Here's What the Buffalo Shooter's Alleged Manifesto Actually Says

Can you read? He moved right from his communist support to authoritarian left. He was still leftist, but not as extreme, dumbass.
Seriously, if you're 5 miles to the left of center and you move 2 miles to the right, you're hardly on the hard-core right.
Only a white supremacist would know that.
The left are all mind readers. They use foil helmets that let them tune into the thoughts of people they never met, never will meet, and don't know from a stick, but boy are they certain they know what everyone is thinking.
I just read an article that said tge shooter's attack could have been prevented IF HE HAD BEEN TAUGHT CRT IN SCHOOL


:p bwuhahahahahahha
Some of the same people who tried to claim TRUMP! was a whte nationalist Hitler wannabee because white nationalist Hitler wannabees claimed they identified with him are now running as fast as they can to get away from this shooter who says he's one of them.
Some of the same people who tried to claim TRUMP! was a whte nationalist Hitler wannabee because white nationalist Hitler wannabees claimed they identified with him are now running as fast as they can to get away from this shooter who says he's one of them.
The double standards are ridiculous. These libtard simpletons desperately want to tie this kid to Tucker Carlson because he mentions "replacement", but when he flat out states his political views as being "authoritarian left", well, that doesn't count. We are dealing with useful idiots who refuse to think.
Racism is a generational disease. All you need to do is look at family members that are raised in a racist environment. The words, the prejudices, the demeaning family jokes. The children grow up in that environment. And their children grow up in that environment. It goes on for generations, unless education and social awareness finally stops the cycle.

But that will take generations. We were on a good track until trump and MAGA came along. trump has been able to cloak his racism with code words and winks and nods. He is talented at that. Nearly as much as he is talented at Lying.
Like you Dimmers who started slavery and the KKK....
WOW, I said the absolute opposite of what you responded to. Please learn to read or understand opposing views. Guns not the problem, people using them for political points & the drumming up of hate of people who have a different opinion than yours.
Naw, I read it right. You're just a tool.
This is the same level of mental acuity expressed by those who tried to blame Sarah Palin for Gifford's shooting. You know, because she had a target symbol on her web site that the shooter never even saw. Didn't matter, they had feelz.
and they never discuss the millions of dead black babies at abortion clinics. More blacks killed annually by any measure.
The current Democratic Party is most certainly more aligned with Communism than the current Republican Party. No one could argue otherwise with a straight face.
Only someone who hasn't a clue what communism is..... It's a buzz word for people who don't know what Marx taught or what an utter failure Marxism has been everywhere. Are we doing another stretch of Joe McCarthy drunken hysteria?
Only someone who hasn't a clue what communism is..... It's a buzz word for people who don't know what Marx taught or what an utter failure Marxism has been everywhere. Are we doing another stretch of Joe McCarthy drunken hysteria?

I know many people that have come from Communist countries. The ones that were aligned with the Communist Party are staunch Democrats. The ones who were not are staunch Republicans.

Honestly, the Democrats indoctrinated kids in school, they censor opposition, they are violent...I mean the list goes on and on.
Only someone who hasn't a clue what communism is..... It's a buzz word for people who don't know what Marx taught or what an utter failure Marxism has been everywhere. Are we doing another stretch of Joe McCarthy drunken hysteria?

You really need to talk to those who have experienced it first hand. They would get a good laugh at your take on this.
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The left are all mind readers. They use foil helmets that let them tune into the thoughts of people they never met, never will meet, and don't know from a stick, but boy are they certain they know what everyone is thinking.
No jackass. You can read about it. The pukes have come out and said it themselves.

But you no likely, so you have little outburst.
The MAGA world can lie and when it is proven a lie with audio or video, they still lie. I guess they think that sooner or later, someone will believe their lie. It is a trump MO.
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