Here's the evidence of VOTER FRAUD that big media can't seem to find.

I've never said what I want to be true,,,
You want Trump to win the election. Therefore you have to come up with a way to make this true. That’s why you believe these flimsy allegations of fraud that don’t stand the slightest scrutiny.

There is some very motivated reasoning here.

And you contradict yourself. You claim clear evidence of fraud. Asked why it’s not presented in court, all of a sudden we need to gather evidence of fraud. It’s a sham.
And despite the allegations of widespread fraud never panning out, the right will continue to believe them.
Lets wait and see what the unelected washington establishment judges say

but no matter what happens, the stink of fraud will not go away
I've never said what I want to be true,,,
You want Trump to win the election. Therefore you have to come up with a way to make this true. That’s why you believe these flimsy allegations of fraud that don’t stand the slightest scrutiny.

There is some very motivated reasoning here.

And you contradict yourself. You claim clear evidence of fraud. Asked why it’s not presented in court, all of a sudden we need to gather evidence of fraud. It’s a sham.
if I wanted trump to win I would have voted for him and I didnt twice,,,,

why are you asking me about whats being presented in court??? I'm not there,,,
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While not evidentiary material -

Weird that Biden Underperformed both Obama2012 and Hilliary2016 in all major cities, not in swing states,
but way overperformed them in the Blue Cities in swing states?

Needs looked into.

Republicans down ballot overperformed President Trump in the swing states?

Needs looked into.

It looks like Targeted Fraud Votes to any reasonable person.
It was magic.

I've never said what I want to be true,,,
You want Trump to win the election. Therefore you have to come up with a way to make this true. That’s why you believe these flimsy allegations of fraud that don’t stand the slightest scrutiny.

There is some very motivated reasoning here.

And you contradict yourself. You claim clear evidence of fraud. Asked why it’s not presented in court, all of a sudden we need to gather evidence of fraud. It’s a sham.
The fact that unsolicited ballots were sent out without verification of who recieved them is grounds enough to question the overall integrity of this election. Particularly since is wasn't done through legislation nor were voter rolls purged to ensure accuracy.
Besides the fact that people have posted videos, linked to police reports ...
Shown pictures of the grave where of a 105 year old man that mysteriously returned a mail-in ballot even though he died in 2016 ...
How do you know the person who died in 2016 had a ballot with their name?

They investigated it because the man registered and sent a ballot would have been 105.
It was easy enough trace down his obituary and gravesite.
Investigations hinge on the desire to find the truth no matter what it is.

As an example, when working investigations for a Trademarking Agency ...
The quickest thing that would call for a more thorough investigation, was when the Manufacturing Facility failed to record any errors or failures.

Even in a statistically perfect situation ... There are still three failure or out of tolerance results per thousand attempts.
The failures or inconsistencies do happen, and if none are recorded, then the record is a lie.

The key is to capture those failures, not to ignore them and pretend they didn't happen.

IF they could cheat, THEN they DID cheat ... that sword cuts both ways ...

Of course it cuts both ways because no one, or nothing, is immune to failure.

If you are actually interested, read the response above.
I am not trying to put blame on anyone in particular, just saying if you believe there were no instances of cheating ...
Then I would believe that the processes or systems designed to catch such instances of cheating, simply failed miserably at catching any.

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Besides the fact that people have posted videos, linked to police reports ...
Shown pictures of the grave where of a 105 year old man that mysteriously returned a mail-in ballot even though he died in 2016 ...
How do you know the person who died in 2016 had a ballot with their name?

They investigated it because the man registered and sent a ballot would have been 105.
It was easy enough trace down his obituary and gravesite.
Investigations hinge on the desire to find the truth no matter what it is.

As an example, when working investigations for a Trademarking Agency ...
The quickest thing that would call for a more thorough investigation, was when the Manufacturing Facility failed to record any errors or failures.

Even in a statistically perfect situation ... There are still three failure or out of tolerance results per thousand attempts.
The failures or inconsistencies do happen, and if none are recorded, then the record is a lie.

The key is to capture those failures, not to ignore them and pretend they didn't happen.

What was his name?
The courts couldn't even find their balls to make the right decision on PENN when they had the chance. They aren't going to be very unique when they start getting stacked with partisans.
Another right wing Hoax?
Trump will force the feckless judges to find fraud
Right wing modus operandi?
its not the courts job to find it,,,
A right wing hoax? Poll workers from either party work in those locations.
It’s looks like incompetency, irresponsibility and cheating have won out. All part of the liberal mantra so it fits well. Just uncanny(impossible) that as Election Day became Election week that everything which trickled in went in favor of Biden
Another right wing Hoax?
Oh noes!!! Not more "right wing ... blah ... blah ... blah" from Rainman.

It's never rigged when the Democrat wins
The Democratic Media said so.
Where was the media when Trump appointee slowed down the USPS in July leading up to an election during a pandemic when we knew record numbers of people would be mail in voting.

instead of beefing up staff and equipment he downsized. Shady shit.

Hardly a peep about that. But now we see why they did it. They knew mail in would kill their chances of winning.

Remember Republicans asked how come Biden rallies were so small? We don't go to rallies during a pandemic. We don't go to the polls to vote. We mail in our support and votes.
Took 3 days to coordinate the fix
Almost all the large late responders from big Democrat cities
Election Day became Election Week
Continue to accept ballots from anyone, anywhere, up to anytime until Biden wins.

Banana Republicans wanted the count to take longer so they could play these games in the Kangaroo court on Tabloid TV (aka Faux News). Why didn't they legislate that their states could start counting the early vote, um, early, like all the other states do.


Cause they knew they were likely going to lose.
The fact that unsolicited ballots were sent out without verification of who recieved them is grounds enough to question the overall integrity of this election. Particularly since is wasn't done through legislation nor were voter rolls purged to ensure accuracy.
That wasn’t done in any of these swing states except for Nevada.
if I wanted trump to win I would have voted for him and I didnt twice,,,,

why are you asking me about whats being presented in court??? I'm not there,,,
Do you want Biden to win?
We need legal evidence ... not insinuation ...
Incorrect. Dems have established the new paradigm. Forget due process ... allegations = guilt.

Besides, the court of public opinion doesn't need "legal evidence" and Dems are getting slaughtered out here.
Took 3 days to coordinate the fix
Almost all the large late responders from big Democrat cities
Election Day became Election Week
Continue to accept ballots from anyone, anywhere, up to anytime until Biden wins.
It's easy to count all the votes in Hooterville.

700,000 people live in Detroit
That's bigger than 4 red states. North Dakota Alaska Vermont Wyoming
We need legal evidence ... not insinuation ...
Incorrect. Dems have established the new paradigm. Forget due process ... allegations = guilt.

Besides, the court of public opinion doesn't need "legal evidence" and Dems are getting slaughtered out here.
Not really. You're butthurt. Like you told us in 2016 let Joe lead and stop it the election is over.
Libs clamor about lack of evidence of fraud when the primary evidence is right in front of them-Election Day has become Election Week.

ignoramus, it was known well in advance that in states like PA where REPUBLICANS BLOCKED handling mail-in ballots before election day will take time to sort out, especially if it's close and all the votes need to be processed before the winner could be determined.

This year, Election Day may stretch into Election Week. Or Election Month.

In 2000, the U.S. Supreme Court didn’t declare George W. Bush the winner of the presidential election until five weeks after Election Day. It could also take days or weeks until we know whether President Donald Trump or former Vice President Joe Biden will take the oath of office in January.

The reason? An unprecedented number of mail-in ballots, hotly contested swing states, a possible record turnout and the threat of post-election lawsuits means it may take a while until all the votes are counted.


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