Here's What the Buffalo Shooter's Alleged Manifesto Actually Says

All you need to do is listen to a Tucker Carlson show to hear him inflame the MAGA world with his hate filled rhetoric.

The trump does the same at his lie filled rallies. Yes...the racist MAGA members are stocking up on ammo. They are planning a civil war for their beloved trump.
it just started as a lie that trump cooked up to appease his loss in 2020. Now that BIG LIE has grown into a push to a "civil war" perpetuating mass shootings. And trump, FOX news, and MAGA are at fault.

trump is constantly telling his cult to fight to reinstate him. trump is constantly throwing gasoline on the fire he has ignited in the MAGA cult.


And there will be more false accusations thrown out there to continue stirring hatred by people like you.

All you need to do is listen to a Tucker Carlson show to hear him inflame the MAGA world with his hate filled rhetoric.

The trump does the same at his lie filled rallies. Yes...the racist MAGA members are stocking up on ammo. They are planning a civil war for their beloved trump.

You are a member of high ranking in hate filled rhetoric.

All you need to do is listen to a Tucker Carlson show to hear him inflame the MAGA world with his hate filled rhetoric.

The trump does the same at his lie filled rallies. Yes...the racist MAGA members are stocking up on ammo. They are planning a civil war for their beloved trump.
candycorn believe only White people can be racist and believe the Op is accurate in his rant about what he considers White Racism that is supported by me according to candycorn and Biff_Poindexter

Maybe candycorn and Biff_Poindexter can point out where I support what the shooter did and before they proclaim I am silent about stuff like this, well my history on this board says otherwise but because I am not some rabid nutter that blame Trump or Carlson for the shooter stupidity mean I support what the Shooter did but alas if it was my choice I would put a bullet in the back of the head of the shooter live on TV, but Candy and Biff would only condone such violence as long as it is a White person that votes Republican…
Dic suckers like you have been blaming Obama, Maxine Waters and any other black person you find scary any time a cop trips and twists their ankle -- so fuck what you bitch ass is crying about.....because of your outrage that people who don't look like you demand accountability from police, courts, are outraged by that because you are more than ok with brutality as long as the right group gets that brutality.....that is why Conservatives have BEEN HISTORICALLY OPPOSED to police reform...

You won't find a single post from me or Candy cheering for the murder of white folks based on some goofy ass belief of "black replacement theory" or "woman replacement theory" or whatever stupid shit you pull out your ass..there is no both sides to white supremacy....

But to fragile minded folks like yourself, equality feels like oppression....
To mediocre reactionary right-wing cucks like you -- any time racism is confronted in this country -- only your dumb ass thinks it means someone is against America...

The MAGA influenced killings will continue. The rhetoric coming out of the MAGA world is encouraging the attacks.

The Tucker Carlson show is a breeding ground for these nuts.
MAGA killings are a drop in the ocean compared to Dimmer wacko black gang killings and violence every day TDS Jim.
Why are people defending this sick kid by saying he is not part of our tribe?
Instead of saying the worship of guns( please note how many politicians pose with guns to help get them elected) is not healthy, guns are a tool & a healthy respect & training should go with ownership.
candycorn believe only White people can be racist and believe the Op is accurate in his rant about what he considers White Racism that is supported by me according to candycorn and Biff_Poindexter

Maybe candycorn and Biff_Poindexter can point out where I support what the shooter did and before they proclaim I am silent about stuff like this, well my history on this board says otherwise but because I am not some rabid nutter that blame Trump or Carlson for the shooter stupidity mean I support what the Shooter did but alas if it was my choice I would put a bullet in the back of the head of the shooter live on TV, but Candy and Biff would only condone such violence as long as it is a White person that votes Republican…
know this, none of those you pointed out has ever condemned black on black violence. Just know that. You and I have and continue to point to that complete lack of carelessness on their part. To even think that punk was some white supremacist is ludicrous as the day is long. He is a person who was a left wing extremist who was taking his lead from the left media. It's in his own writing.
Why are people defending this sick kid by saying he is not part of our tribe?
Instead of saying the worship of guns( please note how many politicians pose with guns to help get them elected) is not healthy, guns are a tool & a healthy respect & training should go with ownership.
again it's the gun's fault. holy fk are you a sad fker. I"m sorry, but fkwad, you got mental issues if you think inadamant objects can kill. You're the reason people keep dying.
Dic suckers like you have been blaming Obama, Maxine Waters and any other black person you find scary any time a cop trips and twists their ankle -- so fuck what you bitch ass is crying about.....because of your outrage that people who don't look like you demand accountability from police, courts, are outraged by that because you are more than ok with brutality as long as the right group gets that brutality.....that is why Conservatives have BEEN HISTORICALLY OPPOSED to police reform...

You won't find a single post from me or Candy cheering for the murder of white folks based on some goofy ass belief of "black replacement theory" or "woman replacement theory" or whatever stupid shit you pull out your ass..there is no both sides to white supremacy....

But to fragile minded folks like yourself, equality feels like oppression....
To mediocre reactionary right-wing cucks like you -- any time racism is confronted in this country -- only your dumb ass thinks it means someone is against America...
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and yet you can't talk about black on black violence. More blacks died in inner city deaths than this punk's hate produced. But you ain't talking about it. You fail fker. You are the worse kind of loser, you use black lives for political purposes rather than humanitarian reasons. fk off now.
Dic suckers like you have been blaming Obama, Maxine Waters and any other black person you find scary any time a cop trips and twists their ankle -- so fuck what you bitch ass is crying about.....because of your outrage that people who don't look like you demand accountability from police, courts, are outraged by that because you are more than ok with brutality as long as the right group gets that brutality.....that is why Conservatives have BEEN HISTORICALLY OPPOSED to police reform...

You won't find a single post from me or Candy cheering for the murder of white folks based on some goofy ass belief of "black replacement theory" or "woman replacement theory" or whatever stupid shit you pull out your ass..there is no both sides to white supremacy....

But to fragile minded folks like yourself, equality feels like oppression....
To mediocre reactionary right-wing cucks like you -- any time racism is confronted in this country -- only your dumb ass thinks it means someone is against America...
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Again, provide exact quotes from me that said anything about Obama or Waters because you have made these false claims many times and have yet to supply one shred of evidence to support your comments about me!

Also another Homophobic comment by someone that is not a racist bigot according to him but see White people as the enemy whenever he writes…

I mean Biff is there ever a moment you can be truthful and admit that you are wrong about me?

Of course not because hey I am white so according to you I must be racist, right?

Now Boy get to work and find those posts and threads you claimed I supported or wrote and if not, well fuck me it mean you lied again and I proved you wrong once again…

So when will you write a thread condemning racist attacks on Asian Americans done by those like you that believe they have it coming?


When will you write about those like the Wisconsin asshole racist that killed people because he thought like you, ya know the one that ran people over?

Wait, you believe this is fine because some honky racist bigot that think like you did something…

You offer nothing to society but hate and bigotry and should be put in the same place where those like Flash belong and that is shun from society!

Of candycorn will endorse your comments without offering a shred of evidence either and you know what Buffy?

I attack all racist trash no matter their fucking skin color, so remember that boy!
PJmedia is a Fake News Site and completely unreliable. So of course you believe them.

Mediabiasfactcheck is a biased fact check site, and is utterly unreliable.

PJmedia at least admits is an opinion site, unlike places like CNN and MSNBC.
know this, none of those you pointed out has ever condemned black on black violence. Just know that. You and I have and continue to point to that complete lack of carelessness on their part. To even think that punk was some white supremacist is ludicrous as the day is long. He is a person who was a left wing extremist who was taking his lead from the left media. It's in his own writing.
They have to blame the right because he is white but let be clear the little asshole should be put in GP and let the Prison System deal with his punk ass and it should be in a majority Black Prison so that way he get what is coming to him!
again it's the gun's fault. holy fk are you a sad fker. I"m sorry, but fkwad, you got mental issues if you think inadamant objects can kill. You're the reason people keep dying.
WOW, I said the absolute opposite of what you responded to. Please learn to read or understand opposing views. Guns not the problem, people using them for political points & the drumming up of hate of people who have a different opinion than yours.

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