Here's Why Donald Trump Will Defeat Hilary Clinton

Hillary running around telling white people to change right after 5 cops were murdered might affect her election.
Emails and Benghazi

Run on that

How about instead, Trump runs on Mrs. Tuzla lying about emails and committing perjury in her Benghazi testimony?

At some point truth has to start mattering again and it ain't gonna to happen with mrs. Tuzla. Maybe not Trump either but at least he isn't a paid off establishment canidate.
that's just another lie freewill.... there has been no charge for perjury and no conviction for truly are loose lipped with your continual accusations, just like your beloved congress critters that you are having this LOVE/HATE/LOVE relationship with...

She didn't lie about sending anything marked classified, the 3 emails which the FBI found (that were minimally marked somewhere in the context) out of her 30,000 plus emails in contention were improperly marked classified....NOT marked with the classification status at the top, AND not classified at all.... the 3 were simply her scheduler trying to make arrangements with Hillary to set up a phone conversation with her Diplomats.

The multiple devices mentioned were servers that were upgraded over the years in office by her IT guy, from what I have read....

There is NO WAY Jose' that she will even be charged with perjury because....drum roll, she was honest and did not lie under oath.

Instead, your crooked Republican congress critters will start another useless, wasteful investigation for the FBI to look in to, while our Nation falls apart with Terrorists like the San Bernadino couple and Orlando mass murderers...

YOU and your right wing ilk, need to get your priorities straight, instead of wasting our FBI's time and money on this kind of partisan crud that you KNOW will go nowhere....and letting the FBI do their jobs protecting us....and catching the next terrorist lone wolf before he strikes.

WE KNOW what you are up to....silly fools...

Republican Majority Leader of the House, Kevin McCarthy spelled it out for us:

So now we know: One of the principal reasons Republicans spent so much public money investigating the tragic Benghazi episode was to bring down Hillary Clinton’s poll numbers.

Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.), the likely successor to House Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio), told Fox News’s Sean Hannity explicitly on Tuesday night that the Clinton investigation was part of a “strategy to fight and win.”

He explained: “Everybody thought Hillary Clinton was unbeatable, right? But we put together a Benghazi special committee, a select committee. What are her numbers today? Her numbers are dropping. Why? Because she’s untrustable. But no one would have known any of that had happened, had we not fought.”

The Republican-led House hasn’t been particularly good at governing, but perhaps governing has never been the point. Why govern when there’s a future election to influence?

Kevin McCarthy’s truthful gaffe on Benghazi

So now you are calling the FBI director a liar, just as i predicted. Everything you and your ilk were saying to defend Mrs. Tuzla has been proven to be wrong, a lie, not by you but by those who sent you.

you folks like mincing words. SHE as owner of the server and the SOS should know what and what is not classified. But let's say that Comey was correct and she is too stupid to know. That is why offical business is to be conducted within the system of the state department. Then it doesn't matter if a person sends or receives classified information which isn't marked, it stay within the system.

There is no problem with her having a private server. One she uses ONLY for private stuff, like communicating with Chelsea. But when she mixes the two then she is in trouble.

Three were marked, she said non were marked. If that is not a lie what is a lie?

Much like she lies to you about her support for NAFTA

Much like how she lied to you about sniper fire in Bosnia.

Did Hillary Clinton Commit Perjury In Front Of Benghazi Committee?
emails? Really that's how you Libs are poo poo ing what Hillary did? It's just "email"? I know that you are all more intelligent than that.
Bout right

Nobody cared about government officials using private servers until Hillary

Then it became.........Treason

No one cares now, they all do it. But do they allow classified information on an unprotected unauthorized server? You are a good soldier trying to keep changing the subject. The reason she was investigated, rightfully, was because an intelligence agency sent the FBI a referral.

Had she not been investigated we wouldn't know how far her drones would go to lie for her.
emails? Really that's how you Libs are poo poo ing what Hillary did? It's just "email"? I know that you are all more intelligent than that.
Bout right

Nobody cared about government officials using private servers until Hillary

Then it became.........Treason

If Comey had found charges, he would have to gone back to Coni and Colin and a number of other officials to prosecute. It was NEVER going to happen.
emails? Really that's how you Libs are poo poo ing what Hillary did? It's just "email"? I know that you are all more intelligent than that.
Bout right

Nobody cared about government officials using private servers until Hillary

Then it became.........Treason

If Comey had found charges, he would have to gone back to Coni and Colin and a number of other officials to prosecute. It was NEVER going to happen.

Why would it? Did the an intelligence agency give the FBI a referral on Powell or Rice? Lots of folks have servers and they do it within guidelines. But now they don't even need to worry about that.
Donald Trump might not be a genius, but try arguing that Hilary Clinton isn't bought.

Did you notice how the left is now turning on Comey?

Did you also notice that almost immediately they all started to say it was wrong that Comey said that her server was probably hacked, when in fact he said not such thing.

What left? Only a fucking retard would consider Hilarybots to be anything but right wing neo liberals.

Why the hostility? The left is defending her regardless of what made up pigeon hole you come up with.
so long as we have at least 68% of angry white people voting,,,trump wins { and as long as dead people forget to dig themselves out of their holes this time}
so long as we have at least 68% of angry white people voting,,,trump wins { and as long as dead people forget to dig themselves out of their holes this time}

Care to make it interesting.
what worries me are all of the dead people already walking the streets of New Orleans, i heard there are about 200,000 bodies in their historic cemetery and some within 3 feet of ground. lol
so long as we have at least 68% of angry white people voting,,,trump wins { and as long as dead people forget to dig themselves out of their holes this time}

Care to make it interesting.
what worries me are all of the dead people already walking the streets of New Orleans, i heard there are about 200,000 bodies in their historic cemetery and some within 3 feet of ground. lol

LA will go red regardless of how many dead people are there. Try again...
so long as we have at least 68% of angry white people voting,,,trump wins { and as long as dead people forget to dig themselves out of their holes this time}

Not even Reagan brought in 68% of the white vote. You're forgetting the reality that probably a majority of white women would crawl over broken glass to vote for the first female president. Guess what, this makes even 60% next to impossible.

This and the reality that your party won't get even Romney level of hispanic support = why you will lose. Have a nice anti-government day, hahaha.
Also, anyone that understands political science, values investment in infrastructure, science or r&d or even a sensible person will reject your party.
i still think that 10 Million dead people will dig themselves out of thier graves and vote for either candidate.

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