Here's What the Buffalo Shooter's Alleged Manifesto Actually Says

Fox News’ Tucker Carlson has repeatedly pushed “replacement” rhetoric on his show. “I know that the left and all the little gatekeepers on Twitter become literally hysterical if you use the term ‘replacement,’ if you suggest for the Democratic Party is trying to replace the current electorate, the voters now casting ballots, with new people, more obedient voters from the Third World,” Carlson said in April 2021.

Gendron’s attack was livestreamed. Some users of the website 4chan discussed the attack, and at least one archived the video in real-time, releasing photos of dead civilians inside the supermarket over the course of Saturday afternoon.

One video clip from the livestream permeated extremist sites in the hours after the attack, featuring Gendron’s last two minutes of driving to the supermarket, and cutting off as he exited the vehicle outside the supermarket.

I hope the family of the victims in the shooting sue both Carlson and FOX news. He drools hate and lies nightly on his show. This is just the first of many instances of violence that he and MAGA are going to incite. All the while, trump flies around the country begging for a January 6th repeat.
lol Good luck with that BS, it won't fly at all but hey, you nutters gotta believe in something.
Actually, when I was in the service, I was pretty right wing. The Iraq War disillusioned me because Poppy Bush lied his ass off as to why we were there.

What turned me left wing was 14 years ago, when my Romney loving boss tried to screw over my career and boasted he didn't have to deal with a union. That's when I realized that I don't make enough money to vote Republican and neither do you.

The 1950's called... they want their bircher talking points back.

Again, you pull out one or two sentences and ignore the bulk of the text, which is all Tucker Carlson Replacement theory.
You didn't read all of it. You're just repeating what you've been programmed with. Dismissed.
The killer in Buffalo provided a manifesto that explains his motivation for slaughtering Black Americans with his AK-47.

I would take what he has revealed very seriously, and identify discernible patterns in fellow travelers who have acted similarly, in the hopes of confronting and reducing the tragic pattern.

"Antifederalist beliefs".

That's what the left opposes most. They hate anyone who doesn't support an all-powerful federal government.
She says she does, despite owning shares in:
  • Amazon
  • Pfizer
  • Tesla
  • Microsoft
  • BP
She also paid an income tax of only 1.3% on $8,285,000 of salary. That helps push her net worth to $67 million.

Leftists, this woman is laughing at you while she manipulates you with her "tax the rich" bullshit.
That wasn't her salary, professor.

Second, she will raise taxes on the rich, including herself, if she has her way.

Swing and a miss.
PJmedia is a Fake News Site and completely unreliable. So of course you believe them.

I have a copy of the manifesto. PJ Media didn't alter anything.
Truth. If this were a middle-easterner, black, Hispanic, or anyone other than a white male, the entire group they represent through their skin color would be indicted. But since it's a white male...he doesn't represent white...he and ONLY HE is merely disturbed.
You leftists sure do like your kollektive punishment.

All you need to do is listen to a Tucker Carlson show to hear him inflame the MAGA world with his hate filled rhetoric.

The trump does the same at his lie filled rallies. Yes...the racist MAGA members are stocking up on ammo. They are planning a civil war for their beloved trump.
The only people inspired to hate by Carlson is you leftists.

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