Here's Why Donald Trump Will Defeat Hilary Clinton

so long as we have at least 68% of angry white people voting,,,trump wins { and as long as dead people forget to dig themselves out of their holes this time}

Care to make it interesting.
what worries me are all of the dead people already walking the streets of New Orleans, i heard there are about 200,000 bodies in their historic cemetery and some within 3 feet of ground. lol

LA will go red regardless of how many dead people are there. Try again...

Hell, California is going Clinton by 25 points!
so long as we have at least 68% of angry white people voting,,,trump wins { and as long as dead people forget to dig themselves out of their holes this time}

Care to make it interesting.
what worries me are all of the dead people already walking the streets of New Orleans, i heard there are about 200,000 bodies in their historic cemetery and some within 3 feet of ground. lol

LA will go red regardless of how many dead people are there. Try again...

Hell, California is going Clinton by 25 points!
well in Callyfornia, all they need is a 2.0. and the dead are on the streets looking for taco bell
Donald Trump might not be a genius, but try arguing that Hilary Clinton isn't bought.

And the biggest news of the day--NO CHARGES recommended. You know if you cry wolf enough times, no one believes you anymore. Of course you conveniently forgot to mention what Comey had to say in relation to David Petraeus. Because of course, you probably defended him.

Petraeus V Clinton

Clinton's email's pail in comparison to what one 4 star General who was Director of the CIA did. David Petraeus got caught delivering classified documents to his mistress. Then he lied to the FBI, and hid documents up in his attic to try and coverup. He finally admitted guilt and charges were leveled against the Director of the CIA who was a 4 star General.

This article is the difference between the FBI investigation of David Petreaus and Hillary Clinton and why Petreaus was charged and Hillary Clinton wasn't.
James Comey: David Petraeus case worse than Hillary Clinton's emails -

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so long as we have at least 68% of angry white people voting,,,trump wins { and as long as dead people forget to dig themselves out of their holes this time}

Not even Reagan brought in 68% of the white vote. You're forgetting the reality that probably a majority of white women would crawl over broken glass to vote for the first female president. Guess what, this makes even 60% next to impossible.

This and the reality that your party won't get even Romney level of hispanic support = why you will lose. Have a nice anti-government day, hahaha.
after obama pretty much destroyed the chance of another black being elected, do you think that women are going to be foolish enough to vote for hillary just because she is (supposedly) a female, or do you think that the American women are smart enough to wait for the right female to run.
emails? Really that's how you Libs are poo poo ing what Hillary did? It's just "email"? I know that you are all more intelligent than that.
Bout right

Nobody cared about government officials using private servers until Hillary

Then it became.........Treason
When you vote for the lesser of two evils you're still left with evil.

Yes, but it's still less evil. I like less when it comes to evil.
so long as we have at least 68% of angry white people voting,,,trump wins { and as long as dead people forget to dig themselves out of their holes this time}

Not even Reagan brought in 68% of the white vote. You're forgetting the reality that probably a majority of white women would crawl over broken glass to vote for the first female president. Guess what, this makes even 60% next to impossible.

This and the reality that your party won't get even Romney level of hispanic support = why you will lose. Have a nice anti-government day, hahaha.
after obama pretty much destroyed the chance of another black being elected, do you think that women are going to be foolish enough to vote for hillary just because she is (supposedly) a female, or do you think that the American women are smart enough to wait for the right female to run.

Yes, that's exactly what's going to happen. The Reich wing of the Republican party has this insatiable appetite of chasing off large voting blocks. In 2012 it was women. Mitt Romney's fate was sealed long before he even became the nominee of the party. The party was dragged into abortion (a U.S. Supreme court issue) by the Reich wing nut cases, that then went into who's not going to pay for birth control pills, that then went into what is legal-legit rape questions, which was always answer by an ancient white male republican. This sent women running into Obama's column by double digits, younger women by 36 points. Women still have a foul taste in their mouths regarding the Republiican party.
The GOP's woman problem goes beyond Trump
Why Romney Lost And Republicans Keep Losing

In 2016 it's another 17% of the population, Hispanics that are now solidly in Hillary Clinton's column. This when the GOP nominee, since Reagan, needed at least 40% of this block to win the White House, Trump is polling at a negative 80% with Hispanics, and women have an unfavorable view of Trump by 73%.
GOP Win Will Need More Than 40 Percent Of Latino 2016 Vote, Says Study
Latino conservatives: If Donald Trump is the nominee, we will not work to elect him
Poll: 8 in 10 Hispanics don’t like Trump

Add to this that millions of Republicans will be sitting out this election, doing a write-in or voting for Hillary Clinton just to keep Trump out of the Oval office.
Republicans for Hillary? -
Mac Stipanovich: An open letter to my fellow Republicans
Republican women organize to support Hillary Clinton -

These numbers suggest that Hillary Clinton could survive another 4 Benghazi's and found to have hired Kim Jung Il to set up and manage her server, and she would still beat Donald Trump.

I imagine this election is going to look similar to one long ago.


Just move the states around to suit yourself.
Donald Trump the ACCIDENTAL nominee

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What will you do if hilly loses, kill yourself?

The first thing I am going to do the morning after Hillary Clinton wins in a Lanslide--is turn on Rush Limbaugh aka Mr. Talent on loan from Gaaaawwwwd-d--so I can laugh my ass off as to what excuses he and other Reich wing talk show hosts come up with.

Now that is something I am truly looking forward too. It is they that have shattered the Grand ol party into pieces. By continually violating Reagan's 11th commandment--"thou shall not speak ill of a fellow Republican." They continually promote candidates that cannot win, like Canadian born Ted Cruz. whom women would never vote for, much less Independents. They fill their audiences with 3 or more daily hours of Reich wing hyperbole, misconceptions and half truths. All for political entertainment, ratings and those obscene profit breaks.

And like little lambs they are leading their audiences to a slaughter on election night.


Donald Trump the ACCIDENTAL nominee
What will you do if she loses? Most of the statistics you quote are wrong and likely to be even more wrong as time goes on. What will you do?
emails? Really that's how you Libs are poo poo ing what Hillary did? It's just "email"? I know that you are all more intelligent than that.
Bout right

Nobody cared about government officials using private servers until Hillary

Then it became.........Treason
When you vote for the lesser of two evils you're still left with evil.

Yes, but it's still less evil. I like less when it comes to evil.

There are other people running for president besides Hillary and Trump. Only an idiot would vote for "evil"
Donald Trump might not be a genius, but try arguing that Hilary Clinton isn't bought.

Won't matter. Trump is a clown and the majority of the voters aren't going to put a clown in the Oval Office. They'll take their chance on the first female crook.
then explain obama.

Easy. For as bad as he is he at least acts presidential

There's nothing Presidential acting about Donald Trump--LOL

Hillary Clinton is going to run this Chimpanzee through a paper schreder
Donald Trump might not be a genius, but try arguing that Hilary Clinton isn't bought.

Won't matter. Trump is a clown and the majority of the voters aren't going to put a clown in the Oval Office. They'll take their chance on the first female crook.
then explain obama.

Easy. For as bad as he is he at least acts presidential
Yeah, he's good at acting.

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