Here's your chance right wingers , back up your claims

Look at how the insane think in this country. His own list of people who committed voter fraud were most;y his hate party. The hate Nazi's
That's FALSE and YOU KNOW IT. The voter frauders are YOUR illegal aliens. Wanna deport them ? Ha ha ha.
Yeah, I got your links hangin' - Here's about a hundred links that are bound to baffle and bewilder you. :rolleyes:
Brennan Center is a leftist loon group, whose publications make great bird cage liner. :doubt:
Oh ya, those are the guys who pick all our judges. Go Whore-a-Tage! :)

I mean really.
There is no voter fraud in this country or at least so little that it's a joke to do anything because of voter fraud. The only reason that you brilliant people are attacking voting across the country is to take away any block of people who's majority is made up of democrats. Which makes your group as anti American as can be and so against the values of this country, Prove me wrong. This proof must be everywhere, the way scum bag talks about it. Or maybe just lying. We already know you don't like me , think I'm dumb and that my spelling is bad , so leave that part out.
Trump is pushing the voter fraud lie for two reasons

1. Hold down the number of voters
2. Have an excuse when he loses
There is only one party that never accepts elections . They cry, lie , and kick thwir feet . Thwy investigate investigate investigate and impeach and cry and lie . Thats the Democrats. Period.
There is no voter fraud in this country or at least so little that it's a joke to do anything because of voter fraud. The only reason that you brilliant people are attacking voting across the country is to take away any block of people who's majority is made up of democrats. Which makes your group as anti American as can be and so against the values of this country, Prove me wrong. This proof must be everywhere, the way scum bag talks about it. Or maybe just lying. We already know you don't like me , think I'm dumb and that my spelling is bad , so leave that part out.
Well, it appears that Trump and the GOP can bitch all they like, but states are still making their own decisions about it and while I HOPE that by November we will no longer need to be so concerned about the large crowds that assemble to vote/spread Virus, states that are contemplating mail in voting for all their citizens can't make that decision in October. It is a massive and expensive undertaking that takes months of preparation. And it seems the federal government can't stop them.
Of.course you do . Democrats advocate cheating and voter fraud. Look at all the proof in this thread alone. So of course you do.
There is no voter fraud in this country or at least so little that it's a joke to do anything because of voter fraud. The only reason that you brilliant people are attacking voting across the country is to take away any block of people who's majority is made up of democrats. Which makes your group as anti American as can be and so against the values of this country, Prove me wrong. This proof must be everywhere, the way scum bag talks about it. Or maybe just lying. We already know you don't like me , think I'm dumb and that my spelling is bad , so leave that part out.
Trump is pushing the voter fraud lie for two reasons

1. Hold down the number of voters
2. Have an excuse when he loses
There is only one party that never accepts elections . They cry, lie , and kick thwir feet . Thwy investigate investigate investigate and impeach and cry and lie . Thats the Democrats. Period.
Only one party ever claimed a President wasn’t really president because he was secretly born in another country
There is no voter fraud in this country or at least so little that it's a joke to do anything because of voter fraud. The only reason that you brilliant people are attacking voting across the country is to take away any block of people who's majority is made up of democrats. Which makes your group as anti American as can be and so against the values of this country, Prove me wrong. This proof must be everywhere, the way scum bag talks about it. Or maybe just lying. We already know you don't like me , think I'm dumb and that my spelling is bad , so leave that part out.
Trump is pushing the voter fraud lie for two reasons

1. Hold down the number of voters
2. Have an excuse when he loses
There is only one party that never accepts elections . They cry, lie , and kick thwir feet . Thwy investigate investigate investigate and impeach and cry and lie . Thats the Democrats. Period.
Only one party ever claimed a President wasn’t really president because he was secretly born in another country
Please, is that all you got. Bwahaaaahaaahaaaa
There is no voter fraud in this country or at least so little that it's a joke to do anything because of voter fraud. The only reason that you brilliant people are attacking voting across the country is to take away any block of people who's majority is made up of democrats. Which makes your group as anti American as can be and so against the values of this country, Prove me wrong. This proof must be everywhere, the way scum bag talks about it. Or maybe just lying. We already know you don't like me , think I'm dumb and that my spelling is bad , so leave that part out.

You were saying? :)

Wow, thanks for proving the OP is full of shit. BTW CA made harvesting LEGAL, why would they do that if there would be no advantage for the commies that voted for the law?

There is a huge list of states with Voter fraud...I can't post every one of them. But you are happy to check it out for yourself. Consider that an invitation. :)

Yes, on the surface it may seem clear that there is one huge amount of voter fraud. However it you look a little deeper, the issue is not clear at all. Consider your link. I looked through all pages and found 945 cases of voter covering 20 years, of federal, state, and local elections. The list includes many violations that are not a part of actual voting such a petition fraud, non-criminal acts such violation of poll rules, fraudulent registration, etc. For simplicity, I will assume all of the these violation are actually fraudulent voting.

A rough estimate of number of ballots cast in federal, state, and local elections including primaries over 20 years is about 1.5 billion ballots

So we have 945 cases of voter fraud out of 1.5 billion ballots and many of those cases were not connected to actually voting. Assuming something will happen because it could happen is faulty reasoning.
Last edited:
There is a huge list of states with Voter fraud...I can't post every one of them. But you are happy to check it out for yourself. Consider that an invitation. :)

Yes, on the surface it may seem clear that there is one huge amount of voter fraud. However it you look a little deeper, the issue is not clear at all. Consider your link. I looked through all pages and found 945 cases of voter covering 15 years, of federal, state, and local elections. The list includes many violations that are not a part actual voting such a petition fraud, non-criminal acts such violation of poll rules, fraudulent registration, etc. For simplicity, I will assume all of the these violation are actually fraudulent voting.

A rough estimate of number of ballots cast in federal, state, and local elections including primaries over 15 years is about 1.5 billion ballots

So we have 945 cases of voter fraud out of 1.5 billion ballots and many of those cases were not connected to actually voting. Assuming something will happen because it could happen is faulty reasoning.

So we have 945 cases of voter fraud out of 1.5 billion ballots and many of those cases were not connected to actually voting.

Makes you wonder why liberals are so dead set against voter ID?
Sounds like it wouldn't change a single election.
a huge list of states with Voter fraud...I can't
There is a huge list of states with Voter fraud...I can't post every one of them. But you are happy to check it out for yourself. Consider that an invitation. :)

Yes, on the surface it may seem clear that there is one huge amount of voter fraud. However it you look a little deeper, the issue is not clear at all. Consider your link. I looked through all pages and found 945 cases of voter covering 15 years, of federal, state, and local elections. The list includes many violations that are not a part actual voting such a petition fraud, non-criminal acts such violation of poll rules, fraudulent registration, etc. For simplicity, I will assume all of the these violation are actually fraudulent voting.

A rough estimate of number of ballots cast in federal, state, and local elections including primaries over 15 years is about 1.5 billion ballots

So we have 945 cases of voter fraud out of 1.5 billion ballots and many of those cases were not connected to actually voting. Assuming something will happen because it could happen is faulty reasoning.

So we have 945 cases of voter fraud out of 1.5 billion ballots and many of those cases were not connected to actually voting.

Makes you wonder why liberals are so dead set against voter ID?
Sounds like it wouldn't change a single election.
It would certainly cause changes but it would have little if any effect on voter fraud. Most middle class voters see voter ids as no big deal, a driver's license, state id, etc. is easy to get so why not require it. The problem is that voter id laws deprive many voters of their right to vote, reduce participation, and stand in direct opposition to our country’s trend of including more Americans in the democratic process. Many Americans do not have one of the forms of identification states acceptable for voting. These voters are disproportionately low-income, racial and ethnic minorities, the elderly, and people with disabilities. Such voters more frequently have difficulty obtaining ID, because they cannot afford or cannot obtain the underlying documents that are a prerequisite to obtaining a government-issued photo ID card. The number of voters affected would be far less than what democrats claim, however that is not the point. Passing a law that makes it more difficult for some Americans to vote using the silly guise of voter fraud is just plain wrong. The real intention is to persuade certain Americans to stay home on voting day. Ever since the courts outlawed the poll tax and literacy tests, some people have been looking for ways to keep the "undesirables away from the polls".
a huge list of states with Voter fraud...I can't
There is a huge list of states with Voter fraud...I can't post every one of them. But you are happy to check it out for yourself. Consider that an invitation. :)

Yes, on the surface it may seem clear that there is one huge amount of voter fraud. However it you look a little deeper, the issue is not clear at all. Consider your link. I looked through all pages and found 945 cases of voter covering 15 years, of federal, state, and local elections. The list includes many violations that are not a part actual voting such a petition fraud, non-criminal acts such violation of poll rules, fraudulent registration, etc. For simplicity, I will assume all of the these violation are actually fraudulent voting.

A rough estimate of number of ballots cast in federal, state, and local elections including primaries over 15 years is about 1.5 billion ballots

So we have 945 cases of voter fraud out of 1.5 billion ballots and many of those cases were not connected to actually voting. Assuming something will happen because it could happen is faulty reasoning.

So we have 945 cases of voter fraud out of 1.5 billion ballots and many of those cases were not connected to actually voting.

Makes you wonder why liberals are so dead set against voter ID?
Sounds like it wouldn't change a single election.
It would certainly cause changes but it would have little if any effect on voter fraud. Most middle class voters see voter ids as no big deal, a driver's license, state id, etc. is easy to get so why not require it. The problem is that voter id laws deprive many voters of their right to vote, reduce participation, and stand in direct opposition to our country’s trend of including more Americans in the democratic process. Many Americans do not have one of the forms of identification states acceptable for voting. These voters are disproportionately low-income, racial and ethnic minorities, the elderly, and people with disabilities. Such voters more frequently have difficulty obtaining ID, because they cannot afford or cannot obtain the underlying documents that are a prerequisite to obtaining a government-issued photo ID card. The number of voters affected would be far less than what democrats claim, however that is not the point. Passing a law that makes it more difficult for some Americans to vote using the silly guise of voter fraud is just plain wrong. The real intention is to persuade certain Americans to stay home on voting day. Ever since the courts outlawed the poll tax and literacy tests, some people have been looking for ways to keep the "undesirables away from the polls".

The problem is that voter id laws deprive many voters of their right to vote,

Dead voters and illegal aliens would find it more difficult for sure.

Many Americans do not have one of the forms of identification states acceptable for voting.

Democrats could make it a point to assist these people in any way needed to obtain one.

Passing a law that makes it more difficult for some Americans to vote using the silly guise of voter fraud is just plain wrong.

Passing a law that makes our vote more secure is the best idea ever.

Ever since the courts outlawed the poll tax and literacy tests, some people have been looking for ways to keep the "undesirables away from the polls".

I know, asking people to identify themselves to vote, it's just like the Nazis. DURR
illegal aliens would find it more difficult for sure
Not if the Democrats make it easy for them.

Passing a law that makes our vote more secure is the best idea ever.
That I totally agree!

Ever since the courts outlawed the poll tax and literacy tests, some people have been looking for ways to keep the "undesirables away from the polls".
There are still many Americans who do not even know their 50 States. Some don't even know the past five Presidents. Some don't even know the First President either.
And there are some Americans who still "feel" we stole it from Mexico - the southern half of the U.S.

Just sayin' ....
There is no voter fraud in this country or at least so little that it's a joke to do anything because of voter fraud. The only reason that you brilliant people are attacking voting across the country is to take away any block of people who's majority is made up of democrats. Which makes your group as anti American as can be and so against the values of this country, Prove me wrong. This proof must be everywhere, the way scum bag talks about it. Or maybe just lying. We already know you don't like me , think I'm dumb and that my spelling is bad , so leave that part out.
Trump is pushing the voter fraud lie for two reasons

1. Hold down the number of voters
2. Have an excuse when he loses
There is only one party that never accepts elections . They cry, lie , and kick thwir feet . Thwy investigate investigate investigate and impeach and cry and lie . Thats the Democrats. Period.
Only one party ever claimed a President wasn’t really president because he was secretly born in another country
Well at this point it looks like he fibbed about a whole bunch of things you guys fell for . So with all the new documents being released about obama spy machine and the transcripts released with flynn and the russian everyone knows it was all bull . Flynn was set up . I was never a birther but i wanna take a better look. Obama lied about everything. .. democrats are scared , they know trump has the pasta salad. They are all in , if they dont stop trump their treasonous selves will be in gitmo .

Just look at what they tried so far to get the prez. Russian collusion . 30 billion bucks to investigate the prez. His campaign , his family , what did they find ? Nuttin.
Then it was impeach impeach impeach .... we all know there were no laws broken but desperate dems lied and cried and herd voted to impeach. Only for show , knowing no crime was committed . He was quickly and correctly freed by the smarter senate.

Then the coronavirus , dems are and will do and say anything to blame the prez for every death and will do everythinh possible to wreck the economy with their lockdown bs. Looks like dems didnt get the death count they wanted and america was catchimg on to their scam .So!

Next is the murder of George floyd by a bad cop . Although mr floyd could have easily been Mr. Fitzpatrick . The dems MSM started their usual race baiting to rile up all sides, its what they do . Cities across America being burned and looted , somehow they will blame this too on trump . What a joke ... on top of that there is more !
All of this is just a deflection , these people and property and division are just casualties ... as their operatives prepare for the biggest ballot harvesting voter fraud ever seen by the world . The dems are so desperate it is all in or Gitmo. Thats what i say ...
Idiot onesy-twosy crap AGAIN? Ya, 20 cases is proof that fraud can totally throw an election.
That's not the proof, as already has been explained. That's liberals' distortion of the proof, which of course you ludicrously accept. Maybe I should ask you too >> If a CNN finds 200 people wanting to vote for Biden, is that how many votes you think he'll get in November ? We don't need to see your stupidity, either. :doubt:
a huge list of states with Voter fraud...I can't
There is a huge list of states with Voter fraud...I can't post every one of them. But you are happy to check it out for yourself. Consider that an invitation. :)

Yes, on the surface it may seem clear that there is one huge amount of voter fraud. However it you look a little deeper, the issue is not clear at all. Consider your link. I looked through all pages and found 945 cases of voter covering 15 years, of federal, state, and local elections. The list includes many violations that are not a part actual voting such a petition fraud, non-criminal acts such violation of poll rules, fraudulent registration, etc. For simplicity, I will assume all of the these violation are actually fraudulent voting.

A rough estimate of number of ballots cast in federal, state, and local elections including primaries over 15 years is about 1.5 billion ballots

So we have 945 cases of voter fraud out of 1.5 billion ballots and many of those cases were not connected to actually voting. Assuming something will happen because it could happen is faulty reasoning.

So we have 945 cases of voter fraud out of 1.5 billion ballots and many of those cases were not connected to actually voting.

Makes you wonder why liberals are so dead set against voter ID?
Sounds like it wouldn't change a single election.
It would certainly cause changes but it would have little if any effect on voter fraud. Most middle class voters see voter ids as no big deal, a driver's license, state id, etc. is easy to get so why not require it. The problem is that voter id laws deprive many voters of their right to vote, reduce participation, and stand in direct opposition to our country’s trend of including more Americans in the democratic process. Many Americans do not have one of the forms of identification states acceptable for voting. These voters are disproportionately low-income, racial and ethnic minorities, the elderly, and people with disabilities. Such voters more frequently have difficulty obtaining ID, because they cannot afford or cannot obtain the underlying documents that are a prerequisite to obtaining a government-issued photo ID card. The number of voters affected would be far less than what democrats claim, however that is not the point. Passing a law that makes it more difficult for some Americans to vote using the silly guise of voter fraud is just plain wrong. The real intention is to persuade certain Americans to stay home on voting day. Ever since the courts outlawed the poll tax and literacy tests, some people have been looking for ways to keep the "undesirables away from the polls".

The problem is that voter id laws deprive many voters of their right to vote,

Dead voters and illegal aliens would find it more difficult for sure.

Many Americans do not have one of the forms of identification states acceptable for voting.

Democrats could make it a point to assist these people in any way needed to obtain one.

Passing a law that makes it more difficult for some Americans to vote using the silly guise of voter fraud is just plain wrong.

Passing a law that makes our vote more secure is the best idea ever.

Ever since the courts outlawed the poll tax and literacy tests, some people have been looking for ways to keep the "undesirables away from the polls".

I know, asking people to identify themselves to vote, it's just like the Nazis. DURR
Passing voter id laws to prevent voter fraud that is not happening makes no sense. It's like passing a law that requires everyone that boards a bus be searched for weapons to prevent gun violence on the bus when there is no gun violence. The result is less people ride the bus because they don't want to stand in line to be searched. When voter ids are required to vote, those at bottom (the undesirables) will find it difficult to get the the correct identification because so many other things in their lives are much important, like taking care of their kids, staying off drugs, getting enough food for the family, or finding a place sleep, etc. I found from volunteer work with the homeless, simple tasks such as getting a drivers license renewed or a copy of your birth certificate can often be an almost insurmountable task for some people.
And you depend on voter SUPPRESSION to win elections.
The voter suppression of illegal aliens, yeah, in some elections. Just like you depend on the lack of it, to win elections for Democrats.

Now what's this about Soros and the caravans ? Information-deprived liberals need conservatives to fill them in, on all the things their liberal OMISSION media has kept hidden from them. We should be charging them fees.

And your liberal OMMISION media didn't tell you how it happened either, right ? Didn't mention George Soros ? Pueblo Sin Fronteras ? Freedom for Immigrants ? La Unida Familia Latina ? Centro Sin Fronteras ? BAMN ? National Day Laborer Organizing Network ? Vicente Fox ? Mexico ? Remittances$$$ ? The recklessness of the kids parents ?

Group that escorts migrant caravans to U.S. border draws scrutiny

Pueblo Sin Fronteras
This is stupid . just blithering comment and no sources
There are 3 sources at the bottom of the post. Democrats don't even try to hide their pathological, idiotic dishonesty.

It was a good FACTUAL list. Let's look at it again. :biggrin: >>>

Cheating to win elections, is SOP for Democrats >>>

1. millions of sanctuary city Democrat-protected illegal aliens,

2. fixed debates (ex. Jake Tapper getting Republicans to argue against each other, instead of presenting their strong points)

3. , Democrat leaders who had to be fired or resign (Debbie Wasserman Schultz, Scott Foval, Amy Dacey, Brad Marshall, Luis Miranda, Donna Brazile etc),

4. Hillary's earpiece, Hillary being fed information,

5. Trump rallygoers being attacked by goons at Trump rallies (Democrat mayors of San Jose, Chicago, etc), set up by Democrat campaign staff who hired homeless peole to attack Trump rallygoers.

6..disruptors inside Trump rallies,

7. FALSE TV ads (ex. disabled reporter, McCain, outsourcing, Muslim gold star father)

8. Protestors blocking traffic in cities with Democrat mayors (ex. Tampa)

9. Cops standing down while protestors throw rocks and bottle at them - Democrat mayor (Stephanie Rawlings-Baltimore)

10. National Guard sent away from the rioting in Ferguson, MO, by Democrat governor, Jay Nixon.

The purge: Senior DNC staff resigns after email revelations

Donna Brazile is totally not sorry for leaking CNN debate questions to Hillary Clinton
You listed 10 things, show us where each one is from which source you listed at the bottom of your page , your such a total liar that there is no reason to believe they are even from these sources you listed . If you can't do that you will be going away.
The Right wings right hand of their hate group, the Heritage foundation list is a total joke, this list is comprised mostly of position like dog catcher and mayors of towns with 12 people in them , very little is from federal election. Even if you try to make a case with this bogus list, it's over a time period of 13 years and adds up to 1 or two people a year per state ,who got found guilty in the dog catcher elections. This is the best they have , I've seen just abiout all of it. Its rediculous and gives zero support for the idea of voter registration ID'S. Even though Heritage and the right wing have their micro minds trying to find every case in this country, many being made up just for the numbers. This is sickening and a massive threat to this country , it's flag, our values, our people, our Republic. This crap is criminal/
Twist it, turn it, spin it, whitewash it. No matter what you do with it, you're not going to convince America voters (on the left OR right) that that millions of illegal aliens aren't voting. The notion is just too stupid.

Even if there weren't the piles of studies, and mountains of evidence, it simply doesn't make sense to even imagine illegal aliens not voting. They came thousands of miles to get here, 3rd world places they left behind are a total train wreck, they have gotten jobs and/or welfare here, they're far better off here, and Donald Trump openly talks about deporting them.

Combine all this with no citizenship requirements for voting, nothing to stop or even intimidate them, they have the opportunity to try to eliminate their looming deportation possibilities, by voting, and you think they're not going to do that ?

You're just not holding the high cards, dudes. :doubt:

View attachment 342588
Prove it it or shut up. That would be people who were found guilty and not your other lie sources that say he said she said. Lets start from the top , do you know what prove it means even?

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