Here's What the Buffalo Shooter's Alleged Manifesto Actually Says

Whatever this was done by politically, most of these transgressions are done by Progs.
If that is your belief, you are free to document whatever you're talking about in threads that concern your alternate topic.

This one is about the Buffalo killer, his motivation as revealed by his "manifesto," and the discernible pattern of mass murderers who are ravaged by the same or similar prejudices.
If that is your belief, you are free to document whatever you're talking about in threads that concern your alternate topic.

This one is about the Buffalo killer, his motivation as revealed by his "manifesto," and the discernible pattern of mass murderers who are ravaged by the same or similar prejudices.
And yet here we are again, a white guy kills a group of blacks and racist racist shit flies, while these same people ignore the hundreds killed in Black neighborhoods week after week by blacks. Never any fking outrage. I am outraged. Show black lives do matter and start supporting action to stop black on black killings. Otherwise, you have no reason to post here.
It is not I who is desperate to contrive diversions.

This thread concerns the Buffalo killer and his "manifesto."

have no need to digress.

View attachment 645336
"Oh, yeah!
Well, what about...?"

If you have alternative topics you prefer, you are free to address them in threads that concern them.

I said nothing about "diversions". My point was that you only care about incidents when you can use them for political purposes against your enemies.

Your pretense of concern and outrage is bullshit.

You are HAPPY, when such shit happens, because you see it as a chance to advance your side.
I said nothing about "diversions". My point was that you only care about incidents when you can use them for political purposes against your enemies.

Your pretense of concern and outrage is bullshit.

You are HAPPY, when such shit happens, because you see it as a chance to advance your side.

And yet here we are again, a white guy kills a group of blacks and racist racist shit flies
Yes, the pattern is undeniable.

Alternative narratives and agendas are properly pursued in alternative threads.

Contriving diversions does not refute the facts.
Yes, the pattern is undeniable.

Alternative narratives and agendas are properly pursued in alternative threads.

Contriving diversions does not refute the facts.
yep, you don't care about black lives. Just admit it. Admit this is purely for a political posturing. And, you're even wrong with the posturing. The dude was a left fker.
The pipsqueak loser doesn't like conservatism and attacked media in general.


Here's What the Buffalo Shooter's Alleged Manifesto Actually Says​



On Saturday afternoon, an 18-year-old from Upstate New York traveled to Buffalo and live-streamed himself shooting several people, ten of whom he killed, at a Tops Friendly Market in a predominantly black neighborhood. The suspect was captured by law enforcement and has been arraigned on 10 first-degree murder charges.

With their usual swiftness, leftists on Twitter quickly launched a seemingly coordinated effort to blame Fox News and Tucker Carlson for allegedly radicalizing the suspect.

As word of the shooting quickly spread on social media, so did reports that the shooter had posted a 180-page manifesto online, explaining his racist and anti-Semitic motives and detailing how he planned to carry out the attack.

I love how the left always blames right wing media pundits, but the leftists on MSNBC, CNN, ABC, NBC, the View etc. are far more hateful and incite far more violence… they never get any blame!!! Yet when these rare white supremacist attacks happen, the left blows it up. We will hear about this one 6 months,,, but the black on black mass shooting in Chicagona few weekends ago doesn’t get any press (other then local press).

They will ignore any black racist attacks… I mean #stopasianhate ended once they saw most of the perps were black.

The left is incapable of admitting that white supremacism has been nearly wiped out of all faucets of society, it is not in corporate America, Fed, state or local government, not in our colleges or grammar schools, not in housing or lending (in fact black owned businesses get preferred treatment), not in Hollywood, the silver screen, Broadway, the media, or even rural America.

It only survives on life support within a tiny segment of the population.
yep, you don't care about black lives. Just admit it. Admit this is purely for a political posturing. And, you're even wrong with the posturing. The dude was a left fker.
Why are you lying? Does your ideological fanaticism vanquish human decency?

Innocent Americans being slaughtered is of concern to normal folks everywhere, and if understanding why deranged people like this do it can help us prevent it from repeatedly happening, why are you opposed to it?
Why are you lying? Does your ideological fanaticism vanquish human decency?

Innocent Americans being slaughtered is of concern to normal folks everywhere, and if understanding why deranged people like this do it can help us prevent it from repeatedly happening, why are you opposed to it?

If you really cared about saving lives, you wouldn't just focus on one side of the incidents.

You are a liar.
Why are you lying? Does your ideological fanaticism vanquish human decency?

Innocent Americans being slaughtered is of concern to normal folks everywhere, and if understanding why deranged people like this do it can help us prevent it from repeatedly happening, why are you opposed to it?
I read the manifesto quote. That's how I know he was a left turd. Try doing some reading and pull in some comprehension while you're at it.
I love how the left always blames right wing media pundits, but the leftists on MSNBC, CNN, ABC, NBC, the View etc. are far more hateful and incite far more violence… they never get any blame!!! Yet when these rare white supremacist attacks happen, the left blows it up. We will hear about this one 6 months,,, but the black on black mass shooting in Chicagona few weekends ago doesn’t get any press (other then local press).

They will ignore any black racist attacks… I mean #stopasianhate ended once they saw most of the perps were black.

The left is incapable of admitting that white supremacism has been nearly wiped out of all faucets of society, it is not in corporate America, Fed, state or local government, not in our colleges or grammar schools, not in housing or lending (in fact black owned businesses get preferred treatment), not in Hollywood, the silver screen, Broadway, the media, or even rural America.

It only survives on life support within a tiny segment of the population.
maybe if the demofks focused and reported black on black violence, and actually show they care about them, this sort of shit would settle down. It is all driven by demofks, know that.
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Radicalized by replacement theory from the right wing doesn't matter at all. Seeings as though he drove half way across the state to find a black community. 😂😂😂

The MAGA influenced killings will continue. The rhetoric coming out of the MAGA world is encouraging the attacks.

The Tucker Carlson show is a breeding ground for these nuts.

The MAGA influenced killings will continue. The rhetoric coming out of the MAGA world is encouraging the attacks.

The Tucker Carlson show is a breeding ground for these nuts.

Things like you and this bullshit are part of what's wrong with the country today.

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