Here's What the Buffalo Shooter's Alleged Manifesto Actually Says

Uh, just because he said he was doesn't make it so...

His actions speak for themselves. He ranted like a Fox News commentator, and then shot up black people.
He was radicalized by the left seems he wanted to start a race war.
"On the political compass I fall in the mild-moderate authoritarian left category, and I would prefer to be called a populist"
I provided a service to the government for 20 years, in return for which they agreed to pay me a pension.
Yes, and now you are sucking off the government teet... everyone who gets a check from the government can rationalize it... but most of them have the good sense to NOT whine about the government.

That fake stat has been debunked. You've seen the debunking.

Naw, I've seen a lot of gun nut whining about "Why did Kellerman count the suicides". The point remains, for every bad guy killed in a home invasion, 43 household members die from suicide, domestic violence or accidents. This is just nuts. It's like owning a rabid pitbull for protection and then ignoring it when he mauls the kids.

You need to get out on the streets of Chicago and take the guns away from gangbangers.

I'd love to, but first we have to prevent them from getting more from that gun shop in Indiana. And herein lies your problem. Fireworks are also illegal in Illinois. But when I drove into Indiana last week for a wedding, I saw a HUGE number of billboards for places selling fireworks going into IN.


All letting visitors from IL where to buy their illicit fireworks. Many fewer signs in the opposite direction.

...says the guy who's ceded his responsibility for his own safety to the cops.

No he didn't and you'd know better if you actually read it.

I did read it. It was maybe two lines about communism and environmentalism, and 180 pages about replacement theory and how the Jews are using blacks and Hispanics to replace white people.
Yes, and now you are sucking off the government teet... everyone who gets a check from the government can rationalize it... but most of them have the good sense to NOT whine about the government.

Naw, I've seen a lot of gun nut whining about "Why did Kellerman count the suicides". The point remains, for every bad guy killed in a home invasion, 43 household members die from suicide, domestic violence or accidents. This is just nuts. It's like owning a rabid pitbull for protection and then ignoring it when he mauls the kids.

I'd love to, but first we have to prevent them from getting more from that gun shop in Indiana. And herein lies your problem. Fireworks are also illegal in Illinois. But when I drove into Indiana last week for a wedding, I saw a HUGE number of billboards for places selling fireworks going into IN.

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All letting visitors from IL where to buy their illicit fireworks. Many fewer signs in the opposite direction.

I did read it. It was maybe two lines about communism and environmentalism, and 180 pages about replacement theory and how the Jews are using blacks and Hispanics to replace white people.

He sounds like a member of the democrat party as they brag about illegal aliens turning Red states blue......just like you and the other lefties here on U.S.messageboard used to do before you found this clown...and now you have gone radio silent on using Mexican illegal aliens to vote power to the democrat party.
He sounds like a member of the democrat party as they brag about illegal aliens turning Red states blue......just like you and the other lefties here on U.S.messageboard used to do before you found this clown...and now you have gone radio silent on using Mexican illegal aliens to vote power to the democrat party.

He's not bragging, he thinks it's awful.

Demographic changes will make the red states blue... because your party went full on racist years ago. It worked for a while, but now that whites are shrinking, it doesn't work as well.
He's not bragging, he thinks it's awful.

Demographic changes will make the red states blue... because your party went full on racist years ago. It worked for a while, but now that whites are shrinking, it doesn't work as well.

Hispanics are turning into Republicans, you idiot......the republicans never went racist. ......they just didn't put race ahead of everything else for the sake of power the way the democrats did........
Naw, I've seen a lot of gun nut whining about "Why did Kellerman count the suicides". The point remains, for every bad guy killed in a home invasion, 43 household members die from suicide, domestic violence or accidents. This is just nuts. It's like owning a rabid pitbull for protection and then ignoring it when he mauls the kids
Lawful DGU's are not limited to home invasions.

You don't need a gun to commit suicide so it's a nonsensical point to even consider.

Fewer than half of all suicides are committed with a firearm.
Hispanics are turning into Republicans, you idiot......the republicans never went racist. ......they just didn't put race ahead of everything else for the sake of power the way the democrats did........
They rode that horse into the ground and then continued to the point they had no more air and couldn't see day light at the top of the hole anymore.
He's not bragging, he thinks it's awful.

Demographic changes will make the red states blue... because your party went full on racist years ago. It worked for a while, but now that whites are shrinking, it doesn't work as well.
Right, that's what we've been hearing for forty years.
Lawful DGU's are not limited to home invasions.

DGU's are a joke. The very fact that you have numbers that range from 43,000 (The official FBI number) and 5 million (the Gun Wankers fantasy numbers!) tells me you don't even have a good definition of what constitutes a DGU.

Waiving a gun at a black guy who scared you isn't a DGU, it's a hate crime.

You don't need a gun to commit suicide so it's a nonsensical point to even consider.

Except guns make it a lot easier to off yourself AND there is less chance that heroic measures can save you.
DGU's are a joke. The very fact that you have numbers that range from 43,000 (The official FBI number) and 5 million (the Gun Wankers fantasy numbers!) tells me you don't even have a good definition of what constitutes a DGU.

Waiving a gun at a black guy who scared you isn't a DGU, it's a hate crime.

Except guns make it a lot easier to off yourself AND there is less chance that heroic measures can save you.

Except guns make it a lot easier to off yourself would have to explain to the class why Japan, South Korea, China, Canada, and many European countries....all with more extreme gun control than the U.S....have higher suicide success rates than the U.S....
Hispanics are turning into Republicans, you idiot......the republicans never went racist. ......they just didn't put race ahead of everything else for the sake of power the way the democrats did........

No, they aren't. The only Hispanics who vote GOP in any real numbers are the Cuban Refuse of Florida.

hey rode that horse into the ground and then continued to the point they had no more air and couldn't see day light at the top of the hole anymore.

Or realistically, the ebb and flow of politics should be seen over the long term.

The fact is, the GOP has only won the national Popular vote ONCE since 1988. Beyond that, you've had to rely on teh Electoral Anachronism, Gerrymandering and Voter Suppression to stay in power.

If you guys really thought Hispanics were a potential GOP block, you wouldn't be working so hard to keep them out and suppress their vote.
DGU's are a joke. The very fact that you have numbers that range from 43,000 (The official FBI number) and 5 million (the Gun Wankers fantasy numbers!) tells me you don't even have a good definition of what constitutes a DGU.

Waiving a gun at a black guy who scared you isn't a DGU, it's a hate crime.

Except guns make it a lot easier to off yourself AND there is less chance that heroic measures can save you.
Only because you are too ignorant to understand why.

What is the criteria the FBI uses? Only defensive shootings that are actually reported.

A DGU in reality doesn't require a gun ever even be drawn necessarily much less fired.

Far more often than not, that is the case in DGU's the bad guys are deterred simply because they know of strongly suspect the target is armed with a gun.

The joke is/are your arguments to the contrary. would have to explain to the class why Japan, South Korea, China, Canada, and many European countries....all with more extreme gun control than the U.S....have higher suicide success rates than the U.S....

Japan and South Korea have cultures where suicide isn't seen negatively...

The rest is lies... we have a higher suicide rate than most of the world.
Except guns make it a lot easier to off yourself would have to explain to the class why Japan, South Korea, China, Canada, and many European countries....all with more extreme gun control than the U.S....have higher suicide success rates than the U.S....
People intent on suicide will use whatever means available, gun or no gun.
A DGU in reality doesn't require a gun ever even be drawn necessarily much less fired.

Far more often than not, that is the case in DGU's the bad guys are deterred simply because they know of strongly suspect the target is armed with a gun.

By that logic, countries that ban guns should have LOWER crime and murder rates than we have, not higher ones.
Japan and South Korea have cultures where suicide isn't seen negatively...

The rest is lies... we have a higher suicide rate than most of the world.
The US doesn't even rank in the top ten countries globally for suicide rates which again shows your entire premise to be fraudulent.

Why are you lying again?
By that logic, countries that ban guns should have LOWER crime and murder rates than we have, not higher ones.
No, that would be the opposite of true. There would be no more DGU's with no more guns and that would serve only to empower and remove the major defense against violent criminals.

You should spend a lot less time talking out of your ass.
The US doesn't even rank in the top ten countries globally for suicide rates which again shows your entire premise to be fraudulent.

If you need to compare America to third world countries to make us look good, you are making my point for me.

No, that would be the opposite of true. There would be no more DGU's with no more guns and that would serve only to empower and remove the major defense against violent criminals.

Except countries that ban guns have nowhere near our homicide rates.
If you need to compare America to third world countries to make us look good, you are making my point for me.

Except countries that ban guns have nowhere near our homicide rates.
Mexico has among the highest murder rates in the world and they ban guns.

You fail post after post but that never slows you down from talking out of your ass.
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If you need to compare America to third world countries to make us look good, you are making my point for me.
All I had to do was look for the countries with the highest suicide rates, regardless of their Economic status.

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