Here's What the Buffalo Shooter's Alleged Manifesto Actually Says

"PJ Media obtained a copy of the manifesto, and while we cannot independently verify its authenticity, it is widely believed to be genuine, and some left-wing operatives are intent on claiming that the manifesto proves the shooter was radicalized by Fox News and right-wing politics. I’ll show you want the manifesto actually says (though I will not link to it)."

Shooters politics in his own words:

"When I was 12 I was deep into communist ideology, talk to anyone from my old highschool and ask about me and you will hear that. From age 15 to 18 however, I consistently moved farther to the right. On the political compass I fall in the mild-moderate authoritarian left category, and I would prefer to be called a populist."

Anyone deep into Communism is evidence of brain disease.

PJmedia is a Fake News Site and completely unreliable. So of course you believe them.

Things like you and this bullshit are part of what's wrong with the country today.
MAGA and Q and the Proud Boys keep talking about a civil war to restore their King trump. No one should be surprised at the killing. More to come by MAGA nuts.
PJmedia is a Fake News Site and completely unreliable. So of course you believe them.

The quotes are real lady is that why you are disturbed?

The kid is a foaming at the mouth white loser who went out of his way to kill blacks and wanted to kill many more but was stopped by the police before he ran out of bullets venting his hate against human beings.

Your source fallacy attempt is boring.

The MAGA influenced killings will continue. The rhetoric coming out of the MAGA world is encouraging the attacks.

The Tucker Carlson show is a breeding ground for these nuts.

This guy was stockpiling and likely had plans for more carnage. Did you start a thread about it?

Brooklyn subway shooting suspect Frank James had 'stockpile' of weapons, prosecutors say​

James, 62, made his first court appearance Thursday. He is accused of setting off smoke canisters and wounding 10 people in a rush-hour attack on a Manhattan-bound N train.
James picked up a U-Haul van Monday in Philadelphia and went to New York City with violent plans, according to a memo filed by the government.

MAGA and Q and the Proud Boys keep talking about a civil war to restore their King trump. No one should be surprised at the killing. More to come by MAGA nuts.


You idjits made up/blew up the Q bullshit. The proud boys are not representative of the average conservative. That's just more lefties foaming at the mouth.

If there's talk of civil war it is mainly the fault of you lefty lunatics and your turnip head leader

You don't know what you're talking about. You've never known what you're talking about. You will never know what you're talking about.

It's all just derpy drivel.

The MAGA influenced killings will continue. The rhetoric coming out of the MAGA world is encouraging the attacks.

The Tucker Carlson show is a breeding ground for these nuts.
"The rhetoric coming out of the MAGA world is encouraging the attacks."
Then you should have no problem providing links/ sources.

The "both sides" wimp out is tiresome. Right-wing nut jobs bleat it every time one of their own commits atrocities in the name of racism, anti-semitism, or some other sick perversion.

Each instance of human depravity must be honestly confronted for what it is, not cravenly avoided or mitigated by a gutless

View attachment 645293
"Oh, yeah!
Well, what about...?"
Truth. If this were a middle-easterner, black, Hispanic, or anyone other than a white male, the entire group they represent through their skin color would be indicted. But since it's a white male...he doesn't represent white...he and ONLY HE is merely disturbed.

The MAGA influenced killings will continue. The rhetoric coming out of the MAGA world is encouraging the attacks.

The Tucker Carlson show is a breeding ground for these nuts.

Someone used guns to get the gunman to stop killing?

Don't tell the liberals.
As usual, ABC is speculating in order to keep the fear and anger ramped up.

"Multiple high-capacity magazines were recovered on Gendron and in his car, the commissioner said. While he declined to say what evidence pointed to additional shooting plans, the commissioner said investigators have been going through his phone and other electronics."

The article lies and so does the OP. Nothing new.

You idjits made up/blew up the Q bullshit. The proud boys are not representative of the average conservative. That's just more lefties foaming at the mouth.

If there's talk of civil war it is mainly the fault of you lefty lunatics and your turnip head leader

You don't know what you're talking about. You've never known what you're talking about. You will never know what you're talking about.

It's all just derpy drivel.
it just started as a lie that trump cooked up to appease his loss in 2020. Now that BIG LIE has grown into a push to a "civil war" perpetuating mass shootings. And trump, FOX news, and MAGA are at fault.

trump is constantly telling his cult to fight to reinstate him. trump is constantly throwing gasoline on the fire he has ignited in the MAGA cult.

it just started as a lie that trump cooked up to appease his loss in 2020. Now that BIG LIE has grown into a push to a "civil war" perpetuating mass shootings. And trump, FOX news, and MAGA are at fault.

trump is constantly telling his cult to fight to reinstate him. trump is constantly throwing gasoline on the fire he has ignited in the MAGA cult.


it just started as a lie that trump cooked up to appease his loss in 2020. Now that BIG LIE has grown into a push to a "civil war" perpetuating mass shootings. And trump, FOX news, and MAGA are at fault.

trump is constantly telling his cult to fight to reinstate him. trump is constantly throwing gasoline on the fire he has ignited in the MAGA cult.


An overdue conversation about black-on-Asian violence​

candycorn believe only White people can be racist and believe the Op is accurate in his rant about what he considers White Racism that is supported by me according to candycorn and Biff_Poindexter

Maybe candycorn and Biff_Poindexter can point out where I support what the shooter did and before they proclaim I am silent about stuff like this, well my history on this board says otherwise but because I am not some rabid nutter that blame Trump or Carlson for the shooter stupidity mean I support what the Shooter did but alas if it was my choice I would put a bullet in the back of the head of the shooter live on TV, but Candy and Biff would only condone such violence as long as it is a White person that votes Republican…
As usual, ABC is speculating in order to keep the fear and anger ramped up.

"Multiple high-capacity magazines were recovered on Gendron and in his car, the commissioner said. While he declined to say what evidence pointed to additional shooting plans, the commissioner said investigators have been going through his phone and other electronics."

The article lies and so does the OP. Nothing new.

Well, if the article lies, then we must know what evidence pointed to additional shooting plans, right?

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