "direct evidence" is to her audience.
That's because her viewership aren't the sharpest tools in the shed, if you know what I mean.

IN OTHER WORDS, Toro, you can't attack the message itself, so you have nothing left to do but attack the messenger and anyone who dares listens to it.

What do you think, you can SHAME people into suppressing open scrutiny of this election?

If this election was so on the up and up, then why do democrats keep trying to exclude supervision, refute simple verification and even defying court orders?
Personally I dont know

but given time trump can find out
He won’t because it just doesn’t really happen. There will be scattered instances of fraud. A few here, a few there. There will be no evidence of fraud on the scale to tip the election which is now on margins of tens of thousands of votes.

And despite the allegations of widespread fraud never panning out, the right will continue to believe them.
Anything not BubbleMedia approved is not sufficient evidence to them.
The BubbleMedia will not approve of these proofs
Ipso Facto - no evidence exists to them.
You idiots keep claiming evidence that is anything but. When you scream about a wagon with camera equipment going into the offices as proof of voter fraud, you’ve earned a label as fringe conspiracy theorists.
Yet you folks impeached a sitting president based on unverified dossiers and the implication of wrongdoing. Spare us the hypocrisy.
which one???
Many. Trump has had almost all his lawsuits tossed due to lack of evidence.
you shouldnt let your fear show like that,,,

Stop projecting.

Your fear is dripping from every word in every one of your posts.

There is no reason for Colfax to be afraid.

You, on the other hand, are very afraid and have very good reason to be afraid. You russian trolls are going to face a real president who will actually do something beyond encourage russians to interfere with our elections. Biden will do all he can to stop russia and hold them accountable for all the damage you russians have done to America. He will hold russia accountable for putting bounties on the heads of our troops too. There is a world of hurt on the way for russia. You have only putin and yourselves to blame.

Here are two cases that have been thrown out because trump presented ZERO evidence of fraud or any of the things he stated in his case. When trump continues to go to court with ZERO proof of his claims he will continue to lose in court.

Wait wait.
First you call all of us Russians.
Then you call Biden “a real president” and talk about how he is going to handle business. Biden... one of the dumbest members of the senate, possibly ever. Are we talking about the same joe Biden??
We get it, you hate Trump. Got it.
But when you say dumb shit like this, I can’t even keep a straight face reading it. I’m sure I’m not alone.
That’s ok though. We have 4 years to watch Joe “handle business”. Assuming he makes it 4 years. I bet he is gone right after the midterm elections.
While not evidentiary material -

Weird that Biden Underperformed both Obama2012 and Hilliary2016 in all major cities, not in swing states,
but way overperformed them in the Blue Cities in swing states?

Needs looked into.

Republicans down ballot overperformed President Trump in the swing states?

Needs looked into.

It looks like Targeted Fraud Votes to any reasonable person.
It was magic.

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