Here's what mgmt. should do to improve this community


Platinum Member
Dec 25, 2009
Censor, suspend and BAN chronic liars. Seriously.

For instance. If someone makes a claim, they should be prepared to back it up. There are times that people come into this community and make statements that are patently false and, when challenged, they fail to either back up their statement or acknowledge that their statement was wrong. Basically, they're lying and spreading disinformation. I am NOT advocating for people who are well-intentioned to be censored. I AM advocating for posters who, as a matter of routine procedure, spew lie after lie after lie and are permitted to do so, day after day.

Another option would be to relegate proven and repeated, serial liars to forums such as the rubber room, conspiracy theories, etc.
Chronic liars get their freedom of speech here and you have the freedom of putting them on ignore or simply just ignoring them.
Censor, suspend and BAN chronic liars. Seriously.

For instance. If someone makes a claim, they should be prepared to back it up. There are times that people come into this community and make statements that are patently false and, when challenged, they fail to either back up their statement or acknowledge that their statement was wrong. Basically, they're lying and spreading disinformation. I am NOT advocating for people who are well-intentioned to be censored. I AM advocating for posters who, as a matter of routine procedure, spew lie after lie after lie and are permitted to do so, day after day.

Another option would be to relegate proven and repeated, serial liars to forums such as the rubber room, conspiracy theories, etc.

There are many other places on the Internet where you can have your safe space, snowflake.

we have a kiddy zone already, we don't need another whinny bitch fucking it up for the rest of us.

and for pussies that can't stand to read what other posters post, we have the ignore function.
Censor, suspend and BAN chronic liars. Seriously.

For instance. If someone makes a claim, they should be prepared to back it up. There are times that people come into this community and make statements that are patently false and, when challenged, they fail to either back up their statement or acknowledge that their statement was wrong. Basically, they're lying and spreading disinformation. I am NOT advocating for people who are well-intentioned to be censored. I AM advocating for posters who, as a matter of routine procedure, spew lie after lie after lie and are permitted to do so, day after day.

Another option would be to relegate proven and repeated, serial liars to forums such as the rubber room, conspiracy theories, etc.

Sorry, your preference of filtering 1st Amendment content works on College Campuses.

But not here

Isn't the first amendment grad? You wish to silence everyone as you're the "real" dictator type and I wish for more freedom. Funny how the conservatives that whine about small government all the time turn out to be vastly more anti-freedom and repression.
Isn't the first amendment grad? You wish to silence everyone as you're the "real" dictator type and I wish for more freedom. Funny how the conservatives that whine about small government all the time turn out to be vastly more anti-freedom and repression.
Chronic liars get their freedom of speech here and you have the freedom of putting them on ignore or simply just ignoring them.

That's a fair point and I have put some of them on "ignore". However, by not permitting them to continually lie without consequence, they might feel compelled to become better posters.
I see my idea has not been too well received.

I see this community as a group of honest people engaging in give-and-take discussions on a multitude of subjects. But when someone comes here and tells a blatant lie followed by another blatant lie and continues to do that daily, then they are obviously not "well-intentioned" nor interested in engaging in honest discussion. I believe this community would be better off without such disingenuous people. If their only purpose here is to engage in deception by spreading falsehoods on a daily basis, why would management want them to remain here? Why would you?

In any event, I suppose I'll have to be content to put them on "ignore".
Well, what makes you think management is the be all, end all, in terms of truth? One of the most intellectually dishonest, partisan, people I've ran across here is a mod. And arrogant about it on top of that.
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Well, what makes you think management is the be all, end all, in terms of truth? One of the most deceptive, partisan, people I've ran across here is a mod.

I've noticed in the rules that there are many things that can get one in trouble but, being a serial liar isn't one of them. I'll take the poster who engages in profane language over the poster whose every post contains one blatant lie or another. One can be admonished, censored, suspended and banned for calling someone a **** but they can post lie after lie after lie and it's all good. I personally think that's a strange concept but I guess that's just me.
And there's no such thing as free speech on private property. Which is what this web site is.


What's that supposed to mean? Sure, as in you agree or sure, as in you're disagreeing condescendingly?

I agree with your statement. This board belongs to someone and they have whatever rules they like. As you said, the first amendment does not apply here.

Oh, good. Agreed. Thanks for clarifying. I'm sorry if I was presumptuous.
End of the day, a good mod is a mod who stays out of things and just enforces remedial rules.
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